Defiant Dragon (9 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

BOOK: Defiant Dragon
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“It’s the gasses created when I breathe fire.” He wiped his palm over his lips.

She rubbed the scales that formed a chain around her collarbone. “We’re mated.”

“We are. Your mark is amazing. ” He brushed the hair from her face before fingering the scales that circled her throat.

“Now what?” Embarrassed, she didn’t know what would happen next and turned away from him.

“We live, we love.” He chuckled. “We fuck like the world might end tomorrow.” Jax curled a hand around her shoulder and urged her to face him. “You have no reason to hide, this is a night to celebrate. Our souls are whole.” He dipped his head and pecked her nose with his lips.

A slow smile formed. She eased from beneath him to sit up. “What about our differences?”

He sat up next to her and leaned back on his palms. “No two creatures are the same,
. Which is why finding your mate is something to be rejoiced. Some people never find the other half of their being, and are miserable individuals because of it. First we will complete the tasks we set out to take care off. Then we will take time, alone, and you and I will fully get to know each other.” He leaned to the side, grinning. “What’s your favorite food?”


“That’s what I mean, we need to discover the little things about each other.”

“What about our families?” she murmured.

“What about them? Like it or not, we’re mated and there isn’t a damn thing they can do about it. We have no one to answer to, except each other. If they aren’t happy, fuck ’em.” He snaked an around her waist and hugged her close to his side.

“Merpeople have protocols regarding a claiming.” River wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her chin on her knee.

“I never was very good at following rules.” He snorted. “Baby, what’s done is done and I have no problem correcting any motherfucker that thinks they will come between us,
that includes family.”

“You don’t know my clan.” Harper was going to have a manatee when he found out she was claimed by a dragon. He’d always planned on mating her with Assan. Shit was going to hit the tidal wave, and it would be nasty.

“It wouldn’t matter if I did.” Jax fell back and dragged River with him. “Get some rest,
. It will be sunrise soon. We still have to meet with the head of the Mako’s. The quicker we handle Kirill’s business, the sooner we can get back to locating your father.”

“Perhaps we should go to Sumatra now.”

Jax grazed his chin on her hair. “Why? I thought you were excited to see the old woman.”

“I was, but Hyori said something off, and now I’m wondering if we should by pass the meet altogether.” She moved to her side and laid her cheek on his chest.

“What did she say?”

“Gave me the name of the Dragonlord, Batak, and told me to leave tonight. She said he liked money, and if you presented enough, there wasn’t anything you couldn’t buy, but all deals went through him.” She shrugged.

“Did Hyori tell you where we could find him?” He caressed her hip.

 “No, she only gave me his name.” She snuggled into his side His warmth no longer felt like a threat, now it was more like security. “The way she said it was strange. It’s probably nothing.”

He swept the sand from her back. “If you found it disturbing, that gives me reason for concern. Later we’ll find some clothes and head to the bathhouse. Get some sleep.” He twisted to curl his body around hers.

Chapter Eight


His pants came to midcalf on his legs and the polo fit him more like a muscle shirt than casual wear. The outfits were the only items they could scrounge up, left behind in an empty Laundromat’s lost-and-found box. The pier was just ahead of them. Jax glanced over at River. The wide neck of her sundress didn’t hide the iridescent scales that formed a chain around her throat and traveled down her spine to the middle of her back. Her skin glowed under the rays of the rising sun. He grabbed her hand and stopped.

She glanced over her shoulder at him. Since the claiming she’d been quiet and almost withdrawn. He wondered if she was regretting their connection and wasn’t sure how to respond to her. Emotions warred within him. In the past, he’d done what he wanted and damn the consequences but now he had to consider the feelings of a mate. This claiming shit was confusing. He stared out toward the sea. The need to fly her away, hide her to keep her safe, rivaled with his desire to keep her by his side while he chased down every threat to her and eliminated it. How the hell did you comfort someone when you weren’t sure what you were soothing them for?

“When we get to the bathhouse I need to contact Kirill and give him an update.” Jax gently squeezed her hand. “Once I have what we are looking for, I swear we will hunt for your dad.”

“What exactly is it we need to search for? What kind of jewel or is it a whole chest?”

“I don’t know. It could be something as simple as a coin. I’m hoping the piece is so unusual that we can’t miss it. Let’s keep this information to ourselves. Contrary to your beliefs, I don’t think the Mako’s can be trusted.” He turned his head to watch her reaction.

Her brows came together in a frown. “You’re being paranoid. I’m probably emotional from our mating. Hyori probably meant nothing by her comments.”

“It’s a mating, not a pregnancy. You’re one of the more levelheaded people I know. You had a concern and personally, it’s better to keep you safe than to eat a bitch. Fish give me indigestion.” He winked. “Think about it. Why would your old friend Hyori warn you off? I want all the Batak information we can gather from the
and then we will be on our way.”

“All right, but I think Hyori is only trying to keep me out of Bali’s way.” She released his hand and strolled toward the wide, squat structure ahead of them.

So early in the morning, no one was on the pier. They made their way to the
and entered the bathhouse. Beyond the doors was a buzz of activity. A veil of excitement permeated the room. Jax stood on the threshold, staring at the men and women that bustled about carrying towels, buckets, trays and toiletries before peering down at River.

A faint smile hovered on her lips. “The
is here.” She stepped into the chamber and started across the walkway that ran down the center of the area. On either side of the brick path were three huge sunken, blue-tiled empty pits with thin openings leading into the area. Shoulder-high, cloudy, glass-block walls obscured any views. A strong rancid, salty smell made his nose twitch as they strolled past the tubs.

The narrow aisle prevented him from moving beside her. He trailed behind her.

“She rarely comes on land anymore. I thought we might meet her at the inlet beneath this building. This is a great honor, Jax, so behave.” Eagerness and awe filled River’s voice.

“Fuck that.” He coughed.

As they grew closer to the carved gilt double doors at the end of the corridor, one side was thrown open. Hyori stood dressed in a green robe trimmed in silver at the doorway, grinning. Her smile didn’t reach her eyes as she lifted her hand and beckoned them in. River slid her palm down her friends arm as they eased past her.

Jax hung back and took another look around. Unease skittered along his spine. He gazed at Hyori. “Where is our duffel? I can’t hold audience with your
dressed inappropriately.”

“I assure you my mother is not big on appearances, at least not with foreigners.” She looked him up and down before giggling. “Although she may make exception for you.” Hyori beckoned him in.

He stepped into the inner sanctum and noted no other entrances or exits. The women that had hung out with him and River the night before were dressed identical to Hyori and lined one wall with Bali standing closest to her mother. Hyori hustled past him to take a spot at the end of the row. A wide skylight directed beams toward the back of the room, brightly illuminating the area.

Carved Jade statues of a man holding a scroll and a woman holding a sword flanked a divider covered in white fabric, with big bold black characters written across it. Set on a dais in front of the screen was a massive claw-footed tub. Steam rose up around a robust woman with black hair piled high on her head and held in place with thin sticks decorated in red thread. She sank deeper under the rolled rim, leaving only her neck and head exposed. Water surged over the edge as a thick fish tail rose and hovered in the air before falling across the lip with a
unfurling to cover the width of the bathtub. Her tail sparkled gold with a deep red coloring tracing the length of her fin.

River stood beside the older woman with her head bent, clasping the
hand. They spoke quietly. Jax glanced at the women along the wall. They kept their eyes forward, but Bali had tight fists at her side. Jax strode closer. The older mermaid dropped his mate’s hand and turned her head to meet his stare, gazing at him through startling silver eyes. She smiled and he noticed the double row of serrated teeth that filled her mouth.

“So nice to meet the animal that tamed my
.” The
spoke with a lisp.

He bowed his head in respect. “I’m the lucky one. She found me worthy to claim her.”

The ancient woman laughed and it sounded like the grating of metal. “You speak like a diplomat, young dragon. Are you noble linage like my

Jax chose his words carefully to avoid offering any personal information about himself. “I’ve dealt with my share of royals.”

“Stand with your mate, River.” The elder urged his woman away. When River did as she was told, the
tilted her head and stared at them. “Well mated, indeed. When Hyori advised me of your request, I sent our
to Sumatra as an emissary to Batak’s court with your entreaty for an audience. I came here as soon as I heard from him. Batak will see you as long as you are escorted with a small entourage of people from the Mako clan. I’ve chosen Bali and a few of her sentries to escort you to Sumatra.” She paused and her lengthy tongue slipped from her mouth to slide along her lips. “I hope you have money, lizard. That old Dragonlord is greedy. I believe he is trying to recreate the horde regaled in myth by the great Dragonrex Manx.”

The intensity of his uneasiness doubled at the mention of Bali going with them. “Thank you for your assistance with this matter. Funds will not be an issue. I would ask that given Hyori’s relationship with River…” He glanced at the line of women standing parallel to him. “That she be the one to accompany us on our journey.”

“Hyori, my youngest is in the middle of a
, what you westerners call a courting. I will honor her suitor’s request that she not be sent on clan business until a suitable mating time can be determined.” The older mermaid looked at her child and smiled briefly. “Bali is a seasoned ambassador and she has no mate to answer too, she will help you negotiate a fair sum for whatever it is you seek.” She held his gaze.

“Thank you for your consideration. I will make a call to ensure monies are readily available for bank transfer. Once my mate and I are changed, we will be prepared to leave. Your hospitality is greatly appreciated.” He bowed, straightened, grabbed River’s hand, and turned to depart.

“Blue dragon?” Her lisp was more pronounced. He spun to look at the old mermaid as she leaned forward, sending more water splashing to the floor. “You never named your tribe.”

Without pause he spoke, “Tarasque.”

Air whistled next to him as River sucked in a breath. She yanked at her hand and he held fast. He could almost hear the wheels spinning in River’s head. He’d named Drago’s clan as his own, and technically they were his adopted family, but he harbored no loyalty to those dragons. His true people were the Rafi. He’d offered his allegiance to Kirill, only to have the black dragon scoff that if he fucked up, he would disappear. Yeah, he didn’t doubt for one minute the sincerity of that promise. He shook his head. River snatched her hand free and stomped ahead of him.

“Trouble in paradise, lizard?” The

He shrugged. “Mating pains are to be expected.” Jax nodded and headed for the door.

Hyori trotted up to him with, his bag clutched in her palm. “You wanted this?” She thrust the duffel into his hands and backed away.

Slinging the strap across his shoulder, he tracked River.

* * * *

Of all the fucked up things she could have done. River opened her mouth to scream and snapped her jaws shut. “Motherfucker,” she grunted as she slammed into the door and stalked outside. Her mate belonged to the same clan as Drago, yet he’d failed to mention that fact. All this time, she worried over her father being held against his will, and the way Drago was trying to hunt her down. She believed she’d finally found an ally. Her mate, the rat bastard, hadn’t once mentioned that he was in that fucking animal’s tribe.

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