Destiny Undone: The Complete Series Box Set (43 page)

Read Destiny Undone: The Complete Series Box Set Online

Authors: Amanda Heartley

Tags: #New adult romance, #coming of age, #Contemporary Romance, #Erotic romance

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“Sure, you got it. No worries, Miss.”

I accepted the package and walked to the boat. I shook it curiously and began carefully removing the paper as I walked. “Mills! Come look what I have!”

“What is it? Who sent you a package?”

“Looks like Gabe. I’m sure it’s from earlier today. Way before we got into it.”

“Obviously. No man in their right mind would buy you presents after your little performance back there,” Mills commented.

“Whatever,” I said as I tore the gold wrapping off. It was from one of my favorite jewelers and I opened the velvet box to find a dainty, gold anklet inside. The chain was a string of dolphins, swimming nose to tail. It was perfect! I held it in my hands and my heart broke.

“That’s beautiful, Pepper. I love it!” Mills gasped as I displayed the beautiful gift.

My eyes clouded with tears as I held up my ankle so Mills could help secure the delicate chain around it. I’d been so wrong. It was all clear now. Of course Gabe hadn’t been cheating. He loved me. And no matter how scary it was, I loved him, too. I didn’t know where he’d be, so I decided to send him a text to see if he felt like talking or not.

I wrote and rewrote it about four times before I decided to finally send it off.

Gabe, I’m sorry I accused you of cheating. I was wrong. Please forgive me.

I held the phone for a minute and just stared at it. He obviously wasn’t in a hurry about texting me back so I turned the phone on mute and put it in my pocket. I had to think about something else for now so I put on some music and opened the stainless steel door to the refrigerator. I found some fresh ingredients and listened to Mills as she shared her ideas about baby names.

I tried to be in the moment with Mills as she chattered excitedly, but I couldn’t help but think about Gabe and Evangeline and Sophie. How had everything come undone so quickly?

“Pepper! You aren’t listening to me!” Mills whined as I set down a plate of fruit in front of her.

“I’m sorry, honey. What did you say?”

“I said, don’t be too down. I’m sure my story will eclipse yours soon. I’m stealing Evangeline’s thunder.” With a proud smile, she put her phone down on the table in front of her and picked up her fork.

“What? What are you talking about?”

She swallowed a bite of the fruit salad I’d prepared for her. “I just tweeted it out to the whole world.”

“Tweeted what out, Mills?”

She picked up her phone and read it. “’You should see my baby bump. So happy right now!’ It’s been RT’d about ten thousand—no, wait, fifteen thousand times. Aw…the whole world is happy for me.”

“What!” I gaped down at her still-smiling face. “Mills! Why would you do that? All you’re going to do is draw out even more crazies.”

“Exactly, and they’ll all want to talk about me, instead of Evangeline Anderson. Won’t she be pissed?”

I shook my head. I knew Mills was an adult and capable of making her own choices, and I had to admit, stealing Evangeline’s spotlight right as it was glowing brightest did bring an insane amount of joy. But still, I couldn’t help but wonder if Mills wasn’t playing with fire.

Chapter Nine — Gabe

I sat at my desk with my head in my hands. The blowout with Pepper was over, and although she’d been gone for fifteen minutes, her harsh words were still ringing in my ears. Before I could muster the strength to dive back into work, Charlie came upstairs to see if everything was okay.
Great, now everyone would be talking about this. Sea Lab could be worse than a small town gossip mill

“Thanks, Charlie, but everything’s fine. Just a misunderstanding.”

“Glad to hear it.” He fidgeted in the doorway. “Uh, there’s something I need to tell you, though, boss. Their sheriff’s department is here. They got a report about Miss Pepper Anderson. I think they want to come up and talk to you. Is that okay?”

“A report?” My thoughts were a blitzed mess, racing through my head at a speed matching my pounding heart.
What now?

I cleared my throat and tried to keep my composure. “I can’t imagine why they’d want to talk to me, but okay. Send them up. No, I’ll come down there.” We walked out of the office and towards the elevator.

Mandy stopped me. “Sir, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know, I swear.”

I held a hand up to stop her apology. “Nothing to worry about, Mandy. There’s no way you could have known. We’ll talk more about that tomorrow. Right now, I have to go downstairs for a minute. Please hold my calls—take detailed messages and leave them on my desk. Nobody else goes in my office when I’m not there—not even Bobbie Jo. Okay?”

“Yes, sir! I’m on it!” She smiled and appeared visibly relieved that I wasn’t angry with her.

I stepped onto the elevator with Charlie. “Any idea what’s going on?” I asked.

Charlie wouldn’t meet my eyes. “I overheard one of them, but maybe I heard wrong…”

“What did they say?”

“It sounds like they’re here to arrest Miss Anderson. I don’t know why, though.”

“Arrest her? For what?” That was actually a stupid question. There was only one thing it could be. Sophie must have some real pull at the station to get the cops out here so quickly.

Before he could answer me, the doors opened and we stepped out into the lobby. I was surprised to see one of the detectives working the property damage case step forward. “Mr. Gregory,” he started, extending his hand to me.

I shook his hand and interjected before he could finish his thought. “Do you have some leads for me about the destruction of our property?” I asked, praying that was all this was in regards to.

“We actually do have two people in custody. We’ll set up a time to have your security chief come down for a line-up identification later today. However, that’s not why we’re here.”

“Really? What is it, then?”

“Mr. Gregory, we had a report of an assault earlier today. Do you know anything about that?”

I didn’t know how to respond. I didn’t want to lie, but I also couldn’t live with myself if Pepper went to jail over something Sophie had started. Granted, Pepper could have done a better job controlling herself, but she had a lot going on. Surely, it was understandable she’d snap under the circumstances. Not that a court would agree with that.

“The lobby seems pretty empty right now. We can talk here, if you don’t mind. The situation began when a former employee of the company, her name was Sophie Maguire, broke into my office and attacked me when I walked in. I was floored. She’d never been anything but professional with me in the past but honestly, guys, she was all over me. Come to find out, Miss Maguire has some kind of fantasy going on in her head because she thinks the two of us are an item. But truthfully, Pepper and I have been exclusively dating for months. In fact, we live together.”

“Miss Maguire attacked you? In what way? If you don’t mind me asking.”

I glanced around. “She was trying to get me to sleep with her.”

The younger cop wrote furiously in his notebook. He was obviously the lackey.

“Geesh, you got them tracking you down and Joe here can’t get a date.”

“Hey, knock it off.” The detective shot the cop a stern look that read loud and clear.

I continued. “The whole thing was really a big misunderstanding, really. If anyone should be getting charged with assault it should be Miss Maguire, in my opinion.”

There. That should clear Pepper. Besides, if Sophie really did press charges, I could always threaten to press them against her.

The cop laughed. “So, let me get this straight. You know, for the record. Miss Maguire came on to you and that’s assault?”

“Miss Maguire stalked me, lied to my receptionist about who she was, waited for me and then stripped down in my office and waited for me. When I caught her, she didn’t want to leave. Pepper helped her out of the office.”

“The complainant, Miss Maguire, says Miss Anderson slapped her, assaulted her and caused her bodily harm.” The detective didn’t look convinced about my story but I wasn’t giving up, I had to keep Pepper safe.

“Listen, let’s not make this more than it is. It was a scuffle, yes, but Miss Maguire was definitely the instigator. I’ve known Sophie for a long time, but she’s changed. I honestly think she might be mentally unstable or something. I think she needs some help.” Before the officers could grill me further, my phone rang. I slid it out of my pocket. It was my mother. She never called and I felt compelled to take it. “Excuse me, officers. If there is anything else, we can set something up.”

Without waiting for their reply, I turned away and answered the phone. “Mom?”

“Gabe, Gabe? What’s going on?” I could hear loud crying and screaming in the background. “Sophie’s here and she says you two had a fight”

I gestured over at the detective and waved them back over.

“Mom, listen to me. Remain calm, okay? Don’t put me on speaker phone, okay?”


“Sophie has had some sort of mental breakdown. She’s not stable right now. Where are you?”

“In the kitchen. I’m making her a cup of tea.”

“Mom, get her out of the kitchen away from the knives. Take your tea out to the balcony and we’re on the way. Is Dad there?”

“No, dear. He’s gone to his meeting.”

“So it’s you and her. Tell her I’m on the way to make it up to her. Okay?”

“Okay,” I could hear the fear in her voice. “It’s going to be fine, Mother. Just keep calm. Don’t defend me. Be on her side. I’m on the way and I’m bringing the police.”

“See you soon, dear.”

“Sophie is keeping my mother captive. She’s having some sort of breakdown. You need to come with me.”

The detective nodded and we hurried out of the building. I sat shotgun in the detective’s car and I led the police to our home. They pulled up as quietly as they could with no lights or sirens. That would be all Sophie needed to go off on my mom. I still didn’t know what Sophie was capable of, but it was obvious something was wrong and she couldn’t be trusted. If she hurt my mother…I couldn’t even let myself go there.

I paused on the doorstep. I whispered to the officer, “Please let me go in first. I want to make sure my mother is okay. Please.”

“Okay, but once we come in, don’t get in the way, Mr. Gregory.”

“You can trust me.” I walked into my parents’ home, walking past the kitchen and out the French doors to the balcony that overlooked the pools below. Mom was there, standing stiffly on a step as if she were ready to run at any minute.

I spotted Sophie, and although I wanted to scream at her for screwing everything up, I knew it was essential to keep calm. “Sophie, I didn’t know you were meeting me here. What’s going on? Mom, are you okay?” She nodded but stared at Sophie. She didn’t have any weapons that I could see but her makeup was running all over the place. Quite frankly, she looked like a mess.

“I told her about what happened! I told her how badly you treated me today! How could you, Gabe? All I have ever done is love you!” She took a swing at me with her fist but she missed. I could smell alcohol on her breath—obviously, she’d been drinking heavily since fleeing Sea Lab. Maybe even beforehand.

“Everyone freeze! This the Destiny Beach Police Department. Now, Miss Maguire, you need to come with us, ma’am. This is an ongoing investigation and you need to come with us.”

“Fuck you!” Sophie screamed. She launched herself at me but the younger cop intercepted her and restrained her easily. Sophie continued screaming curses and nasty names at everyone as he was leading her out of the house in handcuffs.

The detective paused on the doorstep. “Mr. Gregory, thank you for your cooperation earlier. I’ll need to take your mother’s statement and then I’ll get out of your hair.”

“No problem. Where are they taking here? I think she needs some professional help, not jail time,” I asked, watching the cop load Sophie into the back of a squad car that had arrived minutes before.

“The officers will be taking her to the Meadows to let them evaluate her. If she doesn’t qualify for a psych hold, then she goes to jail. If the Meadows keeps her, it will be for thirty, sixty or ninety days. That’s all up to them.”

I nodded. I had no idea what had caused Sophie’s break, and while she’d hurt Pepper and nearly ruined everything, I still had a long history with her and hated to think of her behind bars in some dingy jail cell. “Thank you, Detective. Now I better check on my mother.”

Dad rolled into the driveway as the cop car was backing down the street. He snapped his head around at the sight of Sophie in the back of the car. “What in the world is going on here?” he hollered as soon as he exited his car.

“Dad, I can explain but right now, I need to check on Mom.”

“Is she hurt? Adrian? Adrian? Move, boy!” He ran into the house and found her sitting on a padded chair on the balcony. She was talking to the detective, one of her chenille throws tossed about her shoulder. She sipped from a glass of water someone had brought her. “Adrian!”

“Here I am, James. I’m fine. No fussing, now. Really, I’m fine.” I followed Dad out the area and sat across from them. “As I was telling the detective, I was shocked by all of this. I couldn’t believe how she was behaving. We’ve known Sophie forever, and she was always such a nice girl. What could have made her snap like that? I’ve never heard her cuss and swear like she did. Could she have been on drugs or something? I heard the reefer makes you go crazy!”

I smiled. “Mom, do you even know what ‘the reefer’ looks like?”

“No, but I bet she does. Oh, my God! Are you doing the reefer, too?”

“Mom, no one is doing drugs. Sophie just had some kind of mental break. You know she hasn’t been that strong since her father passed a couple of years ago. I mean, I always knew she liked me but apparently she has some sort of obsession I never knew about. She thought we were dating and that Pepper was a publicity stunt. The whole thing was really ugly. Speaking of, I really need to go see Pepper and make things right.”

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw the text from Pepper. I smiled, knowing things were going to be all right.

“I have to go!” I told my parents.

“Of course, son,” Dad said, wrapping an arm around my mom.

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