Death's Apprentice: A Grimm City Novel (30 page)

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Authors: Gareth Jefferson Jones K. W. Jeter

BOOK: Death's Apprentice: A Grimm City Novel
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Death frowned, perplexed. A note of incomprehension and even envy filled his voice. “And … you would really be willing to do such a thing? You would be willing to sacrifice yourself for someone you don’t even know?”

“I have to,” said Nathaniel. “There’s no other way.”

“But … aren’t you afraid of your death, like others are?”

Nathaniel gazed down at Ren-Lei’s light before answering. “Why should I be afraid of it?” he said. “So long as I know that the good it brings will live on after me when I’m gone. Because … you know … I think death loses its importance … if you can see that it’s happening for a reason. And anyway … we both know better than anyone that this isn’t the end. Not really.”

He looked back to Death’s baffled expression, realizing only now how incapable his old master was of change. He smiled at him with kindhearted pity, finding that his inability to look beyond the confines of his tedious daily routine made him seem much smaller suddenly, and far less threatening than he’d been before.

He’s nothing but a slave,
he realized,
chained to a great universal machine. He can’t ever leave it, experience how rewarding a life of choice and free will can be. No matter how many souls he harvests, he’ll never understand the essence of the lives he ends.

“Death…,” he said, turning to the chamber. “I’ve forgotten. Show me, please, which light is mine?”

Death walked a few steps farther on, then pointed to the light beside him. It was a high one this time. One of the brightest in the chamber.

“This is your light, Nathaniel. It is a fine light, and always has been. I have grown used to its presence here over the last ten years.” He paused, as if surprised himself by what he was thinking. “It will be …
 … to no longer have it here … To no longer have its … company…”

Nathaniel nodded, understanding what Death meant, even if his former master did not. He leaned forward to peer at his light. He could just barely see the reflection of his own face on the surface of the glass.

When he glanced up again, he saw a look of realization appear on Death’s face.


“I know now…,” said Death. “At last, I understand why I could never foresee your death. Because it happens here, in this chamber where no mortal was ever meant to be. This place is shielded from the rest of existence. So the details of your destiny could never escape it.” He nodded. “Yes … That makes sense to me now. Even if the rest does not…”

With the final piece of the puzzle complete, Nathaniel reached out and shook Death’s waxen hand to say good-bye.

“And you are sure … this is worth it?”

Nathaniel smiled at him again. But he saw no need to answer. Standing there, surrounded by the Lights of Life, of course it was worth it.
Just like every act of self-sacrifice is worth it,
he thought.
If it helps mankind move forward to a better place. And perhaps … Perhaps that’s why all the Lights of Life are kept here so close together … So that each soul on earth has a chance to feel the others shining next to it, and realize that it is not alone.…

Knowing that there was nothing else to say, Nathaniel turned away from Death and faced his own shining soul. With his one good hand, he carefully lifted the glass that covered it. He drew in one last sweet breath of air, then slowly leaned forward. And with a single puff … he blew out his light.


Death’s Apprentice—A Grimm City Novel
is inspired by the following tales and essays from Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm:


Der Gevatter Tod / Godfather Death.

Der Bärenhäuter / The Man in the Bearskin.

Märchen von einem, der auszog, das Fürchten zu lernen / The Tale of One Who Set Out to Learn Fear.

Rumpelstilzchen / Rumpelstiltskin.


Der Birnbaum auf dem Walserfeld / The Pear Tree on the Walser Field.

Der Virdunger Bürger / The Citizen of Verdun.

Tote aus den Gräbern wehren dem Feind / The Dead Rise from Their Graves to Ward Off the Enemy.


Tod / Death.

Teufel / The Devil.

Seelen / Souls.

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