Dimensions of Genesis (18 page)

Read Dimensions of Genesis Online

Authors: Danielle Q. Lee

Tags: #romance, #angels, #spiritual, #paranormal, #demons, #ghost, #heaven

BOOK: Dimensions of Genesis
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As friends and family filed onto the
property, a very nervous bride was having her hair curled.

Sarah had come the day before to help.
Curling Lily's long caramel hair took almost two hours, but it was
well worth it. Long ringlets hung from Lily's head like
butterscotch ribbons. A wreath of fresh daisies laced along her
crown and trailed down the back of her hair.

The ivory sleeves on her dress began at
mid-arm, draped long and flowed to her waist. A cascading shawl of
translucent white graced her bare shoulders. The bust of the dress
was a tightly fitted corset, laced up in the back with a thick
white ribbon. Flowing from her waist to the floor, the bottom of
the dress was several pieces of white satin shaped like long,
elegant petals.

Staring at herself in the mirror, she thought
she looked like a beautiful white orchid. Tears filled her eyes as
she realized the gravity of the day.

I'm getting married today. She thought as
tears of happiness welled at the base of her eyes. I'm marrying




On the other side of the house, assisting
Lily's brothers with valet parking was a very happy groom.

Gabe's cheeks hurt from all the smiling he
was doing. His hair had been freshly cut that morning at the
barbers. Short and slick, he thought he looked like a new man.

Lily's going to be so shocked I cut my hair.
He thought humorously.

Fiddling constantly with the rings in pocket,
he decided he'd hand them over to Dimitris when he arrived, since
he was the best man.

Gabe's mother kept looking at Gabe and every
time she did, she'd dab away fresh tears forming her eyes.

A crash from the kitchen startled everyone

“Quinn! Land sake's girl, shape up or get out
of my kitchen!” Maggie's annoyed voice hollered from inside.

Gabe chuckled, thinking of Quinn getting in

As the time grew nearer, many people seated
them themselves, eager to see the bride and groom.

Upstairs, Lily used a fan to cool and calm

“Eat Lily!” Sarah insisted as she forced a
muffin into the bride's shaking hands.

“Ugh. The thought of food is nauseating right
now.” Lily grimaced as she pushed the food away.

Lily sat on the bed, waiting for the signal
to go downstairs. Outside, she could hear many people talking
amongst themselves, waiting for her. Her head spun a little as she
recalled the events over the last couple of months.

It seemed unbelievable that she and Gabe had
gone from having absolutely no romantic future together to getting
married in such a short time. She smiled as she realized that today
was truly the best day of her life...so far.

A light knock came at the door, stirring Lily
out of her thoughts.

Lily's mother peeked in and said quietly,
“It’s time.”

As she looked at her daughter for the first
time as a bride, however, she became nearly hysterical.

“Mom, it’s okay!” Lily attempted to sooth her

“Mrs. Donovan, please!” Sarah begged,
checking her watch.

It took Lily and Sarah nearly ten minutes to
calm her mother enough to go downstairs. At the front door stood
Lily’s father, dressed in a black tuxedo, awaiting the arm of his

His eyes glistened as he looked at his
daughter’s face and said, “Lily, my girl, I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you Daddy.” Lily said in a quiet
voice, a tear escaping her eye and gliding down her cheek.

Walking down the steps, everyone turned to
look at Lily. Everyone gasped at the sight of the beautiful young
bride. Music played softly as she and her father walked arm in arm
down the aisle.

Standing at the head of the aisle, was




Looking down the aisle at his Lily, Gabe was
dumbfounded by her beauty. Never before had he seen a real, live
angel...until today.

They didn't have a rehearsal, but Father Matt
had instructed Gabe as to traditional wedding procedure. Apparently
none of that mattered at this moment. Instead of waiting for Lily's
father to bring her up the aisle, Gabe met them half-way and taking
his bride by both hands, led her to the altar. Lily's father nodded
respectfully to Gabe as he let go of his little girl.

“We are gathered here today to celebrate the
marriage of these two children of God.” began Father Matt.

As the old priest continued, Lily whispered
to Gabe, “You cut your hair!”

Smothering a laugh, Gabe shushed her. Father
Matt, slightly deaf, continued without noticing their

“Do you, Lily Evelynn Donovan take this man,
Gabriel Adonis Konstantinos, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To
have and to hold from this day forward, until death do you part?”
Father Matt asked.

“I do.” Lily replied staring into Gabe's

“Do you, Gabriel Adonis Konstantinos take
this woman, Lily Evelynn Donovan, to be your lawfully wedded wife?
To have and hold from this day forward, until death do you part?”
asked Gabe.

Gabe responded solemnly, “I do.”

They exchanged their vows, their rings and
their love.

“You may kiss your bride.” Father Matt
announced proudly when the ceremony was done.

Gabe grinned, took Lily's face delicately
into both of his hands and leaned in. Tilting her tiny face upward,
Gabe tenderly kissed his wife's lips. Lily finally let the tears of
joy that had been swimming around in her eyes all day, flow

Gabe lifted her up in his arms and held her

With a roaring standing ovation, the crowd of
family and friends celebrated their union.




After a whirlwind evening of food, dancing
and drink, the last guest was just driving away. White Christmas
lights twinkled in the trees as the moon and stars hung silently
against a black canvas of sky.

Gabe and Lily, wrapped in their handmade
wedding quilt, cuddled contentedly near a crackling fire. Just
after midnight, the two were exhausted, but happy with how the day

The acreage was silent except for the
occasional wind rustling the leaves overhead.

“Mrs. Konstantinos?” Gabe whispered in Lily's

Giggling, Lily answered, “Yes, Mr.

“I have a surprise for you.” He said slyly as
they stood up and he led her away from the fire.

Lily's eyes lit up, “A surprise!” She
exclaimed excitedly.

Shushing her, he beckoned her to follow him.
Hand in hand, he led her behind the house.

After a few moments, she realized he was
leading her out to the tree house.

“Wait here.” He grinned as he climbed up the
old ladder and disappeared through the trap door.

Shivering from the night air and
anticipation, Lily hopped up and down.

“Close your eyes.” Gabe demanded playfully,
leading her up the ladder. “No peeking!”

“I'm not!” She giggled.

Carefully, she lifted herself through the
trap door, with Gabe holding onto her waist. She waited impatiently
for him to climb in before she opened her eyes.

“Okay. Open your eyes.” Gabe said softly.

Slowly, she opened her eyes. There, before
her, was a tree house made for a princess.

Gabe had placed several softly lit candles
within the tiny room. A small mattress lay in the middle of the
floor. A beautiful white duvet lay upon it, covered in pink rose
petals. White lace fabric hung from the ceiling, draped over the
tiny bed. A bottle of champagne chilled in the corner with
strawberries and chocolate sauce decorating a plate beside it.

“Oh Gabe.” Lily whispered, taking a breath
in. “It's so beautiful.”

“Anything for my wife.” Gabe replied
sincerely from behind her.

Crawling over the bed, Lily immediately
reached for the strawberries. Laughing, Gabe tried to steal them
from her. Pouring the champagne, they made a toast to one

“To you, Mrs. Konstantinos.” Gabe said
sincerely as he raised his glass.

“And to you, my sweet husband.” She replied,
touching her glass to his.

Staring into each other’s eyes, they savored
their champagne.

Reaching for a strawberry and dipping it in
the chocolate sauce, Gabe slowly put it to Lily's mouth. Teasing
her, he let a tiny taste of chocolate touch the tip of her tongue.
Finally, after Lily had tried several times to bite at the
strawberry, he placed it in her mouth.

Gabe, who had taken off his suit jacket hours
ago, now began unbuttoning his crisp white shirt. Lily watched him,
biting her lip.

After his shirt was off, he whispered to
Lily, “Turn around.”

Slowly, she maneuvered herself, her back to
him. Slowly and carefully, Gabe unlaced the white ribbon from
Lily's corset. One side at a time, her dress became looser until it
eventually slid off, landing at her waist.

Pushing her hair to the side, Gabe kissed the
nape of her neck. Lily lifted up her hair and held it with both
hands, piling it loosely on her head. Gabe's hands trailed down the
insides of Lily's raised arms, sliding past the soft curves and
resting his hands on her hips.

Turning around to face him, Lily reached for
the dish of chocolate sauce. Dipping her finger into it, she placed
a tiny taste onto the tip of her tongue, eyeing him seductively.
Dipping her finger lightly into the chocolate, she then trailed a
line of sweetness from Gabe's collarbone to his stomach.

Licking it slowly off of him, she then
whispered, “Lie down.”

Complying, he removed the remainder of his
clothing and lay down.

The twilight glow of the moon eventually
became the dawning of the sun. The newlyweds saw the early hue of
the Sun kissing the eastern horizon as they finally fell




“It’s lovely to meet you David.” Evangeline
said simply, but to David, it sounded like a symphony of angels.
Before him stood the most beautiful being he'd ever seen in his
whole existence.

Her dark skin radiated with an inner glow.
Staring into her eyes, he was astonished to see they were lavender.
Her hair was silver, short and pixie-like. Her floor-length gown
was an evanescent white and gold sari.

Just above her brow, on her third eye chakra
was a teardrop-shaped diamond. Though, no diamond on earth
glimmered the way this one did.

As he touched her hand, sensations of
knowledge passed between them. She freely opened up her mind to
him, allowing him to explore her thoughts. Even though her ethereal
body appeared no older than twenty, the energy told him she was
over three thousand years old.

Forgetting she could read his mind, he
thought, That’s okay, I’ve always loved older women.

Blushing, she softly squeezed his hand.

It felt like an eternity they were locked
within each other’s thoughts. It wasn’t until his mother spoke
again that he realized where he was.

“I will take my leave now.” She said, looking
lovingly at David.

Feeling worried he might not see her again,
she quickly added. “Don’t worry; I’m only a thought away. The
moment you need me, think of me and I will be here.”

Hugging, they parted ways for the moment.
Turning his attention back to Evangeline, she invited David to sit
at a table with her.

Transfixed by her beauty, David found it
difficult stop himself from staring at her. She smiled shyly as she
read his thoughts.

“Thank you David, you are so sweet.” She
blushed as she sent him the thought. Holding her hands up into the
air and closing her eyes, she appeared to say a quiet prayer.
Suddenly, three books pulled themselves off of a nearby shelf and
gently landed before them on the table.

“What are these for?” David asked

“These to remind you of what you already
know, but have forgotten because of Earth’s dense atmosphere. We
can only allow a bit a time, however, it could harm you if you were
to absorb too much.”

The books spread themselves out in front of
David. Their covers ornately designed with symbols that David
didn't recognize.

“The first book is your own personal history,
the second is to help you remember what you know about the universe
and the third is...very important.” Evangeline explained. “Please
place your hand on the first book.”

Complying, David put his right hand on the
book. Instantly, a light flowed through David’s hand.

As the light spread throughout his ethereal
body, a sealed doorway within his mind swung open. Memories
enveloped his mind and soul, freed from their secret slumber.

Many faces flashed before his mind's eye. A
shaman, dwelling deep within the heart of an ancient jungle,
chanting healing verses to those in need. The kind face of a female
nurse doting on injured soldiers from a war long ago. A surgeon, a
hospital intern, a medicine man and even a witchdoctor.

With every face, he recognized the

Every reincarnation, every life he'd lived,
had been dedicated to healing. As the memories merged with his
present body, he felt an overwhelming sensation of oneness.

“Thank you.” David smiled sincerely at
Evangeline for the gift of knowledge and remembrance.

“Do this one next.” She smiled in return as
she gently pushed another book toward him.

Placing his hand on the book, another surge
of light entered into his body. Vast quantities of knowledge
instantly permeated his mind. Memories of the basic Laws of the
Universe poured into him.

Universal guidelines, the laws that all
beings are supposed to abide by. These were not commandments, which
are based on judgment; they were the laws of creation.

David paused to reflect on some of the most
important laws. The Law of Free Will, The Law of Oneness and The
Law of Abundance.

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