Read Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) Online

Authors: Setta Jay

Tags: #Erotic Paranormal Romance

Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) (30 page)

BOOK: Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series)
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She was flipped around so fast she couldn’t process what was happening. His legs were over the edge of the bed, and she straddled his hips. His cock firmed beneath her, and she rubbed against it. “Lift up.” He positioned his shaft at her entrance and slid his cock home. He pulled her chest down over him, thrusting up so that he was buried all the way to the root. He captured her arms behind her back so her breasts were pushed tight to his torso and her ass was exposed and vulnerable. She moaned, knowing just how she must look with her pussy stretching tight around his cock and her ass offered up. Her breathing was erratic. This was what she was anxious for. Ever since he’d put the toy in her small back hole, she wanted to know what it was like with two real cocks inside her. She refused to feel guilty that it turned her on.

She could barely move, but her hips bucked uncontrollably.

“Use plenty of lube. I want it to feel really good for her.”

She couldn’t see what was happening behind her, and it added to her arousal. After a moment she felt Tynan’s fingers slicking lube over her ass and gasped. She was having trouble staying still with Dorian’s cock impaling her. He was bigger around than Tynan, and he stretched out her walls.

I need to move,
she begged through their link.

His voice vibrated back to her, almost a growl.

Her ass was invaded with slick fingers, pushing and caressing, and she tried tilting her hips for more, rubbing her clit hard against Dorian.

He grunted, but held her so tight she couldn’t move her face from his chest. She gasped when she felt the other cock. “Push against me, Rain,” Tynan instructed, and she did.

They all groaned when he lodged the head inside. “So tight. Damn. Is it hurting you?” Tynan asked.

“No,” she keened. It was the total opposite. She wanted more. Wanted to feel them both deep. Needed to be full.

“Do it,” Dorian ordered Tynan.

The Aletheia’s cock inched further inside her ass as she panted and shimmied for more. The lube made her skin tingle in the best way. It added to the sensation of her hard nipples pinned against Dorian as she was filled with two hard cocks. She mewled as her ass stretched. Tynan’s fingers gripped her hips gently as he sank inside. “I’m in,” she heard him pant out. She was so damn full she didn’t know what could feel hotter until they started working in tandem and she lost all breath. One out, the other in, massaging her walls and making her cry out for more. The thrusts gained speed as she mewled into her mate’s chest, and release claimed her, hard. They kept fucking her, and she thought she would lose her mind until she felt Dorian tensing. He came, and the jolts rocked her over the edge all over again.

“What the fuck?” Tynan groaned and came in her ass. She wondered if he was feeling the electricity too.

She was dizzy and achy, but so damn sated she couldn’t move if she had to. She felt Tynan slip from her body. Dorian’s voice came out gravelly, a little remorseful. “Thank you.”

“Happy mating, my friend, a vial of my blood is by the chalice.”

She felt Dorian’s nod. She knew he was talking about the fact that to digest Dorian’s blood she needed a drop of an Aletheia’s mixed in. The entire thing sounded disgusting, but it was the only way.

Dorian released her arms and started massaging them. He pushed her hair off of her face and kissed her gently.



Chapter 32


Guardian Manor, Tetartos Realm


Brianne lay awake in her suite, her mind rolling around all that Sirena had said. Mutated cells. What did that really mean?

She was debating avoiding sleep again like she had the night before. If he truly had been sharing her dream, he knew she felt more for him than just loving his cock. Damn, she hoped that wasn’t the case. She chewed on her lower lip. If she slept, would she find herself back there with him?

She closed her eyes tight. She’d done things there she never would have done had she known. She’d let herself be vulnerable.

So much was happening in their world. All the matings after so many centuries, and now a pregnancy so soon after Gregoire claimed Alyssa. It would have been exciting if she didn’t have the sick feeling something more was happening. The Creators wouldn’t be back, but they’d warned the Guardians before leaving that the Gods would one day be needed. Was that time closing in? She hoped to hell it wasn’t. The last thing the Realms needed was Ares and Artemis awakening, sick bastards that they were. What possible use would they be to anything good? They were one of the main reasons the Guardians had so much trouble. They’d spawned the damn Tria, for fuck’s sake. She pinched the bridge of her nose and considered sleep for the millionth time.

In the end she decided it was better if she went to him again. Maybe do some damage control.

Her eyes closed, and she lay there waiting. After several deep breaths, she finally relaxed and felt it take her under.

“Where were you?” dream Vane demanded. His hands were on his hips, and his eyes flashed accusingly.

Shit. She really was sharing her dreams with him, wasn’t she?

He stalked toward her, and she tried for flippant. “I found another hot locale and was snoozing there.”

He grabbed her, and she released her talons, free to attack. She didn’t like the look in his eyes. She’d always made him prove his strength, that he was worthy before she let him fuck her. Her beast loved the game and the fact that he was the only one that could best her, aside from her brothers. Only now it felt forced, not what it used to be.

“So we’re back to this, then?” he growled.

“We’re not back to anything. We were only having fun, Vane. So I got a little kinky in my dreams.”

His hands held her arms behind her back as he glared at her. “Kinky? I don’t think so.”

Her heart raced, and her eyes shot open. Damn him. Now she didn’t even get to sleep. She was screwed. Worse, she had no idea what the whole connection thing was until Sirena did more tests. She jumped out of bed. She needed to fly.


Chapter 33


Temple of Consummation, Tetartos Realm


Dorian owed Tynan. He’d treated the male no better than a prized stud, and he hadn’t deserved that shit.

He ran a hand over his face. “Are you okay?” She’d come hard all over his dick, wrung the come from his body when she’d clamped around him like a vise.

“I’m okay. A little sore, though.” She waggled her eyebrows.

His lips tilted as he stared down at her beautiful face. He knew she wanted him to apply cream to all the sore spots. “I’ll make sure to fix that. That’s the only trouble?”

She nodded. “I feel good.”

He saw Conn standing outside, looking at the sea. They needed to get the blood bonding over with, but it made his gut clench just thinking about it.

She looked up at him, knowing. “I’ll be fine. I have to see it.”

All his horrors and failures would be lined up for her, he knew it. The only memories she’d see were his strongest, and the vast majority were not good.

He kissed her and got up to get the cream, glad he’d asked Tynan to bring it with him. He wouldn’t need the male’s blood. He’d arranged for some of Uri’s to complete the bond. He really owed Tynan, big time. Maybe he would buy him another boat and have Bastian teleport it over. Yes, he’d get him a bigger boat. The male loved to sail.

He uncapped the jar and moved to the bed. She was snuggled up on her side, watching him. She painted a gorgeous picture. He moved her over onto her stomach and slid his fingers in to apply the healing cream to her abused pussy and ass. He would be taking her again after the blood bonding.

He looked forward to her becoming Immortal, taking Nereid form. She really would be his sea goddess, and he didn’t doubt for a second that he would be chasing her through the waters. He was eagerly anticipating not having to temper his strength when he was taking her. Until he could stop holding back and give her everything and not worry about harming her.

“Let me clean you up, and then we’ll have Conn come in and watch over the blood bonding.”

She nodded, and he lifted her into his arms and carried her over to the cleansing alcove in the corner. The water started flowing from the ceiling mount, and he took his time cleaning her before drying her skin.


His brother came in and smiled at them. He grabbed the chalice and ceremonial blade, and then pulled out a vial from his pocket. Uri’s blood.

He took her lips as Conn sliced into his forearm. He didn’t want her to see that.

I’m going to bite your shoulder as you drink from the cup, nymph.

It happened very fast. She drank, and he sank his teeth into her smooth skin, partially transforming to use his sharp fangs. She flinched, and he quickly licked at the sting as his beast hummed inside at being able to mark her.

Her memories started flashing in his mind.

Loneliness as she played by herself as a small child. Her mother and father sitting to the side with books. They’d share smiles, but wouldn’t take the time to play with her.

Hunger as she walked through a market. A small hand darting out to swipe a piece of fruit, panic when the shop owner turned. A female child about the same size, with brown hair and pale green eyes, making fruit fall in the other direction, a distraction. Adrenaline, running as fast as her small legs would carry her. Relief, then excitement as the other child followed her. Laughter as they played and talked.

Another flash.

She was older, so was the green-eyed girl. So much happiness filled her when she pulled a pan of something from an oven. A hug from the other girl’s mother. Complete joy from the affectionate touch.

Swimming in the sea. Her creatures surrounding her, loving her. Exhilaration, excitement, freedom. Hugging their backs and letting them take her far out into the cold water.

Elation, pride. Showing a grown Alyssa her empty shop with boxes and shelves. They smilingly started rummaging through the inventory.

Disappointment and sadness as she stood at an Emfanisi and faked a smile for Alyssa. Knowing that she would age and die. Berating herself for believing she might find a mate. Resolve to live her life to the fullest.

Lying in a bed. Regret and disappointment filling her heart as she looked at the spots of blood on the bedding, wondering why it hadn’t been as amazing as she imagined.

Sirena telling her she was mated and being hit with the biting pain of rejection.

Blinding intensity and pleasure as he made love to her the first time. So much heat and lust… connection.

Him seeing her with her creatures. Pride, longing for him to see her as powerful, special, worthy.

Pain, panic, need to get to him. Moving through rubber and reforming. Blood, pain, unable to breathe. Seeing his fear and knowing he really cared for her. Worry she might die and lose him.

Him saying the words to bind himself to her, the flow of Sirena’s power as the mark rose over his skin. Love. Heart-wrenching love.

He came back to himself and just stared at her. She was his. He nearly choked from the emotion slicing him deep. She loved him so damn much it nearly broke him. He never imagined seeing so much pain, hope, strength in such a young female. He lifted her into his lap and waited, swallowing. He would give her the fucking world on a damn platter.

Conn’s back was to them, and he thanked fuck for that. He was raw.

“You can go, Conn,” he whispered.

His brother nodded and left. Never looking back.

Her eyes opened, and he’d never seen anything more beautiful. She took deep breaths, and he saw the tears pooling in her eyes. Fuck. She hadn’t even cried when she’d been shot. He kissed her lips.

It’s over. I’ll make it go away. Let me love you.

Even in his mind, her voice was raw.

She clung to him as he devoured her, trailing his tongue over her jaw and down her neck. He could never take the memories away. She knew him at his worst, and he was sure the only good things she’d seen in his mind were her. She was the only pure, beautiful thing in his world, and he’d almost lost her when he’d rejected her. Denied her. Them. Never again. She was his, and he would fucking cherish her every day as the gift she was.


Chapter 34

Kane’s Compound, Tetartos Realm


The alarms were shrieking when Kane returned from the hidden lab. Why the fuck hadn’t Angus telepathed him? He searched for the link to his second and couldn’t find it. Anger and concern hit him hard. Was his second dead? He stalked the halls, snapping two hellhound necks on the path to his room. What the fuck were the Tria doing sending their beasts to attack him. He snarled as realization hit… Elizabeth.

He sliced into the neck of another beast with his dagger. Dead Mageia littered the halls, and he raged as he continued to the tunnel leading to his suite.

“Hello, lover,” Elizabeth purred as he entered. She had another bastard with her. Reve. The Kairos was so mild tempered, and Kane had never imagined the male would turn on him to help the bitch.

Three hounds attacked at once, and he moved quickly to dislodge one, but another got his teeth into Kane’s neck. Fuck. He wouldn’t make it to his weapons. He wished he was able to teleport. He broke one more neck before hitting his knees from the paralyzing bite. The damn hound wasn’t letting up.

He glared daggers at Reve, who just shook his head. The male had no loyalty. Fucking coward.

“What happened to Angus?”

Elizabeth’s silver eyes glittered with pure excitement, then tilted to the side. He saw Angus’s bloodied and abused body on the floor. “Dead, but not before I had some fun. He had some interesting memories of you going off somewhere with the reports you get from Ian.” Son of a bitch. Kane was glad he hadn’t shared the location with the male.

BOOK: Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series)
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