Devil Hath Come (an FBI/Romance Thriller ~book 7) (24 page)

BOOK: Devil Hath Come (an FBI/Romance Thriller ~book 7)
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“Anything else, Doc?”

“Our victim wasn’t assaulted sexually. No sign of any DNA trace left behind. We did find a secondary
source of blood on her body, but I don’t have the results yet. If you want that and the clothing from the fire, you need to get a tech in here. She’s lagging a little in her reports,” he stated, trying to drive home the point. Here was the situation he had warned them all about.

Christina was
definitely distracted.

didn't hesitate to pick up his phone and summon his head tech to their room. It didn't take her long to arrive. As she hustled in, she definitely looked frazzled.

“We need your report on the blood found on the victim and then the clothing found in the fire.”

She flipped through the papers haphazardly. Finally, Christina found what she was looking for in the strewn mess.

“There was indeed blood found that didn't match the victim. As we ran it, we hoped it would be the killer, but it wasn’t.”

“Care to share?” Elizabeth asked, waiting as patiently as possible.

“It originated from a
Corvus Corax.”

Chris stepped in and tried to defray a little of the tension off the tech. Maybe
, she was simply on burnout. They had all been there. Working for the Blackhawks was, at times, very stressful. “What Christina is saying is that it’s a raven.”

Callen and Ethan both sat up. “What?”
they said at the same time. It wasn’t the first time that bird had come up in conversation in two days. Wyler had just warned them that his father had told him in a dream to protect the raven.

“The blood on her body was mixed with that of a common raven.”

“Are you sure?”

Ethan began doing a search on the internet for anything that would lead them to something on the use of raven blood
in rituals.

“Did we find
the remains of a bird at the crime scene?” Elizabeth questioned, not recalling one on the log.

Christina continued, “No, we didn't, but t
hat doesn’t mean there wasn’t one. The victim was killed out in the woods. If there had been a raven there, some wild animal could have thought it was a snack and carried it off for dinner.”

Ethan found what he was looking for online. “It says that Satanist
s frown on animal sacrifice, but that doesn’t stop their followers from participating in it. They admonish the killing of helpless creatures.”

Elizabeth started to laugh. “Our killer took the
life of a person. I’m thinking that killing a bird isn’t really going to make him question his morality.”

“Good point,” Callen stated.
All of this only made him more wary and nervous.

“Okay, so we know he’s using animals, and in this case
, a raven.” Elizabeth glanced over at the men in her life, and it was hard to not notice the twin looks of panic settling in. She was thinking it too, but if anything, it made her more alert. If the killer was trying to tell her something, she’d figure it out and then use it to hang him with it.

“What do we have on the
material you found?” Ethan inquired.

“Most of it was degraded by the fire, but I was able to pull trace of the victim’
s blood. Since we know the killer slit her throat, there had to be one hell of a spray.”

“Think gusher,” added Chris.

“It looks like, after she was dead, he stripped down and burned his clothes. It was probably to get rid of the DNA evidence. With that much blood, he’d have one hell of a time getting cleaned up.”

Chris had to agree.
“That’s likely why the fire didn't destroy all of it. The blood was wet, and it kept the cloth from completely burning.”

“There was nothing else in the fire that we can use. The team scoured the scene
, and we found some skin located in the one dwelling, and it matched the victim. It looked like she was kept in there until he was ready. Maybe she was snagged on a nail as he pulled her towards the altar.”

The ME pulled up his report. “She had a cut to her left hip. It looked like a gouge. It could
have happened that way.”

Callen was making notes. “What about her clothes?”

“She was still partially dressed. It looked like someone pulled at the material and ripped it open. Possibly, right before he carved the pentagram on her torso,” Christina replied.

Elizabeth had almost nothing new at that point. Yes, they had the bird blood and the smoke resid
ue, but nothing to point them at a killer.

“Okay, I need Cyra to work on the owners of the shop. Thomas, you have to head down to the lab and start helping them process anything that came in so far. We don’t have anything out in the field
that requires your attention.”

“Can I head
back up to the scene?” he asked as he pushed in his chair. “Sometimes, if I walk through by myself, I get a feel for it when I have more information.”

She didn't see why not. “
Head out there, and when you’re done, go to the lab. I want everything processed by tonight. We need to get something and fast. The killer isn’t going to give us a lot of time before he makes his next move. He’s gotten me here, and now he’s going to want to dazzle me with his depravity.”

Thomas Rickard headed out.

Elizabeth pointed at Christina as she tried to escape. “You need to stay.”

The woman’s eyes went big, knowing the meeting wasn’t going to be good. She could already see it happening and felt it coming.

This was her day of reckoning.

“Cyra, get a set of
Denali keys and head back to the hotel. You’re going to need quiet to do all the research and this room isn’t going to afford much of it with all of us talking in here.”

She stood
and snagged the keys from the air as Callen tossed them to her. “Sure thing, Director.” Cyra had wanted to work with Chris and sit beside him, but Elizabeth was right. She’d be more than distracted.

Chris stood. “I’ll walk Cyra out and be back. I’ll start working on those photos for you as soon as Christina has them ready.”

Elizabeth was good with that. “Thank you, Chris.”

They waited until everyone was gone but the directors and
their head tech.

“Am I in trouble?” she asked

Ethan leaned forward to study the woman. “How long have we worked together, Christina?”

“Almost ten years, Director Blackhawk. I’ve loved every second of it.” Her eyes filled with tears. This was the hardest moment of her life.

“When are you leaving
us, Christina?” Elizabeth asked. That one sentence grabbed everyone’s attention.

“Who told you?” she asked incredulously. She didn't tell anyone that was her plan.
In fact, she’d barely discussed it with the man she was madly in love with either.

Elizabeth moved to sit bes
ide her. “You did, darlin’. Your work is slipping, and you’re not focused. You’re leaving us to go be with Kane Redwolf, aren’t you?”

The tears slid down her cheek
in big wet rivulets. “This is the hardest decision that I’ve ever had to make. I love you three. You’re the best bosses that I’ve ever had, not to mention the sweetest people in the world. When I was hurt, you three went out of your way to make me feel better.”

Blackhawk didn't see this one coming.

She glanced over at Elizabeth. “You let me ogle your husband to cheer me up.” She stared at Ethan. “You told me to get as many tattoos as I needed to feel better.” Finally her focus was on Callen. “When I was really down, you’d slip little poems into my locker to make me smile.”

He laughed
at being caught. “How did you know it was me?”

“I dusted for fingerprints. Next time
, you really should wear gloves. Really, you should know better.”

Callen grinned. “There won’t be a next time.”

That nearly broke her heart. This was her family, and she honestly thought her life was being torn in half.

Elizabeth took her hand. “We love you, Christina. You will forever be part of our team, but if you need to spread your wings and find love, don’t choose us over that. We’re you’re friends and family. We’ll be here
if you ever need to come back.”

“I really love him. It’
s so hard being this far away. I hate the way I feel inside. It’s like I’m lost and can’t figure out what to do.”

Ethan smiled. “
That sounds like love to me.”

Christina wiped her eyes. “What if I’m making a mistake? I always follow a plan and have a clear path. I wanted to work in forensics,
and I did it. I had to be part of the FBI, and I reached that goal. All I wanted was to be Director Blackhawk’s head tech, and I got there too.”

“What do you want now?” Elizabeth asked curiously. “Don’t tell us what you think we want to hear. Tell us what you really have living in your heart.”

“I want to have a life that isn’t twenty hours a day in a lab, staring at dead things. I want to go home at night to someone living. For once, I want to feel and not think.”

Ethan stood
and moved to her side. Once there, he went to his knees. “Then do it. If that’s what your heart tells you is best, then take this chance and relish it for the rest of your life. When you find love, you should never turn your back on it.”

More tears fell
at his words. “I don’t want you to hate me for leaving or for quitting.”

He lifted her chin to stare into her eyes. “You’re not giving up, Christina. You’re about to find yourself on an amazing adventure. We will always be here if you want to come back. You have a job here at FBI West if you need it. I promise.”

That gave her so much relief. “I’ll train my replacement before I go.”

Callen smiled
and moved to her side too. “There can never be a replacement. You can train the person that will take over your job. There will never, ever be another you. That I’m certain.”

That made her break down
even more. “I’m going to miss you all so much,” she sobbed.

Ethan pulled her to her feet and hugged her. “We’re going to miss you too, Christina.”

Elizabeth hugged her from behind, and Callen joined them too. After a while, the tears stopped falling and it was replaced with uncontrollable giggling.

Finally, she spoke,
“So, this is how it feels to be Elizabeth.”

They all started laughing.

“This is like my happiest day and saddest all in one,” she added. “Except in my head, Elizabeth was locked in a closet.”

The comment
made her bosses laugh that much more.

“Thank you for making this easy,” she stated. “I was dreading it. I really didn't know how I was going to tell you.”

Elizabeth was so happy for her tech. For years, the woman had lusted after her Native men, and now she was getting one of her own. She deserved it.

thrilled for you,” she said. “Okay, let go of Ethan and get your hand off his ass, or I’m going to cut it off to keep as a paperweight on my damn desk.”

The woman started laughing. “Yeah,
all good fantasies have to end. Now you know why I locked her in the closet. I’ll get back to work.”

Christina raced out of the room
to keep her promise. For the time being, there was so much less weight on her shoulders, and she could focus. As she headed to the lab, she whipped out a text to Kane, telling him the good news.

When he replied, her heart skipped in her chest. Yeah, it was the beginning of one hell of an adventure
, and she couldn’t wait!

It was time to be
gin living.

She had earned it.




Chris walked
Cyra out to the Denali, since he wanted to spend a few more moments with her before they’d be apart for the rest of the day. He was pretty sure Elizabeth had sent her to the hotel for a reason, and it was probably a good one.

Whenever he was around Cyra, he couldn’t focus
much, like at that moment. Right then, he was thinking about the way her perfume was making him want to devour her.

“Give me your phone,” she said, holding out her hand. When he ha
nded it to her, his fingers lingered and she got goose bumps. Cyra pulled up his contacts and typed in her name and personal number. Chris had her work cell, but she wanted him to be able to talk to her off the clock.

This was the FBI, who knew what they were monitoring.

“Text me later,” she whispered as she leaned against the Denali.

He nodded and stared
at her lips. “I think I’m going to have to kiss you while we’re both on duty. I’ll apologize in advance,” he murmured, moving closer to her mouth. When his lips touched hers, there was an explosion of heat and passion. He dove in, letting go of the normally calm, reserved man and instead allowing the crazed one to drive the need.

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