Demon Spelled (29 page)

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Authors: Gracen Miller

BOOK: Demon Spelled
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“Count,” Lyx said.

She took a deep breath and forced the number from her lips. “One.” No sooner was the word out, his hand struck her left cheek. She flinched and bit her cheek.

“Don’t make me remind you to count each time.” Lyx rubbed the spot he’d just hit. “Trying to keep me from hearing your pain does not salvage your pride when I can hear your thoughts.”

“I feel what you feel.” Troz’s thumb wisped against her anklebones. “Count, Sanja.”

“Two.” The digit squeaked out. Lyx surprised her with an unexpected swat on the opposite butt cheek. From there he swapped back and forth between buttocks, and even gave her a random slap on the dildo too. “Three…four…five…six….” Tears fell from her eyes, and her ass
. She never again wanted to repeat this lesson, even if some perverse side of her liked it. Each swat seemed connected to her pussy and brought her closer to the edge of a climax.

Eight more to go
. She cried, uncaring that he heard her. Had that smack been harder, or just exaggerated over inflamed skin? She’d never make it without begging him to stop. Not that he would cease, she knew better, but the pleading would be one more aspect of the humiliation she endured.

“Lyx,” the rest of whatever Troz had to say was followed by demon-speak.

Lyx listened, his whacks stalling as he rubbed her abused butt cheeks and pressed against the dildo. Did he think his caresses would eliminate the pain? Instead his touch stung…but aroused her too. Her clit pulsed. One small touch and she’d shoot off like a bottle rocket.

Whatever Troz said, Lyx removed his hand and one of them applied a lick to an achy mound. The next swat landed where her ass met her thigh. The slight shift in location turned her cry to a groan. It was too close to her pussy.

“Eight,” she whispered just before the ninth hit landed in the same spot but on the other side. “Nine.”

He kissed her ass this time and delivered the next lick right on her pussy, the force of it a good bit softer than the ones to her cheeks.

She jerked against him with a squealed, “

Lyx’s hand rotated, and he pressed a finger into her. He said something in demon, but since Troz didn’t reply, she wasn’t sure if he’d responded with head movement or if no response was required.

Another smack on her pussy. “Eleven,” she whimpered, balling her fingers into fists. If he kept this up, she’d come. Probably before he hit fifteen. Twice more in rapid succession, she barely got each counted off before he delivered the next.

At thirteen. Two more to go

Troz still maintained his grasp on her ankles. He spoke more demon, which rattled her nerves because her curiosity grew.

Lyx rubbed her clit, snatching a long moan from her. Round and round his finger went until she was on the cusp of cresting into ecstasy. A demonic word from Troz and Lyx stopped. The swat this time connected with the dildo and her pussy and sent her over the edge. She climaxed, crying out as her body succumbed to pleasure.

“Goddamn,” she heard Troz mumble as Lyx fucked her with his fingers intensifying her release. It took her a long time to come out of the haze of bliss, but her demons didn’t seem to mind.

They waited patiently and only after her body stopped shimming with her orgasm, did Lyx prod, “What number was that?”

Her brain felt like mush and her body, too. At least he didn’t sound angry with her for forgetting to count or climaxing ahead of schedule. If there was a schedule. “Fif—no fourteen.” They were breathy words, but all she could manage.

The final swat was light and only agitated her inflamed flesh. She had no idea why he’d delivered such a gentle strike, but she wouldn’t complain. He lifted her, and she was momentarily disoriented by the sudden shift in placement. When her ass landed on his thighs, she cried out at her tender backside.

“You’ll be sore for a bit. But so will other parts of you when we’re finished with you.” Lyx cupped her cheeks and nibbled at her lips. “You’ve pleased me,” he said against her lips before devouring them in a kiss. His tongue shoved inside and tangled with hers. “Another fine example of the fine line between pleasure and pain, and you embrace the edge easily every time I deliver it.”

“I don’t wish to repeat punishment. I hate it when you’re angry with me. I try to micromanage my thoughts, so I won’t displease you, but sometimes it’s hard Lyx.”

Their gazes met, his had returned to orange. “You will come to accept your value to us in time.”

He kissed her, and she melted into the embrace. This was the Lyx she loved, the seductive, sexy, gentle creature she’d met. The male that—

? She gasped against his lips, and her eyelids flew upward.

Lyx rubbed his nose against hers, and his smile boasted supreme satisfaction. Of course he’d gleaned her thoughts, but had the term been an expression only? The same way she ‘loved’ chocolate and ‘loved’ horror movies, even though she watched most of them through the slits of her fingers?

Lyx watched her, and she predicted he waited for her to reach a decision.

yes, I have grown to love Lyx
. Nothing else could explain her panic for his welfare.
I love Troz, too
. All his broodiness and the direct approach were aspects she adored.

But how could she have fallen in love with them so fast?

“You’ll never doubt our devotion again. Or how much we cherish you.” It wasn’t an ‘I love you’ back, but he could’ve laughed in the face of her raw feelings rather than demonstrate pleasure for them. Could demons even love? Lyx said they couldn’t, but…he kissed her forehead. “Not even your newfound emotions will alter tonight’s plans, but you won’t want them to change.” Grasping her hips, he settled her on her feet. “Go to Troz. Tell him.”




conversation, Troz watched as Lyx set Sanja on her feet.

She pivoted. Her green eyes were dark with emotion. Two steps and she had her arms locked tight around him.

He returned her embrace, careful not to touch her throbbing bottom. Understanding Lyx’s agitation over her misguided belief they’d discard her so quickly and believing she deserved a spanking for those thoughts were two different things. Yes, she should’ve trusted them, but he, better than anyone, knew trust was earned not freely given. She’d reached her threshold for pain, and Troz had interfered. Determined to hold true to his word, Lyx’s response had been to alter the placement of those swats. That she’d trusted them enough through the humiliation to orgasm gave him hope she’d eventually acknowledge her placement in their life.

She rubbed her cheek against his chest. “I love you, Troz.”

Had he heard right? Only his grandmother had ever said she loved him. And he’d felt the emotion from her. It was the greatest feeling, close to what he felt for and from Lyx. But to have this precious woman say those words to him…priceless.

He glanced at Lyx over her head. His spouse had risen and carefully watched him.

“Now I understand what you meant when you said nothing compared to your grandmother’s profession of love.” Lyx’s expression had softened, and he seemed a touch overwhelmed.

Happiness besieged Troz. Life was perfect, had been for a long time, but Sanja added to his family. Spiced up their life and gave them what they’d been missing, a woman to spoil, cherish and adore. They were each powerful demons in their own right, and cossetting each other would’ve been awkward in the best scenario. Their lives were lived together, and they bought things as one on occasion but for the most part, they did as they pleased. Even took lovers at random, sometimes as a duo and other times separately. Sanja would be the mother for
children. And she was
to enjoy. They shared her equally. More importantly, she united them in a way they hadn’t been before.

Troz placed a finger beneath her chin and tilted her head back. “You cannot utter those words carefree. You must mean them, Sanja.”

“I know what love is, Troz. I’ve had very little of it in my life, but I
I love you and Lyx.”

His chest felt too tight for his erratic heartbeat. Not just because he cherished the confession, and he did, but because he couldn’t say the words back to her. And she deserved to be loved. But even if he felt the emotion for her, to admit them in Baal would make him a weak demon.

This gift of love that she gave him was more than he deserved. He was too selfish to turn it away. He’d treasure this present and would find someway to merit it. “I won’t allow you to regret those words.”

He kissed her, plundering her mouth, while resisting the inclination to bury as far inside her as he could get. Long minutes later, he came up for air. Lyx stood at their side, and Troz kissed him, too. For the first time since his marriage to Lyx, Troz felt like he belonged to a real family.

Lyx ran his thumb along Sanja’s bottom lip. “Troz hasn’t had the pleasure of feeling these wrapped around his cock. Why don’t you give him a taste,
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Troz kissed her one last time before striding to the bench on which Lyx had delivered justice. He sat, leaned against the wall, and spread his legs wide enough she could navigate between them.

Loved him? He couldn’t believe his good fortune.



kneel in front of him, but Lyx halted her. From behind he pressed his lips against her ear, his breath creating a riot of gooseflesh along her skin. “Bend over and place your forearms on his thighs.”

With his hand between her shoulder blades, Lyx guided her forward.

After going into position, she looked up at Troz. He gathered her hair together in one hand and held it out of her face. With his other hand, he held the base of his shaft. Holding his eyes, she licked the crown and swirled her tongue around the head. A breath hissed from his lungs as she took just the tip into her mouth and sucked hard. She took him all the way to the back of her throat, and he groaned. She didn’t have a damn clue what she was doing but loved that she excited him.

From behind her, Lyx nudged her feet apart with his, widening her stance. The spray of water hit her exposed pussy, and she jerked off Troz’s cock with a startled squeal.

“Easy, angel.” Troz applied pressure to the back of her head, holding her in her bent over position.

She groaned as the stream pulsated against her intimate opening.

“Wrap those lips and tongue back around me while Lyx makes you feel good.”

What Lyx was doing couldn’t be normal sexual play. She’d never heard Tiara talk about it. As she enveloped Troz’s dick with her mouth, Lyx somehow managed to shift the water back and forth.

She sucked hard and moved up and down his length. The longer the water pulsated against her flesh, the more groans she made and the faster she moved. Each sputter of the water against her clit made her knees quake.

Troz took over, guiding her head with his hand in her hair. Fast and deep, slow and shallow, his pace seldom the same. The flavor of his essence began to hit her tongue. Close, her demon was close to coming.

“I’m not going to last much longer, Lyx.” Troz fucked her mouth fast after that.

In response to his statement, Lyx said, “I want you to swallow all of his cum when he orgasms.”

Sanja released her suction and said, “Okay,” around his dick.

“Keep pleasing me, my sex-pet.” Lyx removed the stream of water and opened her intimate lips with a hand. He placed a kiss against her clitoris. “How I love this bundle of nerves.” The water hit straight on her bared clit.

She cried out, her knees shaking so bad she had no idea how she remained in position. Heat burned through her body, and her belly clenched. A moment later she came violently, moaning all over Troz’s cock. She’d have lost her position if Lyx hadn’t caught her by her hips and wrenched her up. A breath lapsed and he drove into her pussy, his thick length filling her. She screamed again, digging her nails into Troz’s thighs as the pleasure and pain of Lyx’s sudden penetration coalesced with a new climax. The rough slaps of his body against her abused bottom made her wince in pain, but the deep glide of his dick was pure bliss.

Troz held her head motionless as he pumped up into her mouth. He buried her face against his pelvis and came with a growl of pleasure. Determined not to lose one drop of his release, Sanja swallowed and licked until he jerked her head up. Troz positioned her head on his lap and played with her hair while Lyx fucked her without mercy.

Her whimpers and cries filled the stall. His length scrubbed against something deep inside her, and it quickly shoved her toward another climax. She’d already had three, how many more would she receive before they departed the shower?

Abruptly Lyx drove deep and went motionless. He curled his palm around her throat and lifted her, arching her spine so her head could rest against his chest. For a long time he fucked her in that uncomfortable position, then halted again with his breathing labored. Lyx pushed her back down into Troz’s lap and went motionless.

She winced when Lyx yanked the dildo out of her ass. He tossed it over his shoulder, and it sounded like metal hitting the floor. Weird, since the plug hadn’t felt like metal.

“Going to lube you, my sex-pet.” A capsule feeling object entered her rectum, followed by a second and third. They’d never used more than one before. Neither did she know from where he retrieved the lube. Lyx pumped his fingers into her ass while he slowly thrust into her pussy. “Good thing your cunt provides all the lubrication you need.”

He exited her body and made a slight shift in his position. A moment later, he pressed the head of his cock against her anus.

“Relax,” he said as he began to push into her. “You’re prepared to take me.”

She expected the pain and did her best not to tense. He was bigger than Troz. There was also a level of excitement there, too. She wanted him taking her this way.

The first series of bumps tugged at her tight hole, and she whimpered.

Lyx froze, but Troz eased him with, “She’s okay.”

He’s taking care of me by being in my skin
. She turned her head and took him back into her mouth. Troz groaned and sounded like he cursed in his demon dialect.

Lyx went a little deeper and waited. “Goddamn, she’s tighter than I anticipated, Troz.”

“Yeah,” Troz’s voice sounded strangled as she swallowed him as deep as she could into her throat. “Tighter than any demon. Feels better, too.”

“Fuck yeah.” Lyx rubbed her back and inched in more until his head breached her sphincter.

Sanja lifted her head and spoke against Troz’s crown, “Go all the way inside me, Lyx.”

“I’ll hurt you.”

He’d spanked her earlier. That’d hurt, too, and he hadn’t cared. Why the concern now?

“Just do it. Please.” She took Troz’s cock deep again, burying her face against his pelvis and swallowed.

Lyx drove deep, and she groaned at his abrupt invasion. Her cunt pulsed at the sweet mix of pain and pleasure. Lyx was right, he had shown her there was a fine line between the two.

He pulled almost all the way out and drove back in.

“Oh, my gawd,” she mumbled around Troz’s cock.

Lyx repeated the movements over and over again, and she was moaning nonstop as she sucked on Troz.

Troz stopped her and lifted her head enough that she could gaze at him. “You need us both in you?”

To be possessed by them was exactly what she required. “More than I need to breathe.”

“Bed,” Lyx said, halting deep inside her.

“No. Here.” Troz shut off the water on their end of the shower and lay down on his back on the floor. “Come, Sanja.”

Lyx released her hips and withdrew from her body. Only a slight sting followed his departure.

She straddled Troz, caught the base of his erection and sank down on him. Her head fell backward at the wonderful fullness. Having him in her pussy was akin to returning home. Perfect. Just perfect.

Impatient to claim her together, Lyx pressed her down over Troz. She caught her upper body with her hands on either side of Troz’s head.

She held Troz’s gaze as she waited for Lyx to enter her again. His thighs hit the back of hers. He gripped one hip and positioned his cock against her backdoor with his other hand. Just the tip of his crown sank into her, and Lyx clamped his hand on her shoulder. In one hard move, he thrust deep into her ass. Her breath caught in her lungs at the abrupt invasion. Pain corkscrewed through her, and her eyes widened at the unexpected roughness of his entry.

Troz joined Lyx’x movements, both of them filling her at the same time and exiting together, always providing her with bliss and a sliver of pain. They rode her hard with no limits and allowed her none either. With each thrust Lyx delivered to her backside, she jerked against Troz. The rapid smacks of Lyx’s flesh against her inflamed bottom drowned out the sound of the showerheads still on.

On some level she accepted it wasn’t normal to be taken by two men this roughly. Both of them driving into her as if they could become a part of her if they went a little faster or shoved a little harder.

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