Desolate Souls (Forgotten Souls MC, #1) (19 page)

Read Desolate Souls (Forgotten Souls MC, #1) Online

Authors: Kira Johns

Tags: #Biker, #MC, #Romance, #Stripper, #Dark, #Gritty, #True Love, #Lost Love

BOOK: Desolate Souls (Forgotten Souls MC, #1)
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“Does this have something to do with Jax?” he asks, narrowing his eyes.

“A little,” I confess, “but not in a bad way. He admitted he has feelings for me. It kind of freaked me out,” I laugh nervously.

I lift my head when I sense him distancing himself from me to see Paul taking a step away from me, a look of discontent contorting his features. “He told you he loves you? He just came back into your life and now he’s devoting himself to you?”

“Jax has always had feelings for me just like I have for him. This didn’t happen overnight.” Paul already knows this, so why is he acting this way?

“Bullshit,” he mumbles, turning away from me. “Don’t you think it’s kind of strange that he disappeared from your life for so many years and suddenly he’s back and in love with you?” He suddenly turns, his gaze meeting mine, filled with such hatred and discontent. “He abandoned you and you’re just gonna forgive him?”

“He didn’t abandon me!” I retort. “He didn’t want to leave me!”

“And you believe him?!” he shouts, causing me to startle. “You are so fuckin’ naïve!”

“Jax wouldn’t lie to me,” I say, defending him.

“And how can you be so stupid to believe that? Everybody lies.”

“Real friends don’t lie to each other,” I say without hesitation.

Paul is silent for several moments, his eyes never leaving mine. “I just don’t want you getting hurt,” he says in a hushed tone.

“There are very few people in this world I trust implicitly – you and Jax are it. I know in my heart that neither of you would ever lie to me nor hurt me.”

He swallows hard, the look on his face full of agony. Reaching out to me, he gently touches my cheek. “You know I care about you, right Alana?”

“Of course, but...”

Pressing a finger to my lips, he silences me. “I can’t lose you, not to Jax or anyone else. You have to promise me that no matter what happens, you won’t leave me.”

“Who said anything about...?”

“Promise me,” he says in a sharp tone. “I need to hear the words Alana. Tell me that you will never walk away from me, no matter what.”

“Paul,” I say his name in complete bewilderment.

“Just say it!” he demands.

“I promise!” I shout out, but before I have a chance to ask him why he is acting this way, he reaches out and grasps my face, crashing his lips onto my own before his tongue infiltrates my mouth with pure need.

Parting my lips, I give him access, my tongue colliding with his, giving into his desires. Suddenly, I am overcome with guilt and for the first time since Paul and I met, I push him away.

“Lana,” he breathes, his eyes filled with lust.

When he takes a step towards me again, I place my hand on his chest, stopping him from coming any closer. I don’t want this and I am not going to be guilted into doing something I no longer feel comfortable with. “Paul, please,” I plead. He stops immediately, the hurt in his eyes speaking volumes making me instantly regret not giving in. “I’m just not feeling well,” I lie, hoping he will believe me.

He narrows his eyes at me, saying nothing. When he finally speaks, his voice is laced with concern. “Are you getting sick?”

“I don’t think so. I’m probably just tired. I think I just need to get some sleep.”

Slowly he nods his head, his eyes softening. “You’re probably right,” he says, giving me a reassuring smile. “You head to bed and I’ll come in and check on you after a while.”

Standing on my tip toes, I press a kiss to his cheek, silently telling him what he already knows.

Chapter 22

One Month Later

friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask, turning my attention towards Alana as she takes a seat beside me on the rooftop.

“Just something I read,” she says, shaking her head at me. “Tomorrow’s the big day. I’m a little nervous.”

“Why’s that?” I won’t admit to her that I am just as scared as she is. This is something we both have dreamed about for a long time. Being a part of a family is something we never thought would become a reality. The fact that the Martins agreed to take in both Alana and myself makes the entire situation perfect.

“I don’t know how to explain it. I just have a bad feeling,” she whispers, staring out into the dark sky.

“There’s nothing to worry about, Lana. The Martins are nice people and they have a huge house. No more sharing a room or wearing hand-me-downs. We are finally going to have a family and the best part is that you and I will be together. What could go wrong?” I already know what she is thinking, but this time will be different. The Martins are not just looking to foster us, they have talked about adoption.

“You’re probably right,” Alana sighs. “I guess I’m just overthinking it.”

“You always do. That’s what I’m here for, to make you feel better.” I grasp her hand in mine and pull her towards me. Draping my arm over her shoulder, she leans closer, resting her head on my shoulder.

I was wrong. The Martins put us through hell, Alana more so than me. To look at her now, you would never guess the pain and torture she has endured. She wears the mask perfectly, not allowing anyone to see the depths of her anguish, but I am not just anyone.

“Don’t tell me your cat died,” Deuce chuckles as he comes to sit beside me.

“I hate fuckin’ cats,” I mumble before nodding at Becky to give me a refill. “Thought you’d be out trolling for pussy. Why the late start?”

“Actually, we’ve got other plans for this evening,” Deuce says, grasping the beer from Becky’s extended hand.

“We?” I ask, raising my brow.

“Tonight the truth comes out,” he says calmly. “And we shut down Hawk’s operation.”

We’ve known about Hawk’s little side business for a few months now and could’ve put an end to it in the beginning, but Deuce’s gut told him there was more to it, so we waited. “What changed?”

“Spyder made a little discovery. Seems that Hawk’s operation is a lot larger than we first thought. He’s got ties we weren’t aware of.”

“And?” I ask, my patience wearing thin.

“Paul’s job is to lure in about twenty or so girls and after a little sex party, they’re auctioned off to the highest bidder.”

Sex trafficking. A more lucrative form of prostitution than we had believed but it somehow doesn’t come as a shock. “Then let Pat shut it down. We’ve got more important things to worry about.” Namely Alana. Something is off with her. The last few days, she hasn’t been herself. I know something is going on and I’m pretty damn sure Paul is behind it.

“Pat’s already aware of the situation and will be on standby when shit goes down,” he explains.

A bust like this will make Pat’s career. He’s been vying for lead investigator and taking down a sex trafficking operation will land him the position for sure. Plus, Pat and his men will keep our names out of it completely. The higher ups aren’t aware of our affiliation within their ranks, and our involvement may not sit well. “What aren’t you telling me?”

Deuce lifts his eyes, worry etching his face. “There’s no easy way to tell you this. I got a call this afternoon from Armando Montego wanting to make a deal. He was contacted personally by Hawk inviting him to tonight’s festivities. Apparently made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. That’s when he called me. I’m sorry brother... Alana is on the auction block.”

“What?!” I shout, jumping to my feet.

“I need you to keep your head on straight and listen to me. Armando’s had his eye on Alana when Paul found her years ago. Offered Hawk top dollar for her, but Hawk turned him down. Said he had other plans for her. When Hawk contacted him, something didn’t set well, so he sent out his eyes and ears. Learned that Alana had been spending a lot of time with you. Armando may be a low life son of a bitch, but he’s all about covering his own ass. That’s why he contacted me. He knows Alana’s affiliation with the Forgotten Souls and he’s not willing to go to war over one girl. Alana will be safe.”

“I don’t care what promises that fucker gave you!” I roar. “We have to get her out!”

“You have to trust me!” he counters. “We go in and grab Alana, we don’t solve anything. We have to shut this entire operation down.”

I know he’s right, but it doesn’t make it any easier. My thoughts are on Alana’s safety and nothing else. “So what? We just waltz in there and Hawk’s gonna let Alana leave? You’ve lost your fuckin’ mind!”

“Will you shut the fuck up and listen for once! First of all, you’re not going in, I am. Second, Alana will walk out of there safely, you have my word. But most importantly, when she leaves, she will know the truth.”

I stare at him for a moment, completely speechless.
The truth.
“What haven’t you told me?” I finally ask, knowing that Deuce is keeping me in the dark.

Shaking his head, he looks at me with concern. “Let’s discuss all the details later. Like you said, we need to get Alana out of there.” He diverts his attention to Becky behind the bar before trying to change the subject. “Spyder rented an SUV. I want you on standby in the alley waiting for us. The moment you see us exit, be ready to hightail it out of there. We won’t have much time to get out before Pat and his men move in. I think...”

“Spyder can stay with the car. I’m going in,” I say, cutting him off.

“Jax, listen to me. Alana’s gonna need your support when we get her out of there. It’s best if Spyder goes in with me.”

“Not happenin’,” I tell him, shaking my head. “I go in with you, but first, put our friendship aside and tell me everything you know.” I know he’s trying to protect me for some reason, but I am a grown man. I can handle whatever it is.

He stares at me for a moment before finally nodding his head in agreement. “This is against my better judgement,” he says before pausing again.

“Spit it out already!”

Taking in a deep breath, he says the words I will remember for the rest of my life. “His real name is Paul Randall Martin. He’s Phil Martin’s son.”

My head is spinning as I try to grasp Deuce’s words. How can this be? Phil and Janet Martin had no children, or at least that is what I had been led to believe.

“Spyder thinks Paul was a victim of Phil Martin, just like Alana was. He disappeared around the same time his mother, Susan, died, which prompted Spyder to dig further. All the records indicated that she died of natural causes, but when he dug a little deeper the evidence proved she had been stabbed and we believe Paul was the culprit. There’s a hospital record where Paul was admitted for a stab wound to his left shoulder the same night. He claimed he had been robbed. The docs patched him up and called the police, but by the time they arrived, Paul had bolted. From what Spyder uncovered, Paul went to the streets and that’s where he met Hawk. If we’re completely honest here, Paul was as much of a victim of Hawk’s as he was his own father. Hawk manipulated him, making him a pawn in his operation.”

“Do not make excuses for him,” I choke out, the tightness in my chest increasing. Paul may have fallen victim to Phil Martin and to Hawk, but what he has done, what he continues to do, is inexcusable.

“Paul’s job is to find the girls, make them trust him, and then he hands them off to Hawk. Most are runaways or women down on their luck. Many are sold and sent overseas. Others sell drugs or their bodies on the street. A rare few work the clubs. Lucky for us, Alana was one of the few he decided to keep close.” Deuce does not try to hide the emotion that is consuming him. He likes Alana, thinks of her as a sister, and to know what could have happened to her is tearing him up.

“I’ve already briefed Pat on how this is going down. First priority is getting Alana out of there safely. Once that is done, he’ll move in. Hawk and Paul will go away for a long time for this, you can count on it.”

I shake my head. “Prison’s too good for them.”

“I agree, but we need Pat on this one. From what we know, there will be at least fifty girls there tonight. They have to make it out safely and that won’t happen if we go in guns  blazin’. We need numbers and Pat can provide those.”

I hate it when he’s right, but he makes a valid point. I may be a lot of things, but I am not so cruel that I would endanger the lives of innocent women whose lives hang in the balance. “When do we head out?” I ask, my patience growing thin.

“In ten, but before we head out, I need your word that you won’t do anything to jeopardize this. We go in, get Alana out, and let Pat handle the rest. No hero bullshit. For the first time in our lives, we’re gonna let the law do their job. You feel me?” he asks, his eyes boring into my own.

“I just want to get Alana out. If she’s safe, I don’t care what else happens as long as Paul is out of her life for good.” Then I can finally have my Lana back.

He nods his head in agreement. “Let’s ride,” he says, nodding in Spyder’s direction before heading towards the door.


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