Destiny Undone: The Complete Series Box Set (46 page)

Read Destiny Undone: The Complete Series Box Set Online

Authors: Amanda Heartley

Tags: #New adult romance, #coming of age, #Contemporary Romance, #Erotic romance

BOOK: Destiny Undone: The Complete Series Box Set
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Amanda Heartley

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

© 2015 Amanda Heartley

Published by Heartley Publishing

Chapter One — Gabe

“It’s going to be okay.” It was the only thing I could think to say, so I just kept repeating it, over and over, as I held Pepper in my arms. I hated feeling so helpless, but she looked up and offered a slight smile to let me know I was on the right track. I’d never had to deal so closely with tragedy, and couldn’t even imagine how she was feeling or what she was thinking in light of the news.

Looking around the room at Fallon, Mills and Pepper, it was obvious that everyone was shell-shocked and I couldn’t believe what had happened, either—Evangeline Anderson was lying in the hospital, barely alive after an attempted suicide.

Mills hadn’t stopped crying since she’d gotten the news of her mother’s condition. Although I’d be the first to admit that Evangeline and Pepper’s relationship mystified me for the most part, it was obvious that Pepper was taking the news just as hard as Mills—except for her, there were so many other emotions and thoughts tangled up after recent events. What a betrayal for Evangeline to tell the world Pepper had been adopted and that her real mother was a junkie! If that was even true. Who knew what the truth was anyway? In Evangeline’s world, the truth was whatever was convenient for her at the moment. Now she might even be dead for all we knew.

We’d all huddled together in the living room of my house for a few hours while we waited for updates from the hospital then Doug finally called and told us that the police had cleared the driveway of paparazzi so it was safe for the girls to return when they were ready. Mills wanted to go right away, but Pepper wanted to hang back. I didn’t ask why—I just wanted to support her and be there for her. Fallon took Mills’ hand, they said their goodbyes and then they left to go back to her house.

Pepper and I moved into the kitchen after they’d left and we picked at a plate of cheese and crackers when she started to cry again. I rushed around my side of the counter and gathered her in my arms, pulling her against my chest.

“I still can’t believe this is happening.” Pepper’s sweet voice quaked with regret and sadness. “I did this, Gabe—it’s all my fault. It’s like I killed her.” She stared up into my face—her blue eyes looked tormented and her bottom lip trembled.

“No, that’s not true, Pepper.” I shook my head and caressed her shoulders. “You didn’t make her take those pills. She did this to herself and she’s not dead. Don’t beat yourself up, babe.” I held her for a long time and kissed the top of her head. “Let me make you some coffee.”

She nodded and took the tissues I’d handed her then climbed up onto a chair at the kitchen bar. She didn’t repeat her terrible statement, but she looked deflated and dejected.

I puttered around the kitchen and started to whip up a cappuccino then the phone rang and Pepper and I both groaned in unison.

“I’m sorry. Let me turn that thing off.” I set the mug down and picked up my phone to turn it onto ‘Mute’. The press had called me at least a dozen times already since they were well aware of Pepper and my relationship. Apparently, they wanted a statement from me.

I had no idea what I’d say to them, even if I was even remotely interested in giving them a statement in the first place. It was a family matter that shouldn’t be drug through the slag rags for cheap entertainment and honestly, I was confused as to why they were calling me in the first place. After all, I wasn’t a member of the Anderson family so why did they even care what I thought?

I shook my head again and went back to making Pepper’s coffee but before I could finish foaming the milk, there was a knock on the door. It was unlikely any reporter could get through the estate’s security system, at least not without us knowing about it, but I wasn’t sure.

Pepper looked at me and I could tell she was scared. “It’s okay, babe.” I headed out of the kitchen and across the hall towards the front door. "Who is it?” I asked.

“It’s your mother, Gabe. Open the door.” I breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door to see her standing there with a pan of cinnamon rolls. My eyebrows shot up in surprise since she rarely baked. Apparently, this was a special occasion and I smiled—I was glad to see her there and with her counseling experience, maybe she could help Pepper. I still wasn’t sure what Mom thought of her, but surely she’d put aside any negative feelings in the light of what had happened. Then again, you never knew with Adrian Gregory.

“I heard about what happened from Francine Noland, the big blabbermouth. I hope Pepper’s okay. I made some cinnamon rolls.” She offered a weak smile and walked inside.

“Thanks. I think she’s going to be all right. She’s in the kitchen.” Mom nodded and carried on walking past me towards the kitchen. I stayed right behind her, and not because I didn’t trust her, but because my mom and Pepper hadn’t had a great history together so far. I honestly believed it was because the two of them were so alike—more so than either would probably admit.

She slid the pan onto the counter and looked at Pepper. “I’m sorry to hear about Evangeline, Pepper. Is there anything I can do?”

Pepper stared at the crumpled pile of tissues in her hand and shook her head. I stood in the doorway and watched as my mother placed her hand comfortingly on her shoulder. Pepper glanced apprehensively at her then suddenly she burst into tears and the two of them hugged each other. Mom spoke to her in low tones and I couldn’t hear what she was saying but I finished making Pepper’s coffee, set it down in front of her, then slowly retreated from the kitchen so they could talk together. I needed to make some urgent calls anyway.

I settled into my usual place on the couch and picked up the phone to call Dad over in the main house. I figured we’d probably need extra security as soon as the media figured out Pepper was staying with me, however, it turned out that he’d already taken care of it. I thanked him, hung up and called Mr. Anderson next. He didn’t pick up so I called Mills’ number instead.

She answered on the third ring and it sounded like she was still crying. “Hey, Mills. How are you?”

“Um, I’m okay.” Her voice was so soft and I thought about how young and vulnerable she was to have to deal with all this. “How’s Pepper?”

“About the same as you, I’d imagine. Have you seen your father? How’s he doing?”

“Um, he’s… well, he’s not so hot. He just left to go see my mother at the hospital. Dad doesn’t know it, but I called Charlotte to tell her about Mom and I hope she doesn’t end up going to the hospital and finding him crying over her.” She cried quietly into the phone, “I don’t know what he’s thinking, Gabe. I’ve screwed everything up for them. I know I’ve been a bitch to Charlotte but I don’t want to see her get hurt. She doesn’t deserve that.” She was getting more shrill and panicked.

“Shh, shh. Mills, listen to me. It’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay. Just stay with Fallon and don’t stress about things like that. You’ve got enough on your plate right now.”

She started to squeak something out but I cut her off. “Tell you what, once I get Pepper settled, I’ll go to the hospital and see your dad, okay?”

“Would you? That would make me feel a lot better. Could you text me and let me know how Mom is doing, too? Nobody will tell me anything and Dad says Pepper and I shouldn’t go up there right now. He says it’s a media circus.”

“Of course I will, Mills. In the meantime, try to eat something and get some rest. Listen to your dad and avoid the public, okay?”

“Ugh, I can’t eat a thing right now. I can’t stop throwing up.”

“I’m sorry. Maybe try some soda water and fruit. Just whatever you do, don’t obsess over the news and reports online. It’s not going to help and you don’t need the stress. In fact, put Fallon on the phone would you?”

After a few moments, I heard Fallon’s deep voice on the other end of the line. “Hey, Gabe. Can you believe this?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty unbelievable, but the girls need us to be strong for them right now. I need you to keep Mills away from the internet and the TV. You two have a baby to think about and Mills should stay calm and as relaxed as possible. So, no matter how she feels, don’t let her get online and engage with the crazies.”

“What about the cops? They’ve been calling my phone, believe it or not.”

“Really? I’ve turned my phone off now and I’d advise you to do the same. I’m going to the hospital to see Doug in a while and as soon as I know anything else, I’ll call you guys.”

“Sounds good, man. Thanks.” Fallon sounded relieved.

“Anytime.” We hung up and I went back to the kitchen. I was relieved to see Pepper had stopped crying and I saw Mom sat in the bar stool next to her. Whatever my mom had said must have helped and I was thankful for that. I sat in the bar stool on the other side of Pepper and noticed she’d barely sipped the frothy drink in front of her. I squeezed her shoulder and kissed her cheek which brought a small smile to her face.

Mom was mid-thought. “Sometimes people attempt these things but secretly hope that someone will find them before they slip away. Usually, it’s a sign of deep distress and used as a final cry for help. On the other hand, it could also be a ploy for more attention. I don’t know Evangeline, so I can’t give you a solid answer, but those are possibilities.”

Pepper nodded but I could tell she was only half-listening. I hated to think she was still tossing more self-accusations around in her head.

“Obviously, she has a lot going on. I mean, the press release and then leaking the news about your adoption so publicly. What would have led her to do that?” Mom asked.

Pepper shrugged. “She wanted money from my dad, I mean, Doug. He didn’t give in so I guess she thought that was the next step. I really don’t know why she does most of the things she does. I don’t even know why she bothered adopting me from her cousin in the first place. She’s never really been a very motherly person.”

“Well, then likely this suicide attempt was another manipulation tactic... and I’m sorry if that sounds harsh.”

Pepper nodded again. “I don’t know. It just seems so extreme though, doesn’t it?”

Mom decided to drop it and rubbed the back of Pepper’s hand. “I guess it does. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Gregory.”

“Please, honey, call me Adrian.”

Pepper smiled. “Okay, I will. Thank you.”

“I don’t want to interrupt. I just wanted to tell you I’m going up to the hospital now. I talked to Mills. She said Doug is on his way up there again. Maybe Charlotte, too.”

Pepper lit up. “Okay. I’ll get dressed and go with you.”

Before I could say a word, my mother broke in. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Pepper.” She patted her hand and squeezed it. Pepper appeared confused.

“She’s right, baby. This is all over the news, mostly because Evangeline did that interview with Oprah earlier in the week. She was already in the spotlight, and even more so now that this happened. I told your sister and I’m telling you too, please stay off the social media sites and please, no television. I know I can’t tell you what to do, but I love you and I don’t want to see you get hurt any further.”

Pepper stood up and backed out of my reach. “I appreciate that but the press has been talking about me my entire life. I think I can handle it, Gabe. If Doug is at the hospital, then I should go, too. Is Mills there?”

Pepper wasn’t the type that enjoyed being told what to do and I realized I needed to back off or risk making myself the enemy in her eyes. “I’m not suggesting you can’t handle yourself. I’ve seen you in action, remember?” I joked. She nodded, but didn’t crack a smile. “Mills isn’t there, either. Just Doug, and possibly Charlotte.”

Pepper sighed and leaned forward on the bar with her head in her hands. She sighed deeply and said quietly. “All right, I’ll wait here.”

“Mom, would you mind staying with her? I promise I won’t be long.”

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