Defiant Dragon (7 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

BOOK: Defiant Dragon
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“I wanted to show you around, take you to a couple clubs. Our
will meet us back at the
later to answer all your questions.” Hyori walked ahead of them.

Jax lowered his head and murmured in River’s ear. “Stay close. I don’t like the feel of this situation.”

She turned to meet his stare. “Your senses must be off from all of Bali’s perfume. No one in the Mako tribe would harm me, not even Hyori’s mental sister.”

His dragon chuffed in disagreement. Something wasn’t right, but he needed the information the clan could offer. River tried to tug free to catch up with Hyori, but he held tight. “You will only leave my side when necessary from now on.”

She didn’t struggle against his embrace, but he heard her ire as she huffed.

They continued their stroll, trailing a few feet behind the Mako mermaids. River pointed out different buildings to him, and the others accompanying them melded into the background. Huge LED signs affixed to the taller buildings flashed different advertisements. He split his attention between her words and studying the shadowed alleyways between the buildings. The women ahead of them stopped and peered up at a building.
hung low across the entrance and was spelled out in white blocks that reminded him of ice cubes backlit in blue. Directly below it, a wall of coral rock bisected the stairs and flames rose from the stone’s center. He took in the glass-and-chrome doors, then stepped back and looked up, ticking off the number of stories in his head. If shit went bad, he could get them out of there by taking off from the roof.

River jerked at his hand. “Come on, it’s rude to keep our hosts waiting.”

He wondered if she realized she had twined her fingers with his. Bali annoyed him, but he may have to thank her later for coming on to him. Her actions made River accommodating. He tightened his grip on her hand as he was dragged into the throng of people. Pop music poured from hidden speakers drowning out any conversation. He was drawn across the dance floor where blocks of light lit up wherever their feet touched. River released his hand and lifted her arms waving them back and forth as she circled him. She rolled her hips and the crotch in his jeans got tighter as his erection grew in response to her movements. He reached for her and she spun away with serpentine grace, flexing her wrists in a come-hither motion.

Writhing dancers rammed into her, shoving River into Jax. She griped his arms to steady herself and he was momentarily free of ache coursing through his side. So far he’d been able to ignore the sting of brand spreading across his skin, but it was getting increasingly harder to do that as the mark grew. He snaked an arm around her and yanked her against him. His body touched hers from knee to chest. The fast music pumping through the room induced quick bouts of energy, people around them wiggled and bopped to the beat. He slowed down his rhythm, weaving back and forth. River followed his lead and slipped her arms around his waist. Wisps of her scent surrounded him, soothing his anxiousness.

The beats changed and a few people cleared the floor. Classic rock filled the space as other couples embraced each other moving to the rhythm. His cock thumped and she reared back staring up at him with wide eyes. He dipped his head and kissed her temple. Holding her close was right, cementing his belief that River was meant for him. She pressed her cheek against his chest and traced her fingers along the swirls on his biceps. His breathing hitched and his dragon huffed in his mind.
Take her now, toss her on the floor and make your claim. End our suffering.

She is worth the hurt
. He responded to his animal. Jax glided his palm over the deep waves of her hair and hummed a tune to her he hadn’t thought of since he’d left his home in Greece. She stopped and lifted her chin to stare at him. He brushed an errant lock of hair from her face. Excitement burst through him. She was his already. The mating was a formality.

River covered his hand with hers. “The music stop—”

Her words were cut off by the loud, thumping barrage of house music resuming. She twined her fingers with his to lead him off the floor. He shifted his position, moved in front of her, and shouldered his way through the throng of patrons. An alcove created by a seating arrangement gave them the space to breathe as he searched the crowd for her friends.

 “What happened to the serious mermaid that has to save her father, like yesterday?” He grinned.

A pink tinge colored her cheeks. “I’m closer to Harper’s release than I have been since I started this search. Tomorrow we will head toward Sumatra and take care of your business. After that, we will handle mine. My father use to say live for today, because you could die in battle tomorrow. I’m taking his advice.” Leaning against him, she rose up on her toes and glanced around. “There they are.” River hauled him into the crowd.

He glanced at different folks as he passed them. For some reason that niggle at the back of his mind wouldn’t leave as they approached their hosts. Something was wrong. Awareness skittered down his spine. He recognized the feeling, he’d only gotten the dooming sense when he worked for Drago. Jax stopped and slowly turned in a circle. Nothing looked out of place and no one met his stare, but he knew without a doubt that they were being watched.

* * * *

River ambled over to her friends with Jax in tow and arched a brow at the way Bali rolled her eyes. She and Hyori’s sister had never been the best of friends, but the vibes rolling off the woman tonight were volatile. She glanced at Jax’s profile. He was watching the club goer’s with an intensity that momentarily gave her cause for concern. She followed his gaze, searching for what he was looking at. Hyori smiled and jumped up from her seat. She grabbed River’s hand and yanked it free of Jax’s grasp.

When he turned his dark eyes on Hyori, her friend giggled. “We need to go to the girl’s room.”

He looked at River. She’d never felt more exposed than when the damn dragon stared at her. With a sigh she shook her head and lifted a corner of her mouth. “We’ll be right back, Jax. Consider this one of those necessities.” Reluctantly she followed Hyori.

Bali jumped from her chair. “I think I’ll join you two.”

Jax crossed his arms and rested a hip on the short wall that divided the sitting area from the dance floor.

She could feel his gaze on her as she crossed the room. Hyori thrust the swinging door open and River stepped into a quietness she hadn’t expected. The room continued with the fire and ice theme. Overstuffed couches in a burnt orange color lined the walls of the sitting area. The walls were painted a cool blue-green and glass tops sat on rock pedestals. Pictures of erupting volcanoes set against a volatile ocean back drop of waves crashing on the rocks were framed in dark wood and graced the walls across from the bank of sinks.

Bali strutted over to the basin. A flick of her fingers and water flowed from the curved spigot that protruded from the glass. She met River’s gaze in the mirror. “What is with you and the dragon? You never minded sharing before.”

River ambled over to a sofa and dropped into the thick cushions. “That was then. This is now. Bali. I will slit you open from your throat to your pussy and leave your ass in the shallows for the gulls to fight over.”

Hyori dropped her purse next to River and proceeded to the stalls beyond the screen divider. “Well, since you put it like that.” The squeak of the lavatory door filled the room as Hyori opened it.

“You don’t bare his mark.” Droplets of water flew as Bali shook her hands. “Which means he is fair game.”

“Seriously, how many ways do I need to explain this to you? Back the fuck off. He’s a damn dragon, you don’t know how his mark would appear on me.”

“You’re showing your ignorance, little fish,” Bali sneered. “We’ve been mating with dragons for centuries. His mark on you would be scales that can never be concealed. They would flow over your skin just as the brand on him rolls over his.”

Hyori appeared at the mirrors. “Bali, shut the hell up. Leave River’s man alone, you damn tiger shark.”

“That reptile is sexy with a capital S and if our western cousin here can’t handle her man, then she doesn’t deserve him.” Bali walked toward the door. “Throw him back, River. You’re not ready for that kind of beast.” She opened the door and pulsating music thumped through the room, cutting off River’s response.

When the barrier drifted shut and quiet filled the space, Hyori spoke. “Why do you need to be in Sumatra?”

“For Jax. He needs to make contact and locate some antiquities for his clan.” River leaned forward in her seat.

“Batak is the Dragonlord in that country. He likes money. Offer him enough and he will make deal with you. Leave tonight.”

“Why? We just got here. I wanted to visit with
” River searched her friend’s face.

A ghost of a smile flitted across Hyori’s features. “I don’t like seeing you and Bali fight. Your disagreements will force me to choose sides.” She hung her head and whispered, “You would lose.”

Hurt from her friend’s admission settled deep in her gut like a lodestone. She sighed. “Bali doesn’t scare me. This won’t be the first time and probably not the last, that Bali and I have fought.” River narrowed her eyes. “Our arguing has never bothered you before.”

The door swung open and a group of women trudged into the room, dispersing to various areas. Hyori grabbed her purse from the couch and waited as River rose. They exited the bathroom together. River searched the space for Jax and found him posted where she left him. Giddiness filled her, until she saw Bali. That Barracuda was making her way straight toward her dragon. River pulled up short, her shoulders slumped. Was he hers? She didn’t know a damn thing about claiming and had no one to ask since her mother died when she was a child. Bali’s information was a shock she’d tried to cover up well. Resolve settled her haphazard thoughts. There was only one way to find out if she and Jax belonged together. River shoved past patrons, determined to get to Jax first.

A few feet from his position she shouted, “Jax!” and waved her hand above her head.

He turned to face her, a scowl on his face as his eyes darted around her. His brows came together as he pushed off the low wall and forced his way past the folks blocking his path. She clutched his hand when he was close enough to grab and searched for an exit.

She moved in the direction of the first sign she saw, only to be yanked back.

Jax’s breath brushed the shell of her ear as he spoke. “What the hell is going on River?” His tone was barely discernable above the music.

River twisted around and mouthed the words, “I have this sudden urge to get out of here.”

He dipped his head and touched his nose to hers. “I don’t know what you said.” Jax straightened. “But I trust you. Show me what you want me to see,

She pressed her lips together and spun on her heel to lead him away from the crowded room.

Chapter Seven


He was mesmerized by the way the hem of her dress curled around her calves with each step she took up the short flight of stairs. She’d pushed through the door, into what he thought was an alley. It was a dead-end corridor with a staircase leading up.

Jax lifted his chin and counted the remaining flights. Below them, he could hear the base of the music making the walls throb. “What are you up to, River?”

“Why are you questioning everything? I thought you said you trusted me.” She turned the knob on a steel fire door. When it didn’t open, she started up the next set of steps. “I wanted to be alone with you, although getting us locked in a stairwell wasn’t exactly the plan.”

He couldn’t keep the chuckle from slipping through his lips. “Alone? With me? And it’s not about business? Why the change of heart,
?” He wrapped his fingers around her wrist to halt her movements.

“I want to try…um…something… Are you willing to be my guinea pig?” Her eye twitched.

That was new, he wondered if that was her nervous tic. He looked down at his side. The constant pulsing throb no longer felt like his beast was clawing at him from the inside out. Yeah, he would be her plaything for the time being. His dragon snorted.
Pussy, just shove her against the wall and ride that ass until you’re the only reality she knows.
In his mind, he tightened the shackles on his creature. “Where was it that you wanted to take me?”

“Outside to the beach. I wanted us to be near water.”

“Why?” He climbed the treads behind her. “I thought you couldn’t get wet or you would shift.”

She shrugged. “I said close to the sea, not standing in it. We have a little time to kill before we have to meet the
, not that I’m sure we still need to.”

“You’re talking in riddles,

“I wish you would stop calling me that. Let’s get outside first. I’ll explain everything later.”

“Keep hoping,
.” He slipped an arm under her knees and hefted her up against his chest. Jax ran up the stairs two at a time until he came to a door at the end of the stairwell.

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