Deporting Dominic (20 page)

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Authors: Renee Lindemann

BOOK: Deporting Dominic
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“I am twenty-two and I have three children.” I am not sure why I added the part about my kids.

“You do not have three children. That’s uh impossible.” Micah looks at me with complete disbelief as I shake my head to the contrary. 

“I have a son who turns four next month. I lost both my parents and took custody of my two siblings. Plus I just graduated from UA earlier this month.”

“Wow that’s amazing.” Micah said giving me a high five for my efforts.

“I am amazing if only you knew.” I give a devilish grin that makes Micah blush.

“Wish I had the opportunity to know what that statement is about.”

Micah moves closer to me as the next song starts to play. 
The next song is a bit slower then its predecessors as Usher croons about
Love In This Club
.  The liquor is flowing through my body and I initially think it’s my imagination but this dance feels very personal. 

Micah does not offer any clever marketing strategies as he dances for me. In fact he never turns away from me to face the ladies I know are ogling him. Instead he is in my face, speaking French in my ear, and moving provocatively against the fabric of my dress.
The French impresses me, even if I have no idea what he is saying.  He takes my hand and leads it down his chest to the band of his g-string. I plant a dollar there as my hands linger.
Geez I need to have sex with my husband.

“You are very beautiful Samantha,” Micah
whispered in my ear. “Your fiancé is a very lucky man.”

“Uh thank you Micah. I am pretty luck
y too, especially right now.” Micah gave me a curt smile that indicated he was up to no good. His soft brown eyes were directing my line of vision downward. My mouth flew open in surprise as I spied his obvious excitement or attraction. I couldn’t fathom which had caused him to be completely turned on at this very moment.

“As I said before you’re a very beautiful woman Samantha. Oh the things I would do to you.”

I gulped fighting for air before realizing I was holding my breath.

“That’s just wrong. I have been a good Catholic girl for almost a month. No sex
and you show me sex. Bad Micah.”

put the remaining dollars in my hand as I pretend to chastise him.  Micah lets out a loud laugh and I put the bills in his G-string, which is barely able to contain his uh excitement. 

“You have not had sex in a month?” He
asked this question with a voice the equivalent to liquid sex. I nod and it is then that I notice the women around me including my own party are staring dangerously at the two of us. I shoot back a look at my own party that said, “mind your business”. They all burst out in a fit of giggles as they turn their attention to the stage. Micah continues the slow sensual torture dancing until the song ends. I realize that I have to let this man go so he can go make more money. I am in love with my fiancé and I want no one but him.

I fan myself as Micah pulls his t-shirt over his head. I am aware that he is still hiding his waning erection, refusing to turn around to face the throng of women now interested in him.
“Wow that was amazing Micah, worth every penny and then some,” I beamed at him still fanning myself with my hand.

“As you have stated you are amazing Samantha. If only we were meeting under better circumstances
, for me that is.” He gives me a devilish smile. I watch him slip back into his tracksuit pants unable to resist a glance in the direction of his crotch. I internally scold myself for being so turned on right now without Dominic present but then I remember he is probably somewhere covered in stripper dust. 

“Timing is something else.” I give him a dazzling smile to indicate had I not been engaged to another he would have a shot. Micah reaches over and gives me a kiss on the cheek as he
whispered, “Come see me again if you just need a break. I am sure I can take your mind off things.”

I giggle unceremoniously and nod furiously as he pulls away from me
. Micah gives me a final wink as he heads to the table beckoning for his attention.

“We want the same special treatment that she had,” the brunette lady indicated.

“I am not sure you want that service ladies it’s for brides only but I think I can give y’all a good show,” Micah said. 

We watch a few more dancers perform before I want to leave. I cannot keep my eyes off Micah and it’s bothering me that he keeps giving me little winks while he dances for other women.
Does this mean I am not ready to get married?
I feel bad for being attracted to another man who is not my Dominic. Sidney senses my unease and slides into the chair next to me. 

“Hey belle of the ball you just went from cloud nine to the dungeon. What gives?”

“Nothing I am having a great time Sid,” I lie unconvincingly.

“You are not dead Sammie. It’s okay to lust after a hot guy but at the end of the day we all know you are madly in love with Dominic. No other man will do.”

I smile warmly at my friend who reads me so well, “Thanks Sid. That man over there is dangerous and so damn fine.”

“Yes which is why we pay him to
dance here then go home to our beloved men.”

“Yes except all I can do is look at my beloved man. Two more agonizing nights of not touching him,” I
replied sorrowfully.

“I am sure your wedding night is going to be so hot. You are probably going to give Dominic a heart attack.” Sidney chided playfully as I dropped my head to her shoulder.

“The sex is just so damn good Sid. I love him so much.”

e all know you do so quit your bitching and let’s blow this Popsicle stand.”

I felt the dizziness rush around me when I tried to stand. 
Sidney took my hand to steady me as we walked out of the club.

Micah tugged on my sleeve as we made for the exit. I couldn’t help but notice how incredibly handsome he was. My mind wondered why I wasted away for almost three years when someone like him was out there. I have no idea about his character or personality except that he was charming. It burns me to know that he seems genuinely interested in me and I spent almost three years alone.  But now I wasn’t al
one I have Dominic and my family. 

“Congratulations Samantha and good luck,” Micah said giving me an awkward hug.

“Thanks Micah, I appreciate that. You better get back to your fan club they are giving me the evil eye,” I respond pointing to the angry group of ladies glaring at me.

“Will you be the president of my fan club?” Micah
speaks without really asking me as he walks away to rejoin his fan club. I laugh as Sidney pulls me out of the club. I am feeling no pain as we make our way to the minivan.

“That guy had a very big dick,” I blurt
ed out loudly.

“What the hell did you just
say?” Sidney asked laughing. The other ladies all start laughing uncontrollably

“He did! When he turned his back to y’all he got really excited and showed me.”

“They are not supposed to do that. It’s illegal,” Briana chimed in.

“Well he broke the law and it was
big and so nicee.”  We all explode with laughter as we hit the gray minivan. Sidney presses the button and the sliding doors open for the passengers. She starts the car and the radio blasts
by Fergie. We all start singing to the top of our lungs, “We flyin' first class up in the sky. We flyin' first class, livin' the life. In the fast lane and I won't change. By the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, flossy.”

When the song ends Sidney silences the radio announcing, “Truth or dare time.” The other ladies in the van howl loudly at the idea of truth or dare. 

“Bride you are up first. Truth or dare,” Briana said loudly.  I drop my head in my hands.

“Truth, of course,” I respond softly. 

“Tell us three things we don’t know about Dominic,” Lydia said proudly. The other girls high five her truth and I cringe inward.  The liquor is still affording me some confidence and bravery but not enough. I rack my brain to give the ladies the information they want.

“We need an answer,” Cassie urges, “Tick tock.”

“Okay let’s see. I am the first and only girl he has ever went down on.” Before I can get to the next one this statement causes an in car riot. 

“Get the fuck out of here. You believe that nonsense,” Sidney questions. 

“Absolutely! I went down on him after Cassie’s party bus and he repaid me oh so nicely.” All the girls holler and slap hands with each other.

“So I guess you owe me a thanks,” Cassie suggests laughing loudly.

“Ok more Miss Bride,” Briana insists. 

“I am the only woman he has ever had sex without a condom.”

“Okay really Sammie you are buying this from him?” Sidney’s mouth is wide open.

“Yes he has no reason to lie to me Sid. The sex is soooooo good that I would buy whatever he was selling.”

I tried to control the drawl of my speech but I am feeling free to speak thanks to my drinks.  The ladies are definitely entertained but want more juicy details.  “Dominic is the only man to ever make me come during actually sex.”

“You have never
had an orgasm with penetration?” India asked wrinkling her stubby nose.

“Uh nope but Dominic demands it every time and my body does what it is told by him.”

“Wow he is like a god or something,” Briana said in disbelief. “It is hard for me too cousin to come just from sex.”

“I guess it runs in the family
. Just so y’all know I love him so much.” I feel the tears welling up in my eyes as Sidney reaches for my hand. 

“We know you do Sammie.”

Briana and the other girls nod in unison. 

“Okay bitches it is not my turn any more. India truth or dare,” I shout
ed and receive resounding laughter.

, dare bitches,” India shouts back flexing her long brown arms above her head. She is prepared for a workout. 

You have to flash the next car containing a man your tits,” Cassie demanded.  We all give a collective “ooh” as Cassie issues the dare.  I unbuckle my seat belt climbing into the back seat while India moves to the passenger seat.  As we approach Interstate 10 we are at a light and the car that pulls up next to us contains two average looking guys.  Sidney rolls down the window waving her hands to get their attention as India pulls up her tank top.  Staring at them is two brown oversized pair of breasts. They both gape in surprise as she screams, “Look at these beautiful babies.” 

Lydia quickly gets to the front and pulls up her shirt revealing massively sized breasts. They both shake and tease as
the red light changes to green. Both men are transfixed on the boobs next to them. Cars honk their horns in response to both our lack of movement. Sidney floors the minivan heading to the on ramp for Interstate 10. The men follow our lead and pull up next to us on the freeway.  The passenger unzips his pants and strokes his erection as we drive down the freeway laughing. 

“Nice dick baby,” Lydia screams out the window.

“Those some nice big ass titties,” the driver screams back. “Where are you all headed?”

“University of Arizona, our girl is getting married. This is a bachelorette party.”

“Wow we need to hook up. Can we follow you?”

“Yes follow us.” India yells this back as she rolls up the window.

“Okay whose turn is it now?” I yell from the back seat then point my finger at Cassie.

“Truth,” Cassie
said meekly. Briana announces her truth and the game continues until we reach my apartment building. 


“Hey baby,” I said into my cell phone.

“Oh you sound wasted,” Dominic replies quickly sounding drunk as well.

“So do you baby. Where are you?”

“I am on my way home. Where are you?”

“We are pulling into the parking lot now. We are all going in so y’all hurry your asses and get here I need some kisses.”

“Just kisses?” Dominic voice is low and husky immediately dampening the space between my thighs.

“Well kisses and your fingers because in two more days I am going to wear you out.” I giggle like a schoolgirl at my revelation.

“That’s what I want to hear baby. See you in a minute.”

The two guys in the car are actually decent looking guys. The tall blond haired passenger who showed his manhood immediately went for India. While the driver a shorter Hispanic guy with black hair pulled Lydia to his side. After making introductions I we all chatted in the parking lot to stall until Dominic pulled up. I was drunk but still leery about letting Josh and Jose into our apartment.

Dominic wrapped me up in his arms plying me with sensual kisses. Everyone hooped and hollered as he did this. I just enjoyed my future husband’s lips upon
my lips. It was intense kisses as he explored my mouth with his tongue. We were both lost in the kisses until Drake physically split us about.

“Damn you two still have to get married in a few days,” he exclaimed pulling Dominic off me. 
Sidney grabbed on to Mario who kissed her on the forehead. They were both quite sober and it warmed my heart they did this so we could have a good evening. 

Inside the apartment we continue the game of truth or dare. It is hard to keep the noise le
vel down as the game intensified with dares and truths.

“We started this game in the minivan,” Briana announces, “So for your truth Dominic we need to know. Have you gone down on any other woman except Sammie?”

“Bri-Bri what the hell,” I exclaim loudly.

“I have never gone down on any other woman except my wife. Anyone who h
as told you different is a liar,” Dominic stated emphatically. I am already sitting on his lap and he jerks me back against him planting kisses on my neck. 

th or dare Briana,” Dominic asked with happiness.

“Dare,” Briana
said boldly. Sidney and Mario pass out red cups with drinks in them and finally indulge now that they are in the comfort of our apartment.

“I dare you to give Drake a lap dance.”  Briana harrumphs as she walks over to Drake seated in a dining room chair.
Drake looks happy with that dare and shoots Dominic thumbs up. I jump up to put my IPod on the speaker pushing play to
by Kelis. Briana dances all over Drake as I cover Dominic’s eyes to her smooth moves. By the end of the night there have been several lap dances both male and female. There were mock blowjobs and other wild dares that left the party drained. Dominic and I sobered up really quickly when we realized we were not letting our drunken houseguests leave.  The two guys stayed with Lydia and India crashed on the floor with pillows from the couch. Sidney and Mario took Morgan’s room while Drake and Briana opted for Charlie’s bed.  That left the remaining party members to share the sofa bed.

Dominic and I finally retired to our own bed after everyone was settled in. 

“Did you have fun tonight?” Dominic asked while I pulled my hair into an unruly ponytail.

“Yes I did. Did you?” I
replied back raising an eyebrow.

“I did indeed.” Dominic slips his arms around my waist and kisses my ear. 

“You enjoyed the strippers? Where they pretty?” I asked not really wanting to know the answer to this question.

“I did enjoy the strippers. Does that bother you?” He gives me a quizzical look as he turns me around.

“No. I guess since it was naked women and I know you are attracted to women,” I admit, “So I guess no I am not bothered by that.”

“Well did you enjoy your time with the male dancers?” I am not so sure he shares my sentiments on the subject so I carefully phrase my response.

“Uh yes I did. I only had one dancer and he was pretty cool.”

I turn out the light in the bathroom before releasing Dominic’s hold on me.

“Really and did you find him attractive?”

I am once again not sure he wants to know the answer to this question.

“Yes he was pretty hot. Were the female dancers beautiful?”

“Okay. Yes they were pretty hot.”

I feel a pang of jealousy when he answers this question. My face is plastered with a disingenuous smile as I climb into bed.

“Oh okay. Well I’m glad
you enjoyed your bachelor party.”

“I am glad you enjoyed your p
arty too Sammie,” Dominic stated with zero enthusiasm.  We lie in bed together for what seems like hours but actually it’s less than an hour. 

I hate that some dude had his junk in your face Sammie,” Dominic shouted out in the darkness of our room.

“I really hate that some chick had her tits and cooch all up in your face. She probably sh
owed you her birth canal, bitch.” Frustration laced my voice. In the dark my arms are folded across my breasts to emphasis my anger.

“I did have fun Sammie but none of them had
anything on you and what we have.”

“I did too and it was weird finding myself superficially attracted to a dancer but only wanting you baby.”

“You were attracted to him. Dammit Sammie,” he spat angrily.

“I mean he was cute but he wasn’t you baby.” I try to sooth him with my touch but he recoils.  “Dominic please you can’t tell me while those strippers were rubbing themselves against you weren’t turned on?”

“I mean that was a natural reaction. I don’t like that you were attracted to some stripper.”

“Uh it was a natural reaction to a hot guy end of story. The only man I want is you Dominic. I feel so guilty for wanting it to be our wedding night. I want you inside me so damn bad.”
I flipped over on top of Dominic after I spoke. His body was so hard underneath me. I could barely contain my desire to rip his clothes off.  Dominic’s hands were on my hair pulling me to his mouth.

“I want to come inside you
right now!”

“I want you to but
do you want me because you were aroused by some strippers?”

“Fuck no it’s because you are
mine Sammie. Do you want me inside you because some male stripper got your panties wet?”

I tried
to slip off him as my anger rises but Dominic holds me firmly in place.

“Hell no
! I want you inside me because you know how to fuck me properly,” I screech this as he flips me onto the mattress pressing his erection into me. I gasp loudly as he grinds against my thin pajama shorts. My tank top is wet as he sucks my nipples through the thin cotton material. 

“No other woman drives me crazy like you do. I can’t wait until you are my wife. I want you to pledge yourself to me and only me.”

“I will Dominic. I only want you baby. I am already yours.”

“This isn’t about a green card or the Olympics. I love you so much Samantha.”

I press my lips to his allowing my tongue to slip easily inside his mouth. It takes all of his strength to fall to his side of the bed.

“It will be here before we know it and I am going to enjoy every second,” Dominic promises.

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