Read Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) Online

Authors: Setta Jay

Tags: #Erotic Paranormal Romance

Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) (29 page)

BOOK: Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series)
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Rain took a deep breath as she stared down the long tunnel.

Alyssa came up next to her and squeezed her hand, and Rain was relieved her friend would be there. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you. Now, let’s get you mated.” Alyssa beamed, but Gregoire scowled at his mate touching Rain.

She shook her head and grinned at her friend’s crazy mate. His frown settled into something that resembled chagrin. He truly was having a difficult time. Alyssa’s hand left hers, and Gregoire tucked her into his side. She was flushed and beautiful, and Rain was immensely happy for her.

At the end of the tunnel the others walked into the cavern ahead of her. When she entered the glittering gold room, Dorian was there waiting. His eyes glittered with heat as Rain moved toward him. His beautiful bright eyes roved over her dress and down to the bare feet that peeked out from under the fabric. The material was light, a soft tease against her skin. She still couldn’t believe this was happening.

She felt rested, happy, and anxious all at once.

Dorian took her hands in his as Drake began. It was weird, but she couldn’t hear anything. It was if they were the only two people in the world. The Guardians were all there, along with Erik and Sam, but she didn’t see them. Didn’t hear anything but her own heartbeat.

The Temple they stood in was coated in gold, and she remembered standing there less than a month ago and seeing Dorian for the first time. Looking at him now, she realized how far they’d come in such a short time. She took a sharp breath at the beauty of his exposed chest. Soon, he would be marked as her mate. She saw the sexy vee that disappeared into his low-hanging black pants and her mouth watered a little. She was a very lucky female.

He said his vows in the old language, and she somehow understood every word. It was a binding pledge to honor and care for her, with his body, soul and in blood for eternity. She felt the words flow over her like a soft blanket for her soul.

Sirena, who stood at their side, lifted Rain’s hand to make the sacred permanent mating symbol on Dorian’s chest. Two serpents intertwined for eternity would always cover his flesh, proclaiming that he was hers. She felt the heat of power and saw his eyes flash. His lips parted as the serpents began forming on his flesh.

The minute it was done, he lifted her up and kissed her deeply. She melted into his arms. His hand went under the back of her dress to the dips above her bottom, and she moaned before breaking the kiss.

“Set me down. I want one too.” His eyes flashed with hunger, and then she turned her back. She heard his intake of breath when he saw her bare back exposed to her ass. It still seemed as if they were the only ones in the beautiful golden Temple. As if they were in a Realm of their own.

Soon power flowed from Sirena’s hand through his, this time marking her skin with a thinner, more feminine version of the serpents running the length of her spine. From between her shoulder blades to just above her ass. She faced away from him and tried not to moan at the biting sensation when the hot mark rose on her skin. She knew hers would be a soft plum color instead of the obsidian of his. She clenched her thighs as liquid flooded her. It was so damn intense. The minute it ended, she was in his arms and halfway out the tunnel.

His eyes were penetrating, and his jaw locked tight. “I’ve never seen anything more fucking beautiful. I’ll see that mark every time I bend you over.” He groaned. “I’m going to trace every line with my tongue the minute you belong completely to me.”

Her eyes went to his chest, and her lids lowered. “I want to do the same to yours.” She heard his teeth grinding as she traced the mark with her fingertip.


Chapter 31


Temple of Consummation, Tetartos Realm


When they reformed on the soft sand, she felt his hesitation. Arousal and heat ran wild just beneath the surface of her skin, and she breathed through it.

A few seconds later Tynan and Conn ported right next to them. Dorian’s eyes were locked on the male that would touch her.

Tynan looked ill at ease with the situation as he said, “I get it, D.”

The two males walked up the steps into the Temple, giving them a moment alone.

She smoothed a hand over his jaw, and he shook his head, still staring at the doorway into the Temple. “I’ll get through it. Hopefully, without killing him. Your eyes need to be on me the entire time. I want it to be good for you,
it will be
, but I’m walking a fine line.” He looked down at her and put his forehead against hers.

“Okay,” she agreed, understanding. She’d die if she had to watch him having sex with another female. It didn’t change the fact that it had to be done.

He carried her up the steps and into the massive stone room with mosaic tiles depicting all forms of sexual excess. There was a huge ornamental bed in the center. Each doorway surrounding the big room was open to the night air. Silk curtains billowed with the soft sea breeze coming in. A soft glow shone from the hundreds of candles arranged throughout the space.

He set her on the bed, watching as she tucked her feet under her body. She knew that he’d met with Tynan before the ceremony and had made the Aletheia well aware of his boundaries. Tynan looked vaguely like she’d been handed up as a sacrifice of old, and it only added to her anxiety.

Conn walked out of the room, leaving the three of them. He was to watch over the blood bonding and be there in case Dorian lost his mind with Tynan. She knew the wolf was standing sentry outside for this part of her Immortal ceremony.

Dorian took a deep breath and leaned in, kissing her until she was clinging to him, her arms twining around his neck, holding him as he made her dizzy. His hands went to the tie at the back of her neck and released it, letting the fabric fall to her waist. She grew more heated knowing that she was on display.

He doesn’t taste your sweet pussy, and he won’t touch these.
His hands came up and plucked at her nipples to show her just what was off-limits to Tynan. Her back arched, pushing the swollen mounds further into his hands.
I can smell how wet this makes you. I think we need to explore the fact that you get so wet being displayed. You want me to fuck you while others watch, don’t you, nymph? You want them to see you impaled on my cock.

She moaned, knowing he was right. It really did turn her on.
His mouth tilted against hers, breaking the kiss.

He stared down at her for a moment as his thumb came up and caressed her bottom lip. “Tynan’s going to use your pretty mouth now, and you need to drink every drop.”

She swallowed, trying to get through the fog he created in her mind.

It was beginning.

He moved, discarding the silk pants, and she caught sight of his chest again. That mark said he was hers, and she loved it, wanted to lick it. She wanted him never to wear a shirt again so that every other female could see it.

He looked up at her, grinning, and she realized she’d been directing her thoughts to him.

“Close your eyes, and let him slide between your lips while I make you come,” Dorian said, and she looked over as Tynan got onto the bed. He was naked and stroking his hard cock. He didn’t say a word, just looked torn as though he hated his life when he moved in front of her. She felt for him. This couldn’t be anything like the sexy interludes he was used to.

Dorian climbed up behind her, his chest at her back, and she closed her eyes and let herself fall into whatever happened. She felt the warm tip of Tynan’s cock rub against her lips. She opened, sampling his pre-come. He tasted sweet, good, but nowhere as incredible as Dorian’s addicting flavor.

She felt the heat of her mate against her back; big hands moved over her stomach and up to caress her breasts. Her piercing moved back and forth, putting pressure on her clit, driving her wild. He was using his ability to make her crazy.

“Suck him deep, and make him come, Rain.”

She could hear the strain in his voice. She sucked hard and heard Tynan’s deep groan. His hands were at her cheeks, and he was being gentle as he slid in and out of her mouth.

I need you to use your hands, pump him and play with his balls. Make him come hard and fast. I’m starting to lose control, Rain. Watching him, knowing that mouth is mine and it’s wrapped around his fucking dick.

She lifted her hands and pumped the base as she swirled her tongue. The intense manipulation of her nipples and clit was driving her insane.

You have to stop. I can’t concentrate,
she begged.

he growled in her mind, making her pussy clench. He was losing it, and it was making her hotter.

One of his palms drifted down her stomach, slipping inside the dress at her waist. It slid lower over her mound and jewelry, and two fingers dipped inside her.

Do it, Rain. Make him come knowing that I’m in your pussy and you’re hot, wet and ready to fucking come all over my fingers. Tell me who your pleasure belongs to.

Damn him, he was killing her. Her hips were circling for more as she sucked Tynan off.

She pumped her hand faster, used harder suction until finally Tynan came down her throat with a strangled groan. She was still strung tight as she swallowed. She was panting and so close. She leaned back against Dorian’s chest and ground her pussy into his hand until she exploded all over his fingers.

He caressed her through it, and when she finally opened her eyes, she saw Tynan watching them, tension bracketing his mouth. His cock was already hard, and she knew they’d only just started. She took a couple of deep breaths.

Dorian laid her down, resting her head on a pillow, and slipped the dress from her waist. She was nude and so ready for more. She watched him, knowing that he needed her eyes on him. Which worked well since she couldn’t tear her gaze away.

“Show us your pussy, nymph.”

She whimpered and opened her legs. His fingers played with her clit and dipped into her juices to coat first one nipple followed by the other. His fingers slid back in, and he painted it over her lips.

Tynan moved in and plunged his cock inside, and she bit her lip. She didn’t know what to do. It felt good to be filled, but wrong because it wasn’t her mate. Dorian shook his head and leaned down to lick her lips. How could he want to kiss her when she’d had another male’s come down her throat?

I’ll always want to kiss you.
He blew out a breath and looked down at her with regret.
There is nothing wrong in what we’re doing. Most others do this purely for excitement and to get off. I don’t want you to remember this night with guilt. This night is sacred to us. Tonight we make you Immortal, and you and I will bond for eternity. It’s not supposed to be about me being a jealous dick. I’m fine. I don’t like sharing you, but I love watching you come, and believe me, nymph, tonight you will come over and over.

She searched his eyes and realized that Tynan had stopped moving. Dorian looked back and nodded, so the Aletheia pushed in again, and she bit her lip. “We’re going to make you come hard, Rain.” He kissed her, his tongue slipping inside her lips to taste and tempt her. He seemed to have found some peace with what they were doing, and she felt a million times better with his lips on hers.

I want your lips around me. I want to replace his taste with mine. Will you do that, Rain? Will you make me come down your throat as he fucks your sweet pussy?

She moaned and nodded. Gods, what was he doing to her. He licked off the juices he’d painted on her nipples, and her fingers went into his hair as he nipped and pulled at them. His eyes flashed wickedly at her when he moved to straddle her chest. She could feel Tynan’s strokes, and it was hot and exciting.

Dorian traced her lips with his cock. Her hands came up to stroke the base, but he grabbed them and restrained them against the pillow on either side of her head.
Now suck me.
His hips tilted and rocked his shaft into her mouth as she sucked hard. He growled, and his head went back. He looked so animalistic. More than he’d ever had, and more liquid slipped from her body to coat Tynan’s cock. She moaned around his shaft, loving that he pinned her down to take what he wanted. The near feral gleam in his eyes was setting her off, and she bucked her hips, wanting to come so damn bad.
That’s it. Take what you want, buck and fight me as I pin you down and fuck your mouth. Know that Tynan’s inside your sweet little pussy, but soon it’ll be my cock in there as I give him your perfect ass. You’ll be stuffed full of cock, Rain. More full than you can imagine.

She moaned, and his cock pushed deeper into her throat.
he demanded as he pushed in a little more.
Your soft lips will never take another cock besides mine.
She kept swallowing, taking what she could; then he pulled back until just the tip was inside. He pushed in again, and she could tell by the quickening of Tynan’s thrusts that he was close. His strokes were getting harder, and she felt her walls clenching around him. There was a tug against her clit as Dorian manipulated the piercing again to drive her over the edge.

Come, Rain.

She did, doing her best not to clamp her jaw down as she screamed through it. She heard Tynan’s shout a second later, and her pussy heated with hard jets of come. Dorian’s strokes got faster as she sucked and licked the underside of his cock. She saw his muscles tense, and then he pulled back just so the head was out of her mouth, his hand pumping his thick cock in front of her lips. “Keep your mouth open and swallow it all. I don’t want my dick to shock you.” He’d done the same before. Making sure to never stay in her mouth in case the electrical currents could hurt her. She doubted they would, and she had every intention of testing her theory when she was Immortal and could heal if she was wrong. Her mouth opened wide, and his come pumped past her lips and onto her tongue. She swallowed every last drop and then lifted her head and licked the tip. He groaned and looked a little wild.

BOOK: Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series)
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