Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) (28 page)

Read Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) Online

Authors: Setta Jay

Tags: #Erotic Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series)
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“We’re done here,” he said, only half listening to the sputtering pleas from Cynthia through the connection. He looked at Elizabeth. “Cut the connection. I want you to work at finding another contact. If you don’t have something in the next week, you die.” He was sick of waiting for other test subjects. Ian thought he was close to trialing a formula, and he wanted to make sure the Mageia scientist had all he needed. He felt the moment that Elizabeth severed the connection with Cynthia.

He looked at Angus, his second. “Take her back to her cell. I have things to do.” He didn’t miss the narrowing of Angus’s eyes. No one wanted to be in control of the bitch, but he didn’t trust anyone else to do it. Angus and he had been partners for the entire time they’d been with Cyril. He raised an eyebrow at the blond male.

Angus blew out a frustrated breath and prodded Elizabeth to move out the door. She gave Kane a deadly glare as she walked out into the tunnel going the opposite direction of where he was headed.

He was agitated and needed to get out of there. He wished, not for the first time, that he could teleport, but he was full Aletheia, not the son of a God like Cyril. He rubbed the back of his hair. He hated everything about the situation. For more than a century he’d waited for Cyril’s experiments to produce results. Ian seemed to think they were close to some kind of breakthrough. He needed to be patient, but he worried that answers wouldn’t come soon enough for Isaura.

Chapter 29


Drake’s Mountain Home, Tetartos Realm

Brianne hadn’t wanted to distract her brothers during the fight, so she’d dressed and listened. Now that it was over and Sirena had healed Sander and Rain, she needed to know what was going on. Drake had come to the infirmary while she’d been helping Sirena with Sander. Poor thing had been big-time messed up by that damn bomb, but he was finally patched up and back to his crabby self. Drake had waited until Sander left before telling her and Sirena to meet at his mountain home.

She quickly cleaned up and teleported. Walking in to the huge living room, she saw him standing by the fireplace; he never sat. The fireplace took up almost an entire wall in the nearly two-story room. Ancient tapestries hung on the walls alongside swords. It felt kind of homey and very old world. Drake’s longish blond hair was mussed. Not like Vane’s perfect hair.

She wondered if he built the space so large so that he could take his dragon form and lie in front of the fireplace, twitching his tail. She grinned to herself. She sure as hell wasn’t going to ask him that.

She was agitated, knowing she’d have to come clean. That and she was all too aware that Sirena wasn’t telling her something important. She knew that Vane should be waking up in another week, but having to meet at Drake’s didn’t bode well.

“How are you feeling?” Drake asked. He wasn’t warm and fuzzy, but he cared for all of them in his own way. She knew that without any doubt. He had kept them all marginally sane during the early centuries after they’d become Guardians.

“Fine. My muscles were just tight as shit when I woke.” She tried for something to avoid the topic she knew was coming. “Do you think we’ll find any clues in the rubble at Cynthia’s?”

“No. I’m sure she had tunnels, and she’ll be long gone. The explosion was smart; the scent made it impossible to track her.” He tapped a hand on the mantle of the stone fireplace. “I don’t think she will have left any clues. The human authorities are all over the place now. Once they’re gone, I’ll have someone double-check.”

She sat on the couch and tried to relax. “I guess I missed a lot while I was out.”

A fire was lit, giving the room a warm glow. She crossed one leg over the other and jiggled a foot in the air as they waited for Sirena to arrive. What was taking so long? Her sister was fastidious, but this was ridiculous.

“How long?” Drake asked with a raised eyebrow. She didn’t have to wonder at what he meant. She guessed that meant chitchat time was over. She hoped Sirena got there soon, though she was sure the healer would take Drake’s side.

“Too long,” was her best evasive answer.

Sirena finally walked in. The tap of her heels on the stone sounded deafening in the silence after her answer.

“Brianne,” he growled.

Damn. “A century, give or take.”

That caught him off guard. His eyes went a little wide. That was a huge reaction from him, which wasn’t necessarily good news for her. She looked over at the flames behind the grate.

“Are you fucking kidding me, Brianne!” he roared, and smoke billowed from his lips. “Do orders mean nothing now?”

Shit, he was really pissed. “Vane, Erik and Alex were helping out with the possessed on Earth, and you said yourself that we were supposed to avoid them so we didn’t have to exile them to Tetartos. We needed the help too much to worry about separating them from humanity.”

“How is fucking him avoiding him?” Drake snarled. The room was filling with smoke.

She just stared at the dragon, her mouth open. “I never tell any of you guys who to fuck. I can’t believe you’re going to tell me.”

“Brianne, I’m not your fucking daddy, but I gave an order, and you blew it off. I’m not happy everyone keeps hiding shit. First hellhounds, then a mate and now this. I took Uri’s ass to the mats. I don’t ask for shit other than you all do your fucking jobs and don’t make things harder for us.” Smoke filtered from his lips. His green dragon eyes were old, a lot older than they should be. He carried the weight of the Guardians. He watched over the sleeping Gods so that none of the Guardians would be tempted to off the bastards, and she knew he rarely slept. Sometimes he may seem a little cold, but he took his duty seriously.

“It wasn’t hurting anything,” she said, knowing that it didn’t matter. She had gone against his orders.

. Sirena, explain her fucking blood work,” he growled, emerald eyes flashing dangerously.

Sirena finally spoke, and she looked exhausted and worried, which scared the shit out of Brianne. “It looks like both your and Vane’s cells have mutated. It’s like there is a connection melding between the two of you. I’m not sure what that means. It’s different than anything I’ve seen. Similar to a mating, but we know that’s impossible. The races never blended in Apollo’s labs. He tried to create mixed species on his own, but that failed. One body has never been able to house two animals.”

Brianne sat in shock as her sister took a deep breath before continuing.

“I’m not sure if it’s something to do with the ofioeidis venom or if it’s been there longer. I need to keep doing tests on the both of you.”

Brianne sat there, her muscles so tense she thought they’d snap. Connected? Mutated? What the hell did that mean?

“Your fucking actions had consequences. A damn century with a male that could never be yours was a bad fucking idea. What happens if this mates you in some weird way and we lose you to the animals? Will I have to fucking put a sister down?” Drake was furious and, more, worried, though she only caught a glimpse of it in his hard gaze. Her stomach lurched.

“We haven’t said anything because we still don’t know what’s happening. It’s your choice to tell the others. I’m not sure what any of it means for certain, but I’ll be taking blood samples often so I can figure it out.”


Chapter 30


Guardian Manor, Tetartos Realm


Rain was almost ready. Alyssa was doing the last checks on her dress.

“I can’t believe he took you shopping,” Sirena said with a smile.

“Yep. In the stores by the beach. He also took me to breakfast in a car. Then we walked around before coming back. He was twitchy and growly the entire time, and holy hell, if anyone got too close to me, he scared the shit out of them.” She grinned and continued. “It’s different than in the movies. You get the smells and sounds that are so different from here,” she explained to Alyssa.

Sam smiled as Rain recounted her morning adventures.

Rain felt lighter, almost giddy. She hoped they went back soon. She wanted to experience it all. Now, she just needed to get through the mating ceremonies to come.

Sam, Alex and Alyssa were there with the three female Guardians, Sacha, Sirena and Brianne, most drinking wine as they listened to her. Brianne had been tight lipped, claiming that she was still feeling some effects from the poison.

“Did you talk about the mating?” Sirena asked.

“Yes.” Rain felt nervous as hell. Excited about what would happen but worried at what his reaction to sharing her would be.

Dorian had contacted Tynan and Conn that morning. Conn would be there as a witness and to watch over the blood bonding. Of the brothers, she felt most comfortable with the wolf, but the whole thing would be emotionally trying, and she knew it.

“Done.” Alyssa tied the dress at the back of her neck so Rain could stop holding it over her breasts. It fell beautifully with a long gather that vee’d almost to her belly button. Her entire back was exposed in the pale pink silk gown. It was so low it nearly showed her ass.

“You look beautiful,” Alyssa said, smiling, and then she flushed, and her hand went to her stomach.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just the weird blending thing again.” Her friend gave the same answer she’d been giving for a while.

“What are you talking about?” Sirena asked, concerned.

“It’s no big deal. I just keep getting a weird sensation in my stomach, and my power surges. I’m sure it’s just normal power-melding stuff.”

Rain watched as Alyssa looked to the others. Alex and Sam frowned right along with Sirena.

The healer looked at her closely, and then her mouth fell a little, and her eyes grew wide. “Let me see,” Sirena said, and her hands went to Alyssa’s stomach. A second later, Sirena’s mouth fell completely open before saying, “Son of a bitch!” Her hands roved over Alyssa’s stomach again as a hush filled the room.

“What?” Alyssa said, and her pale eyes went instantly to panic. Gregoire was there within seconds.

“What the hell is going on?” he demanded as he came up beside Alyssa and pulled her into his chest.

“You’re pregnant,” Sirena whispered reverently before breaking out in a big watery smile.

Both Alyssa and Gregoire stared at the healer for a split second, and then Gregoire turned to his mate and dropped to his knees in front of her. His big hands caressed Alyssa’s stomach, so gently. He gripped her hips and pulled her stomach to his face. “Gods! Sirena, will she be okay carrying my child? She’s so damn small,” she heard him say softly, a hint of panic in his voice.

Alyssa’s fingers slid into his hair as she smiled down at her mate. He was holding her so gently, and Rain saw a tear slide down her friend’s cheek as she massaged her fingers through Gregoire’s hair, soothing him. There was a light smile tipping Alyssa’s lips, and she looked happier than Rain had ever seen her.

The moment was heart-wrenchingly beautiful, but private. She and the others left the room as quietly as they could, leaving Sirena to answer their questions. Alyssa whispered down to her mate, still smiling at him. So much love. Her friend was going to be a mother. She’d be an aunt to a little warhorse. Her hands went to her chest.

“I didn’t think it was possible for at least a decade?” Alex said, obviously still shocked. She and Alex were equally affected by the new development. Anxious and pale. They both set their drinks down on the nearest table as if the alcohol burned their fingers.

“It’s not surprising that Gregoire and that huge-assed horse dick of his knocked her up so fast,” Brianne mused.

Four sets of wide eyes turned to Brianne.

“What?” She looked at them, wide eyed and innocent. “You can’t tell me no one else was thinking it.” She turned to Sacha with her hands palms up. “You’ve seen his warhorse. I’m surprised he hasn’t broken Alyssa in half. My respect for that female went up fifty notches when she didn’t run screaming from him when she caught sight of that thing. Shit, we all know she was a virgin.”

Sacha, of all people, burst out laughing, and they all stared at the usually quiet Kairos. Her beautiful bronzed skin was flushed with amusement, and she looked even more beautiful.

Brianne had been quiet up until that point, saying that the venom was making her drowsy. Apparently not anymore. Rain just shook her head, grinning while trying not to picture Gregoire’s dick.

Sirena came out, a big smile on her pixy face.

“How are they?” Rain asked. She needed confirmation that her friend would be okay. Alyssa
small, and Gregoire was one of the largest Guardians.

“She’ll be fine. It’s Gregoire I’m concerned about. He’s working himself into a panic, and I fear that a new level of possessive craziness is moving in. Alyssa might beat him senseless before it’s all over.” Sirena smiled at that.

Sam and Alex shared a look and moved in front of Sirena, each settling one of the healer’s hands on their stomachs. Sirena chuckled. Rain, Sacha and Brianne just grinned. Sirena shook her head. Neither were pregnant, but now the question was whether or not there would be more pregnancies in the near future.

Alex and Sam quickly picked their drinks up off the table, and Alex downed hers and was looking to the patio bar as if she were planning to head there for a refill. Rain tried not to laugh too hard at the look on Alex’s face.

Rain wasn’t sure how she felt about children. She’d never considered anything that far out of reach. A decade seemed a long time, but now… What if she got pregnant with Dorian’s child? She pictured a small blond boy with spiky blond hair playing in the water, and she smiled. She’d be fine with whatever happened.

As it came time to leave for the ceremony, she turned to the others. She was sure Alyssa needed time to wrangle her mate. She wouldn’t hold it against her friend if she didn’t make it. She might be a little sad, but not upset. Alyssa’s life just changed in a huge way.

“We should get to the Temple,” she said. She was anxious to reach Dorian, and Sirena smiled knowingly before grabbing her hand and porting.

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