Designed for Love (8 page)

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Authors: Erin Dutton

Tags: #(v5.0), #Fiction, #Contractors, #Lesbian, #LGBT, #Romance

BOOK: Designed for Love
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Her first full day of working at Jillian’s hadn’t been too bad. They’d made a lot of progress and Jillian had stayed out of their way. But though Wil wanted to ignore her, she was constantly aware of the sounds of Jillian working in another part of the house. And she didn’t like the blaze of arousal when she caught sight of Jillian passing through the hallway adjacent to the kitchen. There was absolutely no logical reason why helping Tracy rip out the old countertop should make her wet from the memory of taking Jillian on that very surface.

“What’s on your mind?”

“Nothing.” Wil glanced up as Andy settled on the stool next to her.

“Come on. I know that look. You’re thinking about something serious.”

“No. It’s definitely not serious.” Wil drained her mug and set it back on the bar. “I’m surprised your woman let you out of the house tonight.”

“You know she hates it when you call her that.” Andy signaled the bartender, pointed at Wil’s empty glass, and held up two fingers. “She knows I’m safe if I’m out with you.”

“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?”

“Because you haven’t let a woman within ten feet of you in months.”

“If you only knew,” Wil murmured, too low for Andy to hear over the music. She flashed on the image of Jillian’s face as she climaxed and felt an answering tightness in her stomach.

“It’s not like you couldn’t have anyone you want. Especially after you spent most of last month sweating your ass off up on the church roof in your cargos and a tight white tee.”

“We were working. And it was hot,” Wil protested. “Besides, you were up there with me, and I don’t recall you wearing much more.”

“Sure. But I’m taken. And”—she pinched the spot on her side she referred to as a love handle—“I don’t have your rock-hard body.”

“Shut up.” Wil laughed and punched Andy’s arm.

“So what’s the problem? You’re not still pining after me, are you?” The reference to their relationship was a testament to how far they’d come. The jokes hadn’t been so easy in the first few months. But now that Andy was happily involved with someone else, they’d both put the past behind them and their easy camaraderie had returned.

Wil shrugged. “This town is so damn small. Everybody who’s single has been with everybody else. It just feels a little incestuous.”

“Yeah, we need some fresh meat around here.” Andy grinned and lifted her glass. “What about Jillian Sealy? She’s definitely got a fresh—”

“Andy,” Wil warned.


“We’re working for her.” It certainly wasn’t the first time Wil had crossed a line physically with a client. But the few times she had, she’d kept it from her crew. And it had never been more than a mutual sharing of pleasure. She didn’t discuss her personal life, especially not her childhood. But despite the differences between them, something about Jillian invited her to open up. Even when she accused Jillian of condescending to her, Wil desperately wanted to change her mind, to prove she was worthy.

“Okay. But you have to admit she’s gorgeous.” Andy took a sip of her beer, then shrugged. “She’s probably a snob anyway.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Well, look at the way she dresses, all proper and perfectly creased. And that BMW sure wasn’t cheap.”

Wil had accused Jillian of being exactly how Andy was now assessing her. But for some reason, hearing Andy say it bothered Wil. Sure, Jillian’s wardrobe was designer, her car screamed money, and she had a swagger in her walk that said she was entitled to something. But Wil had touched her, had held her while she pled for more, then tumbled into orgasm. Wil couldn’t forget the passion she had seen beneath her cool exterior. Jillian Sealy had another layer, and Wil wanted to see it again.


Chapter Six


Get ready to sweat, folks, because we’re in for a hot, hot summer. Today we’ll have record high temps…

Jillian flipped the radio dial in search of music and, finding only a few options among the static, finally settled on a country station. She rolled up the sleeves of her old button-down shirt, then picked up a can of paint and poured some into a tray.

Within minutes she was immersed in the monotonous action of painting. Brad Paisley’s guitar didn’t quite drown out the rhythmic wet sound of the roller against the wall. She’d been fairly productive the previous week, completing some of her smaller projects while Wil’s crew worked in the kitchen. Though they saw each other in passing, by tacit agreement, they avoided being alone together.

But even with that distance, Jillian noticed far more about Wil than she wanted to. One day she’d wandered into the driveway while taking a break and found Wil there measuring the wood that would frame the new window. Wil’s eyebrows drew together in concentration as she pulled a pencil from behind her ear and marked the cuts. When Wil glanced up, for a moment, Jillian had been the subject of that intense focus. Without thinking she’d offered Wil her water bottle. When Wil had stepped close to take it, she smelled like sweat and sawdust, and Jillian wondered why that should be such an arousing combination.

Now she had to remind herself why she should just hurry up and get the house done and sold, and move on. Certainly, in the beginning flirting with Wil had been a nice distraction, and the sex—God, the sex had been incredible. But then she’d hurt Wil’s feelings, though Wil had hidden it under anger, and things had become complicated. When their interaction was no longer a fun flirtation, she saw no point in carrying on, because it wasn’t as if she intended to move to rural Tennessee and set up housekeeping with Wil Johnson. Though her time there was a nice break from her life, she just wasn’t a small-town girl. Nor could she imagine Wil flourishing in her world back in Cincinnati.

She forced Wil from her mind and concentrated instead on her plans for the house, plotting again the changes she still wanted to make. She’d checked some comps in the area and had worked out her projected asking price. After reviewing Wil’s schedule, she’d also set a tentative date for an open house.

Two hours later, her arms ached, but she’d nearly finished the first coat. That weather guy hadn’t been joking. She took off her shirt, leaving only a tank top, and wiped a towel over her neck and chest. It wasn’t even noon yet and the room was already stifling. She opened the kitchen window and a breeze swept in, pushing out the chemical smell of the paint and cooling her damp skin.

Before she could linger for long, she prodded herself back to work. Wil had only given her the one day for painting before her crew reclaimed the kitchen. Jillian sighed as her thoughts circled back to Wil, and she put a bit more muscle behind the roller to stave off the distraction.




“Andy, hand me that pipe wrench,” Wil said over her shoulder and held her arm out behind her. The cool metal handle was pushed into her hand. “Thanks.”

Wil suspected the house had once had the heavy porcelain fixtures of its era, but at some point, the master bath had undergone a renovation. A stock vanity sink and a fiberglass tub and shower shell had been installed, probably in an effort to save money. The changes Jillian wanted to make would bring back some of the classic styles and add a few new trends. So while Andy and Tracy removed the shower, Wil disconnected the pipes that supplied the sink.

“Are you having any problems with that?” When she received no response, she glanced over her shoulder and found she was now alone in the room.

The showerhead and knobs lay on the floor, but other than that, it appeared little progress had been made. Wil didn’t have to look very far for the two women. As she stepped out of the room she found both Andy and Tracy standing in the hallway and peeking into the kitchen.

As Wil approached quietly, Andy gave a low whistle. “So much for prim and proper.”

“What are you—” As Wil looked around the doorjamb, her brain ceased to function. Jillian stood with her back to them, paint roller in hand. Her cutoff denim shorts ended just below the curve of her ass, leaving long legs exposed all the way down to her bare feet. When she stretched to reach the upper part of the wall, her ribbed tank top pulled tight. The muscles in her calves bunched as she rose to her tiptoes, and Wil imagined tracing her fingers down them, then taking one of those perfectly shaped feet in her hands. Busy enjoying the view, Wil was slow to realize that Andy and Tracy still stood beside her.

“Aren’t you two supposed to be taking out that shower?” Wil snapped.

Andy’s eyes never left Jillian, so she didn’t see Wil’s glare. “Are you kidding? And miss this—” She looked at Wil and choked off her words. “Uh, yeah. We’re going.”

“You don’t want Patti to catch you ogling Jillian, anyway,” Tracy teased as they headed for the bathroom.

Wil waited until they were gone to enter the kitchen. Jillian hadn’t noticed her yet, so Wil admired her a moment longer before clearing her throat loudly enough to be heard over the music.

“Oh, hey, Wil.” Jillian crossed to the counter and turned down the radio. “How’s the bathroom coming along?” Wil seemed dazed, and when several seconds went by with no answer, she thought she’d have to repeat herself.

“Don’t you think you should put some clothes on?”

Jillian looked down at herself, thinking she was sufficiently covered. “There’s nothing wrong with what I’m wearing.”

“You’ve got workers in the house.”

Jillian was confused. She didn’t think Wil was a prude, so what was the problem if she wanted to be comfortable in her own house? Just then one of Wil’s crew passed the doorway, and when Jillian caught an appreciative glance, she thought she understood. She took a step closer, and Wil’s eyes narrowed and she drew a quick breath. Jillian wanted to trace a fingertip along the neckline of Wil’s T-shirt just to see what kind of reaction she would get. A thrill raced along her spine, but she didn’t move, fearful that touching Wil would test her own willpower a bit too much.

“I have a house full of women, Wil. It’s not like I have anything they haven’t seen before.”

“So if I had a man on my crew you would cover up?”

Jillian shrugged. “You don’t.”

“Andy’s gay,” Wil blurted almost desperately.

“I know. You told me. She and Patti seem pretty serious.” Jillian could tell by Wil’s expression that she realized it was a ridiculous thing to say. Despite her growing irritation, Jillian kept her tone even. She’d often found that the appearance of disinterest was as effective as raising her voice. And it was clear Wil was becoming frustrated with her lack of emotion.

“So you walking around half naked—”

“I am not half naked. You’re overreacting. I was trying to let it go, but if you really want to force the issue, why does my attire have you so—bothered?”

“I’m not,” Wil stuttered, and took a step back.

“Really? Because you seem a bit off-kilter.”

“No. I’m perfectly—on-kilter.”

Jillian smiled. “I don’t think that’s a word.”

“If you want to walk around flaunting yourself, that’s your business.”

Wil still seemed flustered, and Jillian suspected she knew why, because her own awareness simmered just beneath her skin. They could probably go back and forth like this all day, when in truth they would both just get more and more aroused. She’d already endured waking after more than one erotic dream about Wil, so she was only torturing herself. But for reasons she didn’t understand, Jillian couldn’t back down.

Instead, she tossed her head deliberately and said, “I’m a single woman. Is there any reason why I shouldn’t flaunt whatever I want to?”

Wil’s jaw was tight as she stared at Jillian, then without a word she turned and strode away, barely pausing as she met Andy in the living room.

“I’ll be working at Miss Beam’s. Call my cell if you need anything.”

She was out the front door before Andy could reply. When Andy shrugged and headed for the bathroom, Jillian still stood watching through the screen door as Wil stalked to her truck. Wil was sexy when she was agitated. And since Jillian had already had a taste of that passion, she thought she might reconsider having a casual affair.




Using the claw of her hammer, Wil pried plank after plank from the deck of Rose’s porch. The destructive activity was just what she needed. She’d arrived still steaming from her encounter with Jillian and had stopped only long enough to tell Rose she was there before she got to work. She was wound up, and since releasing that tension with Jillian the way she really wanted to was out of the question, she’d do it here, tearing away the rotted boards.

She didn’t know why Jillian got so far under her skin, but it seemed anytime she was around, Wil was either turned on or irritated. Sure, she’d had relationships, some serious and some—well, not so serious. She certainly wasn’t a prude, and in her younger days she’d had no aversion to physical interactions with no future. But she wasn’t a kid anymore. Now she wanted more.

She saw what Andy and Patti had and she wanted that—someone to share her life with, someone to build that house with, another person who knew her completely. And it was clear Jillian Sealy wasn’t that woman. Her time in Redmond was far too temporary. Wil could almost feel the days ticking away. She couldn’t explain it, but somehow she knew that she’d never be able to keep things strictly physical between them even for the short weeks until Jillian left. Since she wasn’t up for having her heart broken, it was best to keep her distance, which was frustrating as hell when she kept remembering how it felt to touch her.

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