Read Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) Online

Authors: Setta Jay

Tags: #Erotic Paranormal Romance

Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series)
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She was saved from further conversation when Conn came in, smiling warmly at her. “You doing okay, Rain?”

“Yeah.” She smiled back; she really liked the wolf. He’d been a sweetheart since the moment she moved into the manor. He’d given her a tour and told her about the others and how the place ran. In general he’d gone out of his way to make her comfortable, and when she needed to find another place to stay, he’d arranged the cottage for her. She owed him. He had such a dark bad-boy thing going, with all the tattoos and piercings, but he had a heart of gold. He was even there when she’d faced off with Drake about selling her business and moving for her safety. When she’d balked at Drake’s high-handed bossiness, Conn had been there to turn up the exhaust fans and laugh it off. She was pretty sure the Guardian leader wouldn’t have barbequed her, but it was a tense few moments as she watched smoke filter out of his mouth.

She felt Dorian’s approach even before he slid an arm around her shoulders. She looked up at him, unsure about the display of affection. He’d been talking with Gregoire and Bastian on the other side of the room. As their first outing together, the entire thing was awkward as hell. Now, with his arm around her and a distinctly hardened jaw, she wasn’t sure what the hell was going on. Was he feeling possessive? She looked at Alyssa, who only beamed back at her. Traitor. She tried really hard not to like it, but damn, she did. She huffed out a breath.

I’m fine with this, whatever it is, but pee on me or start acting like Gregoire and we have issues.

His gaze shot down to her before he burst out laughing.

Conn smiled and shook his head before walking over to take a seat.

Dorian lifted her up and kissed her, right in front of everyone, before leading her to the seat next to Alyssa and Gregoire. She was still fighting off the effects of his kiss when she sat down. Her cheeks felt flushed, and she was angry that he would get her all heated when she was stuck sitting there with no outlet.

Drake came in after several of the other Guardians, as well as Erik and Sam, Alex’s brother and his mate. It felt odd attending an actual Guardian meeting as if they were already mated. She felt it when Dorian pulled her chair closer to his and rested his arm over the back as they faced Drake.

Their leader opened with, “Everything’s been quiet for a week. Too quiet. We still have no idea why there were so many hell beast attacks and demon-possessed. We can all guess that it has something to do with someone taking over after Cyril, but we don’t know for sure. Conn.”

The wolf sat in front of a laptop and reported what information he had. “Uri hasn’t found anything useful out of any of the possessed we detained, but he and Alex had a
that appears to be leading us to Cynthia. The location was the home of a Mageia who has a rare ability with air. She’s similar to Rain in that she can communicate with winged creatures.” Conn grinned at Rain. “We took her to a safe house a few days ago and made it look like she’s off visiting the Denver Coven for the week. She’s not fucking happy. She was already warned by one of the covens that Cynthia was preying on their own. She had set up some impressive protections, but was still being watched.”

“Good,” Alex said, looking relieved. Her powers were kept secret. The abilities were those even the Gods hadn’t had. They seemed to be getting stronger after her mating with Uri. It took about a year before mated pairs’ powers completely blended. Rain wondered what they’d be able to do then.

Conn spoke again. “We’ve marked and bugged the cars of the Mageia watching her. I should have a location soon.”

Uri added, “We won’t have a lot of time once we find Cynthia. A week seemed a realistic time for her to spend at the coven; longer and we’re concerned that Cynthia might look for new prey. We’ll have to hit before that time’s up, and it’s coming. The bitch is smart, and she’ll get suspicious and likely go back into hiding if the female never goes home.”

“Why can’t we just put the Mageia back in the home and let Cynthia’s idiots grab her?” Jax asked as if that was the smartest option.

Alex answered. “We already cleared it with Drake. We can’t use her as bait. She needs to be away from it all,” the female said with certainty. “We bought all the time we safely could. It does feel like Cynthia would try to infiltrate another coven, especially since Conn said the leader of the Denver Coven hates her. It’ll work. We just won’t have a lot of time for recon.” Alex shook her head and frowned at Jax like he was an idiot. He just winked back at her, causing Uri to narrow his eyes at the cat.

Drake moved on. “Sirena.”

The healer sat there pensively for a second before nodding and speaking. “Vane and Brianne are, for the most part, fine. I’m hopeful they’ll wake within another couple of weeks. Brianne will probably awaken first. I’m going to continue doing tests often, since I keep getting anomalies. I’m not really sure what it all means yet. It’s subtle, nothing life threatening.”

Rain wondered what Sirena was keeping from them and saw the other Guardians eying her.

“What’s really going on?” Erik asked Drake pointedly before anyone else had a chance.

Alex seemed to be looking off into space as Vane’s twin questioned what was happening. The big dark-haired Demi-God looked angry and concerned.

“I agreed that Sirena would discuss her findings with Brianne and Vane before she imparts any of her thoughts to anyone else. It’s not life or death, so you wait,” Drake said matter-of-factly. He didn’t seem pleased with any of it, but it wasn’t like he was a warm and fuzzy dragon anyway.

Rain felt the tension grow thicker. Worry for one of their own was obviously getting to them.

Erik eyed Sirena. “We’ll talk when this is over.”

“Erik, I know you’re Vane’s brother, but don’t piss me off. It’s none of your fucking concern until Sirena has more than guesses.” Smoke filtered out of Drake’s mouth.

Erik narrowed his eyes, and Rain wondered if the male had a death wish.

Alex grabbed her brother’s hand and shook her head with an odd look on her face. “He’ll be okay.”


Chapter 23


Guardian Beach House, Tetartos Realm


Dorian’s mouth was on hers the minute they reformed at the beach house, their home for the week since he’d claimed her. Their tongues dueled until she was moaning deep. What had started out tender with him was getting increasingly more dominant. She wrapped her legs around him as he pinned her to the wall.
I’m going to do such dirty things to you tonight.

Gooseflesh ran along her skin.

Do you want that, Rain?

Hell, yeah, she wanted every hot inch of him in any way she could get it. Pathetic, but so damn true.

He carried her to the bedroom and slipped her clothes off first and then his. “I’m going to stretch your snug little ass, Rain. I’ll have to give it to the Aletheia, but I won’t let him be the first for anything.”

She swallowed. The possessive gleam in his eyes was just making her hotter.

He leaned down and kissed her quickly. “Get on the bed, nymph. During the mating, your pussy and ass will both be full of cock. I’m going to stretch your ass with a toy and fuck your sweet pussy tonight so you know just how good it is with no one else.”

The image he projected was hot. A part of her loved that he didn’t want to share her. She refused to feel guilty about doing what had to be done, but would she feel bad about enjoying it? She worried she would. Every time he talked about it, she got so wet at the idea of two males focused all on her, and it made her stomach clench.

She should feel guilty for loving his struggle, but it made her feel wanted instead.

He moved some pillows. “Lay with them under your hips. I’m going to take my time.”

Her breathing grew even more erratic. Creators, what was he going to do to her. Her thighs were already wet, and he hadn’t even touched her pussy or breasts. She crawled onto the bed and lay over the pillows with her head on the comforter and her ass in the air.

“Spread wide for me, Rain.”

She groaned and complied.

“So hot and wet.”

Outside the door,
Bastian said through their link.

Her head turned to Dorian. “What’s outside?”

“He just picked a few things up for me. I’ll be right back. He won’t come in.” He nearly growled.

A second later she heard packaging tear and looked back. “It’s a plug to stretch you tight muscles. I’m going to slide it in and fuck your pussy while it’s lodged in your ass. Once you come all over me I’m going to take out the plug and take your ass nice a slow. The lube I’m going to use is special and will make it good.”

She closed her eyes at the image of him pushing the tapered toy inside her.

“Arch back for me. I’m hungry.” His voice came out gravelly.

A hand ran over her back as the plug and a small jar were tossed onto the bed, right next to her head.

Soon both his hands were caressing her spine and hip. “I love the line of your back like this, all arched with your ass high, ready for whatever I want to do. You smell so fucking edible.” He groaned, and so did she. Gooseflesh rose all over her skin as she waited. The anticipation was killing her.

“Your pussy is so damn wet, Rain.”

She felt his lips between her shoulder blades and hissed out a breath. His cock nestled between her cheeks as he leaned over her. She couldn’t help moving back into him. His shaft was warm and hard against her. His tongue trailed up her spine to her neck. The sensation made her squirm and sent tingles all through her body. She fisted the blankets as he slid his cock back and forth, massaging her crack.

He lifted from her, and she missed the heat of him. Warm breath filtered over her pussy a second later as his big hands massaged her thighs before moving up. A heated smack landed on her bottom, and she groaned at his wet tongue soothing away the light sting. She circled her hips for more, loving when he was rougher with her. She knew he always tempered his strength with her, but the sting was good.

“My little sea goddess loves to be spanked.”  She heard the grin in his voice.  “We really need to explore that further one day, but now I have so much more in mind.”

She sighed into the soft material of the comforter.  The wet sensation of his tongue over her pussy made her back bow further, giving him all the access he needed to make her feel good.  His tongue was ruthless, and his hands came up and spread her wide, licking and sucking until he met her ass and rimmed it with his tongue.  “I can’t wait to get in here,” he said and then moved away, making her groan in irritation.  She wanted to come. 

He chuckled and smacked her ass again before picking up the things he’d left next to her on the bed.  She heard the lid of the jar open and waited, anxious and ready.  “Offer me your ass, Rain.”  Shit, he was killing her, but she tilted her hips higher.  “When I push it in, you need to push against it.  The lube will make this easier.”  He palmed her ass and spread her wide, waiting… tormenting her.

“I’m going to show you how fucking beautiful it is with your ass all stretched around the plug, but it’ll be even more gorgeous stretched around my cock.”  He groaned, and images started filtering into her mind.  His fingers as they applied the clear lube over her back entrance.  Soon she was watching his finger enter her ass.  “Fuck, just like that.  Take it.” 

She pushed and arched; it tingled and felt so damn good.  The fingers of his other hand slid over her lower lips, and she saw liquid rush from her body to coat the digits.

“Gods, you’re soaking my hand.  Who’s pussy and ass is this, nymph?” 

She gasped and pushed back for more, and he added another finger to her ass.  They glistened from the lube as he slid them in and out. 

“Tell me,” he growled.

“Yours.”  She barely formed the word she knew would get her what she needed. 

He groaned.  “You grip my fingers so hard. I can’t wait for your ass to swallow my dick.” The black rubber toy replaced his fingers, and she felt deliciously stretched.  He pushed all the way in until the base met her cheeks.  She whimpered mindlessly, caught up in the sensation.  She needed to come.  It was all too good.  Too wicked.

“Damn, I can see just how much you love having your ass filled.”  He circled the toy around and around, and she keened uncontrollably.

“Oh, Gods, Dorian, make me come.  I can’t take anymore.”

“Do you want my cock filling up your pussy?” 

She couldn’t breathe.  His words thrust her over some unseen edge into agony. 
She was beyond getting her voice to work. She needed more.

He groaned and fed her the image of his cock sliding under the toy, and she just about came off the bed. She felt him push inside her pussy and thought she’d die if he didn’t finish it.
Please. I need.

She heard his heavy breathing as he pushed inside. “So fucking tight.”

It was intense. With the toy in her ass and his cock slowly tunneling into her pussy, she’d never felt so stuffed and so hot.

“Can you take more?”

She nodded into the bed. Her shoulders were tense, and she was probably ripping the bedding as she clawed it. Never had she felt so raw.

He pushed until he was all the way in.

Damn it, Dorian. Fuck me hard.
She was beyond begging. She knew he was holding back. Since bruising her pelvis the first time, he always held back.

He growled behind her. Hard fingers gripped her hips as he started thrusting until he hit just the right spot. She came hard around him. He shouted, and she felt the electric current that sent her over again, violently.

Her breathing was ragged, and she thought she might pass out when his cock slid from her body. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “So amazing. Can you take more, Rain, or have I worn you out?”

She felt hot tingles all over her body. He wanted more, and she was only too happy to give it to him. She was tired, but the thought of having his cock in her ass was heating her all over again.

BOOK: Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series)
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