David Crockett (51 page)

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Authors: Michael Wallis

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Adventurers & Explorers, #Political, #Historical

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unpretentious, self-effacing manner of

whiskey offered to voters by

as woodsman and hunter

work ethic of

Crockett, David, Jr. (uncle)

Crockett, David (cousin)

Crockett, David (grandfather)

immigration of

Indian murder of

last will and testament of

Crockett, Delila

Crockett, Elizabeth (grandmother)

Indian murder of

Crockett, Elizabeth “Betsy” (sister)

Crockett, Elizabeth Patton (second wife)

character and personality of

DC’s courtship and marriage of

DC’s relationship with

death of

dowry of

estrangement of DC and

league of land granted to

motherhood of

move to Texas by

widowhood of

Crockett, James (uncle)

Crockett, James Patterson (brother)

Crockett, John (brother)

Crockett, John (father)

birth of

business ventures of

children “bound out” for labor by

DC’s relationship with

death of

debts and hardships of

as frontier ranger

frontier skills of

land speculation of

political life of

Revolutionary War service of

Crockett, John Wesley (son)

childhood and adolescence of

congressional career of

religious conversion of

Crockett, Joseph (uncle)

Crockett, Margaret Catharine (sister)

Crockett, Margaret “Polly” (daughter),
Flowers, Margaret Crockett “Polly”

Crockett, Mary Polly Finley (first wife)

DC’s courtship and marriage of

DC’s relationship with

dowry of

grave and monument of

illness and death of

motherhood of

spinning and weaving of

Crockett, Matilda (daughter)

Crockett, Nathan (brother)

Crockett, Rebecca (sister)

Crockett, Rebecca Elvira (daughter)

Crockett, Rebecca Hawkins (mother)

family background and extended family of

Crockett, Robert (kinsman)

Crockett, Robert (uncle)

Crockett, Robert Patton (son)

Crockett, Sally Thomas

Crockett, William (brother)

Crockett, William (uncle)

Crockett, William F. (son)

childhood and adolescence of

marriage of

Crockett Mountain

Crockett’s Ridge

Crockett Tavern

Cumberland Mountains

Custer, George Armstrong


Dandridge, Tenn.

Daniel (slave)

Davis, William C.

Davy Crockett, Indian Fighter

Davy Crockett Almanacks

of 1836

of 1837

of 1848

of 1854

Davy Crockett at the Alamo

Davy Crockett Goes to Congress

Declaration of Independence

Delaware City, Del.

Delaware River

Delila (slave)


Democracy in America

Democratic National Convention of 1835

Democratic Party

see also
Jacksonian Democrats

Detroit, Mich.

Dickinson, Susannah Wilkerson

Direct Descendants and Kin of David Crockett (DDDC)

Disney, Walt

(television series)

Disneyland (theme park)

Ditto’s Landing

Doggett, Thomas

Dolin, Eric Jay


Dougherty, R. E. C.

Dragging Canoe

Dresden, Tenn.

Drexel University


Duck River

Dumb Jimmie’s Hollow

Dumplin community

Dumplin Creek

Dunn, John

du Pont, E. I.


Edmonson, James

Edmundson, Sarah Patton

Edmundson, William

Elder, Margaret

elections, U.S.:

of 1821

of 1823

of 1824

of 1825

of 1827

of 1828

of 1831

of 1832

of 1833

of 1835

Elk River

Elkswatawa; or, The Prophet of the West

Ervin, Sam

Erwin, Andrew

Erwin, Anne Brown Clay

Erwin, Jane Patton

Erwin, John P.

Erwin, John Patton

Escambia River

Evers, Medgar

Exshaw, John


Fannin, James

Fayetteville, Tenn.

Fifty-seventh Regiment of Militia

financial panic of 1819

Finger, John

Finley, David

Finley, James (brother-in-law)

Finley, James (nephew)

Finley, Jean

Finley, Jean Kennedy (mother-in-law)

Finley, John

Finley, Nancy Barnes

Finley, Samuel

Finley, Susannah

Finley, William (brother-in-law)

Finley, William (nephew)

Finley, William “Billy” (father-in-law)

Finley’s Gap

First Bank of the United States

Fitzgerald, William

“Five Civilized Tribes,”


Flowers, Margaret Crockett “Polly” (daughter)

childhood of

Flowers, Wiley

Forbes, John

Ford’s Theatre

Forked Deer River

Forrest, Nathan Bedford

Fort Gibson

Fort Jackson

Fort Loudon

Fort Mims massacre

Fort Montgomery

Fort Strother

Fort Watauga

Foster, Ephraim H.

Foster, William L.

Founding Fathers


Francis Jones’s Company of Mounted Riflemen

Franklin, Benjamin

Franklin, Jesse

Franklin, Mo.

Franklin, State of

Frazier (friend)

French, James Strange

French, Janie

French and Indian War

French Broad River

French Revolution

Front Royal, Va.

Fur, Fortune, and Empire

fur trade


Galbraith, Elizabeth

Galbraith, Thomas

Galveston Island

Gatlinburg, Tenn.

Gay Hill, Tex.

George III, King of England


German Creek


Gerrard, David

Gerrard, John

Gettysburg, Battle of

Adams Sentinel

Gibson, John H.

Givens, David

Gowen, James Burns

Grace, Richard

Grand Ole Opry

Gray, John

Great Britain

French territory in North America acquired by

Indian land agreements and alliances with

see also
American Revolution; War of 1812

Great Indian War Trail

Great Lakes

Great Smoky Mountains

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Great Wagon Road

Griffith, Elijah



Guinevere, Queen

Gulf of Mexico


Gunpowder River


Hackett, James Henry

Halleck, Fitz-Greene

Halley’s Comet

Hamilton, Joseph

Hanks, John

Harding, Chester

Harris, Flavius

Harrison, William B.

Harrison, William Henry

Hart, A.

Hartley, Elizabeth

Hartley, Peter

Hart’s Saloon

Harvard University

Hatchett, Archard

Hatchett, James

Hawkins, Aaron (uncle)

Hawkins, Esther (aunt)

Hawkins, John (uncle)

Hawkins, Joseph (uncle)

Hawkins, Mary Elizabeth (aunt)

Hawkins, Matthew (uncle)

Hawkins, Nathan (grandfather)

Hawkins, Nathan, Jr. (uncle)

Hawkins, Nicholas (uncle)

Hawkins, Ruth (aunt)

Hawkins, Ruth Cole (grandmother)

Hawkins, Wilson (uncle)

Hayes, Samuel Jackson

Hedge, Elizabeth

Hedge, Jonas

Henry, Abram

Henry, Patrick


Hill, Samuel

Hitler, Adolf

Hiwassee River

Holley, Mary Austin

Holmes, Thomas

Holston River

Honey Grove, Tex.

Horse Camp Creek

Horse Creek

Horseshoe Bend, Battle of

House of Burgesses

House of Representatives, U.S.

DC’s failed 1825 campaign for

DC’s failed 1831 campaign for

DC’s failed 1835 campaign for

DC’s service in

DC’s winning 1827 campaign for

DC’s winning 1833 campaign for

Twentieth meeting of

Twenty-first meeting of

Twenty-third meeting of

Houston, Diana Rogers

Houston, Eliza Allen

Houston, Sam

Cherokees and

in contempt of Congress

DC and

as governor of Tennessee

marriages of

Texas and

Hudson River


Humbert, Samuel

Hungry Hill

Huntingdon, Tenn.

Huntsman, Adam R.

Huntsville, Ala.

Hutton, Paul

Hyde Park, N.Y.


I Got a Secret

indentured servitude

DC’s experience with

Indian Removal Act

Indian Territory

Indian Wars

see also
Creek Indian War

Industrial Revolution


Irvine, Josephus

Irving, Washington


Jackson, Andrew

administration of

Creeks forced to cede home territories by

DC’s opposition to

expansionist policies of

legal and judicial career of

military career of

“Old Hickory” nickname of

patronizing and paternalistic view of Indians by

physical appearance of

political career of

removal of Indian tribes by

twenty-dollar bill image of

Jackson, Rachel

Jackson, Tenn.

Jackson Gazette

Jacksonian Democrats

Jackson Pioneer

Jacobs, John

Jacobs, John L.

Jacobs, Mrs. John

Jamestown, Tenn.

Jarnagin, Thomas

Jarvis, John Wesley

Jefferson, Thomas

Jeffrey, Jesse

Jeffries Hotel

Jerusalem, Va.

Jim Crow
minstrel show

Joe (slave)

Jolar (dog)

Jones, Calvin

Jones, Francis

Jones, Isaac

Jonesboro Crossing

Jonesborough, Tenn.

Joyce, James


Kendall, Amos


Kentuckian’s Trip to New York in 1815, A

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