Destroyed by the Bad Boy

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Authors: Madison Collins

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Destroyed by the Bad Boy
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Madison Collins

Novella One

With My Stepbrother


Madison Collins

Copyright © 2015 Madison Collins


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, or any events or occurrences, is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.

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About the Book

A standalone taboo romance. No cliffhanger. 18+

On the way to our parents wedding in the mountains, the mother of all snow storms attacks, leaving me stranded in a remote cabin with my new stepbrother.

My hot as hell, I-need-to-change-my-panties because-they’re-soaked, cocky asshole of a stepbrother, Bentley McAllister.

The kicker of it all?

The only items he's packed are liquor and condoms, and he’s looking at me like he wants to put both to good use.

My name is Sierra, and my libido can only take so much.

Send help!



“Open up your mouth for me, princess. Let me show you how I like it.”
Without further delay I brought myself face-to-cock with Bentley’s member and in one fell swoop I deep throated him. While I couldn’t get his full cock into my mouth, I made sure to stroke what I couldn’t fit, and massage his balls so that they didn’t feel left out. 

“Jesus. Fuck, Sierra.”

And to think this was only the beginning.

Chapter One



The visibility sucks, almost as much as being stuck in this Jeep with the world’s cockiest douche bag.  Sometimes I just have to wonder if my mother was being an idiot when she decided to marry Bentley’s father, sure they make each other happy, but did she really think we would all be some sort of happy family that sings kumbaya and get along?  Yeah right.  That’s not happening. It’s not that Bentley’s bad to look at – no, he was more than blessed with good genetics. It’s his attitude, and the fact that he’s slept with every girl in the western hemisphere that annoy the shit out of me.

I look over to Bentley as he drives, and just sigh. What else can I do?  We haven’t spoken in a few hours, not since that idiot opened his big fat mouth about why he packed a mega box of condoms and booze. I had happened across it in his luggage when I was trying to find a pack of gum in the pockets of his duffel bag. My hand landed on the box and looked to move it out of the way in my search for the gum. That’s when my eyes landed on the boldly printed
of condoms. 
. Information that I
did not need to know. I’d heard all the stories already. I pulled my hand back as fast as I could, as though it had touched fire.

“Jesus Bentley, you will seriously fuck anything that moves, won’t you?”  He looks and sees the box of condoms and smiles smugly, apparently proud of fact.

“Not anything that moves Sierra, just anything that has a nice ass and nice tits.”  His smirk nearly sends me into a tailspin. I want to pummel him.

“Do you have even an ounce of respect in your body?!”  But the smirk was still firmly planted on his smug face. “God, it’s only a week and it’s for our parents and their marriage.  You do NOT need to get your dick sucked in every county from here to there!”  I could feel my face getting red and so I tried to take a deep breath and calm down, but the next words out of his mouth made me want to punch him.

“I don’t wear condoms when I get sucked off, that would defeat the purpose of feeling my cum shoot down their throat.”

“You are a disgusting man-whore!” The rage inside of me had never been so high so I shut my mouth after that comment, knowing it would be impossible to reason with him any further.  That and his constantly smirking face was getting on my nerves.

I wish I had never found that damn box of condoms.  I could have lived the rest of my life without having to know the details of my soon-to-be stepbrother’s sex life.  He was like a horny fifteen year old stuck in a twenty-two year old’s body.  He was unreasonable and blunt and sexy as hell.  It drove me batty to admit it, but there it was.  Bentley was a man-whore and a pain in the ass, but man was he hot.  He was tall, muscular, and had a cocky smile, complete with a dimple that dropped panties on a regular basis. His dark hair was cropped close with just enough to grab onto on the top, and his left arm was a scrolling design of black ink. Even though I’ve been ignoring him for the better part of the last two hours I can’t ignore the smell of his cologne.  I turn up the volume and hope the sound of my music will drown out the intoxicating smell of him and the realization that we are in a very small cab space alone. I needed to get laid or something, because this was just ridiculous.

As I let the music fill my mind I’m reminded of how Bentley and I met.  We live in a small town so it’s impossible to not hear the stories circulating around.  I knew about him long before we ever officially met.  Stories would crop up at school, at work, heck even at church the few times I bothered to go.  Whether they were true or rumors I have yet to legitimately determine.  But I’ve gathered that Bentley is into some really weird stuff, engaging in threesomes regularly, having a taste for bondage, and apparently he likes anal sex. The freakier the better. The stories were outrageous, but having met Bentley I knew that there had to be some truth in there.  He’s a confident and cocksure guy, so I can only imagine that confidence extends to the bedroom. Though perhaps the story I am most interested to know the truth behind is the legend of his supposed nine-inch long cock. I lick my lips unconsciously and curse when I realize it. But seriously, nine inches? That’s massive. There’s no way I could handle something like that. I’ve only been with one other guy and he was the size of a Twinkie.

All of the stories preceded him, so that the day we met was a rather underwhelming experience.  My mom had been talking about a love interest she had and thought things were getting serious that she wanted me to meet him and his son.  I was happy to see my mom so happy and agreed to the meet up.  When we arrived I saw him in the distance and figured he was there to pick up some girl so I ignored him.  That is until he started walking towards us with an older man.  And I put two and two together.  Watching him strut toward us, I turned as red as a beet. How could I speak to a guy I had such intimate details about?  The answer?  I acted like a total fool.

We greeted each other as civil human beings, but then I stumbled over simple sentences and apologized like a moron.  All the while Bentley just smirked his typical smile and filed away those few moments of imperfection to bring out at a later date, teasing me whenever he got the chance.  By the time the meeting was finally over I just wanted to go home and forget the whole thing ever happened.  Needless to say that didn’t work out and now our parents are getting married.

Sighing, I bring myself back to the horrid reality of being stuck in the Jeep with Bentley and what it was doing not only for my mental health but also for my hormones.  I silently made a plan in my head that I would need to get laid once I got home.

Becoming aware of my surroundings, I see that the snow that had started a few hours earlier was coming down hard.  The roads are getting pretty bad and so I pull out my ear buds. 

“How are the roads?” I ask.

“Snowy.” His voice is flat and I can tell that he is probably mad about my comments earlier.

No shit, idiot.

“Are you still mad about what I said?”  I tentatively ask.

“What did you say?” The edge in his voice was much clearer this time.

“That you’re a disgusting man-whore.”  I don’t regret what I said because it is true, but I suppose I could have gone about it in a more civilized manner.

“It’s my cock, and I’ll use it how I please. I’m not mad; it’s just not any of your business, Sierra.”  Bentley states it so matter of factly.

He had a point. “I just want everything to go well for my mom’s big day. I don’t want anything ruining it. Ever since we lost my dad six years ago, she’s never been this happy.”  The memory of my dad is a sore topic and even talking about him makes me tear up a little. He died suddenly of a massive heart attack, and I still hate that I never got to say goodbye. It haunts me that I don’t even remember what my last conversation with him was.

“I know that, okay? I’m not going to ruin anything, and even sleeping with a couple of bridesmaid wouldn’t ruin it anyhow.”  The curve of his lip at the end indicate that his cockiness and humor is back, for better or for worse.  I sigh in defeat.  I’m not sure what I was hoping to get out of this conversation but the air is lighter at least.  Just as things are falling back into place my eye catches something but by the time I shift my head to see out of the windshield all I see is white, and then black. 

“Watch out!” I scream, as we slide off the road into a ditch right at the edge of a mountain.

Chapter Two



That was a close call. Too close. And if I hadn’t been sitting here listening to Sierra drone on and on with her insistent whining I would have noticed the sheet of black ice underneath us.  I let out a deep sigh. She’s just grumpy because she needs a good fucking. In a town as small as Forest Pines, Alabama, word get around fast. It was impossible not to overhear the almost nonexistent details of Sierra’s woeful sex life. As far as anyone knew, including myself, her college boyfriend had been her one and only. 

For a brief moment I let my mind wander. Her cunt had to be so incredibly tight. I could only imagine how it would feel around my cock.  Squeezing me, milking me, and suddenly I want nothing more. And damn if she wasn’t wearing those sexy as hell leggings that conformed to her perfectly rounded ass.  I could spank her, I want to spank her.  Feel her firm ass under my hand and hear her screams.

I shake my head to clear the images of me spanking my soon-to-be stepsister.  Damn, what’s wrong with me? I almost just drove us off a mountain?
Focus, Bentley.

I maneuver the Jeep out of the ditch and I can see how close we really were to careening off a huge ravine.  Carefully I get us back on the road, making sure to keep my hands at ten and two with my eyes looking straight ahead.  No more distractions until I can get things sorted.  Up ahead on the road is a service station.  I pull off into the shop parking lot.  We could really use a set of chains for the tires since the snow started up.  With a rare late season storm we couldn’t be too safe.

“Why are you stopping here?”  Sierra asks.

“I’m not used to driving in this shit.  We need some chains for the tires if we’re going to continue trying to drive in this crap.”  I gesture around to the heavily falling snow.  There’s a sign on the door. I step closer and read in bold, hastily written letters,
‘Closed due to blizzard.’

“Well fuck.”  I sigh; things are not looking our way.  There is absolutely no one around.  Not a damn soul. I look around, trying to figure out what the hell to do when I spot some little rustic cabins just beyond the service shop.  I hop back into the Jeep and start to drive around to get a better look.  I see what appears to be the office and there’s a sign on the door.  I cross my fingers and get out to investigate, leaving Sierra inside the Jeep. The door is locked and the sign reads similar to the one on the service shop door,
‘Closed until further notice.’

“Fucking great!”  It doesn’t look like we’re going to be getting out of here tonight.  Looking to the sky I see that the sun has started to set, casting dark shadows all around us.  If it was dangerous before, now it’s just damn treacherous. The mountain roads, coupled with the snow are unforgiving, and I can’t put Sierra at risk like that, no matter how crazy she makes me. I head back to the Jeep and a waiting Sierra.  Opening the door, I see her hopeful face; my cock can’t help but twitch at the sight.

“We have to stay here tonight; it’s too dangerous to drive at night on the mountain.”  I feel like I sound reasonable but her expression is one of confusion and shock.  Instantly I can tell we’re going to have an argument.

“We can’t.  There isn’t anyone here to rent us a cabin, how are we supposed to get in?”  She argues, right on cue.  I knew she couldn’t just go along with my plan.  Taking a deep breath I try to think of something reasonable to say to her and then realize logic didn’t work the first time.  Better to go with petty tactics instead.

“Well I’m staying here tonight.”  I turn off the Jeep and pocket the keys because there is the chance that Sierra might be just crazy enough to try and take them from me and drive through the snow.  Crossing my arms, I look into Sierra’s eyes.  I’m not in the mood to get stranded here or have Sierra kill herself trying to drive on the snow covered mountain roads.  Her expression shifts but she doesn’t argue. 
. She can sit here and sulk for a while. She’ll get cold sooner or later. I turn and start making my way towards one of the cabins.

“Wait!  You can’t just leave me here.”  I hear her calling as I turn and walk towards the second cabin.  The car door opens and I can hear Sierra suck in a breath at the cold.  The faint sounds of cursing reach my ears followed by her careful tip toe steps through the snow.  Nonchalantly look over my shoulder and see her stepping in my footsteps like a little mouse.  The sight is endearing and for a moment I let myself smile.  Perhaps there was a little silver lining to this massive rain cloud after all. I won’t be alone tonight.

Once I reach the front door of the second cabin I grab ahold of the door handle and turn.  It’s clearly locked, just like the office cabin was.  Without hesitation I break the lock and open the door, letting myself in.  Sierra gasps behind me and I can already feeling her fuming without even having to look.

“This is breaking and entering.  I knew you were an idiot but I didn’t realize you were also a criminal.”  The tone of her voice grates on me, it’s her ‘I-know-best tone’, and I hate it.

“It’s an emergency situation, sis.  I’ll happily pay for the cabin.  I’ll stick some money under the office door if it makes you happy.”  Sierra shakes her head violently and refuses.

“That’s not good enough.  We shouldn’t even be here right now.  We should just get back on the road.  I’m not staying here.”  Sierra tries to convince me to leave but I’m not going to budge.  I can see her thinking, her mind working a mile a minute trying to come up with some way to get me to go with her.  Finally she seems to decide that she doesn’t need me and turns to head back to the Jeep. I was right about her leaving without me.

“Good luck getting anywhere without the keys.”  I pat my pocket for emphasis.  Realizing that she won’t be able to get anywhere without me or the keys she huffs and turns around heading for the Jeep anyways.

“I’ll just stay in the Jeep then.”  She stumbles through the snow on her way back to the Jeep and I laugh a little.  Sometimes her stubbornness is cute and sometimes her stubbornness is just plain stupid.  Either way, it’s entertaining right now.

I turn my attention back to the cabin and take note of the stock and supplies.  There isn’t a lot of wood left behind for a fire, but some is better than none.  Gathering the little bits of tinder and some matches I coax a small flame to life.  I just know that within fifteen minutes or so Sierra will be absolutely freezing sitting alone in the Jeep and return to the cabin and to me as a much more compliant version of herself.  She’ll see that I’m not such an idiot after all, what with a fire started and all.  Maybe, just maybe she will listen to me and my plans going forward.  Either way, she isn’t leaving this area anytime in the near future, whether she likes that or not.

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