Desires (7 page)

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Authors: Holly J. Gill,Nikki Blaise

BOOK: Desires
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Stacie took her hands away from her body, thrusting her
bottom high off the bed, begging, “Please!”

“Not yet,” came the gentle command.

Stacie almost hated Dan at that moment. She felt ready
to burst at her seams. She had never been so frustrated, feeling out of control
and desperate to touch herself. Her heart pumped fast, her body seemed made for
one purpose only—for sexual pleasure. Her pussy dripped, drowning her thong.
She felt as if she would die if she didn’t come right then.

“Stacie, I want you to listen to me, very carefully, but
don’t stop.”

Dan moved closer and then whispered in her left ear, his
breath tickling her hair.

“Put one hand in your thong slowly…”

Stacie widened her thighs as far as they would go. She
slid her right hand down over her pubic mound and down toward her craving
pussy. A great gusting exhale escaped her lips as she placed one finger within
her labia, feeling her damp flesh quiver in response to her touch.

He whispered quietly in her ear. “Can you feel your


“Slowly dip your finger in,” he authorised her.

Stacie did as she was told, dipping her finger between
her pussy lips, feeling her heat and slickness. Her hips thrust against her
hand, seemingly of their own accord.

“Don’t put your finger in too much, just feel your

Her body was more aroused than it had ever been before. She
slid her finger into her vagina, clenching her muscles around the digit,
getting as much sensation out of it as possible.

He whispered in a very soft tone. “Take your finger in
and out.”

She responded to his order, holding her breath, ramming
herself with her finger, feeling her juices coat it, wishing it was Dan’s cock.
She cried out aloud with pleasure. Every part of her body was on fire. Her hips
bucked her body high off the bed. Daringly, she inserted two fingers inside her
entrance—her juices flowed in delight, while her body shuddered.

His voice sounded again softly. “Take your fingers

Stacie didn’t need telling twice, shoving her fingers in
as far as they could go. The sensation overwhelmed her forcing her to cry out.

“Stacie, raise your bottom,” he commanded her.

Stacie obeyed, then she felt Dan pulling her sodden thong
down. She froze.

“It’s okay, don’t be shy.”

After the realization that she was being ridiculous,
after all, she’d just been writhing about riding her fingers in front of him,
Stacie allowed him to continue.

Dan took hold of her hand and placed it on her clitoris.
“I want you to find where it’s most sensitive. Move two fingers lightly in a
circular motion. Use your juices to keep it moist.”

Stacie covered her fingers in her juices to lubricate
her clitoris, feeling her heart racing whilst moving her fingers around the
clit area, finding the most sensitive spot. She let out an involuntary, “Oh
God!” when she found one spot that made her brain seem to explode. She began
making small circular movements, at first, closing her eyes and throwing her
head back as she thrust her pelvis against her hand.

She squeezed her vaginal muscles, tormenting the
sensitive nerve endings while keeping the circular motion going on her clit.
Her whole body became hot and sweaty. Her breathing sped up while her clit
burned with sensation. She could feel it building within her. Instinctively she
began to rub harder and faster.

Her head became light, her breathing quickened. She kept
her fingers in motion, even when her entire body exploded. She lunged her hips
high off the bed and screamed aloud, her body lifted to a whole new world. She
rubbed as long as the sensation lasted, wave after wave of elation filling her.
It seemed as if it would never end before finally the waves began to ebb and
she dropped her body back to the bed, exhausted.

“Breathe, Stacie,” Dan said.

“Wow,” Stacie managed, on a breath. She closed her eyes
and felt her body relax into the bed, utterly enervated. She touched her clit,
and flinched away. It was bursting with so much sensitivity that it was now
actually painful to touch. She had never felt so satisfied before. She couldn’t
even remember having such a feeling with Graham.

“I’ll be back in a minute,” Dan told her.

She felt him move away and opened her eyes to see him
disappearing into the bathroom.

Stacie stayed where she was. She couldn’t have moved if
she’d tried. Her body was totally drained of all desire to do anything except
sink into the mattress and sleep for a million years. She’d forgotten how good
it felt to play with her body intimately. What had she been doing all those
years? She hated Graham for doing what he had to her. He had stolen everything
away from her, fun, sex, confidence, self-esteem and life. She despised him.

Stacie stretched luxuriously. Her heart-rate and
breathing had started to return to normal. She rolled over onto her side and glanced
at the bathroom door, thinking about Dan. He turned her on so much and that was
with his clothes on. She could hardly wait to get him naked, feel his skin
against hers and his cock sliding in and out of her. The thought caused her pussy
to quiver again.

She closed her eyes and imagined Dan coming out, naked,
his cock stiff and ready, saying how much he wanted to make love to her right

The bathroom door opened. She opened her eyes eagerly, but
far from being naked, he was very much dressed with a slightly flustered look
on his face.

“Do you fancy some lunch?” he asked.

“Yeah sure, that sounds great.”

He walked over to the dresser and opened the top drawer,
pulling out the phone and menu. He passed the menu to her to look at.

“I thought that we could grab something light now and have
something more special later on.”

Stacie perused the menu. There was a section labelled
Lite Bites which listed sandwiches and wraps of various kinds. She didn’t want
to order anything too pungent and end up with stinky breath for him.

“I’ll just have a chicken salad sandwich,” she decided
in the end.

“Good choice.” Dan phoned their order down to the
kitchen, ordering the same for himself.

“How are you feeling now?” he asked, putting the phone
down on the dresser and sitting down on the end of the bed.

“Fantastic, I feel like a school girl who has just
discovered her body.” Stacie lay back on the pillow, trying to entice him with
her eyes.

“Good. Good. So you are feeling happy about the

Stacie rose onto her elbows grinning like a fool. “Yes I
am, totally.”

He smiled back at her, then got up and went over to the
table, clearing the fruit basket and the vase of flowers off it, presumably for
their impending food.

Stacie climbed off the bed to get a robe from the
bathroom. It was a bit silly to be embarrassed about being nude. He had just watched
her masturbating and dripping and screaming all over the bed. Nonetheless, she
headed into the bathroom and wrapped her body in one of the soft white robes
which hung from the hooks on the back of the bathroom door. She wandered over
to the mirror and checked her appearance, licking her finger to rub the smudges
of eyeliner from under her eyes. Her cheeks were pink and her face wore a
satisfied look.

A knock at the bathroom door startled her.

“Food’s here,” Dan called through the door. Stacie
quickly finished freshening up and came out, taking a seat at the small table
as Dan placed their plates on two woven wicker placemats that hadn’t been there
They must have been in the
dresser drawer
, she decided. She watched him pop the cork on the bottle of
Cava, laughing as it flew across the room.

She gazed dreamily into his gorgeous brown eyes, until
he looked at her with a cock-eyed smile. Embarrassed, she flicked her gaze to
one side, not wanting him to see just how attractive she found him. The Desires
contract flashed through Stacie’s head.

Dan poured a glass of Cava for them both, waiting for
the froth to settle before topping the glasses up. Stacie took a sip, hoping it
might calm her nerves. In the back of her mind, common sense put its hand up
hesitantly, warning her not to have too much. She blithely ignored it. She
wasn’t driving. One glass wouldn’t hurt.

“How are you feeling?”

“I’m great.”

“Good,” he said. He flashed his perfect white teeth at
someone’s had some dental work done
she melted.

“So, what do you think of Desires so far?” he asked her,
just as she took a mouthful of sandwich. She chewed quickly, struggling to empty
her mouth while he waited for her reply.

“Well, from what I have seen so far, it’s pretty

“Are you pleased with the way I am teaching you?”

“Oh, definitely yes,” she replied, gazing into his eyes.
“Have you been working here long?”

“I really shouldn’t answer that question.”

“Sorry, is that private?”

“Yes, I can talk to you about anything to do with Desires,
what kind of activities there are in the building, and what sorts of services
we offer to clients, although names of clients are strictly confidential,

certainly wouldn’t want anyone at work to know I was coming here!

“I can tell you about my training, but I’m afraid that
my personal life is off limits.”

“I understand. I just find it a little strange why a
young man like you would work somewhere like Desires.” Stacie could hardly believe
what had just come out of her mouth. Would he be offended?

“‘What’s a nice boy like you doing in a place like this,’
you mean?” Dan asked, smiling broadly. Stacie wriggled uncomfortably.
Is that how it had sounded?

Dan continued, his face dropping into more serious
lines. “I love sex, I enjoy everything about sex. As long as I respect my
clients and myself, no one comes to any harm. I always use protection, so I can’t
see a problem,” he replied, maintaining eye contact. “The human body is
amazing. It can give such pleasure and so many women never experience that. I believe
that everyone should know how to respect and use it. Sex is wonderful and
special with the right person and what your ex did to you was…well, there are
no words for it.”

“Don’t you find it degrading?” Stacie asked.

“Degrading?” Dan sat back and regarded her. “Degrading
is a very strong word.”

“I guess it is, but some people take sex too far.”

“Too far?” He seemed to pounce on her words.

“Well, to the limits of disgracing themselves,” she
said, feeling uneasy at his reaction, yet determined to remain strong in her

“It all depends on the act and how they expose
themselves. It doesn’t mean they are bad, some people are more extravagant than
others. Some people keep it strictly to the bedroom and others prefer to go out
and about. It’s more of a thrill to get caught out, whereas the bedroom’s safe.
Desires gives people the opportunity to play out their fantasies in a
controlled environment, rather than out in the wild as it were. We are all
different and like sex in different ways. So long as everyone’s happy and no
one gets hurt, it’s not a problem.”

“So what is Desires all about?”

“It’s a very open-minded club. There’s nothing legal
that cannot be done within these walls. It’s where your sexual fantasies come
alive. And no one judges anyone.”

“So, if I suggested—not that I ever would as I find it
repulsive—a threesome?”

“Then that would happen.”

Stacie widened her eyes, wondering if the club was the
right place for her. It sounded like a freak show and she again found herself
asking the question—
should I really be

“So, the woman I saw coming out the room earlier, who
looked rough to say the least, could’ve been up to anything, a threesome or maybe
even more?” Stacie asked.

“She could’ve done anything. She’s paying for a certain
fantasy and she will get whatever she requests.”

Stacie looked at him, shocked.

“Stacie, I am here to help you regain your confidence
and self-esteem, and to teach you to enjoy your body after what your ex put you
through. I want you to get your life back on track, meet new people, have fun. It
doesn’t matter what other people want from Desires. It only matters what you

“So, I only get what I request.”

“Absolutely. Nothing will happen in this room that you
haven’t agreed to.”

She smiled at him, feeling reassured and they finished
their food in companionable silence. Stacie’s mind wandered back to the thought
she’d had earlier. What would happen if her secret came out at work?

Stacie’s job was time-consuming, but through choice. When
she was married to Graham, she used to make any excuse to work overtime. Since
she’d left him, nothing had changed. Except now she worked to keep herself
busy, not to avoid going home. She had forgotten there was more to life than
working, which was another reason she’d contacted Desires. She wanted to change
her lifestyle, she just wasn’t sure how.

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