Defiant Spirits (64 page)

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Authors: Ross King

Tags: #Art / CanadianBiography & Autobiography / Artists

BOOK: Defiant Spirits
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MacDonald, J.E.H. (before
): in
Algonquin Provincial Park (1914), 127;
and Art Nouveau style, 74–75; Arts and Letters Club exhibition (1911), 23–24, 26, 33; in Buffalo (1913), 66, 67, 69–70;
Burk's Falls expedition (1912), 44–46;
n Canadian art, 108, 109; career decision (1911), 24–25; character and appearance, 21; defended Jackson (1913), 107–8; design work in London (1899–1906), 21–23; early years and education, 21; at Grip Limited (1890s, 1906), 20–21,
, 23; and Harris, compared, 40; as industrial illustrator (1911–12), 37; introduced Jackson to Harris (1913), 88–89; and MacCallum, 59; MacDowell Club exhibition (1913), 75–77; marriage and family, 21–22, 175–77; McKechnie memorial (1904), 251–52;
exhibitions (1912, 1913), 49–50, 91–92; Scandinavian influence, 71–75; at Studio Building (1913), 112; waterfront paintings with Harris (1912), 36–40

MacDonald, J.E.H. (during
): and Ahrens (1916), 199–201; in Algoma (1918), 283–84, 286–88; murals at Go Home Bay (1915), 186–88,
; murals for Simpsons (1916), 213;
exhibitions (1915, 1916), 166, 177, 183, 192–93; sought work at Victoria School of Art and Design (1916), 210–11; stroke and recovery (1917–18), 252, 282; Thomson's memorial (1917), 251–52;
attitude towards, 177

MacDonald, J.E.H. (postwar life): in Algoma (1919), 324–25;
Algoma Sketches and Pictures
exhibition (1919), 308–9; British Empire Exhibition and catalogue (1924), 402, 404; on Canadian identity, 324; critics' comments (1920), 351; Group of Seven planning (1920), 327–28,
; as illustrator (1920s), 385, 394; later years and death (1932), 413; murals in St. Anne's Church (1923), 396–98; on National Gallery's support, 364; in Nova Scotia (1922), 385; at Ontario College of Art (1921), 358–59;
exhibition (1916),
307; postwar optimism (1919), 296–97; and Reid, 323, 456n12; in Rockies
(1924), 409; stage sets (1920), 343; and Whitman, 346, 371, 372

MacDonald, J.E.H. (titles of works):
A.Y. Jackson Sketching
(1915), 188;
Batchawana Rapid
(1921), 359;
The Beaver Dam
, 404, 406;
, 177, 183, 190–91;
By the River, Early Spring
(1911), 23, 24, 45;
Canada and the Call
, 175–76;
Canada's Morning
, 166;
Cattle by the Creek
(1918), 283;
Clouds and Rock, Split Rock
, 59;
The Elements
(1915–16), 190–91, 192–93;
Forward with God
(poster), 177, 183;
Frosty Morning
(1912), 49;
Gleams on the Hills
(1921), 359;
Inhabitants of Go-Home Bay, Times Past
(1915 –16),
In the Pine Shadows, Moonlight
(1911), 25;
Leaves in the Brook
(1918), 288;
The Lonely North
(1913), 91;
Morning Shadows
, 49;
Rock and Maple
(1915–16), 191, 288;
, 49;
The Sleighing Party
, 49;
, 166, 176;
The Solemn Land
(1921), 359, 364–65, 415, 421;
The Tangled Garden
, 191, 192–93, 201, 339–40;
Tracks and Traffic
, 39–40, 49, 50;
View from Split Rock, Sunlit Water
, 59; “A Whack at Dutch Art,” 283;
The Wild River
(1918), 288, 309, 339

MacDonald, Joan, 176

MacDonald, Thoreau, 175–77, 213, 252, 397;
The Raising of Lazarus
(1923), 397

MacDonald Denison, Flora, 368

MacDowell Club exhibition
(March 1913), 75–77, 91

MacGregor, Roy, 247

Macke, August, 333

MacKinnon, John Sylvester, 392

Macknight, Dodge, 362

MacLennan, Hugh, 415

MacTavish, Newton, 202, 388

Madawaska Club, 93, 139

Maeterlinck, Maurice, 165

Maligne Lake, Jasper Park
(Harris), 419

Manet and the Post-Impressionists
(London, 1910), 79, 84, 99, 107–8, 195

Manigault, Edward Middleton, 315

Manly, C.M., 46–47

Marc, Franz, 333

Marinetti, Filippo, 268, 270

Mason, A.E.W., 197n

Massey, Daniel, 27

Massey, Vincent, 23,
, 340

Massey-Harris Company, 27, 37, 38, 251

Matisse, Henri: arabesque as impassioned impulse, 219;
Le Bonheur de vivre
, 219; Les Fauves, 191–92;
Harmony in Red
, 219; influence of, 68, 147, 148;
calme et volupté
, 219;
The Piano Lesson
, 219;
The Red Studio
, 219; at Salon d'Automne, 84; unappreciated in U.S., 78–80, 348, 381

Mattagami region (Ontario), 116

Mattawa region (Ontario), 99, 181

Maugham, Somerset,
Of Human Bondage
, 103

May, Mabel, 355, 403, 410

Mazinaw Lake, 368, 369

McClain, R. Watson, 343

McCrae, John, 184, 380;
“In Flanders Fields,” 256, 272

McGillivray, Florence, 214–16,
, 222, 383;
, 216;
, 216;
Labrador Fishing Stage
, 403

McGillivray Knowles, Elizabeth, 50, 304–6

McGillivray Knowles, Farquhar, 305, 306

McInnes, Graham, 413

McKean, G.B., 178

McKechnie, Neil, 6, 20, 21, 54,
116, 140, 244, 251–52

McLean, Tom, 5–6, 54;
North Country
Through the Pines
, 91

McMichael Canadian Art Collection, 415

McRuer, John, 57, 169, 233

Meissonier, Ernest, 68

Melvin-Jones, Lyman, 38

Ménard, Émile-René, 214–15

Mercer, Malcolm, 194, 203

Mercier, Joseph, 319

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 382

Millet, Jean-François, 19, 373

Mills, Doris, 361, 375, 377–78, 379

Mills, Gordon, 378

Milne, David, 314–17,
, 403;
Distorted Tree
, 316

Milne, Patsy, 316

Milne, William, 228

Mississagi Forest Reserve, 51–52, 56–57

Mitchell, Roy, 165, 213, 278, 343–44, 367

Modern Canadian Painters
exhibition (1923), 403

Modern Gallery (New York), 276

Modernism, 109

Modigliani, Amedeo, 270

Moir, Kathleen, 403

Moira, Gerald E., 294

Mondrian, Piet, 147, 277, 377

Monet, Claude, 39, 217;
Gate of Aval: Fishing Boats Leaving the Harbour
, 72

Mont Blanc
(ship), 253

Montgomery, Lucy Maud, 318, 386–87

Montreal: art associations, 17–18,
80, 81, 88, 103, 299, 306;
newspaper reviews, 80, 103–4

Montross Gallery (New York), 314

(Thomson, 1914), 123–24, 135

Moore, Thomas, 287

Moose Jaw,
, 350–51

Morang, George N., 187

Morgan-Powell, Samuel, 103–4

Morning after Sleet
(Jackson, 1913), 88

Morning Shadows
(MacDonald), 49

Morozov, Ivan, 103

Morrice, J.W., 67, 102–3, 403, 404

Morris, Edmund, 53, 97, 304, 418–19;
ap Tourmente
, 135

Morris, Kathleen Moir, 355, 403

Morris, William, 95, 212

Mortimer-Lamb, Harold, 18, 50,
76–77, 115, 259, 299

Mowat Lodge, 127–29, 145, 179–80,
, 237.
See also
Camp Mowat

Mucha, Alphonse, 14, 82

Munch, Edvard: in Berlin, 29, 30,
Frieze of Life
, 30;
The Scream
, 183;
The Sick Child
, 73; at Sonderbund-Ausstellung (Cologne), 86;
, 73–74; as Symbolist, 71

Munich Secession, 303–4

Munthe, Gerhard, 69

Murphy, Charles, 364–65, 388

, 381

Muskoka region (Ontario), 23,
24, 44–46, 98, 169, 283, 374

Nabis, 162, 192, 303

Nantel, Arthur, 173, 174

Nash, Paul, 256–57, 268, 269–70,
280, 312, 349;
, 272

National Arts Club (New York), 347

Nationalgalerie (Berlin), 28, 33

National Gallery of Canada: acquisitions policy, 134–36, 364–65, 387–88; Arts and Letters Club purchases, 25;
Autumn in Picardy
(Jackson, 1912), 105–6; British Empire Exhibition controversy (1923), 391–93; displaced by Parliament (1916), 186; Group of Seven controversy (1922), 387–90; Group of Seven holdings, 328, 341–42, 364–65; Harris's complaints,
134–36; Johnston's works at, 353;
(Thomson, 1914), 124;
A Northern Night
(Johnston, 1917), 285;
Old Mill, Brantford
(Gordon), 223;
purchases, 47, 49–50, 167–68, 201, 202; Simpson's work at, 266; at
Victoria Memorial Museum, 106, 387

The Nativity
(Varley, 1923), 398

Near Canoe Lake
(Jackson), 223

Neo-Impressionism, 83, 119, 162

Nevinson, C.R.W., 83, 268, 312, 313, 349;
After a Push
, 270;
Paths of Glory
, 270–71;
, 270

Newfoundland, 362–63

Newman, Peter C., 416

Newton, Lilias Torrance, 355, 356

New York City, 76

Niagara Falls, 287

Nicholas, Hilda Rix, 87

Nicol, Pegi, 410

Night, Georgian Bay
(Jackson, 1913), 341

Night Before a Barrage
(Varley, 1919), 310–11

Nivelle, Robert-Georges, 228

No-Conscription Fellowship, 292–93

North Camp (Seaford, England), 289–90

The North Country
Terre sauvage
(Jackson, 1913)

A Northern Lake
(Thomson, 1913), 92–93

Northern Lights
(Thomson, 1917), 237

A Northern Night
(Johnston, 1917),
, 285

Northern River
(Thomson, 1915),
163–64, 166, 167, 190, 216, 403

Northern Shore
(Thomson), 163

The Northland
Terre sauvage
(Jackson, 1913)

North Shore, Lake Superior
(Harris, 1926), 410

Norway, Romanticism movements, 69.
See also
specific artists

Nova Scotia Museum of Fine Arts, 254

Nyolcak (Hungarian Group of Eight), 330

O'Brien, Lucius, 18, 19, 141, 391–92;
Among the Islands of Georgian Bay
, 101;
Kakabeka Falls
Kaministiquia River
Sunrise on the Saguenay
, 346

O'Keeffe, Georgia, 82

Old Lumber Dam, Algonquin Park
(Thomson, 1912), 6

Old Lyme,
, 117

Old Walt (Bon Echo Rock), 368, 369, 371

, 298

Ontario, Government of, 23, 43, 47,
49–50, 92–93, 94

Ontario College of Art, 10, 94,
210, 265, 321, 358–59

Ontario Society of Artists: annual
exhibitions, 46, 47–50, 88, 89–92, 123–24, 166–68, 192–96, 201, 224, 264–65, 275, 304–8, 309; Canadian Art Club, 304; discriminated against women, 306; MacDonald and Johnston on executive, 328; promoted Canadian war artists, 265

Ontario Temperance Act, 238

Order of the White Feather, 197

“Out-Side Inn,” 208

Outskirts of Toronto
(Harris, 1918),
279–80, 307

Owen, Wilfred, 272, 292

Oxley, J. Macdonald, 42, 55, 113, 183

Oxtongue River, 155, 163

Painters Eleven, 414, 420

Painters of Snow
exhibition (1914), 167

Painting by Contemporary German
(Art Institute, 1907), 82

Pan-American Exhibition of Contemporary Painting (Baltimore, 1931), 410

Pankhurst, Emmeline, 199

Papineau, Talbot, 318–19

Paris Peace Conference, 319

Parry Sound, 137–38

Parry Sound Harbour
(Thomson, 1914), 137–38

Patinir, Joachim, 62;
Landscape with
St. John the Baptist Preaching
, 264;
Landscape with the Flight into Egypt
St. Christopher Bearing the
Christ Child
, 264

Patricia, Princess, 91

Paysage embrumé
(Misty Landscape) (Jackson, 1908), 83

Pen and Pencil Club, 306

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine
Arts (Philadelphia), 161

Petawawa Gorges
(Thomson, 1914), 210

Petawawa Gorges, Night
(Thomson, 1916),

Petawawa River, 132, 209–10

Phelps, Arthur, 396

Phillips, Claude, 406

Phillips, Frank, 44

Phillips, Trixie, 34

Phillips, Walter J., 365

Picasso, Pablo, 78, 86, 109, 147–48,
297, 303, 334

The Picnic
(Lismer, 1915), 188

Pierce, George, 318

Pierce, Lorne,
Our Canadian
, 393–94

Pilkey, P.T., 245

Pilot, Robert, 327, 338, 342

Pine Trees at Sunset
(Thomson), 415

Plewman, Charles, 245, 247

The Pointers (Pageant of the North)
(Thomson, 1915),
, 223–24

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