Read Decadent Online

Authors: Elaine White

Decadent (22 page)

BOOK: Decadent
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“You are very, very bad,
” Cormag told him, backing away to sit on the other side of the car. He knew he could never look at or think about Lachlan's tongue again without remembering that obscure, spine-tingling moment.

Unsurprisingly Lachlan stretched out, lifting his legs onto his lap as he smiled at him. He didn't know how he could look so innocent, sprawled across the back seat of his car, half of his clothes missing, after having kissed him like that. Then he had the audacity to fold his arms behind his head and close his eyes.

“Oh no you don't,” he objected to that move entirely. “The game is on in two hours. It will take us another half hour to get home. Get your butt off that seat and get your clothes back on,” he ordered, trying to get his head into gear. He had to stop thinking about sex and Lachlan in the one thought. They were two separate entities – or at least they were before that ridiculous kiss. God, how could he be so sexy and so clueless at the same time?

“Fine. But that still leaves an ho
ur and a half after we get home,” Lachlan said, swinging his feet off his lap and onto the floor.

Cormag was frozen, thinking about that one sentence. He watched him as they both fixed their clothes, wondering what the hell he had planned for that hour and a half.

Lachlan kissed his cheek as soon as he was dressed again and climbed into the front passenger seat, which only gave him a perfect view of his tight ass in jeans. It was going to be harder than he thought to drive home and ignore the hardness pressing into his trousers. But damn it, he was a grown up and he could deal with it. Another two hours. That was all he needed and then Lachlan would be absorbed in the game…he hoped.


Chapter 35

It didn't take any time at all to get back to the house and run in from the rain. However, once Lachlan got inside the front door he was stunned to find a hand grabbing his t-shirt and pushing him up against the wall. Before he could so much as smile at Cormag's desperation for him he was being kissed into oblivion. He kissed back as hard and as eagerly, recalling their first night together when they'd done a similar thing. Only this time he had a heck of a lot more experience about what he wanted and how to go about getting it.

He squirrelled his hands under Cormag's t-shirt, parting from their kiss only long enough to lift it off. When he touched him again, cold hands against bare skin, he caught Cormag's moan in his mouth and pushed himself from the wall. They undressed each other as they backed along the hallway, towards the bedroom. It seemed so far away.

Cormag didn't even undo any of the buttons on his shirt; he lifted it over his head and let it fall wherever they were at the time. He wasn't certain where except that they hadn't reached the bedroom yet. He could only guess from the desperate way he tugged at his jeans and frowned at the button that refused to flip open like velcro that his teasing kiss had done the trick. He wanted his surprise and he wanted it now.

“Ow,” Lachlan muttered to himself as his back made a painful impact with the living room door frame. He guessed that was why they hadn't reached the bedroom yet, they were going in circles trying to find somewhere solid to pin each other down and get on with the show.

“Okay?” Cormag asked breathlessly as he made another attempt on his jean button. His frown was deepening, but he had the reassurance of his one word question that he was too concentrated on getting him naked to do anything else.

“Fine.” He resumed the kissing and reached down to push Cormag's hands away from his jeans. He knew what he was doing, so his big strong hands moved away willingly; one caught at the back of his thigh which was unfair and the other grasped at his lower back. He wasn't going to be able to think straight if he kept doing things like that.

He managed to get the button undone with a twist of the denim over the top and the zip was easy enough; he left them on and made short work of the three buttons that kept Cormag's trousers on. He moaned into their kiss in appreciation for the way his fingers put pressure on his interested cock as he popped those buttons out of the holes.

“You're a tease,” Cormag told him, not for the first time.

He didn't know if it was bad or not, but he kind of loved it. He liked knowing that he could do that to him, bringing him to absolute desperation and then keeping him waiting a little longer.

“God, I love it,” h
e said, with an approving sigh.

Lachlan would have laughed at that if it wasn't for the tongue that invaded his mouth immediately after the words were spoken. He accepted it willingly and heeled off his shoes before looping his right leg around Cormag's and helping him off with his too.

Normally when Lachlan stepped on his heels he was yelled at for not looking where he was going; this time there wasn't a peep out of him. Cormag lifted his heel out of his shoe and kicked it away. Something fell over with a bang, but neither of them cared. His underwear disappeared somewhere between the bedroom door and the bed, but he didn't have a clue where. All he cared about was that the bed was finally within reach.

They were both naked as they reached the bed, touching each other as Lachlan backed over to lie down. He needed to stop moving and finally get what he wanted. He was disappointed when he was diverted on his way to the bed and backed into the bathroom instead. He went with the sudden change out of curiosity until he found himself in the shower. Cormag took control from that moment on; the water was switched on to the side so they were in the spray.

“This is payback for yesterday,” he claimed, intriguing Lachlan with the words.

He seriously hoped he was not about to be abandoned in a state of complete and utter need now that he had got his interest again. Thankfully, he wasn't abandoned. In fact, Cormag was soon trailing kisses down his chest.

Lachlan knew what was coming. He was going to go through the same torture he'd put Cormag through the day before. When he felt the first brush of his tongue, followed by moist lips on his cock he let out a loud groan of approval. He wasn't going to hold back; he wanted this so badly. He grasped the wall behind him and tried to control his breathing as Cormag sucked and licked his way along his hard shaft. He spent a glorious amount of time on his head, blowing on it and licking at the pre-come. The whole while he let him know how much pleasure he was in with moans and gasps and the occasional swear word. But still Cormag didn't stop. They both wanted this to last.

“Fuck!” Lachlan swore and bucked against Cormag's insistent mouth, taken by surprise. His leg was hitched up and slung over his shoulder as Cormag knelt on the shower floor and that incredible tongue went where no tongue had ever been before. It felt amazing. That exploratory lick, suddenly followed by more attention on his cock. But that was nothing compared to what else he had been doing.

“Again,” he asked, unashamed to ask for what he wanted. He knew Cormag was giving him a chance to say whether he wanted him to continue or not. As soon as he gave his agreement, he used his tongue with expert precision.




This was what he'd wanted in the car, this and so much more. Cormag was elated to know that Lachlan liked it and wanted more. The noises he made were strangled now, desperate and hoarse. He moved into the exploration each and every time, moving his hips to gain the most pleasure.

When he pulled back and began focusing on Lachlan's hard cock again there was the faintest whimper of disagreement. But he wasn't finished yet. He could only imagine how hard it was for him to hold on so long and not let go, but he appreciated it. He had plans and he wanted to see them through.

He spent a few minutes sucking on Lachlan so intently that he couldn't hold back. As he wanted him to, he thrust into every move, making the most delicious noises. Then came the dangerous part. He was going to do something that could go really well or really badly and if it did go well he might snap and make love to his boyfriend for the first time.

Cormag eased off the pressure he was putting on his strung out partner, slowing everything right down
to a lingering teasing so that he didn't risk going off before time. His own body was demanding release, but he wanted to bring Lachlan to that point first. He kept up the continued torment, sucking teasingly and adding in the occasional lick that had Lachlan panting, until he was positive he couldn't hold on much longer. Then he moved back.

He withdrew himself completely until he was standing up, gazing into Lachlan eyes. He was breathing hard and fast and looked slightly confused. He offered him reassurance that the fun wasn't over and slid his hand between his legs to brush his finger against the tight hole he'd been licking earlier. Lachlan's eyes never left his, even as he bit his lip and bucked off the wall.

“Kiss me,” he pleaded, in a strangled voice.

Cormag thought he knew what that meant, so he leaned in and kissed him hungrily, eagerly exploring his mouth. The whole time he brushed his finger against the hole he wanted access to. Once he felt Lachlan had been given enough time to adjust, with his arms wound tight around him, he reached blindly over to the shower tray and lifted off the tube of lube he'd put there that morning.

Cormag was careful as he thrust his tongue deep into Lachlan's mouth, trying to distract him as he flipped the lid and squirted the liquid onto his finger. He put the digit back at his entrance and brushed it again a few times before pushing the tip in. He took it well, wrapping his arms over his shoulders as he enjoyed the double sensation. He used that sweet pleasure zone Lachlan was in and used it as incentive; he kept him in that place as he gradually worked his finger all the way in.

Lachlan made the most horrific choking sound the moment he slid his entire finger inside him. Cormag was stuck somewhere between worried and terrified as he pulled back from their kiss and stopped moving altogether. He stared at his gentle boy, who had his eyes closed and wondered what the hell that noise meant. He didn't want to hurt him, but he couldn't help but think he had. Until Lachlan opened his eyes and smiled at him breathlessly.

“Keep going,” he asked, biting his lip as his breath came out in ragged gasps.

Cormag kept his eyes focused on his face and watched as he pulled out his finger and pushed it in again. Lachlan's whole body twisted into the move and his head went back as he slid his hands over his shoulders and around his neck, drawing him forward. He'd never seen anything so completely lustful in his life.

“Don't stop,” he begged as he reached out and dug his fingers into his shoulders. Before he even knew what he was doing Cormag reacted on instinct and his hormones took over. He removed his finger, covered two with lubricant before slowly working them into his accepting body. He dug his nails into the back of his neck as he spread his legs further apart. He was taking to this suspiciously well.

“Lachlan,” Cormag used the tone Lachlan said was his 'disapproving' voice. When Lachlan opened his eyes, he gave his fingers a twist inside him that had his mouth slackening open. “You've been cheating. You've done this without me, haven't you?” He asked, beginning to realise that he wasn't acting as if this was the first time he'd ever had anything up his ass. Which it should have been.

“You're adorable when you pout,” he said, with an unrepentant pout.

“Why?” h
e asked, wanting to know why he didn't get to share that with him.


Chapter 36


Lachlan used the grip of his hands at the back of his neck to pull him close enough to kiss. But he wasn't feeling in the kissing mood. “Because I love you and I know you're scared of hurting me. I wanted our first time to be like it is…hot, steamy and incredible,” he said, kissing him once for each word he used to describe the moment.

“I wanted to share this with you.” Cormag didn't know why he was complaining since it wasn't a terrible thing, but he felt cheated somehow.

“I know baby, but this is better. Trust me…the first time was not a pleasant experience and neither was the first four times. But now it's amazing.” Lachlan was clearly trying to convince him that his way of preparing himself for any progression in their physical relationship was better. But he wasn't convinced; not in the slightest.

“I'm not going to argue about this right now, but I should have been there. Even if you did do it yourself.” He sighed and couldn't help but smile when Lachlan nudged their noses together.

“You want to know when I did it?” he asked cheekily.

“No.” He laughed it off and kissed the curve of his jaw, to let him know he wasn't angry and he certainly wasn't going to end their shower because of it. Lachlan kissed his earlobe as he continued the gentle massage of his hole, using his thumb to brush the outside in a dual caress.

“It was in our bed…six weeks ago,” he whispered in his ear.

Cormag just about moaned at the idea; he wished he hadn't told him. Now his mind was going to conjure up a million scenarios of Lachlan lying on their bed, doing incredible things to himself.

“You kissed me goodbye as you left for work. It was a Saturday and I didn't want you to leave me,” he continued, dropping a smattering of kisses along his collarbone.

He could feel his breathing stuttering as he recalled exactly what day that was. He didn't work many weekends since Lachlan came into his life.

Fingers brushed the hair at the base of his neck and suddenly, though he couldn't remember him moving in last few minutes, another set of fingers grasped the back of his left thigh. His leg slipped around his teasing partner's almost of its own accord, until it was completely wound around him.

“I wanted to surprise you after work. To still be in bed and have you worry and rush over to see if I was okay. Then I was going to pounce on you
and beg you to make love to me,” Lachlan confessed, as they both attempted to kiss each other's cheek only to end up meeting mouths.

“It probably would have worked,
” Cormag agreed, easing his fingers out of him as he spoke.

Lachlan opened his mouth in protest, until he reached for the bottle of lubricant again. His shock turned into relief as they met in another brief kiss.

“I was thinking about you the whole time. I wanted it to be you, but I was glad it wasn't. I don't like feeling so insecure when I'm with you,” he spoke softly, as if he was ashamed to admit such a thing.

Cormag hated hearing him so uncertain and apologetic; he had no right to tell him when or how to do these things. He wanted him to know he was there if he needed him at any point. “I'm here to help you fee
l more secure, not to upset you,” he promised, returning the bottle to the shower tray now that his fingers were suitably coated.

He kissed Lachlan's eyelid as he slowly eased his fingers back into his accepting body. He moaned and pushed his hips forward into the touch, absently nudging his knee into his already aching cock. He buried his face in his neck to suppress the groan that threatened to escape. He was trying to hold back on his own arousal until he had Lachlan exactly where he wanted him.

“I know. But I'm happier this way,” Lachlan reassured him, nibbling on his shoulder blade as he reached out and took him in hand.

“Then I guess I can't complain,” h
e managed to get the words out, but it was difficult. The dual stimulation of watching Lachlan fall to pieces beneath him and having his hand pumping his hard shaft was too much. Cormag came with a hoarse groan and rested his head on his shoulder as he tried to keep up the rhythm he'd built up with his fingers. Lachlan followed a moment later, with what could only be considered a cry of outright pleasure.

He was decided there and then, as he removed his fingers from inside Lachlan and cleaned them under the shower's spray. He was never, ever having sex with his boyfriend. He couldn't survive it. Everything they did together was already too intoxicating and overwhelming.

He shut off the water, grabbed a towel and dragged the object of his affection out of the shower and over to the bed, drying him off on the way. Lachlan lay unnaturally still on the bed as Cormag moved to lie down beside him. Neither of them could breath properly. But when he looked down at him, for any sign of what he was thinking all he found was a look of pure ecstasy.

That was some payback,” Lachlan confessed as he turned his head and kissed him.

“I thought so,
” Cormag agreed.

Ever since Lachlan had gone down on him, before going off to his parents house, he hadn't been able to think of anything but what he wanted to do to him in return. He'd been worried about rushing him into trying things he wasn't ready for. Now he was glad that he wasn't scared of anything. Without his desperate plea back in the car he couldn't have gone through with half the things they'd done.

“You do realise you're not making it easy on me to keep my innocent virginity intact. When you do things like that I feel like a complete slut.” Lachlan laughed lightly as he curled up at his side.

“Okay. I'm positive there was a compliment in there somewher
e,” he said to himself. Secretly, he liked how he put it across, because he felt the same. It was hard to hold back from what he wanted, but he had reasons and they kept him grounded.

“I'm serious. I was this clo
se to begging you to keep going,” he confessed with dreamy eyes that Cormag adored. He looked beyond content, beyond satisfied. He'd never had anyone look at him that way before.

“So if I did it all over again I
get to hear you beg for sex?” he asked cheekily. He didn't have the stamina for another round; it was far too heady, far too soon. He could barley breathe at that moment, so he was pleased when Lachlan laughed.

“If you do it all over again I might have a heart attack.”

“That would be a shame,” he agreed. Cormag didn't know what he'd do if anything happened to Lachlan. “I would hate to have to call your mother and tell her I'd sexed you into a heart attack. That might be a little awkward,” he teased lightly.




Cormag took his seat on the sofa twenty minutes later. He and Lachlan had taken some time to calm their heart rates and get dressed before returning to their original plans. He switched the TV on and watched the news as Lachlan rummaged around in the kitchen, trying to decide what to make for dinner.

“What about…chicken salad?” h
e called through the wall between the kitchen and the living room.

“Perfect,” h
e shouted back. It was filling and appetising as well as healthy.

Ever since he'd agreed to take on a more physical role with his old rugby team they had emptied the house of unhealthy influences. Chocolate, beer and fattening, processed foods were removed. The only thing he regretted about doing it was that Lachlan had taken to chewing gum when he wrote now, instead of sucking on a lollipop. He'd tried arguing that lollipops held no interest for him so they weren't going to be a bad influence, but Lachlan insisted that they both try to be as healthy as possible. He couldn't argue with that.

A minute later he was graced with the relaxed image of Lachlan, in loose joggers and his old rugby shirt, walking in with two cups of coffee. The shirt was about two sizes too big for him, but he didn't seem to care. He was always wearing it.

He put the cups down on the c
offee table to cool and planted himself down beside him on the sofa. He curled up at his side and didn't even touch the laptop that sat, permanently, on the coffee table. It was his favourite place to work, with the TV or radio on in the background, sitting on the comfortable sofa. Especially if he was there as well. But this time he didn't even hesitate over whether to pick it up or not.

“Not writing?” h
e wondered, wrapping his arm around him.

“Nope,” h
e replied shortly, placing a quick kiss on his cheek before settling into his arms. Cormag looked down at him, curiously as he wrapped his arms around his waist and lay his head against his heart.

“Why not?” h
e asked, wondering if he should convince him to go lie down on the bed for a while. Maybe he had wiped him out with their shower performance?

“Because I want to sit here with you. I want to doze off into daydreams while you watch the news and then shout at the TV wit
h you when the game comes on,” he claimed cheerfully. Cormag brushed his hand over his hair and kissed the top of his head in approval; it sounded like a perfect Sunday. And with his day off tomorrow he didn't have to worry about it being their only time together; it was a bank holiday weekend so they had one more day all alone in their private space. “Is that okay?” he asked, lifting his head to appraise him with curious hazel eyes.

“It's mo
re than okay. It sounds perfect,” he agreed, kissing his lips to cement that fact. Lachlan smiled at him dreamily and put his head back down. Other than the whole Konnor thing, life couldn't get any better.


BOOK: Decadent
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