Diego: Leatherbacks MC (19 page)

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Authors: Heather West

BOOK: Diego: Leatherbacks MC
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“I know you are burdened with way too much for one man, but I believe you are a good judge of character.  I think that when the time comes, you will be able to sort out those who should stay from those who need to go, and I don’t believe there is anyone who could possibly be better at instinctively having the answer they need than you.”


“Maybe.  Maybe not.  I have just lost faith in those innate abilities for the moment.  Anyway, let’s finish talking about this after dinner, Ana.  I don’t want to ruin our meal with all of this nonsense.”


“Okay.  We can do that, but I do think it warrants further discussion.”


“You are most likely right about that.  Good enough for now.  Let’s eat our food.”


We ate mostly in silence that felt awkward.  It put a huge damper on an otherwise wonderful meal, but I was getting a bit used to that with Dio.  I never knew what one day would bring from the next.  He was as moody as they came, but I had to understand that it was something anyone would be in his position.  There was no doubt that he was under a lot of pressure, and I certainly hadn’t helped matters with my little revelations.


We cleared away the plates, rinsing them and putting them in the dishwasher.  When we were done, I wasn’t sure what was supposed to happen next.  I turned to him and waited to see what he would say about what we should do next.  I expected whatever he had to say to be something I didn’t want to hear after his comment that we should wait until after dinner, instead I found myself completely caught off guard by his next words.


“I have feelings for you, Ana.”


“I don’t know what to say to that.”


“Let me finish.”




I braced myself for what was to come next.  I fully expected there to be a “but,” as in, “I have feelings for you but we just can’t be together after what you’ve done.”  Instead, I got a quite unexpected surprise.


“I understand what you did.  He was your father and you needed answers.  You didn’t know me and to someone who is looking at my world from the outside, I must seem like a pretty terrible guy.  I won’t lie, I’ve done things that I’m not proud of.  I’ve done things that you don’t really want to know about.  What I haven’t done is ever harm someone who didn’t bring it upon themselves.”


“I don’t know what to say to that.”


He put his finger up to my lips to hush me and shook his head from side to side as if to say I wasn’t supposed to say anything about it.


“I can’t blame you for what you did.  I didn’t expect for it to bother me like it did.  Normally, I would have kicked you out of my casino and warned you against any further snooping.  I wouldn’t have lost one night’s sleep over it.  Instead, I have agonized about it.  All I could think about was how you betrayed me after I had begun to trust you.  What I’ve realized in these last few days is that you were only doing exactly what I do every day, looking out for your family.”




“I understand that someone took your family from you.  I understand that someone is in my club somewhere.  What has been hard is reconciling what I feel for you with what I feel for my own family, and I think you know that the club is all the family I have.  The problem is, my family has betrayed me, maybe not all of them, but some of them.  I still don’t know how deeply it runs, but I’m getting closer.  I need someone on my side.  I need someone I can trust, and I believe that I can trust you.”


“As long as what you are telling me is the truth, that you didn’t kill my father and you don’t know who did, then you can trust me completely.”


“That is true.  I promise you that.”


“Then I promise you that you can trust me.”


“I really hope so, Ana.  I want to.  I need to.”


“You can.”


He stood there looking down at me, the weight of the world present behind his haunted eyes.  How hard it must be to be Diego Lewis, leader of the toughest motorcycle club in the area.  It was a big burden to carry for someone our age.  I couldn’t imagine having to make the kinds of decisions he must make on a daily basis.  Having people working for you who are putting their lives on the line to be a part of your organization was something I couldn’t fathom, yet he did it every single day.


Brushing a strand of hair away from my face, he leaned forward and kissed me.  It was soft but passionate, demonstrating a need that went far beyond the physical.  At least it seemed that way as he urgently probed my mouth with his tongue, tasting me as if I were the best dessert he had ever had and lingering on each bite.


“I’ve wanted to do that again for days,” he breathed as he pulled away for a moment.


“I never said you couldn’t.”


“I know.  I just had to sort out my head without confusing things any more than they already felt.”


“I understand.”


“I hope that you do.”


“I do.”


“Let’s go to bed.”


“Okay.  I’ll see you in the morning.”


“Let’s go to bed together.”


“Are you sure?  I don’t want to make your life more complicated.”


Of course I didn’t mean a word of it, but I felt I had to say it.  I had to give him an out in case the kiss had just been a moment of weakness.


“Do you know how hard it has been to sleep across the hall from you and want you so much?  It’s been all I could do not to just get up in the middle of the night and climb into bed with you, even if it was just to hold you while you slept.”


“It has been hard for me too.”


“Then let’s stop talking about it and go to bed…together.”


“I think I understand now.”


“Good.  We will move your things into my room tomorrow.  I want you there every night.”


“I don’t know about moving in together.  I have my own place across the hall and all that.”


“I’m evicting you.  You have nowhere to go but my room now.”


“You forget that I have my own house.”


“Hmm.  In that case, you are under house arrest.”


“Now you’re a cop?  I’d say that certainly doesn’t suit you.”


“Stop teasing me, woman.  Let’s go to bed.  I want to do deliciously naughty things to that wicked body of yours.”


“Well, since you put it that way.  Let’s go.”


My heart was racing as we made our way up the stairs to his bedroom.  Dio fumbled slowly with the buttons on my shirt, careful not to move his injured shoulder too much as he undressed me.  My skin felt like it was on fire even before he touched me, the familiar ache he seemed to instill in me growing more needful by the second.  I exhaled deeply as his lips fell on my right nipple and kissed me there before slowly licking his way around my nipple and blowing on it until it was rock hard.  His teeth sank into it, pulling and sucking as I moaned aloud.


He took his time just enjoying teasing my breasts, alternately sucking and biting them as I cooed at his touch.  I felt his hand slipping down between us, into the band of my skirt and down the front of my panties until his fingers were slowly circling my clit.  The combined sensation of his mouth on my nipples and his fingers on my clit were driving me insane with desire for him.  All I could think about was having him inside of me again.


“Dio, that feels so amazing.”


“I love the way you respond to my touch.  It’s like you were made for me.  I love that about you.”


Perhaps I was reading too much into it, but I couldn’t help note multiple uses of the word love in what he said.  It may have just been my mind playing tricks or possibly even hearing what it wanted to hear, but it was awfully close to him saying something considerably more substantial.  I found myself wondering if it were even possible for someone like him to love someone like me.  Our worlds were nothing alike.  He lived off adrenaline and my life was pretty vanilla.  Outside our current situation, could we even exist together?


The thoughts drifted from my mind as his fingers deftly moved across my clit, their place taken by his thumb as he slipped two of them inside of me and began fucking me slowly with them.  I was like jelly with my legs quivering as if fresh out of a form mold.  Shards of electricity raced down my legs and heat rose through my center as he skillfully brought me to a series of orgasms that resounded throughout every fiber of my being.


“Oh, God.  Yes.  Mmmmmm.”


“The way you sound when you come is such a turn on.  I love making you sound that way.  I’ve missed it.


“I want you.”


We stood looking into each other’s eyes as I unbuttoned his shirt and slowly slipped it off of him, never looking away from one another as I moved down to his jeans to unbutton them and push them downward.  He leaned in and kissed me as he slipped off his shoes and shuffled the rest of the way out of his pants.  I could feel his erection pressing heavily into my hip as his kiss lingered, the vibration of his moaning into my mouth only making me hungrier for him.


Pushing me down across the bed, he pushed my legs open, his thumb once again rubbing my clit as his mouth covered my already soaked pussy.  My hands tangled in his hair as he lapped at my center.  My body responded to his teasing the way it always did, by wanting more and more of him.  I writhed and moaned beneath him as he dragged his tongue back and forth lazily through my pink folds, his thumb pressed firmly on my sensitive pink nub above them.


“God, I’m going to come again”


“Yes.  I want to taste you.  Come for me, Ana.”


His mouth was still very close to my clit as he spoke, the vibrations singing along my swollen button and sending me over the edge as I exploded against his mouth.  I was still panting in the after rush of my explosion when he stood and entered me with one fluid stroke, slowly rocking back and forth as he made love to me so slowly, so sweetly that I felt close to tears a few times.  I wasn’t sure what was happening between us, but it felt like something was very different, very good.


He moaned as he sank into me deeply, picking up his pace little by little until he was slamming into me roughly.  I only wanted more as my hips thrust forward to meet his with each stroke.  I couldn’t believe how amazing he felt.  It was like it was our first time again, except this time it felt like more than just lust.  There were underlying feelings that weren’t there before.  It made all the difference.


My legs shook violently as I shattered into another series of orgasms that left me breathless.  Dio smiled down at me, enjoying the way my body trembled beneath him.  I knew that he enjoyed the way I responded to him.  I could tell it even more by the way he became more heated with his thrusts.  The room was filled with our mingled grunts, groans and moans as Dio reached his own orgasm, his body seized with the force of it before falling onto the bed beside me.  We lay there looking at the ceiling as he reached for my hand, stroking the back of it with his thumb and forefinger.


“I’m really glad you are here, Ana.”


“I am certainly glad I am here too.”


Dio rolled over and propped himself up on his elbow to look at me.  He traced his fingers along the tops of my breasts, careful not to move his arm too much.  There was a smile on his face as he looked down at me.


“We are going to figure all of this out, Ana.  I’m going to help you figure out who killed your father and they will pay for what they did.”


“It’s a lot bigger than that, Dio.”


“You mean the DEA agent.”


“Yes.  I came here as part of an agreement with him that I’d find out what I could about your drug business if he helped me with finding my father’s killer.”


“And what did he do for you in that regard?”


“He provided me with files on every member of the club, including the girls and known associates from other clubs and gangs.  I was reporting in periodically but haven’t in a while now.”

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