Davie the Mage (Generations of Eredwynn Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Davie the Mage (Generations of Eredwynn Book 2)
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My mother giggled, “After that little comment I think I’m going to keep Amber and not bring her back. I do believe that I’ve fallen in love with her all over again.”

Everyone in the group disagreed with that idea because we were keeping our little family together. Mother had everyone circle and hold hands and she recalled them out. I watched as they arrived at Wizard’s Castle and begin the short flight to Valeview.

              I put ten gold coins in my pocket in case I needed anything and locked the door on my way out. I glanced with a sigh at the door of the unkempt vault that the regent had left me. I walked into the kitchen and found all the house staff having breakfast. My presence caused everyone to jump up with bows and curtsies.

I smiled, “Please everyone, sit back down! I’m just here for breakfast too, and would like to visit with everyone if you don’t mind my company.”

They were quite surprised that the lord of the castle would be interested in what they had to say but I knew that happy staff was the secret to a healthy castle. I’d learned that at my father’s knee and he had the happiest castle in the kingdom. As they loosened up, I learned that Lord Tassin had over two dozen consorts that took off as soon as he died. They’d all been purchased or otherwise taken against their will. The staff knew of the four girls who had stayed and were very happy that they’d been accepted by my family.

I questioned my staff a bit, “I was just wondering what the staff here was paid.”

A cook stepped forward, “My Lord, everyone here in the kitchen and the maid staff make five silver coins a week and meals.”

I informed them, “Starting immediately, I am doubling everyone’s pay to one gold coin a week and meals.” I left the kitchen a much happier place than it had been when I entered.

              Exiting the castle, I went to the courtyard shops and stables. I introduced myself to all the shopkeepers and got input on things that could help them in their businesses. I was trying to let everyone know that I was nothing like their previous Lord and was approachable if the need arose. As I left the courtyard to the east, I introduced myself to the Constable who was a very friendly gentleman. He let me know that there had been no problems with castle security since he’d taken command of the troops over a decade ago. I told him to keep up the good work, shook his hand and walked out of the gate.

              I found myself standing on a wide road running east and west that ran down the middle of the castle town of Seamore. The town wrapped around the castle on three sides and seemed fairly well off. At least the shops right next to the castle gate did. I’d have to wander and see about the rest of the town. Since my wife, mother and consorts were off spending obscene amounts of money, I had plenty of time to investigate. I walked down the main street and saw many very nice shops, pubs and inns along the way. I turned down a street to the north and the conditions worsened rapidly. I assumed that Tassin had invested in the shops on the main street so he would look good to approaching visitors and had neglected the rest of his people.

              I found a building with sick and injured people lined up to get inside. I was told that this was the only doctor who would treat the poor in the city. I walked down the line outside, releasing healing magic with every hand that I shook. As the magic flowed through them, the people realized who I was and what I was doing for them. They were grateful and fell to their knees.

I helped them to their feet, “Groveling isn’t really necessary! I jokingly told them, “I’m healing everyone because healthy people are happier and I like happy people better!”

I went inside the building, healing as I made my way to the doctor. I gave him a couple gold coins and thanked him for caring. I shook his hand, “I’m Davie and am the new Lord of Perlsea. I want you to know that I’ll always be available if he run across something that you can’t heal and he need my assistance.”

“Thank you My Lord! I will keep that in mind and will certainly call on you if I need to!” He thanked me and I left behind a group of happy, healthy people.

              I went over to the south side and found conditions similar to the north, minus the doctor and sick people. I knew that if James’ idea of the fishing industry would take off, a lot of the poverty that I was seeing would disappear, too. I was going to keep that on the top of my priority list.

              It was noon when I walked back to the gates of the castle. I asked a guard if there was an archery range or at least a clear open space for a Novice wizard to practice. He informed me that next to the smith’s on the north side of the keep, there was a very nice and often used archery range. Perlsea had a large complement of longbow archers who were often on the range. I went over to look at the range to see if it would suit Amee and Mother’s needs. It was perfect, or would be when I set up some wizard- proof targets.

I went to the smith’s, “Excuse me sir, I need two thick iron rods and two thick iron plates.”

“Of course, My Lord. I believe that have just what you’re looking for. I’ve been to Wizard’s Castle and seen the training range there. If that’s what you’re doing then these should work for ya.”

              “These will do perfectly! Thank you and take this for your trouble.” When I paid the man a gold coin, he was surprised.

              “I’m sorry for the shocked look sir, but the prior Lord of the castle had never paid for items he’d wanted from me!

              “Well, thank you for saying that I am different from Tassin.” And he laughed.

              I floated the poles and heavy plates to the archery range. I shielded as I walked to the line, out of habit, and walked out to the targets. There were a few men shooting a dozen rows down so I didn’t think that there was any danger of getting hit. Besides, my shield was more than a match for arrows. I drove the rods into the ground and fused the plates to the tops of them. I then walked back to the line and snapped off a couple low power energy bolts, just because I could. The archers had stopped and were all staring at me. I waved and went inside the castle for lunch.

              When I went into the kitchen for lunch it was a completely different situation than breakfast had been. The staff welcomed me back warmly and pulled out a chair for me. They asked how my tour of the city had gone and I told them some of what I’d seen and done. We chatted like old friends until I was done eating. I told them that I was going to be in my room if they needed me for anything and I went upstairs. I kicked off my shoes and lay on the nicely made bed to think. I was asleep in minutes.






Chapter Six


woke to a soft kiss and peeked through a crack in my eyelids. I was surprised to see that it was Amee and not Amber that was doing the kissing! I moaned softly but loud enough for everyone that I knew was close to hear, “Oh, Amber!” I put my arms around Amee and pulled her to me, kissing her passionately. I sat up and grinned as I released her. She was blushing and backed against the wall behind her.

              She said, “Davie, you knew that was me! Why did you do that? Not that I’m complaining!”

              I laughed along with the girls in the room, “Remember, when you play a joke on me, who my mother is. I grew up with the Princess of Ornery and had to learn to defend myself.”

              As the room quieted down, I noticed that Amee was dressed in the Wizard’s uniform. The old tattered dress I’d seen her in before didn’t do her justice and the tight material covering her backside was calling to my hands. I smiled to myself and then noticed the packages that the girls were still carrying. I was told that they had found quite a few very nice things that fit well. They had also ordered clothes from the tailors in Valeview, Rosenwood and Perlsea.  Mom and Lia said that they would take care of picking the clothing up and bringing it here. The girls disappeared to their rooms to put away their new clothes.

              My mother told, “Taking them shopping was the most fun I’ve had in ages! The girls had come from poor families and usually only had second-hand clothing. This was the first time that they’d ever been able to have something tailor made for them.”

              My girls, except for Amee, changed their clothes and I suggested we go outside so I could show my mother the place I thought she could train Amee.

              As we walked downstairs, my mother slipped me the bag of money that she’d brought back. She teased playfully, “I think that you should put this up in case we need to go on another shopping spree!”

              We went to the archery range and I showed them the poles that I’d set up for targets and the nice clear area that could be used for flight training. Mother instantly went into training mode and had Amee sit on the ground across from her. I took the other girls back out of the way a few yards and sat on the grass. Amber sat on my lap with the other three girls sitting closely around us.

              We watched as Amee was put through the very basics of Novice training, starting with a repeat of her
from this morning. Next was
, and a handful of gravel was tossed at her, causing her to squeal and giggle.  They ran through
and then there was some whispering and giggling as a spell I didn’t know was part of novice training was taught. It must be some secret spell the wizard girls kept to themselves.

              They stood up and went to the line and begin firing
magic arrows
at the targets I’d put up. The work on targets was my favorite part of Novice training because the scenery was much nicer than the sitting down part.               James had bragged to me about how he had helped his wizard girls boost their spell power by watching the magic, as all the siblings could. It was hard for us to understand how other people couldn’t see magic. I didn’t see any problems with Amee’s casting. Her energy bolt spell turned the target the white hot that Mom had asked her to try for.

              It was getting close to dinner time and I asked my mother and Lia if they wanted to stay. They said that they’d been away from Wizard’s Castle and neglected enough duties for a while. Lia said that she’d drop by the next afternoon and bring the clothes that were finished. They ported out and the girls and I went upstairs, after ordering dinner for six from the kitchen. At dinner, I heard all about the girls’ day and Amee told them all what using magic felt like. Everyone was happy for her and I didn’t pick up on any jealousy or resentment. I’d been afraid of that happening and causing problems in our new family. As the girls finished eating they wandered off to their rooms, after kissing me on the cheek and hugging Amber. Finally I took care of the lights and Amber went to her closet to change into a gown. I undressed and got under the covers and waited for her.

              Amber crawled into bed and said, “Amee asked to share our bed tonight but I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

              “Are you having second thoughts about the consort thing? Feeling bad or jealous about it?”             

              She giggled, “Nothing like that! I had as much fun as you did last night and I know Royse did too. It’s just that it’s my time of the month and I wouldn’t get to join in the fun. I was a virgin not long ago and can coach them on the best way to not get hurt. Besides that, I didn’t know that my touching another girl would excite me the way it does.”

              I laughed, “So you don’t mind them sleeping with me but you want them sleeping with you, too! As long as being with a woman doesn’t make them uncomfortable, you have my blessing. I think it’s sexy and makes pleasing you both twice as easy! I do think that you should go tell her the reason that we aren’t asking her to be with us so she doesn’t take it personally. I love you, Amber, and knew the moment I saw you that you were the girl for me.”

              She kissed me and went to Amee’s room. After a few minutes she came back and lay back down. “She understood but had gotten worried waiting for me. I told her that we both wanted to be with her and would when I was done with this cycle. I brought girl supplies for a couple months and then I guess I’ll have to find out how the women here do things. That is, unless you give us a baby between now and then.”

              “If it happens, then we’ll have the most beautiful baby in Eredwynn. If it takes longer, I’ll just have you to myself for longer. Except that I have to share my wife with the consorts. Usually it’s the Lady that shares the Lord but with us it seems that we’ll be sharing with each other.”


              Three days later, James showed up at the castle. “Little brother, I’ve brought construction people, people to cut wood and several of our siblings. I also have a few supervisors wandering in town to hire locals for general labor and that the dock construction would be underway shortly. Crews are going north of town to the forested area to start cutting wood as we speak.”

              The girls came out of their rooms while we were talking and James called to Amee, “How would the newest wizard in Eredwynn like extra lessons in telekinesis.”

              She was excited to finally do something useful with the magic she’d been learning and I couldn’t think of a better instructor than James. My mother is really good at teaching the basics but practical application would be more James’ thing. Amber and I got a kiss from Amee and I got a wink from James, then they left to begin the day.

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