Destiny Undone: The Complete Series Box Set (56 page)

Read Destiny Undone: The Complete Series Box Set Online

Authors: Amanda Heartley

Tags: #New adult romance, #coming of age, #Contemporary Romance, #Erotic romance

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My mouth dropped open. How could I have not known any of this was going on? Had someone been filtering my emails to keep me in the dark about all these inner dealings? Surely, the manager needed to know about donations and such major personnel changes. I mentally started creating a list of people I’d need to talk to over the next few days to sort this out and stop it from happening in the future.

Bobbie Jo continued, “Anyways, a little while after that, I was called before the board and they informed me that I was going to be put on probation for inappropriate behavior. They weren’t specific and no one would give me a straight answer, but, I decided I wasn’t willing to put up with that kind of bullshit, so I cleared my desk and got the hell out of there.”

“Honestly, no one told me about any of this, Bobbie—”

“Well, I don’t care whether you knew or not,” she interrupted. “I used to think you were a great boss but you’ve sold out, Gabe, and you’re letting the Andersons run your life, and now Sea Lab. Personally, I’m disgusted and want no part of it but, hey, congrats to you. I’m sure you and Pepper will be super happy together.”

Her last sarcastic comments bit into me—I wanted the chance to deny her accusations and ask her to come back so I could look into it and make it right, but she hung up before I could get the words out.

I set the phone down on the desk again. “Pepper—”

She stood up and came over to my desk. “Gabe, let me explain.”

“So it’s true? You did this? You and Doug?”

“Yes, but I didn’t mean for her to get fired. I didn’t know that was going to happen, I swear. I just wanted to make sure she couldn’t plan to take your job behind your back—while you were off sick, baby..” She smiled nervously, presumably trying to convince herself she’d done something right.

“How could you think I wanted her to be fired? That wasn’t the solution I wanted at all. I don’t do things like that, Pepper.” My voice rose but I couldn’t help it. I’d always prided myself on getting to where I was in life through my own determination and dedication to my career. “I’ve worked way too hard and for way too damn long to risk my reputation and have people thinking I pulled some strings or asked for favors from my fiancée’s dad to keep my job! You had no right to do this!”

I was shocked when Pepper slammed her hands down on the top of my desk and stared me straight in the face then she said softly, “For one thing, I only did it for you, because I know how much you love this place. Open your eyes, Gabe! She told you herself she had every intention of getting your job. Do you honestly think she was going to let you stay here once she got control?”

“That never would have happened.” I ran my hands nervously through my hair.
Maybe she had a point?

She never took her gaze off me. “You don’t know that! She was going after you with everything she had. I took care of it, that’s all. I don’t understand why you’re so pissed at me about it.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter what would have happened. You should have talked to me first, besides, that isn’t how you resolve problems. You can’t go around buying your way out of everything. Sometimes you have to deal with things head-on, Pepper.”

Now her eyes narrowed and it was her turn to raise her voice. “And what the hell does that mean? Are you saying I buy my way out of everything?”

“No, but you have no problem sending your dad to do the dirty work!”

Her eyes widened and I instantly regretted saying that. “Great. That’s just great, Gabe. Well, you can find your own fucking way home,” then she grabbed the wedding planner, threw it in her purse and stomped out of the office. I didn’t try to stop her because I was still pissed at what she’d done. How could the woman I was supposed to marry think that I’d appreciate that kind of interference in my life?

I groaned and leaned forward in my chair onto the desk. My leg throbbed and I knew I needed to take some more meds. I was also aware that downstairs, there was a room full of staff members waiting for me to start the meeting, but how could I be expected to lead a meeting when it was quite apparent that I had no idea what was going on around here?

I popped a couple of my pain meds and swallowed down a bottle of water. My head and heart were both pounding. I never wanted to argue with Pepper, and I had a gnawing feeling in the pit in my stomach as I replayed her storming out of my office, but I couldn’t let what she did slide without letting her know how I felt about it.

I pushed all that to the back of my mind and went down to the meeting where I did my best to put on a happy face. After a while, I lost myself in re-establishing my position and place of leadership at Sea Lab, and it was easier to ignore the pains in my leg and my chest.

The staff meeting went well. Most of it was spent reassuring everyone that I’d be fine and that I’d make a full recovery and be back at the helm as soon as I could. Bobbie Jo’s name wasn’t mentioned, and I was glad. I still hadn’t fully processed everything that had happened and I was still working on a game plan for what to do in her absence. After the meeting, I felt good enough to go back up to my office, but I had to admit that part of it might have been more about avoiding the inevitable argument with Pepper when I got home, than about getting any work done.

Eventually, I found the HR paperwork from Kim and flipped through it, reading everything with a keen eye. Bobbie Jo’s record was full of citations… and complaints, some of which I’d never heard of previously, but there wasn’t anything glaring that led me to believe she’d be fired or “pushed out” as she’d claimed.

Reluctantly, I picked up the phone on my desk and called Kim again. “Hey, do you have a few minutes? I’ve had a chance to look at these emails and I have a few questions. Would you have time to stop by?”

“Sure, Gabe. I’m on the way. Let me pull her file and I’ll be there in five minutes.”

“Great. Thanks, Kim.”

I hung up the phone and looked down at my cell which was still lying on the desk. I pushed the power button and the screen lit up, but there were no new messages. Pepper hadn’t called or texted.

This was bad. Originally, I’d only planned to be in the office for a couple of hours because Pepper and I were supposed to drive to do the cake tasting at a local bakery.
I guess that appointment’s off now

I sighed and stretched back in my chair, trying to release the tension knotted between my shoulder blades. What was I going to do about everything now? I knew that Pepper had only been trying to help. I didn’t doubt her intentions, but I couldn’t help feeling somewhat betrayed that it had all gone on without me knowing. It also felt a little like she thought I was some kind of project or charity case, like I couldn’t take care of myself and I guessed that threatened my independence.

But at the root of it all, the biggest question on my mind, was could I really marry someone who would go behind my back like that on any matter, but especially in regards to my job?

Kim knocked lightly on my door before I could come up with anything even close to an answer. She poked her head around it, I waved her in and she took a seat opposite me. We’d known each other for several years and it was nice to see her again and have someone to talk to besides my inner self. For the next half hour, we reviewed the files and talked about Bobbie Jo’s overall performance. I guarded my words, not wanting to ‘out’ Pepper and her involvement in it all.

“Someone at the meeting mentioned a substantial donation from Mr. Anderson. Is that true?” I said.

Kim smiled brightly. “Yes, I thought someone would have mentioned that to you. I’m sorry, Gabe, but it seems we didn’t do a very good job of keeping you in the loop. We actually received a couple of sizable donations over the past few weeks. One was from Doug Anderson, the other from Randy Kingsford. Between the two of them, we have enough to start work on the new wing and build the tank for the two new whales that are due here in a few months. Things are certainly looking good for the future.” By the end of her reply, she was beaming.

I tapped my pen on my desk and wondered how to proceed. “When Doug gave his gift, were there any conditions attached? Any requests?”

Kim looked intently at me and her brow wrinkled. “I’m not sure what you mean?”

Crap. “Oh, I’m just curious. I just wondered if he had any specific requests, maybe in regards to the allocation of the funds?”

Kim shook her head slowly. “Not that I know of. I spoke with him briefly when he came to tour the facility the other day. I think he was here for the board meeting and we talked about you a little bit. He seems to be quite a fan of yours, although I guess after you saved his daughter’s life, he would have to be!” she laughed softly. “Anyways, it seems like you have a great future father-in-law.”

“I know,” I said, and gave her the best smile I could muster. It was funny how quickly things could change over the course of a day. That morning, when I woke up with Pepper’s naked body pressed up against mine, giving me her sleepy good morning smile, I’d have never have believed it if someone told me by the end of the day that I’d likely be sleeping alone—and possibly, for good.

“Is something wrong, Gabe? You seem a little preoccupied with this donation. What’s going on?”

I sucked in a deep breath. I could trust Kim, and I needed to find out what was really going on. “The truth is, Bobbie Jo called me the afternoon before Pepper and I had our accident and she told me outright that she was trying to take my job.”

Kim gasped. “What? Why would she—what was she thinking?”

“She said I wasn’t committed to Sea Lab anymore and she felt she could do a better job than me. Obviously, I didn’t have time to react, because later that day was when everything went crazy for us on the Gulf. So, to come back and find that she up and quit seems fishy to me—no pun intended.”

“Hmm.” Kim studied the edge of the desk in front of her and seemed to be turning something over in her mind then she looked up and glanced at the door to my office.


She sighed. “There’s something you should know, Gabe.” She pulled her chair close to the desk and flipped open a second file.

“Is that—?” I stopped, seeing my personnel photo glued on the inside sleeve. “That’s my file?”

She nodded confirmation and my stomach flipped over as I realized that it was filled with yellow papers, behavior reports. She slid a few out and placed them on my desk.

“Bobbie Jo has been after your job for years. I don’t know why she actually came out and told you, I seriously have no idea what she thought that would get her, but she’s been reporting what she perceived as your shortcomings every chance she got.” She waved her hand over the file and I stopped breathing for a moment. It was like being gutted with a hot knife blade.

“Oh, my God. I had no idea it went this deep. I thought—well, wow.”

“I’m sorry, Gabe. I really hoped I’d never have to tell you any of this, but she’s been complaining to me about you for years. It was confidential so I guarded it, and never passed on any of her concerns to the higher-ups because—well, to be frank, because most of the things she was upset about seemed petty or too personal in nature to be taken seriously. From what I’ve always seen, you were leading the staff, bringing in new business and marketing opportunities, you were always kind and courteous, and everyone I spoke to respected you. I was never compelled to report you but, as the HR manager, I had to hear Bobbie Jo out every time she wanted to talk and keep that open door policy in place.”

I nodded, my throat too tight to speak.

Kim flipped the file closed. “Anyway, when you hired Pepper Anderson, that’s when she really lost it. I must have had her up in my office at least three times that week and another time, she accused you of having sex in your office. Another time, she claimed you were making inappropriate advances towards her. I was starting to dread seeing her in my doorway, to be even more blunt.” She fidgeted with her hands and I wondered how much of this was breaking employee confidentiality—not that I was going to throw her under the bus. I truly appreciated her honesty.

I rubbed my hands through my hair and eased my leg around to a more comfortable position. “I can’t believe this, Kim. I had no idea.”

“Bobbie Jo has always had a chip on her shoulder. She wanted the directorship and when she lost to you, she let that consume her, even though she was good at her job and worked well with most of the other staff members. As long as the work was getting done and there wasn’t any inter-office fighting and mud-slinging, I was content to leave things as they were in the hopes that eventually her jealousy would fade and we could all move on.”

“Thank you, Kim... for everything. I can’t tell you what it means to me that you stood up for me and shielded me from this. Back when I first started the job, I’m not sure I had a thick enough skin to have been able to cope with all of this.”

“Of course, Gabe. Really, it was my pleasure. I’m so glad you’re here and I know that Sea Lab is in the best possible hands with you at the helm.” She reached across and squeezed my hand briefly. “We sure are throwing around the ocean references aren’t we?” she laughed and I laughed with her. She’d really brightened my mood.

She sat back in her chair and continued, “I know that doesn’t exactly answer all your questions, but maybe it helps to shed some light on why she left and how that is a blessing in disguise. Sea Lab has some very big and exciting things coming up on the horizon. It’s best we all put this drama behind us. We’ll find someone just as qualified to take over her position and who’ll bring a new, more positive energy to the role.”

I smiled and relished the relief that washed over me. Her confidence in me, and the future, was a soothing balm to my frayed nerves.“You’re right, Kim. Thank you for your support and for letting me know what’s being going on. As far as anyone else is concerned, this conversation never happened. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble.”

“No problem, Gabe. Any time. I’ll be in touch about those interviews.” Kim gave me a final, warm smile then left my office. I spun around in my chair and stared out the big glass window that overlooked the dolphin tanks. Memories of watching Pepper and Singh play together flashed through my mind and my body ached. I wished she was down there now so I could go to her and make everything right again.

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