David Crockett (52 page)

Read David Crockett Online

Authors: Michael Wallis

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Adventurers & Explorers, #Political, #Historical

BOOK: David Crockett
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Key, Francis Scott

Kickapoo Indians

Kinderhook, N.Y.

Kindle, George

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

King’s Mountain, Battle of

Kitchen, Benjamin


Knoxville, Tenn.

Ku Klux Klan


Lafayette, Marquis de

Lafitte, Jean

Lake Erie, Battle of

Lancelot, Sir

Lanier, Sidney

Latin America

Lawrence, James

Lawrenceburg, Tenn.

“Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The” (Irving)

Lemmons, Louisa Taylor

Leonardo da Vinci

Le Vert, Henry S.

Lick Creek

Life and Adventures of Colonel David Crockett of West Tennessee, The

Life of Martin Van Buren, Hair-apparent to the “Government” and the Appointed Successor of General Jackson, The

Limestone Creek

Lincoln, Abraham

assassination of

Lincoln, Benjamin

Lincoln, Mary Todd

Lincoln, Nancy Hanks

Lion of the West, The, or a Trip to Washington

Little Big Horn, Battle of

Little Limestone Creek

Little Pigeon River

Little River

Little Rock, Ark.

Lofaro, Michael A.


Long Creek

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth


Lookout Mountain

Lost Creek Monthly Meeting

Lost Prairie, Ark.


Lynn, Joseph


MacKenzie, Gisèle

Madison, Dolley

Madison, James

administration of


Manifest Destiny


Markham, Erby Madrese

Martin, Betsy Ward

Martin, Joseph

Martínez Caro, Ramón


Prince George County

Massey, Timothy E.

Matthews, Daniel

Mayan Indians

McCarthy, Joseph

McCool, Neil

McCuistion, James

McGregor, John

McIver, Duncan

McKeown Hotel

McLemore, John Christmas

McLemore’s Bluff

McQueen, Peter

McWhorter, Ann Catherine Patton

McWhorter, Hance

Medal of Honor, U.S.








Memphis, Tenn.

Meredith, James

Meriwether, David


Mexican-American War

Mexican army

at Battle of the Alamo

San Jacinto defeat of


independence from Spain won by

slavery abolished in

see also
Texas; Texas Revolution

Military Academy, U.S., at West Point

Military Land Grant

Mills Point, Tenn.

Mims, Samuel

minstrel shows

Mint, U.S.

Mississippi River

Mississippi Territory


Mitchell, James C.

Mobile, Ala.

Monongahela whiskey

Monroe, James

Monroe Doctrine

Montaigne, Michel de

Montgomery, Ala.

Moore, John Trotwood

Moot Hill

Morris, Gideon

Morristown, Tenn.

Mossy Creek

Mount Vernon

Mrs. Ball’s Rooming House

Murfreesboro, Tenn.

Muscogee Indians,
Creek Indians

Museum of East Tennessee History

Musial, Stan

Myers, Adam

Myers, Henry


Nacogdoches, Tex.

Napoleon I, Emperor of France

Narrative of the Life of David Crockett, of the State of Tennessee, A

best-selling success of

Chilton’s collaboration on

DC’s promotional tour for

royalties from

Nashville, Tenn.

Nashville Whig

Natchez, Miss.

Natchez Trace

National Banner and the Nashville Whig

National Republican Party

Natural Bridge

Navasota River

Navy Hospital

New Bedford Mercury

New England,

New Jersey

New Madrid Earthquakes

New Mexico

New Orleans, Battle of

New Orleans, La.

Newport, R.I.

New River

New York, N.Y.

Five Points district in

literary and publishing communities in

theaters and museums in

New York Stock Exchange

New York Times

Nile River

Niles’ Weekly Register

Nolichucky River

Nollville, Va.

North Carolina

Buncombe County

Lincoln County

North Carolina Senate

Northern Ireland

North Holston River

North Mountain

North Toe River

Notable Southern Families
(French and Armstrong)


Obey’s River

Obion River

Rutherford’s Fork of

South Fork of

“Octavia” (Poe)


Ohio River


Old Wolf Trail

Osage Indians

O’Sullivan, John L.

Our American Cousin


Owen, Thomas

Owens family


Pakenham, Sir Edward

Pall Mall Valley

Panther Creek

Panther Springs, Tenn.

Paris, Tenn.

Parker, Fess

Parks, Rosa

Park Theater

Patton, George (brother-in-law)

Patton, George (stepson)

Patton, James

Patton, Margaret Ann “Peggy Ann,”

Patton, Rebecca

Patton, Rhoda Ann McWhorter

Patton, Robert

Patton, William

Patton Meeting House

Paul, Apostle

Paulding, James Kirke

Peale, Rembrandt

Peale, Rubens

Peale’s Museum of Curiosities and Freaks

Peck, Adam

Peña, José Enrique de la


Bucks County

Cumberland County

Lancaster County

Pennsylvania, University of

Pensacola, Fla.

Perry, Oliver Hazard

Persian army

Phenix, Henry

Philadelphia, Pa.

Philadelphia Stock Exchange


Pigeon Forge, Tenn.

Pigeon River

Pile, Conrad “Coonrod,”


Pius IX, Pope



hierarchical structure of

slaves on

Poe, Edgar Allan


Polk, James Knox

Poor Richard’s Almanac

Potomac River

Powel, John Hare


Prentiss, James


Presley, Elvis

Primitive Baptists

Providence, R.I.

Pulaski, Tenn.

Purcell, Aaron






expressions of

see also

Rankin, Thomas

RCA Victor

Red Eagle

Red River

Reelfoot Lake

Regeneration through Violence

Reilly, Joe

“Remember the Alamo” slogan

Remini, Robert V.

Revolutionary Volunteers of Franklin County

Rice, Thomas “Daddy,”

Rich (friend)




Rio Grande River

“Rip Van Winkle” (Irving)

Roach, Reuben

Roanoke River

Roaring River

Robertson, Charles

Robert the Bruce

Robinson (friend)

Rocky Mountains

Roman Catholic Church


Ross, John

Round Mountain

Royal Navy

Battle of Lake Erie

impressment of American seamen into

Royal Opera House, Covent Garden

Russell, Captain George

Russell, George

Russell, William



Sabine River

St. Charles Hotel

St. Louis, Mo.

St. Louis Cardinals

Saluda Gap

Samuel (slave)

San Antonio, Tex.

San Augustine, Tex.

Sanderson, J. M.

Sand Springs, Tenn.

San Felipe de Austin, Tex.

San Jacinto, Battle of

defeat of Mexican army at

Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón, Antonio López de

at Battle of the Alamo

capture of

Santa Fe, N.Mex.

Santa Fe Trail

Saratoga, N.Y.

Schultz, Charles

Schuylkill River

Scone Palace



Scott, Sir Walter

Second Bank of the United States

Second Regiment of Volunteer Mounted Riflemen

Seminole Indians

Senate, U.S.

Seneca Indians

Sevier, John

Sevier, Sarah Hawkins

Shackford, James Atkins

Shakespeare, William

Shaw, Mr.

Shawnee Indians

Shays, Daniel

Shelby, Isaac

Shenandoah River

Shenandoah Valley

Shoal Creek

flooding of

Shoal Creek Corporation

Siler, Jacob

Simonton, William

Sketches and Eccentricities of Colonel David Crockett of West Tennessee


DC’s ownership and sale of

freeing of

Indian ownership of

Indians as



in Texas

slave trade

Slotkin, Richard


Smith, Seba

Smithwick, Noah

snakeroot plant

Snider, John

Society of Friends,

Sofia (slave)

South Carolina

Southern Literary Messenger

South Holston River

Southwest Trail


Florida controlled by

Mexican independence won from


Stanberry, William

“Star-Spangled Banner, The,”

state militias

Sterling Castle

Stiles, John

Stonecipher, Absalom

Stonecipher, Sarah Humbert

Story, Joseph

Strike It Rich

Strother, John

Summer, Amy

Swann, Joseph

Swannanoa, N.C.

Swannanoa River

Swisher, John


Talladega, Battle of

Tallushatchee, Battle of

Taylor, Quintard, Jr.

Tay River


Tellico River

Ten Islands


canebrakes of

Carroll County

crime and punishment in

crops cultivated in

Davidson County

DC’s community and state elective offices in

DC’s lifetime attachment to

early settlers in


Fentress County

first constitutional convention in

flora and fauna of

Franklin County

frontier social life in

game hunting in

Gibson County

Greene County

Gone to Texas
) signs seen in

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