Authors: Michael Wallis
Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Adventurers & Explorers, #Political, #Historical
Porterfield, Bill. “Sam Houston, Warts and All.”
Texas Monthly
, July 1973,
Rosenthal, Leon S.
A History of Philadelphia’s University City
. Philadelphia: West Philadelphia Corporation, 1963,
Russell Family Files, Kraus-Everette Genealogy,
Shah, Sonia. “,”, 2006.
Smithwick, Noah.
The Evolution of a State or Recollections of Old Texas Days
. Austin: Gammel Book Company, 1900. Online edition, Southwestern Classics On-Line/Lone Star Junction, 1997,
The Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture.
Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2002, Online Edition.
magazine. “Just Around the Backbone of North America,” October 7, 1957,,9171,809942,oo.html
Tocqueville, Alexis de. Journal Entry, Memphis, TN, December 20, 1831,
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama Department of History and Archives, Montgomery, AL,
Van Zandt County Genealogical Society, Canton, TX,
Voelker, David J.
, 2004.
Waller, Preston Lynn, PhD. “Celebrities versus Heroes: A Case Study Using Characters from the Alamo Legend and its Cinematic Interpretation.” McLennan Community College, Waco, TX,
Washington, George.
The Papers of George Washington, Digital Edition
. Edited by Theodore J. Crackel. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2007.
Carroll County (TN) Deed Book A, 29–30.
Carroll County (TN) Court Minutes, 1821–26, vol. 1, 50.
Court Records of Washington County, Virginia—Minutes. Vol. 1, 39. August 1778.
Department of the Navy. Naval Historical Center, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.
Franklin County, TN, Will Book, 1808–1847. Folder 036 A. Franklin County Courthouse Annex, Winchester, TN.
Frederick County (VA) Court Records. Order Bk. 2, 456.
Greene County (NC) Deed Book. Vol. 3, 320, November 27, 1792, John Crockett from St of NC 197 acres Stogdons Fork, Lick Creek, Grant #1243.
Jefferson County Marriage Records Book 1. Entry Number 526. Jefferson County Courthouse, Dandridge, TN.
Jefferson County Marriage and Bond Book, 1792–1840
. Marriage Bond, “David Crockett to Polly Finley,” August 12, 1806. Jefferson County Courthouse, Dandridge, TN.
Surveyors Entry Book C, Surveyors District II
, Entry No. 3944, 414. Tennessee State Archives.
Transcript Copies of Circuit Court File 1808–1835. Jefferson County Archives, Jefferson County Courthouse, Dandridge, TN.
Caton, J. L. “Davy Crockett and Polly Finley in Jefferson County.” March 1, 1958. Transcription of unpublished memoir of George Cox. Crockett File, Jefferson County Historical Archives, Jefferson County Courthouse, Dandridge, TN.
Johnson, James Strefhan, III. “The Evolution of an American Small Town,” Masters of Science in Architecture thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 2004.
Peterson, Gert.
A Chronology of the Life of David Crockett
. Unpublished manuscript, 2001.
Reilly, Joe, PhD. Presentation to the International Psychohistorical Association, Fordham University, New York, June 7, 2007.
Swann, Joseph A. “The Early Life & Times of David Crockett, 1786–1812.” Unpublished manuscript.
———. “The History of David Crockett’s First Rifle.” Unpublished paper.
———. Presentation to the East Tennessee Historical Society, Knoxville, February 12, 2003.
Abbott, John S. C.
ABC television
Abingdon, Va.
Account of Col. Crockett’s Tour to the North and Down East in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Four, An
Adaline (slave)
Adams, John Quincy
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The
Alabama River
as “Cradle of Texas Liberty,”
fall of
as historic site
Alamo, Battle of
DC’s fighting and death at
Mexican army at
thirteen-day siege at
Alcorn, John
Aldolphus (slave)
Alexander, Adam Rankin
Alexandria, Va.
Allegheny Mountains
American Hotel
American Indians:
abrogation of treaties with
British land agreements and alliances with
culture of
encroachment of settlers on lands of
hostilities of settlers and
Jackson’s removal of
massacre, marauding and scalping by
medical knowledge of
slaves owned by
war paint of
see also specific Indian tribes
American Revolution
British surrender in
Cherokee alliance with British in
southern campaign of
veterans of
Appalachian Mountains
Arkansas Gazette,
Armstrong, Zella
Army, U.S.
Army of East Tennessee
Army of West Tennessee
Arnold, William
Arthur, King
Atlantic Ocean
Austin, Stephen Fuller
Austin Colony, Tex.
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, The
baby boom generation
Bailey, Nathan
Ball, Mary
“Ballad of Davy Crockett, The,”
Baltimore, Md.
Bangor, Maine
Bank of the United States
Baptist Church
Barnum, P. T.
Barnum’s Hotel
Bateman’s Drops
Bays Mountain
Bean, Jesse
Bean, Lydia Russell
Bean, Rosamond
Bean, Russell
Bean, William
Bean’s Creek
Rattlesnake Spring Branch of
Becknell, William
Bent Creek Baptist Church
Benton, Jesse
Benton, Thomas Hart
Berryville, Va.
Biddle, Nicholas
Big Buffalo River
Big Limestone Creek
black bears
diet of
hibernation of
hunting of
mating of
products from
Blackburn, James
Black Creek
Black Warrior River
Black Warriors’ Path
Bland, Joy
Blout, William
Blue, Uriah
Blue Ridge Mountains
Boatland, Tenn.
Boiling Fork
Bolivar, Tenn.
Book of Chronicles, The
Boone, Daniel
Boone, Rebecca
Boon’s Creek
Booth, Edwin
Booth, John Wilkes
Booth, Junius Brutus
Boston, Mass.
Bowie, James
Bowie, Rezin
Bradford, Henry
Bradshaw, William
Brands, H. W.
Brazos River
British Army
British Parliament
Brown, Jesse
Brown, Mr.
Brown’s Indian Queen Hotel
Brownsville, Tenn.
Brulgrudery, Dennis
Bryan, Morgan
Bryant, William Cullen
Buchanan, Maximilian H.
Burgin, Abner
Burgin, Margaret Patton
Burgin, Rebecca Ann
Burns, Robert
Burnt Corn, Battle of
Butler, William Edward
Cahaba River
Caldwell, James
Calhoun, John C.
Calloway, Richard
Camden, N.J.
Camp Blout
Camp Creek
camp meetings
Camp Strother
Canaday, John
as DC’s mentor and friend
Canaday, Margaret Thornbrough
Canaday, Robert
Cane River
Cannon, Newton
Carey, E. L.
Carey & Hart
Carroll, William
Carson, Sam
Carson’s Branch
Carter, John
Carter’s Valley
Castrillón, Manuel Fernández
Caswell, Richard
Catawba River
Cedar Creek
Chapman, Helen
Chapman, John Gadsby
Charleston Courier,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Cheek, Jesse
Cheeks Crossroads, Tenn.
Cherokee Indians
British alliance with
DC’s support of
encroachment on lands of
Sam Houston and
white settlements attacked by
Cherokee Nation
Chesapeake Bay
Chester Gap
Chickamauga Indians
Chickasaw Nation
encroachment on lands of
childbirth complications
Chilton, Thomas
collaboration on Crockett’s autobiography by
congressional career of
Choctaw Bayou
Choctaw Indians
land ceded to Jackson by
Christian, William
Christianburg, Va.
Cincinnati, Ohio
civil rights movement
Civil War, U.S.
Clark, Isabella Hadden Hopkins Hanks
Clark, James (congressman)
Clark, James (settler)
Clark, Pat
Clark, William
Clarke, Matthew St. Clair
Clarksville, Tex.
Clay, Henry
Clayton, Augustin Smith
Clemens, Samuel,
Twain, Mark
Clinch River
Cocke, John
Coffee, John
cold war
Colliers Crossroads
Collins, James
Comanche Indians
Comet Almanack for 1836,
Conecuh River
Confederacy of Southern States
Congress, U.S.
“War Hawks” in
see also
House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
coonskin caps
Cooper, James Fennimore
Coosa River
Corzine, Shelby
Coupar Angus
Cove Creek
Cowan, John
Cowpens, Battle of
Creek Indians
British alliance with
“Friendly” vs. “Red Stick,”
Jackson’s treaty with
Creek Indian War
battles of
DC in
food and supply shortages
Crisp, Mansil
Crockett, Aaron (brother)
Crockett, Alexander (uncle)
Crockett, Catherine (niece)
Crockett, Clorinda Boyett
Crockett, David
allegiance to provisional government of Texas sworn by
ambition of
anger of
birth of
boat-making skills of
boosting of public image by
boyhood and adolescence of
boyhood indentured servitude of
buckskin clothing and coonskin cap of
business ventures of
cabins built by
campaigning of
celebrated failures and mishaps of
as characteristically American
Colonel title earned by
commercialization of
death of
drinking of
early married life of
eccentricities of
1834 autobiography of, see
Narrative of the Life of David Crockett, of the State of Tennessee, A
fame of
farming of
final letter of
financial difficulties and debts of
as folk hero
folksy, expansive personality of
frequent moves of
generosity of
as “gentleman from the cane,”
“Go ahead” motto of
“hell or Texas” phrase of
homespun humor of
honesty and fairness of
hunting dogs of
as icon of popular culture
ill-fated gunpowder experiment of
independence and stubbornness of
Indian philosophy of
initials carved in beech trees by
intelligence and wit of
land acquired by
land bill of
limited formal education of
marksmanship of
military service of
myth and misinformation about
near drowning of
neglect of wife and children by
personal popularity and charm of
physical appearance and physique of
political attacks on
political career of
populist hypermasculine persona of
portraits of
premature death accounts of
presidential run proposed to
press accounts of
prized first .48–caliber flintlock rifle of
quest for wives of
racist expressions of
reckless behavior of
recurrent malaria bouts of
religious references of
reported execution of
as representative of common man vs. landed gentry
resourcefulness of
restlessness and curiosity of
rhetorical and colorful language skills of
Scots-Irish heritage of
search for land by
self-confidence and optimism of
semiliteracy of
siblings of
signature of
slaves owned and sold by
storytelling of
teenage working odyssey of
unauthorized biographies and ghostwritten books on