Designed for Love (4 page)

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Authors: Erin Dutton

Tags: #(v5.0), #Fiction, #Contractors, #Lesbian, #LGBT, #Romance

BOOK: Designed for Love
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“What’s that?”

“Earlier, when you were talking about your plans for the house”—she rolled her hips hard in Wil’s lap and watched her eyes go hazy—“I didn’t hear a thing you said.” Straightening, she braced her hands on the back of the sofa on either side of Wil’s head.

“I’ll go over it again later.” Wil worked open her fly. “Or you could just trust in my considerable skill.”

Jillian threaded her fingers into Wil’s hair, pulled her head back, then raked her teeth over Wil’s neck. “Having experienced your skills firsthand, I think I’d like a more…thorough demonstration.”

“Oh, I can definitely do that.” Wil returned her mouth to Jillian’s full breast and toyed lightly with a pebbled nipple. When she sucked it gently, Jillian’s hips ground restlessly against the tops of her thighs.

“Please, Wil.

Wil flipped her onto her back on the sofa, all thoughts of going slow fleeing at Jillian’s plea. After she’d helped her remove her shorts and panties, she pulled her back into her lap, wrapped her arms around her waist, and pressed closer. With a hand under Wil’s chin, Jillian guided her face up for a bruising kiss. In the not-so-gentle bite of teeth against tender lips and the aggressive stroke of tongues, they traded control while adding fuel to the arousal that flared hotly between them.

Wil led, kneading Jillian’s breasts, then followed when Jillian gripped one of her wrists and guided her hand between her legs. Obeying Jillian’s urging, Wil slid her fingers home, reveling in the feel of slick muscles gripping her and Jillian’s low moan.

Her nerve endings screaming for gratification, Jillian rose up on her knees until only Wil’s fingertips remained inside, then drove her hips downward, engulfing her again.

“More,” she whispered, and Wil slipped another finger alongside the others.

Bracing her hands on Wil’s shoulders, she set an increasing rhythm. Blinding pleasure spiraled inside her with each thrust as she forced Wil’s fingers deeper. She raced onward, uncertain if she was rushing toward release or trying to outrun it. But when Wil moved her other hand between them and circled her thumb over her straining clitoris, she felt the first wave. Then she could no longer stay ahead of the curl as it barreled over her, swirling her in a wash of ecstasy. The erratic jerk of her hips eased to a slow roll in an effort to draw the last bit of pleasure from her sensitive flesh before she allowed Wil to withdraw.

Jillian slumped forward and rested her forehead on Wil’s shoulder. Panting, she pressed her mouth to the salty skin of Wil’s neck.

Wil traced her fingers lightly along the curve of Jillian’s spine, apparently content to bask in Jillian’s pleasure. But Jillian had other ideas as she dragged her tongue up the side of Wil’s neck. She slid off her lap, knelt in front of her, and tugged open her button fly. Wil lifted her hips and Jillian eased her jeans off, then pulled her closer to the edge of the sofa. She caressed the inside of her thighs, pressing them apart. When she lowered herself to kiss the warm skin beneath her hands, the scent of Wil’s arousal drew her fingertips upward, and she was compelled to feel the wetness she knew she’d find there.

She met Wil’s eyes as she caressed into hot, slippery folds. Slumped against the back of the sofa, Wil watched her, azure eyes filled with such need that Jillian shivered, never having been the subject of such intensity.

Wil touched Jillian’s cheek, then as Jillian bowed her head, Wil’s fingers slipped into her hair. Jillian circled her tongue lightly around Wil’s clitoris, teasing, and Wil raised her hips seeking more. With a forearm across her pelvis, Jillian held her down, continuing the light strokes.

“Please, I won’t last long,” Wil ground out, straining against Jillian’s arm. “Baby, please, suck me.” Before she’d finished her plea, Jillian took her fully in her mouth. “Ah, that’s it.”

Seconds later, as Wil’s flesh pulsed against her lips and tongue, she dropped a hand to stroke between her own thighs. Once, then again, harder, and she tripped over the edge behind Wil.


Chapter Three


Jillian awoke early, as she did every morning. But the difference today was the warm body against her bare back and Wil’s arm circling her waist. She felt surprisingly rested considering she’d spent most of the previous afternoon and night crawling all over the woman lying next to her.

She rolled onto her back and Wil stirred beside her. Staying professional had never been a problem for her before, but she’d been completely unable to manage it where Wil was concerned. She could just imagine what her friends would say if they found out she’d slept with Wil. She didn’t consider them snobs, but she knew in this case they would feel an affair with a contractor was beneath her. And she would have agreed. Though she certainly wasn’t a prude, jumping into bed with someone she had just met wasn’t like her either. But, the devil on her shoulder reminded her, sticking to her norm had never led to the incredible sex she’d had last night.

She trailed her fingers over Wil’s bare shoulder. The skin there was pale, and the deep tan of her forearms, likely the result of hours spent working in the sun, began in the center of her bicep. A thin scar started at her elbow, ran down her arm, and ended at her wrist. A collection of smaller nicks peppered her hands, reminders of how different they were. In comparison, Jillian’s own hand was smooth and well tended, thanks to regular manicures.

She wondered if Wil was a late sleeper and realized she didn’t know anything about her. She didn’t know how she took her coffee. Hell, she didn’t even know if she drank coffee.

“What are you thinking about so hard?” Wil murmured. Her arm was still draped across Jillian’s midsection and she caressed her hip.

“How did you know I was thinking?”

Wil raised up on her elbow and shoved a lock of dark hair off her forehead. “You get a little wrinkle between your eyebrows when you’re concentrating. I noticed it yesterday when you were giving me the tour.”

Jillian smiled and touched Wil’s bare chest just above a small, firm breast. Regardless of what she speculated her friends would think, even they couldn’t deny Wil’s attractiveness. Her blue eyes were clear and made even more brilliant by her tanned skin. The slight swells of her breasts and hips were the only hint of softness on her work-hardened body. And her wicked grin made her damn near irresistible. “I don’t know how much experience you have with women, Wil. But where I come from, telling a woman she has a wrinkle is not considered flattery.”

Wil laughed and Jillian felt the vibration beneath her palm. “Well, we do things a bit differently in the South.”

“Do you, now?” Jillian smoothed her hand down Wil’s stomach but Wil caught it and cradled it against her chest.

“You wore me out last night, Jillian.”

“Not a morning person?” Again, Wil’s accented voice caressing her name made Jillian’s libido tug at her wayward self-control.

Wil lay back and gathered Jillian against her. After marathon sex the night before, she’d finally fallen into an exhausted slumber, and this morning she wanted to linger in that afterglow. “Do you really think you can have this house ready to sell in five weeks?”

“Don’t you?”

“If you bust your ass.” Wil playfully squeezed the ass in question. “You must be in a hurry to get back home.”

“It probably seems that way. And I’m not even sure why. It’s not like I have much to go back to.” Jillian’s head rested on Wil’s shoulder and she absently drew figure eights on the center of her chest.

“What do you mean?”

“I quit my job three days before I found out about Aunt Mary’s passing.”

“You didn’t have anything else lined up?” Wil couldn’t imagine resigning without the security of another position. Then again, Wil was pretty much invested in Johnson and Son, since someday her father would hand over the reins.

Jillian’s fingers drifted across her breast, closer to her nipple, distracting her.

“I didn’t know I’d need to. I’d been there for seven years and had the highest sales in the company for the past six. Then my boss gave the biggest deal we’ve ever had to his idiot son-in-law.”

“So you quit?”

Jillian laughed bitterly. “I gave him an ultimatum. I marched into his office and told him either he would give me what I deserved or I was quitting. He told me to be out by the end of the day.”


“Yeah. Three days later I was here. Since I have some experience with home design and what buyers are looking for, I figured I might as well take the time to fix the house up a bit first.”

Jillian’s index finger brushed Wil’s nipple and she shivered. She’d spent the better part of the night responding to Jillian’s ardent caresses, but this casual contact, seemingly not intended to arouse, affected her just as strongly.

Apparently not noticing her reaction, Jillian continued to talk. “Then when I got here I fell in love with the place. I’ll admit it’s a bit of a dream to have free rein over this house.”

“You have a great eye. If you don’t find another job in real estate, you could always flip a few houses. There’s plenty of money to be made in that.”

“We’ll see how much fun I’ve had by the time I finish this one. I won’t have trouble finding a job with another firm. I’m sure when word gets around that I’m available, I’ll have plenty of offers.” She made another pass over Wil’s nipple.

“What? You’re not having fun here?”

“Oh, I’m having fun.”

The third time she skimmed over the puckered flesh, Wil suspected it was deliberate. The mischievous look in her eye confirmed it.

“Are you?” She bent her head to capture Jillian’s mouth, purposely lingering. She traced her supple lips before stroking her tongue between them.

“Oh, yes. Very much.” Jillian felt Wil responding to her touch and her own body surged with awareness of what Wil looked like when she climaxed, the flush on her chest and neck, the way her eyelids closed almost reverently, and the hoarse cry that carried Jillian’s name with it. She slipped her leg over Wil’s hips and rose to straddle her. “But right now, I’ve got to get up, because I have an appointment this morning.”

She slid off her, letting the length of her body rub against Wil’s. She smiled as she carefully skirted Wil’s reaching hand.

“Tease.” Wil didn’t move from the bed.

“I told Rose Beam I would give her some advice about selling her house. So I’m going over to see it and discuss her asking price.” Jillian grabbed a silk robe from the chair nearby.

“She’s selling?” Wil folded her arms behind her head and watched Jillian move around the room gathering clean clothes.


“Yes, actually. She’s lived in that house for—well, longer than I’ve been alive. Before her daughter moved to Virginia, I went to school with her granddaughter.”

“Is Rose a widow?”

“No. She never married.” Wil sat up. “If you don’t mind letting me grab a shower, I’ll drive you.”

“That’s not necessary.”

“I haven’t seen Miss Rose in months,” she said. “Besides, if she’s selling, she’ll need to fix a few things up. So she’ll probably hire us anyway since we’ve done work for her before.”

“Okay, if you’re sure she won’t mind.”

“I’m sure.” When Jillian passed within reach, Wil grabbed her hand and drew her to the edge of the bed. “And we can conserve water if you shower with me.”

“So you’re concerned about my water bill?”

“If it will get us wet together, sure I am.”

“Oh, I’m quite certain we won’t have any trouble getting wet together.” Jillian stood and untied her robe. As she headed for the bathroom, she let it fall to the floor. “Hurry up, stud, we don’t have much time.”




Their shower took a bit longer than expected, because as it turned out Wil was a morning person after all. And by the time they both toweled themselves dry, her legs shook and her head was filled with steamy images of pressing Jillian against the shower wall and kneeling before her.

Jillian gave her a clean T-shirt, and she pulled on the jeans she’d worn the night before. When Jillian crossed the room in only her bra and panties, Wil paused in the midst of buttoning her fly. The curve of Jillian’s waist flared at the hips and a triangle of pale pink cotton clung to her shapely ass. Suddenly overcome with the desire to pass her lips over the back of Jillian’s thighs, she debated stripping her jeans off and trying to convince Jillian that they didn’t have to go just yet. She wondered why it felt so good to torture herself and stood there and watched as Jillian covered those delicious expanses of skin.

After they finished dressing, she waited while Jillian locked up, then followed her down the walk. She would have opened the passenger door, but Jillian was around the front of the truck and climbing into the cab before she could. So she slid behind the wheel and started the engine.

“I still can’t believe Miss Rose is selling,” she said, but Jillian only murmured absently in response, seeming to be too distracted for conversation.

Jillian wondered how it was possible that even the way Wil drove was sexy, her hand draped lazily over the wheel. Seriously. She thought she’d be well past the stage in her life where she could get hormonal over a woman. But even after a night that should have left her sated, she was sitting here imagining what Wil would do if she climbed onto her lap and—
okay, enough. That’s quite enough of that.
Aware she was riding down Main Street in a truck with a logo on the side, she decided she should wait at least a full week before she started a town scandal.

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