Den of Desire (14 page)

Read Den of Desire Online

Authors: Shauna Hart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Den of Desire
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When her eyes met his, they were twinkling with mischief. “I won't tell, if you don't.”

Slowly, gently, he set her away from him. “Look, Andrea, it's not going to happen. I'm sorry.”

When he tried to walk around her, she let out a cackle of laughter. “You're sorry? Trust me, you're more than sorry. You're whipped. But pretty soon, all of that will change.”

She turned to leave, but he grabbed her arm, spinning her around.

“What do you mean by that?” he demanded.

She yanked her arm away. “Get your hands off me. You had your chance. Now, you'll just have to live with your mistake.”

Before he could question her more, she took off.

As he watched her disappear around the corner, he couldn't help but wonder what her cryptic words meant. Even worse, he couldn't help but wonder if she was the one who was following them.

If she was, it would be his fault.

* * * *

Mara walked down the street, her gaze inevitably drawn to the tourists milling about. It was easy to differentiate the couples who had been together for a while from the people who had just met. It was in the comfort level they had with each other. Looking at them made her think of her own predicament with Joe.

What stage were they in?

Did they even have a relationship?

Or was it all a fantasy she had created in her mind, like the new plot of a book?

With Joe, things just happened.

It was like someone adding color to a black-and-white photo. Suddenly, things became more vivid. She had changed more than she realized. Her writing was passionate and full of emotion. Her sexuality was blossoming.

But it was more than that.

He had changed her. He made her feel beautiful, sexy, irresistible.

And that was the most powerful aphrodisiac of all.

When she reached the apartment, she opened the door, walking up the stairs to her apartment. She searched her purse for the keys, finally locating them at the bottom. As she started to slide the key into the lock, she heard footsteps behind her.

“Lexi, I'm glad you're here,” she called out.

Before she could finish, the lights went out in the stairwell. Panic raced up her spine as she fumbled with the key. It turned in the lock just as she heard the steps coming faster. The door opened, but before she could turn around to close it, she felt a swift kick on her back. The force of it sent her flying into the apartment. She landed face down on the wood floor.

All of the air rushed out of her lungs with the impact of her fall. Pain sliced through every part of her body. She could hear the door closing behind her, and awareness dawned.

She had read enough news reports to know that these situations never ended well for the victims. Desperate, she tried to scramble across the floor, but before she could make it very far, she felt a heavy weight press her down into the floor.

Fingers twisted in her hair, pulling it painfully, before driving her head into the floor. Lights flashed before her eyes as she tried her best to focus through the fog.

“Don't you dare try to get away from me, you stupid bitch! You'll never get away from me. No matter what you do.”

The words sounded in her head, but they didn't make sense. Stars danced before her eyes as she felt hands roaming over her body.

“If you try to get away again, I'll kill you. Do you hear me?”

The warning seemed to echo through her dazed brain. Still, no matter what he said, she knew she had to fight. If she didn't, there was no telling what he was going to do to her. She prayed for a miracle, for anything to save her from the horrible fate she knew was waiting for her.

Then, suddenly, she heard a knock on the door.

“Mara, come on, girl. Open up.”


It was Lexi!

He grabbed her by the hair, lifting her head. He leaned down, his lips so close to her ear it sent shivers up her spine.

“This isn't over.”

Before she could jerk away, he banged her head into the floor again. She tried to stay awake. Tried not to surrender to the darkness, but it was too strong, too powerful. She felt it begin to claim her, and she knew she could fight no longer. Because in that blackness, there was no attacker, and there was no pain.

There was only silence.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 22

Joe stopped the car on the side of the street, his heart sinking into the pit of his stomach. Lights from the police car illuminated the street. Throwing the car into park, he made it onto the sidewalk in front of her apartment in record time. Before he could get through the door, he felt a hand on his chest stopping him.

“Hold on, buddy. You can't go up there,” the policeman ordered.

Before he could even think, the words came out of his mouth. “This is my girlfriend's apartment. I was supposed to meet her.”

The cop motioned to someone else who took up his position by the door. “Come with me,” he said.

Joe tried his best not to rush around the guy as he made his way up the stairs. But his heart was pumping so fast he thought he was going to have a heart attack.

What the hell had happened?

All he could hope for was that she was okay. If she wasn't, he would never forgive himself for letting her go alone. When he rounded the corner into the open doorway, he spotted her.

A wave of relief swept through him.

He could see bruises on her forehead, but she was okay, and that was all that mattered. Before the officer could say anything, he crossed the room in three long strides to take her into his arms. Her knees shook as she stood against him.

“Are you okay?”

He eased back, his fingers gently tracing the marks that darkened her soft skin.

“I think so. It all happened so fast,” she replied, her voice quivering.

“What happened?” he asked.

“That's what we were about to find out, Mr.... “the detective observed.

Joe turned to face him. “Gates. Joe Gates.”

* * * *

Mara leaned into him for a moment as she took a deep, steadying breath. She still couldn't believe that she had been attacked. It was like a nightmare that she couldn't seem to wake up from. Knowing that she had no choice but to get through this, she pushed forward.

“I was coming into the apartment, and someone kicked me from behind. The next thing I knew he was on top of me.” She shivered as the memory of how vulnerable she had been hit hard.

“Were you able to get a look at the person who attacked you?” the detective prodded.

She shook her head. “The lights were off in the hall. Then before I knew what was happening he was on top of me. It all happened so fast,” she explained.

The detective looked up from his notepad. “But you're sure it was a man?”

“Yes,” she replied evenly.

His eyebrows drew together. “How can you be certain?”

She took a deep breath before continuing. “His size,” she answered, watching as he began to scribble on his pad. “Then, when he spoke...”

His head jerked up. “He spoke?”

“Well, it was more of a whisper,” she conceded.

“What did he say?”

She tried to still her racing pulse as she remembered the dire warning. “He said ‘If you try to get away again, I'll kill you.'”

“Jesus Christ!” Joe exploded as he ran a hand over his face.

The detective's gaze followed him for a moment before returning to her. “Is that all he said?”

Her lower lip trembled. “No, he said that it wasn't over.”

His glance moved furtively back and forth between them. “Is there anyone who might have a grudge against you? Anyone who might want to see you hurt?” he inquired.

* * * *

She looked up at him, color creeping into her cheeks.

Joe knew what she was thinking. He also knew what he had to do.

“Someone has been following Mara for the past few weeks,” he explained.

“Following you?” the detective asked, his gaze focused on Mara.

“He sent her photographs,” Joe continued.


Mara's cheeks flamed, and he knew she wouldn't be able to answer. He also knew that the police needed all the information they could get if they were going to catch the bastard who attacked her.

“Photographs of us together,” he supplied.

He watched as the other man's gaze focused on the ceiling as realization set in. “I see. I'd like to see them if I could.”

He ignored the stricken look on Mara's face as he answered. “They're in my office. I can bring them by the station in the morning.”

“Good,” he said with a nod. “Who knows? We might get lucky.” He started toward the door, but turned back when he reached it. “One more thing, Ms. Templeton, I would suggest that you stay with family or a friend until this is resolved.”

“She'll be staying with me,” Joe explained.

“Good, because the person who did this isn't likely to give up. It's best if you stay on your guard until we catch him.”

* * * *

Mara nodded as she watched Joe escort him out.

It didn't make any sense.

Why would someone want to hurt her?

The detective's warning played over and over in her mind.

“Whoever did this isn't likely to give up.”

As Joe drove her back to his house, she couldn't help but scan the streets.

Was the person who did this out there?



Just the thought of it made her shiver.

Once they reached the house, she walked upstairs, her body and mind numb. She went straight into the bathroom, her clothes falling in a puddle on the floor. With a flick of the knob, the water started. She stepped into the shower, feeling the warm water dance across her skin. She could only imagine what Joe was thinking right now.

How had everything begun to go so wrong?

She heard the door open behind her and turned to see him get in. She would never get over how beautiful he was. The muscles in his arms glistened as he let the water wash over them before reaching out to her.

Her eyes met his.

There was so much that she wanted to say, so much she wanted to tell him, but the words got stuck in her throat. He took a step toward her, his body so close it was almost touching hers. The warmth from the water behind her was completely forgotten as she felt the heat of his body.


Before she could get the words out, his finger covered her lips, effectively silencing her. His hand cradled her face, his thumb tracing her cheekbone, the line of her jaw. The pressure on the back of her neck increased to pull her forward. He pressed tender kisses to each bruise, and she closed her eyes.

How was it possible that everything could be so wrong and still feel so right?

In this moment with Joe, all of the pieces seemed to fit together. And there was no one out there waiting to hurt her, no one but the two of them. Her hands glided over his arms, coming up to circle his neck.

Tonight, she wouldn't think of what was waiting out there. She wouldn't even think of what the future held for them. Tonight she would be greedy. She would take this stolen moment and hold it in her heart forever.

She lifted up on tiptoes to press her lips against his, her tongue tracing his lower lip. She moved her body against his, feeling a shiver of anticipation race up her spine as her nipples puckered against his chest. Her fingers curled into the hair at his nape as her kiss became more demanding. No matter how much she had of him, she always wanted more. His arms encircled her, tracing her spine before drifting lower. He backed her up a few steps until she felt the cool tile against her skin.

The water sprayed against his back, making it slick. She allowed her fingers the liberty of sliding over it before lowering to grip his buttocks. She felt the low groan escape his lips before she heard it. His hand moved around her to mold her breast into his palm. Her nipples tightened, and her pussy flooded with arousal. Her head fell back against the wall as sensation took over.

He seemed to know instinctively what she needed. She felt his lips press against her jaw, the hollow of her ear, the sensitive skin of her neck before traveling to the place that demanded his attention. His mouth claimed her nipple, his tongue circling it before flicking it gently. She felt his teeth graze it and released a low moan. His hand slid over her abdomen before traveling to her slick folds. She felt him part her before one finger slid inside. Her fingers dug into the bunched muscles of his shoulders. She could feel his erection prod against her, and she arched toward it.

She felt a second finger drive into her, and she cried out as he began to pump them inside of her. Her hand lowered to close around his erection. Her thumb slid over the tip, and he let out a husky groan. His arm hooked under her knee, pulling her leg up around his waist. He bent, his other arm grabbing her other leg to lift it. Her arms clung to his neck as he took all of her weight. She found the relief she was searching for when he drove into her. Her back pressed against the tile as he began to move inside of her.

Her thighs squeezed him as if she could somehow keep him there forever. She clung to him as his body took possession of hers. Waves of pleasure spread through her as she reached for the pinnacle that only he could deliver. His lips pressed against her neck, his fingers digging into the sensitive skin of her buttocks. He drove into her, pushing her higher, higher than she ever thought she could go. When she cried out, he was right there with her, releasing a husky groan of satisfaction.

When they finally made it to the bed, she curled into his arms. Looking into his eyes, she realized that she would never get over Joe Gates. He stared down at her, a look of confusion marring his perfect features. It was as if he too was trying to figure out what had happened between them. Making love with him in the shower had been more powerful than any other time they had been together.

It had shaken her to the core, making her realize just how important he had become. There was no turning back now. Protecting her heart was a thing of the past. She had already lost it. And she wasn't even sorry.

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