Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel) (37 page)

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of her own actions, Grace moved her dripping pussy against his cock. Guy felt
his cock nuzzling Grace’s tight opening.
She’s so wet and excited,
he thought. He felt the wetness on his groin and abs as she rubbed her clit
against his skin to create friction as she continued tasting him.

he chanted as if he was in prayer.

felt the pressure mounting between them and his cock searching his way into
her. She arched her back and pressed her clit down against him to help ease his
way into her. Guy ran the palm of his hands down to her arse spreading her
cheeks to gain easy access. Grace’s breathing went ragged from the way he held
her. It took one move by Grace to allow Guy to enter her. She could feel his
cock making its way up her moist canal filling her to the brim making her full
and achy. Grace let out a long Ooo as if she was relieved to finally have him
inside her.

moved upward and brought herself down for a first deep thrust of his cock. She
moved her body gradually up and down with a downward thrust. She gyrated her
hips like a belly dancer. Guy placed his hands on her waist to hold her as she
moved on him. Guy threw his head back on the pillow. The molten wet feeling of
her pussy’s intense. It detonated millions of tiny explosions of stimulation
run throughout his body.

moaned Guy’s name several times each increasing loudly. The louder Grace said
Guy’s name the more liberated she felt. She rocked her womb along his cock and
Guy ran his thumb along her bottom lip taking it into her mouth. Guy nearly
shot his load when she did this, he held on for dear life. He wanted Grace to
tighten her syrupy pussy around his cock and feel her pulsing orgasm.

drew himself up Grace’s body to suckle her breasts as she continued to pump
herself on him. He grabbed onto her arse and she wrapped her arms around his
head her fingers clutching the thick jet black hair making her gasp loudly. She
required air as the intensity of their lovemaking increased and the need for
release barrelling down on them.

rubbing of her clit against his groin and the licking of her sensitive nipple made
Grace’s womb contract tight around his cock to release her orgasm. Grace cried
out loudly. Tears squeezed out from the corners of her eyes overwhelmed by the
power of it all. Guy no longer held back. His cock open the flood gates in her
vivacious pussy milking every last drop making him shudder against her while
still holding her tight.

couple fell backward, panting heavily and trying to recover. Grace’s legs shook
from orgasm as she dismounted and placed herself right beside him. Guy swept
her sweaty hair away from her face kissing her lips tenderly.

I didn’t know any better I could’ve gotten you pregnant again.” Guy joked. Grace
I’m truly at home with the man I

The next morning whilst Grace recuperated
in bed from the few times of lovemaking throughout the night, Guy returned into
the bedroom with a tray filled with an English breakfast for two. This didn’t
bode well for Grace.

God!” she groaned clutching her mouth as she ran to the loo. She slammed the
door behind her. Pregnancy gave her aversion to eggs.

What did I do wrong?” Guy asked knocking on the door not thinking it was the

Grace managed to say after brushing her teeth. She returned to bed. Grace explained
to Guy what happened and how she appreciated his kind gesture. Guy wolfed down
the eggs and let Grace eat the toast. He apologised saying the pregnancy thing
was new to him. Grace understood.

spent most of the morning arranging appointments at Portland Hospital whilst
Grace went back to work at Delicious. Mark was surprised to see her back in
relatively good form.

Grace held a
meeting with the staff to tell them the news. Grace decided since Delicious ran
fairly well without her being there that she’s hiring a few more staff members
and make one of the chefs in charge. She was going to manage from a far as she
looked at opening a brand new location somewhere different.

you sure you want to do this?” Mark asked looking up from some reports she
handed him.

“It’s probably for
the best in the long run. Whilst you were gone we had some fanatics in here
inquiring whether or not they could get your autograph. I believe some people
think you have an oddly glamorous life because you’re dating Guy Rowling who
saved you from
lunatic.” Mark
commented clicking his pen.

why I’m finding it hard to come back. Guy and I discussed it. We’ll be looking
for a home in the countryside and eloping after Christmas.” she announced.

for you and congratulations!” Mark cried.

Mark placed the reports
down on Grace’s desk and leaned over to hug her. He kissed her on both cheeks.
Grace deserves all the happiness
, he
thought to himself.
Grace’s Blackberry
beeped. Mark backed away to return to his seat next to her desk. It was a text
message from Corrie.

As Grace read the
message from Corrie her face fell. It said that Cat wasn’t attending Alistair
and Philippe’s wedding if Grace was attending with Guy. Corrie apologised
regarding the matter and wished Grace well.

me Mark.” Grace said dialling the number to the Savoury Plum.

nodded. He left to the shop front to man the register.

Cat said on the third ring.

Cat, we need to talk.” Grace said.

have nothing further to discuss. As long as you’re with
man I’ll no longer be speaking to you.” Cat said.

has nothing to do with...” Grace was cut short. She heard the click of the
phone followed by ringtone.

Guy was about to leave his flat to the
London Lions Club when the intercom buzzer rang. Concierge announced the
arrival of DI Martin Jones wanting a brief word with him and if it was possible
to come up.

that’s fine.” Guy said placing his keys to his newly acquired Aston Martin in
his pocket.

was curious. He thought the case regarding Trevor was closed and he was
exonerated from any wrong doing by saving Grace. Guy waited with the door open
to watch DI Jones emerge from the elevator. Guy waved him in. DI Jones shook
his brolly wet from the rain and placed it at the side of the front door to Guy’s

you for taking time to see me.” DI Jones greeted.

you like a drink? Can I take your jacket?” Guy offered closing the door behind
them and showed him the way into the flat.

thank you. I’ll only be a moment. I’ve got only a few questions to ask.” DI
Jones said looking around the flat.

It amazed DI Jones
when he visited swanky places and Guy’s flat wasn’t an exception. DI Jones was
a bit envious. He made pittance on a copper’s salary and lived in a flat in
Bethnal Green because that was all he can afford.

this regarding Trevor?” Guy asked entering the lounge. He motioned to the couch
for DI Jones to take a seat which he did. Guy prayed that this wouldn’t take

The case of Trevor Hare’s been formally closed. I’m inquiring on the Dowling’s.
We never recovered bullets from Ms. Knowles home or the Worthington Hall
cottage. We managed to retrieve bullet casings in the flat. What mystifies us
is that whilst we recovered the bullet from Darren Dowling’s body, we haven’t
recovered any from Tamzin.” DI Jones said rubbing his chin.

do you mean? Isn’t that done during autopsy?” Guy replied taking his seat
across from the detective. DI Jones looked at him sternly and frowned.

you went to view Mrs. Dowling’s body, were you positive it’s her?” DI Jones

I’m sure. Given she was shot in the face, but I can recognise her blond hair
and her hands.” Guy answered.

to admit to you, somehow an autopsy was
bypassed. A mistake was made in the paperwork. We never had an autopsy done. When
we learned of cremation, we waited at the crematory for the possibility of
bullets or remnants. There were none when her ashes excavated from the oven. We
assumed the heat melted them, but something tells us otherwise. Her mother and
sister are determined to learn whether the gun which killed Tamzin actually belonged
to Mr. Smythe. Do you know of your brother’s whereabouts?” DI Jones questioned.
Guy sat stiff, wondering as to where this mini interrogation was going.

went to Brazil. He was given compassionate leave from his team.” Guy replied.
“What are you trying to conclude here, DI Jones?”
he added.

you sure? Other sources say Argentina. We're trying to be certain that all the
i’s have been dotted and the t’s crossed. That’s all.” DI Jones said getting
up. Guy shrugged as he stood up.

“He didn’t tell me
Argentina. Darren told me Brazil unless Darren changed his mind in the last
minute. I’m sorry I can’t be much help to you.” Guy followed suit. They
politely shook hands and Guy lead the way out.

the way how is Ms. Knowles?” DI Jones asked.

We’re getting married this winter and expecting a baby.” Guy supplied happily.

and good luck. If you hear from Darren please contact me immediately. I’d like
to have a word with him.” DI Jones said.

Guy nodded. He said farewell to DI Jones. Guy
watched and waited for him to get on the elevator before he left himself.

twenty eight


eeks went
by swiftly. Grace moved into the penthouse flat with Guy. She let her flat out to
Sharon along with furnishings. Sharon was grateful for it all. Alistair was
elated that his best friend was going to be living downstairs from him. After
their wedding, Philippe moved into Alistair’s flat. Grace couldn’t bring
herself to tell Alistair what Cat had said. She felt if Cat wanted to decline her
invitation then she should tell Alistair herself instead of using Grace as an

As her pregnancy progressed Grace expanded.
No longer could she fit in her High Street designer clothing. Grace started
shopping maternity wear at Mothercare. She looked positively radiantly beautiful.
Grace felt great. Guy loved it all. He wanted to get Grace an engagement ring to
go with the fact that they’re now engaged and having a family. Grace protested.
She was going to swell and she didn’t want to have the ring refitted. It would
wait until after the baby is born.

Guy managed to get her an appointment with one of the best midwives at
Portland Hospital and since Grace passed her eight week mark for her ultrasound,
she went in at twelve weeks. Guy arranged it around his football schedule and
Grace’s work schedule. She had another several weeks to go before handover. The
day of the ultrasound appointment, Guy paced nervously in the room whilst they
waited for the technician to arrive.

“I can only imagine how you’ll react when baby is born!” Grace teased.

As soon as the technician arrived, prepared Grace and dimmed the lights
to the room, Guy held her hand firmly as the technician rolled the wand over
her belly. An image popped up on the screen and the technician explained all
she saw. There in black and white images a tiny bean with a small beating heart
took their breath away.

“You’re due in late April.” The technician said happily.

Once they finished the technician gave them copies of the scan and lead
the way to the midwife’s office to continue their appointment.

Grace and Guy left Portland Hospital grinning from cheek to cheek.
Rumour Mill
paparazzi waited for the couple to take pictures and threw
questions to them, which they ignored. They got into the Range Rover with Billy
and drove off discussing the next scan which will tell them the sex.

“We need to buy a bigger place.” Guy said “Somewhere in the country
perhaps. Alderly Edge? What do you think?”

“I want a place that’s private and hard to get onto the property. I’d
like to be near a market town so I can open up another Delicious store.” Grace
replied looking down at the scan. She knew Alderly Edge would give them
notoriety with the paps.

“I’ll leave it entirely up to you then. I don’t mind a place that needs
work. We can always hire out people to fix it up to our tastes. Remember my
schedule this season is a bit daunting. I can manage to see a place on my days
off.” Guy responded.

“What about the penthouse?” Grace asked.

“We’ll keep it for when I’m playing local or we have to go abroad. We
will use it as a pied-et-terre.”

It was a great idea. When Grace arrived at Delicious she quickly made a
few phone calls to estate agents who dealt with countryside properties.


The last crimson, citrine and tangerine leaves of Regents Park fell
softly to the ground when the wedding of Alistair and Philippe was upon them.
Guy, unfortunately, couldn’t make it. He was in Newcastle playing an away game.
He truly wanted to be there to help in a way he could and to be a support for

Although Cat declined her invite
through Grace, Alistair gave Cat a ring and spoke with her directly. He assured
her that Guy wasn’t going to be at the wedding, but Grace would be and it wasn’t
fair that their argument was dissuading Cat not to come. They knew each other
for so many years and why would she let a tiff destroy their own relationship.

Alistair did come to Grace’s defence. He told Cat, Grace is a grown
woman. Grace’s decision to be with Guy is her discretion. Grace should have the
support of family around her instead of judgment and prejudice. Cat didn’t
agree with what he had to say, but she gave in by saying she’ll attend the
wedding on behalf of their friendship.

The Tate Gallery 9 was decorated to
perfection for the civil ceremony wedding of Alistair Knowles to his fiancé,
Philippe Geoffrey. The backdrop of romantic art works from the likes of Turner,
Martin and Danby was something to behold creating the dramatic atmosphere
Alistair and Philippe wanted with tradition behind it. Large vases held autumn
and winter mix floral around the gallery. Rows of sparkling gold Kartell Louis
ghost chairs provided seating for their two hundred close family and friends.

Alistair and Philippe were dressed
in black Ralph Lauren tuxedos with traditional white cummerbunds and bowties.
They both wore large dark blood red poppies on their lapels. Sharon, the maid-of-
honour wore a red long gown with beautiful ruffles from Marchesa, whilst Grace
wore the exact same one in black altered to fit her budding bump. Grace and Sharon
had their hair and makeup prepared by celebrity makeup artist, Nicola Wayne.
Grace wore her Graff diamond necklace that Guy given her. She was comforted by
wearing it. It was the closest she’d get to Guy being there with her. Alistair
was a nervous wreck as he waited to go down the aisle to Philippe.

“You’ll be fine.” Grace assured as
she watched him down a glass of Cristal champagne.

In the back of Grace’s mind she
wished she’d do the same. She peeked from behind the long red velvet curtains
to see all the guests being escorted to their seats whilst a string quartet
played the
Queen of Sheba
. She held
her breath over the arrival of her aunts. Grace took the glass and stuck her
finger in it to grasp the last drop of champagne. She licked her finger to
taste heavenly pure liquid relaxation.

“Ease up love. I’m the nervous one.” Alistair chuckled.

The string quartet began to play their rendition of Moby’s
God Moving over the Face of Waters
the grand entrance for the groom. Grace walked first clutching her bouquet
filled with blood red, dark royal purple, mustard yellow flowers. Flashes from
photos being taken blocked her view of the guests as she smiled for cameras.
She reached Philippe, holding his own breath, tears streaming down his face
from the strong emotion of love. Sharon followed behind taking place beside
Grace. At long last Alistair came down the aisle like a man in love and when he
arrived the officiating asked them all to be seated.

Grace couldn’t pay attention to the guests. She focused on the marriage
ceremony. As Alistair and Philippe exchanged their vows, Grace thought of Guy. In
over a month’s time they’d be in the Maldives exchanging their own vows without
their family or friends to share their joy. The thought made Grace tremble. She
wants this, family and friends, yet the two people who matter certainly didn’t
approve nor was one even talking to her. It made Grace’s heart ache and she
truly hoped that Cat was among the guests. She wanted to talk to Cat to convince
her that everything is ok.

“I now pronounce you married. Guests please stand up to receive them.
Mr and Mr. Philippe Alistair Knowles-Geoffrey.” the officiate announced.

The crowd clapped their hands into loud applause.
Cosmic Love
by Florence and the Machine sang from loudspeakers as
they kissed. Grace and Sharon were the first to receive Alistair and Philippe.
They congratulated them over and over again. They all walked up the aisle
together laughing, kissing and waving at guests as they entered Sackler Octagon
for the reception.

dinner Grace thought of ways to approach her aunts. The twins sat at a table,
barely socialising with other guests. Cat and Corrie were both dressed in a
champagne colour suit. They wore beautiful gold feather fascinators in their
curled hair and their faces made up in makeup which Grace wasn’t use to seeing.

Grace sat at her own table. She ate a piece of dark devil’s food cake with
red fondant made by her staff at Delicious. Alistair excused himself from the
dance floor, dancing his way to her.

“Grace, speak to them. I can’t have
you moping about at my wedding. The photographers complained about the pregnant
moping lady in gorgeous Marchesa gown.” Alistair admonished.

Grace gave a faint grin, wiping off cake
crumbs from her lips with her tongue.

“I can’t help it. Every time I build
the courage, I discourage myself.” Grace said frowning.

“Don’t! Catherine’s the problem.
Face Cat and make her see your side. Guy’s wonderful and you’re in love. Don’t
let her feelings get in the way of your true happiness.” Alistair advised.

He grabbed her arm picking her up
from the chair to bring Grace over to the table. Alistair poked Grace hard in the
ribs to greet her aunts. Suddenly Alistair was pulled by Philippe to say
goodbye to a few friends.

“Hello Aunt Corrie, Aunt Cat.” Grace
said loudly in false jubilation. The twins looked from their dessert plates and
Corrie smiled.

“Oh, there you are Grace. I’m so
happy to see you.” Corrie said. Corrie rose from her chair. She kissed Grace on
her cheek twice. Cat blinked her eyes rapidly getting up too.

“I’m going to the loo.” Cat
announced ignoring Grace. She looked at Grace up and down pausing at the bump
to only turn to walk away.

“Don’t!” Grace snapped. “Don’t you
walk away from me.” Astound by Grace’s reaction, Cat turned to Grace to
confront her.

“How dare you tell me I can’t walk
away!” Cat growled. It caught the attention of the other guests at the table.

“Aunt Catherine, I just wanted to
say hello that’s all and wish you well. You could’ve the courtesy to do the
same.” Grace said bringing her tone back down to something more cordial.

Grace felt fingers intertwine with
hers. She looked over her shoulder to see Guy standing there dressed in a

“Hello, Ms. Fielding and Ms.
Fielding.” Guy greeted. “Come Grace, how about a dance?” Guy added not waiting
for a reply.

Grace speechless as Guy twirled her
away from her aunt’s disdain and uncouth reaction.

“How did you get here so fast? Why
are you here?” Grace asked as she swayed with Guy.

“I knew you need me. The game was in
the late afternoon. I managed to get a helicopter ride in by a mate from the
other team. I wasn’t going to come back down by car. Too long of a drive. I
need to be here for you and the bump.” Guy said staring at her.

“Thank you.” Grace said meekly.

“For what? The dance?” Guy

“For rescuing me yet again.” Grace
replied placing her head on his shoulder.

“You really need to stop thanking me
Grace. I’ll always rescue you.” Guy kissed the top of her head as Cat watched
from a distance with antagonism.

“You need to stop.” Corrie said with
irritation in her voice. “Grace isn’t just a niece to us, we raised her like a
daughter and you should be so proud. You’re reacting the same way when Jane ran
to London. She has her mother’s streak and yet you continue to act like a

“And you approve of this?!” Cat
snapped waving her hand in a rolling fashion directing it to Guy and Grace

“Why not? They’re young, in love,
expecting a baby. What did you expect would happen? He saved her life and for
that we should be grateful!” Corrie pointed out to Cat. “You continue to
alienate Grace for being in love. You should’ve learnt a few things from Jane prior
to her death and you should’ve learnt something from raising Grace, who’s like
to me.” Corrie dropped her
napkin on the plate and excused herself from the table to join Alistair,
Philippe, Grace and Guy on the dance floor with other guests.

Cat sat back cross. She wasn’t going to let
this go.

Big Ben tolled its bell twelve times
letting all of London know that it was midnight. The first snow began to fall
from the night sky as Guy and Grace left the Tate to get into the Bentley and
head home. Grace felt emotionally drained by Cat’s reaction and told Guy on the
way home how hurt she was by the whole thing. He listened and nodded
respectfully. Guy clutched Grace’s hand, whilst rubbing her round protruding
belly through the layers of Marchesa fabric.

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