Defiant Spirits (65 page)

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Authors: Ross King

Tags: #Art / CanadianBiography & Autobiography / Artists

BOOK: Defiant Spirits
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Pointillism, 162, 223

Pont-Aven School, 189

Portrait of Vincent Massey
(Varley, 1920),
, 340–41, 403

Post-Impressionism: Ahrens on, 193–94; colour and emotion, 370; defined, 217; Doré exhibition, 267–68; Hind on, 409; hostility towards, 79–80, 103–4, 192; influence of, 163, 349; McGillivray and, 215; unappreciated in U.S., 381–82

Post-Impressionist and Futurist
(Doré, 1913), 267–68

Pound, Ezra, 267, 268, 395

Pratt, E.J.,
Newfoundland Verse
, 395–96

Public Reference Library
(Toronto), 47, 89, 123

Quebec, 320, 354–58, 402

(Jackson, 1913), 88

Quebec Village
(Jackson), 365

Quinn, John, 78–79

Rackenmålarna (Racken Group), 74–75

Radford, J.A., 412

Ranger, Henry Ward, 46, 117

Ranney, Arthur, 244

Raphael, William, 365

Realism, 31

The Red Maple
(Jackson, 1914),
, 155–56, 168, 207, 421

Reid, Dennis, 414–15, 435n4

Reid, George A., 133, 153, 278, 321–24,
, 456n12;
An Idyll
, 166

Reitlinger, Adrien M., 167

Respa, Karl, 240

Richard, Auguste, 388

Richardson, Frederick, 82

Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam), 83

Roberts, Charles G.D.,
The Land of
Evangeline and the Gateways Thither
, 359

Roberts, William, 312

Robert Simpson Company gallery, 46

Robertson, Beatrice Hagarty, 145, 146

Robertson, Sarah, 355, 356, 403, 410

Robinson, Albert, 327, 338, 358

Robinson, Charles Robert Edwards,

Robinson, Mark: on Bletcher, 239–40;
as outdoorsman, 208–9; on Thomson
and Scrim, 232–33; on Thomson and Winnie, 236; on Thomson's disappearance and death, 241, 242, 245, 248–49;
on Thomson's enlistment attempts,
178; on Thomson's guiding efforts, 180;
on Thomson's social skills, 128

Robinson, Percy J., 382–83

Robinson, Theodore, 347

Robinson Treaties (1850), 43

Robson, Albert H., 176, 423n32

Rock and Maple
(MacDonald, 1915–16), 191, 288

Roerich, Nicholas, 277, 377, 404

Rogers, Grace McLeod,
Stories of
the Land of Evangeline
, 385, 394

Rogers, Will, 326

Rood, Ogden N., 119

Roosevelt, Theodore, 79

Rose Hill, 8

Rosenberg, Isaac, 333

Rouart, Henri, 164

Rous and Mann, 93, 153, 161,
263, 286, 324, 412

Rowe, George, 233, 238, 240, 243, 249, 251

A Row of Houses, Wellington Street
(Harris), 36

Roy, J.,
The History of Canada
, 140

Royal Academy of Fine Arts
(Antwerp), 62, 63, 153

Royal Canadian Academy of Arts,
18, 265, 306, 391, 392

Ruskin, John, 193, 212, 287, 323

Ruskin Museum, 212

Russell, Charles M., 326–27

Russell, George (
), 330, 331

Ryle, Herbert, 229

Saguenay region, 345–46

St. Anne's Anglican Church, 396–98,

Sala, Paolo, 164

Salons: Paris Salon, 83, 201, 265;
Salon d'Automne, 84, 86;
Salon de la Rose + Croix, 303;
Salon de la Société nationale
des beaux-arts, 216; Salon
des Indépendants, 217

Sanders, Jimmy,

Sandwell, B.K., “The Annexation
of Our Stage,” 344

Sangster, Charles, 345

Saturday Night
, 167, 193, 196,
279, 386, 387, 391–92

Sault Ste. Marie,
, 280, 281

Savage, Anne, 355, 356,
, 410

Scandinavia, painting in, 67–75, 167

Schaefer, Carl, 397

Schlabitz, Adolf Gustav, 32

School of Pont-Aven, 215–16

Schreiber, Charlotte, 306

Schwabe, Carlos,
The Gravedigger's Death
, 177

Scott, Duncan Campbell, 53, 165;
“Night Burial in the Forest,” 116

Scott, F.R., 420

Scott, William Edouard, 87

Scrim, Charlie, 232–33, 242, 447n3

Seath, John, 93

Segantini, Giovanni, 121–23

A September Gale, Georgian Bay
(Lismer), 403, 406, 415

Sérusier, Paul, 145, 189

Seton, Ernest Thompson, 8;
The Arctic Prairies
, 56

Seurat, Georges, 79, 223;
Sunday on La Grande Jatte
, 119

Severini, Gino, 334

(Harris), 337–38, 341, 403

Shacks, Earlscourt
(Harris), 307

Shaw, George Bernard, 61

Sheffield School of Art, 60, 61, 63

Sheldon-Williams, Inglis, 403

Sheppard, Peter Clapham, 40;
Arrival of the Circus
, 383;
The Building of the Bloor Street Viaduct
, 383;
Toronto Gasworks with Locomotives
, 39

Shoreham Camp, 257

A Side Street
(Harris), 382

Signac, Paul, 119, 120, 217–18, 219, 223

Simpson, Charles W., 265–66, 290

Simpsons (Toronto), 213

Skarbina, Franz, 27, 29, 30, 31–32, 34,
Courtyard in the Snow
Hof im
), 32;
The Matthiasstrasse in Hamburg
, 31, 360;
Railway Tracks in
North Berlin
Gleisanlage des Güterbahnhofs Weißensee
, 31, 37, 39

Skey, Lawrence, 396–97

(MacDonald), 49

The “Skinny Dip”
(Lismer, 1915), 188

Slade School of Fine Art
(London), 160, 268

The Sleighing Party
(MacDonald), 49

Sloan, John, 349

Smith, A.J.M., 420

Smith, Donald A., 421

Smith, Eden, 35, 110–11, 397–98

Smith, Lewis, 210, 385

(MacDonald), 166, 176

Snow Fantasy
(Harris, c. 1917),

(Harris, 1915), 202

Snow Pattern
(Harris), 166

Snowstorm—Steamboat off a
Harbour's Mouth
(Turner, 1842), 207

(Harris), 307

(Harris), 307–8

Société Anonyme, 411

Société des peintres et sculpteurs
(formerly Société nouvelle), 67

Society of Berlin Artists, 29

Society of Six, 330

Soft Maple in Autumn
(Thomson, 1914), 143

Sohlberg, Harald, 69–70, 71

The Solemn Land
(MacDonald, 1921), 359, 364–65, 415, 421

Some Day the People Will Return
(Varley, 1918),
, 293–94, 296

Sonderbund-Ausstellung (Cologne), 86

Soper, Warren Y., 388–89

Spencer, Stanley, 258

(Carmichael), 403

Spring, French River
(Thomson, 1914), 138

Spring Ice
(Thomson, 1915–16), 190, 201

Springtime in Picardy
(Jackson, 1919),
, 272, 295

Squally Weather, Georgian Bay
(Varley, 1916), 263, 264, 296,
See also
Stormy Weather,
Georgian Bay
(Varley, 1916)

Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam), 84

Stein, Gertrude, 86, 109, 297

Stein, Leo, 64, 84, 86

Steiner, Rudolf, 278

Stella, Joseph, 411

Stewart, William Kilborne, 27

Stieglitz, Alfred, 67, 314, 348

Stopping the Tempest
(MacDonald, 1923), 397

Stormy Weather, Georgian Bay
(Varley, 1916), 365, 366, 379, 403.
See also
Squally Weather, Georgian
(Varley, 1916)

Strathcona, Lord, 400

Strindberg, August, 29

Stringer, Arthur,
Open Water
, 385

The Studio
, 50, 123–24, 163–64, 259, 297

Studio Building for Canadian Art, 110–15,
, 121, 154, 166, 310, 435n4

Suddaby, Jeremiah, 260, 260n

(Lismer), 167

The Sunken Road
(Varley, 1919), 311, 338

(Thomson, 1915), 182

Superior, Lake, 373–77

Suzor-Coté, Marc-Aurèle de Foy,
304, 354, 356, 389, 390, 403;
Autumn Landscape
, 135

Symbolism, 70, 71, 165, 177

The Tangled Garden
( MacDonald,
, 191, 192–93, 201, 339–40

Tanner, Henry O., 87

Tate Gallery, 406

Ten American Painters, 304, 330

Tenth Street Studio Building
(New York), 111–12

Terre sauvage
(Jackson, 1913),
, 119–21, 126, 216, 339, 349, 403

Theosophical Society, 277–78,
331, 362, 377

Thiem, Paul, 32–33

Thomas, Edward, 181–82, 228

Thomas Cranage
, 97

Thompson, T. Phillips, 362

Thomson, George, 9, 117, 242, 246,
Lyme Pastures
, 117

Thomson, John, 7, 8

Thomson, Louise, 180

Thomson, Tom (before
): in Algonquin Provincial Park (1914), 127–32,
artistic influences on, 117, 131–32; at Canoe Lake (1912), 4–6; character and appearance, 6–7,
, 10, 64, 92, 128–29, 423n32; early years and education, 7–9; at Go Home Bay (1914), 138; from Go Home Bay to Algonquin Provincial Park (1914),
139–44, 437n15; as graphic designer, Seattle (1901–04), 9–10; at Grip Limited, 10–11, 12,
, 25; and Harris (1913), 116–17; and Jackson, 115–16, 118–20, 156; and Lismer, 63; and MacCallum, 59–60, 116–17; in Mattagami and Toronto (1913), 116–17; Mississagi expedition (1912), 51–57, 59–60;
exhibition (1913), 92–93; painting style of (1914), 131–32, 143; at Parry Sound (1914), 136–39; Studio Building (1913), 112; and Varley, 63–65; wilderness skills, 129–30

Thomson, Tom (during
): in Algonquin Provincial Park (1915–17), 179–84, 206–10,
, 213, 232–38; artistic and intellectual influences (1915), 163–65; as boxing fan, 160; Carmichael as studio-mate (1914–15), 157–59; character and appearance, 233,
; disappearance and death (July 1917), 231, 238–50; and Florence McGillivray, 214–16; Go Home Bay murals (1915), 186–87, 189; and McGillivray, 222; memorial cairn (1917), 251;
exhibitions (1915, 1916), 166, 192–93; painting style of (1915), 182; quarrel with Varley (1915), 168–69; relationships with women, 169–71; shack home (1915), 156–57,
, 439n5; in
“Too Much Mulligan”
; and Winnie Trainor, 169–70, 234–37;
attitude towards, 149–50, 177–79, 196, 199

Thomson, Tom (legacy): at British Empire Exhibition (1924), 403–4; as Canadian icon, 415; controversy over support by National Gallery (1922), 387; critics' comments (1920), 351; and David Milne, compared, 314; exhibition, Arts Club (1919), 299; and Group of Seven, 329; Mackenzie King on, 388;
Northern River
(1915), 403; and Varley, compared, 263; works purchased by Massey (1918), 340

Thomson, Tom (titles of works):
(1915–16), 190, 364;
Boathouse, Go Home Bay
(914), 138;
Crib and Rapids
(1915), 183–84;
, 182;
Fire-Swept Hills
(1915), 183;
Forest Undergrowth
, 189;
Hot Summer Moonlight
(1915), 182;
In the Northland
(1915–16), 190;
Islands, Canoe Lake
, 241;
The Jack Pine
, 221–22, 364, 403, 404,
415, 420;
Larry Dickson's Shack
132, 138;
Little Cauchon Lake
(1914), 123–24, 135;
A Northern Lake
(1913), 92–93;
Northern Lights
(1917), 237;
Northern River
, 163–64, 166, 167, 190, 216, 403;
Northern Shore
, 163;
Old Lumber Dam, Algonquin Park
(1912), 6;
Parry Sound Harbour
(1914), 137–38;
Petawawa Gorges
(1914), 132, 210;
Petawawa Gorges, Night
(fall, 1916),
Pine Trees at Sunset
, 415;
The Pointers (Pageant of the North)
, 223–24;
Soft Maple in Autumn
(1914), 143;
Spring, French River
(1914), 138;
Spring Ice
(1915–16), 190, 201;
(1915), 182;
Twisted Maple
, 143;
The West Wind
(c. 1917),
, 216–17, 218, 219, 221, 263, 349, 403, 406, 415;
Winter Thaw
, 415

Thoreau, Henry David,
, 176–77

Tommei, Ugo, 333

Tom Thomson's Camp
(Lismer, 1914), 132

“Too Much Mulligan”
(Lismer, 1915), 187,

: art galleries and exhibitions
(c. 1912), 46–50; artistic optimism (1913), 89–92; Arts and Letters Club,
23; beautification of, 321–22; conscription crisis (1918), 320; Earlscourt, 279–80;
in early 1900s, 14–15; in Harris's art,
34–36, 386; materialism of, 94–95; Ontario Society of Artists exhibitions, 47–50; Prospect Cemetery, 279; Public Reference Library, 47; Silverthorn Park Addition, 37; the Ward, 35–36, 38–39, 279; waterfront area and industrialization (1912), 36–40; in World War
, 144,
196–97, 220

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