Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1)
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Chapter 2

After he stepped off the train, Harrison went into his building. As he walked up to his office, he thought of the blonde he had just met. Damn, she was hot. She was just his type, and it wasn’t that she was just hot. She was more than that. He could tell by the way she articulated herself that she was intelligent too. She’d had a quick wit, which he could appreciate. Harrison had had several one-night stands and ‘flings’ with very attractive women before, but he sensed Reese was different. He opened the door to his large office.

“Rachel, hold my calls this morning please. I have work to do.” He instructed the attractive receptionist.

“No problem, Mr. Grantham.”

Closing the door to his private office, he walked over to the large picture window. Gazing out over the Chicago skyline, he thought of Reese. He needed time to think about this little beauty and what he wanted from her.

Two weeks passed. Reese never saw Harrison again on the train. She hadn’t heard from him either. Evidently, he’d just been polite asking for her card. Concentrating on her work, she let thoughts of him slip from her mind, although, she had to admit she’d had several sessions with her shower head while thinking of him.

Another dreary Monday morning and Reese was sitting in her office finishing a project when her office phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number, so she let the voicemail pick up. As she continued to work, she noticed there was no voicemail in her inbox.
Guess it wasn’t important,
she thought. Then the light for her inbox lit up.

[email protected]

[email protected]

Subject: Hi

Hi, Ms. Vogel. Would you like to have coffee with me today around 1:00 p.m. at the Starbucks in your building?


Stunned, Reese stared at the screen.
Oh, my God,
she thought.
He did remember me!
Quickly, she got up from her desk to go to the ladies’ room to check her appearance. Her hair still looked good, and her outfit was office appropriate but still sexy enough to meet him if she undid the top button of her blouse. Her skirt was pencil-thin with a small slit in the back, and she was wearing red Prada heels. She came back to her desk and checked the time. It was already 12:00 p.m. Enough time to refresh her makeup.

[email protected]

[email protected]

RE: hi

Of course, I would be happy to meet you at 1:00 p.m. See you then.


She couldn’t wait! Harrison had been so charming, but yet, she knew nothing about him. She wanted to get to know him better. He was the first interesting guy she had met since her divorce.

At 1:00 p.m., Reese took the elevator to the first floor and walked to Starbucks. She dabbed pink gloss to her lips and looked around for Harrison. She ordered a latte and sat in the corner to wait for him. While she was gazing out the window at the beautiful, sunny day, a deep, familiar voice spoke to her.

“Hi, beautiful. I hope you haven’t been waiting long.” Surprised, she smiled up at Harrison.

“No, not at all. Just enjoying the day.”

Harrison sat down across from her. “What are you having? You should have let me get that for you.”

Reese gestured to her cup. “It’s fine. No big deal. It’s a latte.”

Harrison chuckled. “I see. I take mine black. That stuff isn’t real coffee; it’s more like dessert”

Reese licked her lips. “But I like sweet things, Harrison”.

Harrison beamed at her. “I bet you do, Ms. Vogel, I bet you do. If you like, I could get you a little more cream for you.”

Reese laughed. “I’m sure you could.”

Harrison went to order his coffee.
This guy is smart and fun,
she thought.
Could be good for a fling.

“So, Harrison, tell me more about you.”

Sipping his coffee, he looked at her. She looked better than he remembered. She was definitely his type, blonde with large breasts and a petite body.

“What do you want to know, Reese?’

“What’s your last name?”

“Grantham. By the way, here’s my new card.” He passed her a card with exquisite lettering.

“Nice card. Very professional. How long have you been in practice?” Reese ran her fingers over the lettering of his card.

“I graduated law school in 2001. My focus was in criminal law initially. However, I thought it would be more practical to go into real estate law in order to assist my father’s company.”

“Where did you go to school?”

“I went to Harvard.”

Reese’s mouth dropped. “Are you serious?”

Harrison leaned back in his seat. “Of course. Don’t look so surprised. My family is what you’d call ‘old money’. Several of my family members attended Harvard, and so it was expected I would attend Ivy League. I wanted to rebel, but it just wasn’t practical. Money is money, and that’s what I’m about.” He laughed.

Reese swooned. Wealthy and handsome. This was the total package.

Now came the critical question.

“So, how is it you aren’t married?” Reese waited with bated breath for his reply.

Harrison looked directly at her. “I never said I wasn’t.”

Reese’s heart fell into her Prada pumps. So that was it. The good ones are always married.

“But I never said I was.” Harrison smiled.

“So which is it?”

Rubbing the tan line of his ring finger, Harrison sighed. “Technically, yes, I am married”

“Do you live with her? Are you separated?” Reese grasped at the hope.

“Yes, I live with her. No, not separated. Divorce is not an option for me.” He cleared his throat.

Reese was horrified. “Do you have kids?”

Harrison closed his eyes briefly then opened them and smiled right at her. “Of course. I have two daughters.”

Reese fumed. Why the hell did he flirt with her so much and ask her to coffee if he was married?

“If you have a family, why did you invite me here?” she asked as her face flushed with anger and embarrassment.

Harrison shrugged nonchalantly. “Because you are beautiful. I liked you when I met you. You are everything I should have had.”

Despite herself, Reese beamed and felt flattered. “But you don’t know me. You only met me once.”

“Only takes once.”

Harrison leaned forward. “Look, I get where you are coming from. Who wants to be involved with a married guy? It’s wrong; it’s sleazy. But I like you. You are incredibly beautiful. My wife, to be blunt, isn’t interested in sex anymore. Frankly, I don’t think she ever really was, but I can’t get divorced. I would lose everything because of her. I am considered a ‘family guy’. But just because I am married doesn’t mean I can’t have friends.”

Reese stared him down. She was incredulous. “Seriously? That’s bullshit. You want me to be your little plaything, then you go home to your wife and play the wonderful family guy?? You’re an asshole.” With her face flushed red, Reese stood up to leave.

Harrison grabbed her arm. “Wait, Reese. I never lied to you. I could’ve said I’m not married and not told you until after we’d made love, or I could’ve promise you that I would leave her. This way, I am being totally honest. You can’t fault me for that.”

Reese stopped and looked deep into his eyes.
I speak the truth, Reese
, his eyes were saying.

Slowly Reese eased back into her seat. “Well, what do you want then?”

Harrison smiled. He reached across the table and took her hand.

“I want it

Chapter 3

Obviously, most people would tell him to simply leave his wife if he was unhappy, but in his position it was impossible. Ahhhh… his marriage. The one thing in life that should bring a man joy brought him nothing but misery.

His saga with his wife, Lisa, had begun long ago when they were very young. The Grantham family came from New York. His grandfather, Harvey Grantham, had invested in numerous industries, making him millions. His father, Harlan, had expanded the Grantham empire into real estate, propelling them into billionaire status. His father was on the Forbes list of billionaires. To say Harrison had grown up extremely wealthy would be an understatement. Growing up, he’d had two separate homes; one a Park Avenue penthouse, and the other a sprawling, oceanfront home in East Hampton. He and his brother, Michael, had attended a very prestigious private school.

Lisa’s family, the Battens, were also “old money”. Her family also had a home in East Hampton, and they owned many real estate holdings throughout the country. Lisa had also attended the same private school as Harrison and his brother. The Granthams and the Battens had known each other socially as they had attended many of the same charity and school functions.

Harrison had always envisioned himself in a huge home, driving a fast car and marrying a gorgeous blonde. He had dated several beautiful young women while in high school, but after he’d graduated, his father had sat him down to discuss marriage and family. His father had married his mother, who was also from an “old money” family like the Granthams. Harrison had been shocked to learn that his father did not love his mother, and that he’d had several mistresses over the years. This was not something his father had told him in shame, rather it was
in their family that men were to marry someone from a good family like their own. Whether or not they were in love or even attracted to that woman was irrelevant. What was important, his father stressed, was keeping up a good appearance and maintaining the family’s stellar reputation.

Realizing what his father had been telling him, Harrison had begun dating women from “old money” when he went to college, something that hadn’t been hard to find at Harvard. Many of these women Harrison had found to be cold, unsexy, and boring. They hadn’t been the kind of women who’d excited him – beautiful, sexy, busty blondes like Reese – but they were “socially acceptable” to his family.

After he’d completed law school, he’d began dating Lisa, whom he had known since prep school. Her family had also expected similar things. His mother had adored Lisa and believed she would be the perfect wife for Harrison, so eleven years ago, he’d married her in an elaborate ceremony. Lisa and Harrison’s wedding had been one of New York’s high society events of the year. Harrison’s parents had approved of Lisa and as a wedding gift had given them one of their homes on Chicago’s North Shore and a month-long honeymoon in Australia.

The honeymoon had ended quickly for the Granthams as Harrison had discovered that, although Lisa possessed a few pleasant qualities, she was terribly dull and a complete bore in bed. She had never appealed to him sexually in the least, but being a man, he had needs. He’d found himself continually begging her to be more sexually adventurous, but she had held herself aloof. When he’d tried performing oral sex on her, she’d been repulsed. “That’s so dirty, Harrison, why would you want to do that? It’s sick,” she had said crinkling up her nose. Forget about getting her to return the favor. Never. About six months after their marriage, Harrison had found himself going out to bars after work with his colleagues. Occasionally, he would find an attractive woman and take her to a hotel. This had happened on a steady basis until his wife had become pregnant with their first daughter.

With the birth of their first child, Lisa had become even more distant from him. She’d turned all her attention to the baby and had seldom spoken to him. It hadn’t been unusual for them to go several days without talking at all except for discussing the baby’s progress. Lisa had even had a queen-sized bed set up in the baby’s suite and she’d slept in there almost every night.

Harrison had welcomed her departure from their bedroom suite as he had then been free to slip in unnoticed after some late night tryst with a hot stranger or to pleasure himself alone in bed. After one particularly hot night with a sexy young blonde, Harrison had come home intoxicated, smelling of perfume and covered in blonde hairs. Lisa had noticed that night and had become furious. She had screamed at him and had thrown their prized Chinese vase at his head. Harrison had found himself aroused from this rare display of emotion from her. Her hatred of him had been so palpable it had excited him. This had been the first time in eight years of marriage he had even been the slightest bit physically attracted to her. She’d lashed out at him screaming that she’d done her duty by giving him two beautiful children and he’d betrayed her by cheating on their marriage vows. So angry she’d been hysterical, Harrison had had to restrain her from harming herself.

After that terrible night, Harrison had hoped things might be different between them. He had promised Lisa he would remain faithful. She had even gotten breast implants and liposuction. She had started working out daily with a personal trainer, and they had even began occasionally having dinner together and talking about things other than the children. However, Lisa had refused to do anything sexually other than traditional missionary style. Her breast implants had hardened and had looked obviously artificial on her slender frame even though he had sent her to one of the best plastic surgeons in Los Angeles. She had bleached her naturally dark-brown hair to platinum-blonde, a color which had not flattered her. Their rekindled relationship had started to fall apart, and Harrison had resumed his extramarital dalliances, albeit more discreetly. By the time he had met Reese, he no longer even liked Lisa as a person and could hardly stand to be in the same house with her. The only reason he ever smiled at home was for his daughters, and Lisa seemed to feel a similar distaste for him and avoided him as well.

In the eleven years he had been married, he had never taken on a full-time mistress. He could afford the expense, but no one particular woman had appealed to him for any type of long-term affair. Most of the other encounters he’d had over the years had been very casual, once or twice kind of experiences. He was an extremely handsome man and had no trouble finding young women willing to give him what he needed, but what he was severely lacking was a companion; someone he could relate to and enjoy life with. Harrison had been chasing the golden goose all these years, an elusive unicorn, a perfect trophy-blonde; beautiful, passionate and fun. That day on the train, he’d felt that he had finally located his perfect trophy in Reese. Just the few hours they had spent together were enough to let him know he desperately wanted to spend more time getting to know her mentally and physically. The second he had met her he was instantly aroused more than he had ever been in his life. They had an unbelievably strong animal magnetism between them that overwhelmed him. He was definitely looking forward to seeing her alone to see if the spark between them would ignite.


Nervously, Reese checked the text on her phone.
Twenty-sixth floor. Grand Suite
. She hopped on the elevator and pushed the button for the eighth floor. Smoothing her silky blonde hair, she then searched her purse for her lipstick. Dabbing it on her full lips, she watched the elevator ascend.
twenty… twenty-one… twenty-two…
The elevator stopped to pick up an attractive older man wearing a dark-blue business suit. He gave her a subtle glance of approval and smiled at her. “How long are you in town for?” he asked.

Startled by the question, Reese gave a slight smile. “Not long. I’m meeting a friend.”
, she thought.
That doesn’t sound too good.

The man gave her a wide grin. “Oh, really? Well, you will love Chicago. Maybe if you have time later you could come by and I could buy you a drink.”

Reese was horrified. He thought she was a hooker! “Umm, I think you misunderstood me. I’m here to meet an old friend. That’s all.”

The man frowned. “I see. I apologize. I thought you were…”

Bing. Twenty-sixth floor.
Thank God
, Reese thought and quickly exited the elevator.

Do I want to do this?
, Reese thought as she searched for the suite. Remembering Harrison’s penetrating eyes traveling her body, the way he looked at her so hungrily…

Hell yes
, she thought. She felt wet just thinking of him.

Grand Suite
. Slowly, she opened the door. Slow, romantic music greeted her ears. The suite was decorated in soft shades of gray, and her heels clicked on the marble-covered entryway. As she turned the corner into the main room, she slipped her heels off to find her feet sinking into luxurious carpet. The room was dimly lit by a fire burning low, and a glass of sparkling champagne awaited her at the marble-topped bar. A single red rose with a note attached sat next to the glass. Reese took the rose and inhaled its heady scent.
A beauty for my beauty. Though not even the beauty of this rose can match yours.
Reese smiled,
how perfect
, she thought. Delicately, she sipped the wonderful champagne. Looking around, she wondered where Harrison was.

As if reading her thoughts, a tall figure emerged from the shadows. “Hi, beautiful.” Harrison strode over to her. Taking the glass from her, he took a sip. “This is superb. Dom lives up to his name.” He smirked.

“I am so delighted you came, Reese. I hope I can make you come… again soon.” Harrison gave her a slow smile.

Oh, God, he is so handsome. She could drown in his eyes.

“This is a beautiful suite, Harrison. So romantic.”

Harrison waved his hand. “It’s all right. I entertain clients here often–”

Reese’s eyes widened in puzzlement. She opened her mouth.

“–In the meeting rooms downstairs.” He smiled.

“So goddess, tell me what brought you here. Is it my irresistible charm, my incomparable wit, or my devilishly handsome good looks?” Harrison motioned for her to sit down next to him on the leather settee.

Reese picked up her glass and sauntered over to him. “Welllll… you are terribly charming and clever, but your looks tell me to run fast and lock the door before–”

“–Before what? The Big Bad Wolf steals Little Blonde Riding Good’s precious treat box?”

He pulled one corner of his mouth up smirking, a devilish glint in his eyes.

“Little Blonde Riding Good? I thought it was Little Red Riding Hood.”

“It is. But in my story she’s a blonde, so it’s Little Blonde Riding Good.” Harrison took the glass from her and pulled her to him.

His lips delicately brushed hers. His hazel eyes burned into her with desire so clearly written on his face.

“You’re perfect,” he whispered as his lips pressed hard on hers. He began kissing her neck softly as she leaned her head back. He moved about her ever so gently, teasing her neck with his lips and tongue. His strong hands slowly roamed her body, stopping to caress her breasts, feeling her hard nipples through her bra. Her breath quickened as his hand slipped up her skirt to brush against her panties.

“Mmmm,” Harrison moaned at her wetness.

Heated with desire, Reese ran her hand down to the growing hardness in his pants. Aroused by his enormous size, she squeezed him through the fabric. He groaned again.

His kisses became more fervent as their passion started to burn out of control. Harrison pulled her dress off in one swift motion and unhooked her bra. As her breasts spilled out, his eyes glazed with desire and he plunged his face into her cleavage. He sucked long and hard on her nipples, flicking them with his fingers until she shivered uncontrollably. Harrison grabbed her breasts and squeezed them over and over again. “You have the best breasts I have ever seen. God, they are so perfect.”

Reese’s firm thighs quivered as she became soaking wet. Harrison reached down and slowly pulled her panties off. “You’re so wet, baby,” he murmured.

Harrison pressed his face into her wetness and inhaled deeply. “You smell so good, Reese. God, I bet you taste amazing.”

Reese’s knees buckled, and she fell against him. Quickly, he removed his pants. Sensing her extreme level of desire, knowing she would be so close to coming, he picked her up and wrapped her legs around him. Gripping her ass in his hands, he entered her.

“Oh, my God.” Reese’s breath caught in her throat at the immense size of him. Harrison pulsated inside her as he felt how tight she was. He had to bite his lip hard to keep from coming too soon.

Sweat glistened on her back and droplets ran down her shoulders across her firm, full breasts. She groaned as Harrison thrust himself deeper into her. His strong hands clasped her ass as he bounced her up and down the length of his shaft. Reese threw her head back, her lips parted and kiss-swollen as she moaned loudly, “Mmmmm.”

Her large breasts jiggled with his every thrust. Then he threw her to the bed and buried his face in her cleavage again; his lips enveloping each hard nipple, sucking and twisting them. Orgasm after orgasm shook her thighs, her inner core, as he ravaged her body. His tongue traveled the length of her petite body and licked every curve, every inch of her. Finally, he buried his head between her legs and she ran her long fingernails through his thick, dark hair. She was grinding her mound on his mouth, writhing beneath his tongue. His tongue swirled around her clit licking and sucking her lips. Electric shocks went through her as he stabbed at her core. Harrison then fell upon her, entering her. His cock felt enormous buried deep inside as he rode on top of her. He reached around and pulled her legs to encircle his waist. His strong, well-muscled chest had a faint spattering of dark hair she could feel when her breasts pressed against him. He fucked her like a wild man. He was ravenous, starving, and she was the meal he'd been waiting for. They were both breathless, panting and slippery with sweat. Over and over again he kissed her; his tongue gently massaging hers. Harrison knew how to kiss a woman, and he played her like a delicate fine instrument that he could strum into a frenzied crescendo.

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