Diary of a Nerd King #2: The Complete 2nd Season - Episodes 1 to 8 (17 page)

BOOK: Diary of a Nerd King #2: The Complete 2nd Season - Episodes 1 to 8
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First the evil looking demon head, and now an insane looking, crazy scary clown! 


And it wasn’t even like I was watching horror movies or something before bed.  I mean, you kinda expect to have nightmares after you watch a scary vampire or zombie movie (one of the scary zombie movies, not the funny ones).  That’s almost part of the fun of watching one. 


Or if you get up late at night to have a pee and you see your Mom in the bathroom with all that white face cream goop on her face and her hair up in rollers, well that give you nightmares too!



But I didn’t watch any horror movies, and it’s been a long time since I bumped into my Mom in the middle of the night looking like a creature  from Night of the Living Dead.


So why was I having these dreams?


The good thing is that the whole clown thing gave me another wicked awesome idea.  No, not another prank to play on Tabi (although that is a good idea).  It gave me an idea for a new, wicked awesome video for our YouTube show!


We can do a whole video on clowns.  Maybe even just scary looking clowns like the one from my dream.  I can draw him and use the drawing in the video, and then we can show a whole bunch of pictures of other scary looking clowns that we find online. 


Maybe we’ll even show some movie clips that have scary looking clowns in them! 


Or clown sidekicks like Sideshow Bob on the Simpsons!  He’s kind of a clown, even though he doesn’t really dress like one most of the time, but he does have the hair for it and he’s sure crazy. 



Remember the episode where Bob frames Krusty for robbing the Kwik-E-Mart and gets him arrested so he can take over the Krusty the Clown show?  Luckily Bart foiled his plan and gets Krusty OUT of jail and Sideshow Bob put IN. 


Now that was a wicked awesome episode!  Bart rocks!



Speaking of people that rock, I have to say that I rocked GLEE club again today, and not as a girl either!  (you know what I mean… I didn’t have to imagine myself as a girl to sing today).


It was pretty amazing if I do say so myself.


I had an epiphany, and everything just went wicked awesome!


I have to pat myself on the back for using the word epiphany too.  I learned it in English class today, and I think Mrs. Fizzerwinch would be pretty impressed that I used it already, but since this diary (journal, not diary) is TOP SECRET, she’ll never read it and I have to pat my own self on the back instead. 


It’s a pretty cool sounding word, epiphany.  You kind of have to say it over again a few times the first time you hear it just to get it roll off your tongue right. 



If you’re like me, you didn’t have a clue what it meant before today either.  I’m not even sure I ever heard it before. 


says that “An epiphany… is the sudden realization or comprehension of the (larger) essence or meaning of something,” or in other words, a person has “"found the last piece of the puzzle and now sees the whole picture.”



Mrs. Fizzerwinch isn’t a big fan of Wikipedia.  She says we’re not allowed to use it for “scholarly” work because it’s not a valid, authenticated source.  In other words, she’s trying to say Wikipedia isn’t legit.



I think Mrs. Fizzerwinch needs to get with the program.  Wikipedia is awesome.  It’s probably like the smartest website on the planet.  EVERYBODY uses it!  Mrs Fizzerwinch is just way too old school, and she’s showing it by not being cool with Wikipedia.


Just to prove my point, I looked up epiphany on the
website which is one of the biggest dictionary publishers.  Their dictionary is also an approved “valid, authenticated source” according to Mrs. Fizzerwinch, so she can’t complain me using them.


Here’s the thing.  According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary on their website, an epiphany is “(1): a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something” (2): an intuitive grasp of reality through something (as an event) usually simple and striking.”



So, Wikipedia is basically saying the exact same thing as Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, but Wikipedia is actually easier to understand (at least I think so anyways).  Mrs. Fizzerwinch really needs to get with it and hop on the 2012 train.


I’m going to keep using Wikipedia, no matter what she says.  Of course, I probably won’t tell her I am because that would just get me in trouble, and she’d probably give me a bad mark. 


No, I’ll just pretend I’m using one of her “valid, authenticated sources” like the Merriam-Webster dictionary, and then she’ll be happy, I’ll still get a good mark, and me and Wikipedia can continue our online relationship.


I’m not sure why, but lots of old people are like Mrs. Fizzerwinch.  They don’t like the internet, or they don’t trust it, or both.  Even my Mom and Dad aren’t totally OK with the internet, at least not 100%.


I mean, don’t get me wrong.  They use it and everything, and they’re not REALLY old school like Mrs. Fizzerwinch!  They just don’t get it 100% like us kids do.  Maybe that’s why too.  The internet is mostly for young people. 


Hey, most of it is built by young people anyways.  Maybe old people, and getting old people like our parents just feel like they don’t fit in on the internet.  Or maybe it makes them feel old.


Mom is always complaining about stuff “making her feel old.”  I’m not exactly sure what she means by that, and I really don’t see how the internet can make her “feel old,” especially since it’s full of young people, but it really seems to be a problem for her so maybe that’s why she’s not 100% dialed into the internet.



Regardless of Mom, Dad, or Mrs. Fizzerwinch, I’m totally cool with the internet.  I use it all the time, and I think it’s great.  Life would be pretty boring if we didn’t have it!


Oh yeah… back to GLEE club.  I kinda got sidetracked on the whole epiphany thing! 

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