Defiant Dragon (4 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

BOOK: Defiant Dragon
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“Screw you, Jax. I belong to no one. Why are you having such a problem understanding that? Did someone crack your egg early? Didn’t you incubate long enough?” River arched a brow.

“Not at all, little fish. I’m not like those tuna that play at being sharks that you’re used to dealing with. Submit to me,” he whispered the words against the shell of her ear.

River lifted her chin in defiance. "Kiss my scaled ass, reptile boy."

The deep rumble of Jax's laugh reverberated through him. “Oh, I plan to. I will kiss, lick, and fuck that ass and then some. Before we’re through you will know who the master in this relationship is.”

“There is nothing between us.”

“There will be.” He grunted as pain pierced his biceps. Convincing her of their match would take more time than he thought. In the meantime, he still needed to know why the idiot in current leadership of the dragon clans was after her. “Now why is Drago chasing you,
?” He took a step back to give her a little room but never let her go.

* * * *

Drago sat staring out the window at the waves lapping the pylons on the wharf below. With all his resources, he still wasn’t able to destroy a rogue dragon, a stone statue, and two humans. He refused to consider his cousin, Manx’s daughter, a dragon. The Halfling had the luck of the Goddess and word must be spreading. He’d issued an order for Harper’s daughter, River, to stand before him. The young mermaid had the gall to refuse, even though he’d threatened to behead her father. Drago rubbed the stubble along his jaw. All his plans were turning from sugar to shit and it seemed good help was becoming impossible to find. He hadn’t heard from the men he’d pulled from Kirill’s detail to find the little female fish. That was a mistake he wouldn’t be repeating, considering he lost track of that asshole for a few days. At least he still had the witches to rely on and he hadn’t heard from Nicolette for a few days.

He pulled his cell free from the inside pocket of his jacket. He’d sent her to another one of his lairs to secure the wards before he relocated. Scrolling through the list he tapped her icon and listened to the beeps as her number was dialed.

“What, Drago?” she snapped.

He bristled at her tone. “Nicolette, I am going hang up and call you again. If you answer my summons with that tone again, I suggest you hide, because when I find you I will burn your ass alive.” He disconnected the call and ticked off numbers in his head until his temper was controlled. The witch thought she could talk to him like some mere mortal. Hell, he’d watched the birth of her species. He slid his finger over the screen again.

“Yes, Drago,” Nicollette answered with a submissive tone at the first ring.

“Better. I was concerned for you when I realized I hadn’t heard from you.” He dropped his voice an octave.

She perked up. “Oh. I’m sorry, baby. I got to the old airfield and needed to handle a bit of coven business. I’ve spoken with the other crones about the Babel Coven and no one can get a feel for them. There are rumors that they were wiped out by one powerful witch, but I’m having a hard time confirming that.” He could hear the worry in her words.

“That is interesting.” If that was the case, then there was a witch out there who could replace Nicolette and her coven. With someone that formidable at his call, he could easily quell the rumblings of dissident from the other dragon clans. He could kill Kirill, as well as his cousin, and then he could locate the Y Ddraig Goch at his leisure and everything would be right with his world. “I’m sure you will get to the bottom of that mystery. Keep me posted.”

“Of course, honey. When will you be arriving?”

“Take care of protecting my home. Once I’ve handled this Harper business, I’ll be changing lairs and coming that way.”

“All righ…” he disconnected the call without responding to her good-bye.

Drago leaned back in his seat and exhaled. Finding the treasure was taking longer than it should and he was tired of changing homes every few weeks, but his ex-assassin was smart. It would be stupid to stay in one place for too long, that would give the Russian dragon the opportunity to plan and execute his demise. His idea of infiltrating the old Dragonrex’s home on Fire Island was sound if he could get the obnoxious mermaid to work with him. If she wouldn’t respond to the threat to her father’s life, maybe he should try another tactic. It wasn’t like he wanted the mermaid tribes in his court. He could make a deal and have her delivered to him on a platter. He would apply that human adage.
Work smarter not harder.
He would let his adversaries do the job for him.

The picture of River laid out on a silver tray flitted through his mind and gave him an erection. He swiped his palm across the crotch of his slacks adjust his cock. Perhaps he should allow her to warm his bed first. He’d always heard the species were sensual lovers. No matter, he’d coerce her to befriend his cousin and steal the map he knew Manx left behind. That would make his quest for the dragon horde so much easier.

He rose and stalked to the hallway. Drago called to one of his warriors. A sentry slipped seamlessly from the shadows. “Send word to the Ketchi merman that I’m open to negotiations,” Drago snapped.

His guard nodded and moved back, disappearing into the deeper shadows darkening the passageway.

This could work. One way or another he would destroy his enemies. If only it were easy to find a worthy female dragon to share his bed. He was bored with Nicolette and the constant intimations of a mating were starting to grate on his nerves. Right now the witch was a necessity, but once he found the right woman he would happily give her permission to eat the human. He strolled back to his study. He was getting ahead of himself. First he had to get a hold of the elusive River. Maybe his luck was changing and everything was finally falling into place. He would be the next Dragonrex by any means necessary.

Chapter Four


River reluctantly released her duffel as Jax slid it off her shoulder. He slammed the door of their room shut and stalked down the breezeway. She watched the heavy nylon bounce against his hip as he walked away and her eyes were drawn to the way his jeans cupped his ass. Scales rippled along the skin on her arm and the now-familiar fire ignited in her belly. She swallowed, stamping down the urge to jump the stupid dragon and shift to weave her tail through his legs to keep him close. Preferably, as she dragged him beneath the surface of a body of water. Images ran through her head, clothes floating away as she stripped him of them. Their naked bodies coiled around each other as the current rushed them deeper into the abyss, bursting through the sea’s surface for air as her orgasm stole through her and the last of her breath rose in a flurry of tiny air bubbles.

His kiss was what sent her into this…she didn’t want to give name to the feelings coursing through her. What if he was right and they were fated? She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. With Harper held captive by Drago, she didn’t have time for a courting. She needed to find her father. River stumbled on the step, caught up in her thoughts. She missed the dip to the landing. Strong fingers wrapped around her elbow and prevented her from tumbling down the stairway.

She shuffled back and glanced over at Jax.

He nodded his head. “You’re welcome.” He released her and waved a hand for her to precede him.

“I was about to say thank you,” she huffed as she started her descent.

“Move faster,
we have a lot of ground to cover before morning.”

“I am not some poly—whatever you keep calling me.”

He chuckled. “Sure you are. I want to get air bound and back to the island, then I need to contact Mags.” His voice dropped an octave. “Have you ever ridden a dragon?”

She ignored the insinuation. After explaining to him why Drago was trying to run her down and he’d stopped laughing, suddenly he was all business. “What is a Mags?”

“She is a dragon, practically my shadow.” Color flushed his skin. “Mags was assigned as my
when I was a hatchling.”

River’s eyebrows drew together. “And that is?”

Confusion marred his features. He rubbed his fingers against the scruff of his jaw. “A
would be like a bodyguard.”

“You can eat most beasts. Why in the hell would you need protection?” She tossed over her shoulder as she stepped on the concrete.

“I’m special.”

“I have a friend, he spent—” Jax growled behind her. “As I was saying, he went to school with the humans. Assan told me that special people always rode a short bus. Is that what you mean?” She widened her eyes when she looked back at him.

“Careful, River, or your jokes will be the reason I bend you over the bannister. You’ll have firsthand knowledge of my capabilities.” He leaned over to meet her stare. “Ask me if I give a fuck who watches.”

Her heart sped up in anticipation that he might carry out his threat. The idea of a dragon coupling with her took root and she inhaled deeply, taking in air by the lungful.
What the hell is wrong with you, girl? You aren’t some needy minnow. You are the daughter of a regent, and your voice can entice crews to drive ships to their death. Get your shit together and get your mind on the prize, saving your father and clan.

She exhaled. “You could try. Of course, you might find your brain oozing from your ears before you get my dress up, but hey, if you’re willing to take the chance.” She smiled wide. “What was your mother’s name again? I’ll send her a sympathy card.”

“I think I love you already,
” He tangled his fingers with hers and tugged her from the passage.

She tried to snatch her hand from his hold to break the skin-to-skin contact. His grip tightened. River trotted to keep up with his long strides as they crossed the small square of grass and stepped onto the sidewalk. The thin layer of ice
underfoot. People shot curious glances their way, but anyone in their path quickly moved. A few folks even smirked at them as if they shared a secret. She scoffed, if they only had a clue. A sharp stone bit into the sole of her foot and she jerked free, hopping to grab the metal post of a street sign.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” His brows were drawn together and his gaze darted up and down her body.

“I stepped on a rock.” She pulled her palm away from her foot and stared at the deep red streaks across her fingers.

“This is why certain species choose to cover their feet with a little invention called shoes. Let me see.” He crouched in front of her and gripped her ankle, lifting her leg higher. The hem of her dress slid up her thigh. Bowed before her she could separate the electric blue strands from his darker hair on his head. She formed a fist and her nails cut into the soft tissue of her palm to keep from reaching out and burying her fingers in his silken locks. She pulled her foot back when he tickled her sole, skimming his hand along the tender area.

He brushed the dirt from her foot and released it. “It’s a scratch.” His gaze climbed her leg before he rose and stared down at her. Jax cleared his throat. “There’s an old warehouse a little farther ahead, the roof is half gone so we can come and go without notice. It’s mostly shifters on this side of town, anyway.”

“So.” She flicked her wrist motioning for him to continue.

“Never mind. You’re the type who wouldn’t appreciate any options I offered, so I’ll just go with what feels right.” He dipped and hefted her up in his arms.

Jostled against him, she could feel his warmth flow into her side, the rapid beat of his heart alongside the curve of her breast. She wrapped her arms around his neck and felt the tense muscles along his shoulders flex. The rapid staccato of his footfalls on the cement calmed her anxiousness and his embrace lulled her into a sense of security. This was not good.
Locate Harper, free your father
. Those few sentences were becoming her mantra. “Put me down. I can walk.”

“We’ll get there faster if I carry you.”

“I’m beginning to hate you.” River groaned.

“That will make sex that much better.” He turned a corner and moved onto a trail worn through the high grasses. “Next time we take a trip, I’m doing the packing.”

She ignored his comments. A derelict building loomed ahead of them, most of the windows busted out. Large puddles of melted snow dotted the graveled lot surrounding the crumbling structure. One of the double doors at the entrance hung haphazardly to the side, partially sheathed by the dark shadows looming from the interior. She sighed. “You could have tossed me in the bay and I would have met you at your destination.”

Pebbles crunched under his boots as he crossed the open space. “Not a chance,
. Now that I’ve found you, there is no way in hell I’m letting you out of my sight until I know you’re safe. Then I will find Drago and have a long talk with him as I beat the shit out of him.”

“Tell me how you really feel, and stop calling me that.” She reared back. “What are you calling me anyway?”

A few keys of classical music filled the area. Jax released her and set her on her feet. He reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a cell phone. With a groan, he lifted the phone to his ear. The look on his face spoke volumes. His jaw tensed and he rolled his eyes heavenward. He kept his tone calm. Curious, she stayed close. Whoever Jax spoke to commanded his respect, maybe her dragon had connections that would aid her quest. He’d mentioned that he was special and in his sleep he kept referring to some kind of treasure. She knew nothing about the damn reptile’s laws. River ground her teeth. She still had no clue what the hell happened to Assan. So many variables. She watched the lizard pace. Could Jax be the ally she so sorely needed? There was only one way to find out. For the time being, she would stay close to the dragon.

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