Davie the Mage (Generations of Eredwynn Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Davie the Mage (Generations of Eredwynn Book 2)
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Chapter Five


he girls were all piled up in the middle of the bed, talking and being very friendly. I knew that Amber would be keeping her servants and I’d watch to make sure that the friendship didn’t interfere with the duties that she assigned them. I sat on the couch until Amber saw me and patted the bed to join them. I went up and sat by her and noticed that I was getting more than a few looks that could be flirtatious. I also noticed that Amber noticed the looks and didn’t seem offended. Knowing where she’d come from and the way she’d been talking very recently, I was surprised. I didn’t care if we had consorts or not, but I was a man. The thought of having another woman in bed wasn’t entirely distasteful.

              I mentioned that my mother was in charge of testing for magic and Lia had said the girls were interested in it. I commented, “There is something you should know before you’re tested for magic. Not very many people can do it and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you can, that’s great. If you can’t, then don’t feel that there is something wrong with you. My father always says it’s like having brown hair or blonde. You can’t control that either and it’s just the way things are.”

              Amber looked concerned. “So you’re telling us that we may or may not have it, or four of us might and one not?”

              “That’s exactly what I’m saying. If you don’t want to take the chance of feeling left out if you’re not one of the people who can do magic, I’ll just cancel the whole thing and all five of you ladies can be the same. If you’re all willing to find out if you can but won’t be too upset if you can’t, then we’ll go ahead with it.”

              Amber smiled. “If I have it, that would be cool; but if I don’t and one of the others did, I’d still get to see Alba and watch as the ones who have it are trained. I’d be a bit disappointed but it wouldn’t be something that I couldn’t live with.”

              All the girls nodded in agreement and then went to Amber’s closet, where she passed out nightgowns. These girls had been brought here with the clothes on their backs and had never been bought anything else. Our local tailor was about to get a crash course in other-realm fashion when my wife got hold of her tomorrow. They went off to their rooms after saying goodnight to me. Amber changed into a gown of father’s design. It had thin straps with a nice low cut and came down to mid-thigh. They were so much nicer than the floor draggers that most other women in the kingdom wore. I undressed and slid in to bed.

              Amber joined me and slid over next to me. I waved a hand to put out the candles and dim the lamps. She smiled and asked if that would be something that she would be able to do if she tested positive for magic. I grinned back and explained the difference between psionic magic and spell magic. She smiled and nodded at my explanation and I knew she didn’t fully understand, but it didn’t matter right now.

              She rolled to her side and laid her leg over mine and began kissing my neck. My body instantly responded and so did my newly discovered magic that I’d inherited from my father. Her breathing became heavier and her kisses more insistent. She then rolled away from me and off the bed on her side. She went to her closet and I figured that she was going to the bathroom before things got hot and heavy. She came back leading a blushing Royse and I was very surprised. She crawled back into bed and slid back to me. Royse climbed into bed with us and propped herself up on an elbow so she could see us. Amber began fondling my member and she whispered in my ear, “If I can’t bear seeing you with another woman, this won’t happen again. Royse asked if she could be a consort to you as well as to me. I asked Lia all about it and she explained everything. If you’re willing we’ll try this and pretend it never happened if it doesn’t work out.”

              “You don’t have to do this, my love. I’m content with the woman that I have. If this is something that you want, then we’ll have a consort.” Her fondling was having an effect and the magic swelled as my member did. She slid over on top of me and slid me gently inside her. She moved up and down and nodded to Royse. Royse’s gown came off, revealing beautiful, perky breasts. She moved over beside Amber and I watched as Amber slid her hand between Royse’s thighs. Her fingers buried in her, her thumb working madly on her swollen button and the magic in the air had her moaning in seconds. Amber and Royse nodded to each other again and Amber extracted me from her and slid up so she was straddling my chin. I felt Royse position her knees on either side of my hips and her hand take hold of me to guide me into her. I put my hands on the tops of Amber’s thighs and pulled her down to me. My lips, teeth and tongue had her mewling like a kitten. I heard Royse gasp as she pushed through the virgins’ veil, but I couldn’t worry about that right now. I couldn’t think about anything but the absolute pleasure that I was feeling. Royse started moving up and down and Amber changed direction so she could watch her and I’d still have access to her pulsing slit. The moaning in the room would have given an audio audience quite a show if the castle hadn’t been mostly empty. We didn’t hold back at all. A signal must have been given as I was getting close, because the girls quickly switched positions. Amber thrust me inside her and started bouncing madly. My eyes were rolled back in my head and my face was buried in Royse. Finally, after building in my toes, I was overcome by the most massive orgasm I could imagine. I was sure that my shout of pleasured release would wake the seagulls on the beach. I felt as both girls bodies spasmed with pleasure and they collapsed to the sides of me. Royse lay on my right and Amber on my left. I put a hand between each girl’s legs and felt their heartbeats through the lingering heat.

              Amber sighed, “If having consorts is going to be anything like tonight, then I’m all in favor of it. I didn’t even mind that you were with her, because I know that you’re my husband and love me. When you grow to love our consort, or consorts, I know you’ll still love me the same. I guess you noticed our switch before you came. That was because Royse and I have a deal that I will get pregnant before she does. It may be selfish to want to have my husband’s first child, but I don’t think so. Royse agreed to the arrangement and I hope you will too. If the two of you have sex without me, pull out before you’re done. I love you, Davie!”

              “I agree with anything you ask of me, my love. I was head over heels in love with you before tonight and now I’ll worship you if you ask. Royse, welcome to the family. Tomorrow we’ll see that you’re taken care of the way a consort of wealthy people should be. Now I believe that I’ll get some sleep because you two have completely worn me out.” I kissed both the girls and laid back into my pillow with my hands still between their thighs.


              The next morning I didn’t wake with the sun. The night’s activities had worn me out and the stress of the previous day had played a part. When I woke, Amber and Royse were still sleeping peacefully beside me. The other three girls were sitting on the couch talking softly among themselves. Amee was just standing to answer the knock on the door that had awakened me. Lia and my mother walked in and looked around. Lia squealed and my mother started giggling when they saw the two girls in bed with me. The noise woke them and they both turned beet red. Amber handed Royse her gown and hunted for her own. Royse slipped into hers and got up. She took my clothes from the night stand, handed them to me, and then closed the bed curtains so I could dress.

              I crawled out of bed after dressing. “Good morning, Mother! Hello, Lia! Sorry I wasn’t up when you arrived but I stayed up later than usual.”

              Lia giggled, “I bet you did stay up later. So I think that it would be safe to assume that Amber has changed her mind about consorts?”

              I smiled sheepishly. “She seems to have had a change of heart. Now, where do you want to do this magic testing?”

              My mother joined the conversation. “What is the name of the lovely young lady who has joined the family? These are things that a mother needs to know. I won’t ask for details on what went on here last night but I’m all ears if you decide that you want to chat about it.”

              I laughed, “Her name is Royse. She owns only the clothes she came here in and I promised I’d take her to the tailor’s today. If she passes the magic test, then she’ll be in uniform most of the time and won’t need as much. Perhaps the two of you would be willing to take all the girls? Amber doesn’t need anything because Lia filled her closet well.”

              Mother sighed, “Well, you don’t want to talk about it, but maybe they will. You know Lia and me and our love of spending money. If you’ll just open your vault, we’ll take care of the rest for you. I know your father sent you two million gold coins for a wedding gift, so I’m sure you can afford it.”

              Amber gasped, “He sent us two million? I didn’t even know about that yet!”

              Mother laughed, “Young lady, you’ll learn that when you have your man in bed you can learn anything you want to know. When their blood starts heating up, they’ll answer anything you ask because they are no longer capable of thought! That’s why a wife supplies consorts, so a man is safe when he quits thinking.”

              Amber giggled, “You really are the most ornery person I’ve ever met. I’d heard rumors but you’ve proven it! I think you and I will get along just fine, Mom!”

              “Aww, she called me Mom! If you ever hurt this girl’s feelings, I’ll ship you off to Orc City! Amber, let’s get all your girls rounded up and do this boring testing stuff here. Then we can get to the fun shopping stuff. Are all four of the girls going to be consorts or just Royse?”

              Amber blushed. “After all the noise we made last night, some of the other three might want to join the family, too.” She looked at the three girls and they were all blushing and nodding. “See what I mean? If it’s all right with Davie, we should dress them all nicely. Lia said that we’d be responsible for all that.”

              “That you are, and Davie will let you do anything that won’t hurt you. Now,” she floated a small pillow from the couch, “this is how this works. One at a time and not worrying about anyone else in the room, you will each focus on the pillow. You will want the pillow to float. When you have the floating pillow clearly in your mind, you’ll say the word ‘
to activate the spell. It’s just that simple and either something will happen or not. Either way, all five of you will be loved. Now, who’s first?”

              Royse stepped up and volunteered to go first. I was secretly rooting for her because I knew what she could do without magic. With magic, I’m sure we could think of other fun games the three of us could play. She stared at the pillow and finally said the activator and nothing happened. She shrugged it off and came to sit beside me on the end of the bed. Amice went next, with the same negative results. Another shrug and she sat on the other side of me and shyly took my hand. Amber grinned and winked at me and stepped up for her turn. Another negative and she walked toward the bed. Both Royse and Amice started to move but she smiled and shook her head. She sat on the foot locker between my feet. With three negatives, a very nervous Amee took the hot seat. She started to focus and her left hand flew to her chest. All the magic users in the room started nodding. When she activated, the pillow floated up and hung in the air. Mother nodded to her and she let it fall back. Encouraged a bit by Amee’s success, Eda took her turn and failed. Mother explained that the percentage of success was around twenty percent and the girls had hit that number exactly. She whispered to Lia for a second and Lia closed her eyes. A blank wand dropped to the floor in front of her and she picked it up. She gave the wand to Amee and told her that she’d teach her how to use it. Amee was given the choice of living at Wizard’s Castle and being trained there or staying at Perlsea and having Mother come here and train her.

              A blushing Amee said, “I think I’d rather stay here and be trained, if that’s all right with Amber. I really hope to be a consort to her family someday.”

              Amber smiled. “It seems that I’ve had a change of heart. I know that even though Davie might take another girl to bed, he still belongs to me. I know he won’t love me any less and in situations like last night, he might even love me more! I’ve decided to take on the other three girls as consorts, if Davie agrees.”

              My mother couldn’t have grinned any wider without splitting her face.

Amber looked at me and I nodded, “We’ll discuss the details later.”

She seemed genuinely happy at our decision and I know I was, too. All the girls were very beautiful and although I thought that Lord Tassin was a jerk for buying consorts, he did have very good taste. I led the way from the room to the vault and opened it.

Grabbing a pouch from a stack that was by the door, I asked, “Mother, how much do you think you would need?

She grinned, “I’m pretty sure that a hundred platinum coins should be enough.”

I counted it out saying, “If you ladies spend the yearly wage of twenty families on clothes today, I’ll have to see if this place had a dungeon!”

Amber winked, “You know, a dungeon sounds like a place where I could think of all kinds of enjoyable games!” Causing me to blush profusely.

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