Read Diner Impossible (A Rose Strickland Mystery) Online

Authors: Terri L. Austin

Tags: #mystery, #mystery and suspense, #high heels mysteries, #humor, #cozy, #british mysteries, #mystery series, #detective stories, #amateur sleuth, #murder mysteries, #mystery novels, #cozy mystery, #english mysteries, #cooking mystery, #women sleuths, #chick lit, #humorous mystery, #mystery books, #female sleuth, #murder mystery, #whodunnit

Diner Impossible (A Rose Strickland Mystery) (21 page)

BOOK: Diner Impossible (A Rose Strickland Mystery)
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I checked the screen and my heart to pound. Sullivan.

“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” he said.

That made my toes curl deep inside the borrowed shoes.

“I’ve been thinking about you, too.”

A pause so long, I felt my hair grow half an inch. “I have some news you might appreciate. David Ashby has a mistress. I’ve had Henry do a little sleuthing since you took all this on. And David Ashby is nailing Taylor Springfield. She’s a Hooters girl and she swears David was with her the night Delia Cummings was killed. He called his wife, told her he’d be working late and he’d sleep at the office. Apparently he uses that excuse a lot.”

“Why didn’t he tell me last night?” I asked. “He confessed to everything else, why keep that a secret?”

“He’s afraid you’d tell Charlotte?”

That dude was some piece of work. Thinking he’d impregnated one woman while screwing around with a second mistress. All the while, his devoted—and loony—wife was desperate for a baby.

I leaned against the vanity.

“Then the case against Charlotte Ashby may have just gotten stronger.” I played out the scene in my mind. Charlotte made a copy of Delia’s condo key, then waited for weeks to kill Delia in the middle of the night. No. That didn’t sound right. Charlotte was batshit, clearly, but did she have the patience and brains to plan and carry out such a cold-blooded murder? That didn’t add up.

“Hope this helps,” Sullivan said.

“Wait, don’t hang up,” I said in a flurry of words.


“Last night…”

He waited.

I wanted to tell him how I felt. I took a deep breath and tried again. “Last night was…”

“Yeah,” he said, softly, “it was.”

Chapter 24

I found Jacks standing outside the dining room. She threw her hands up when she saw me. “There you are. You’ve been gone for half an hour.”

“Sorry, I’ve been doing investigative stuff.”

“Let’s go. They’re already tearing down tea and setting up for dinner.”

We retrieved our coats and dragged them on as we exited the club. The valet brought my mother’s car and Jacks drove us back to my parents’ house.

Waving goodbye to my sister, I blazed a trail to Roxy’s. I was more than a little concerned about her. I’d never seen her as upset as she’d been this morning. Sure, she was sometimes rude to customers, but she’d always fallen shy of throwing food at them. And wearing sweatpants? That was Defcon level one emotional trauma.

I parked on the street and walked to the wide porch. In its Victorian heyday, I imagined this house had been a showpiece. Leaded glass diamonds sparkled along the tops of the windows. Gingerbread trim dripped like icing from the posts and a turret stood tall at the back of the house. But the paint was chipped and the porch sagged worse than my bowling alley neighbor, Wanda’s, boobs. The windows were filthy and the yard needed weeding.

I walked in and tromped up two flights to Roxy’s apartment. A twelve-by-twelve square with its own tiny bathroom, it was the only place she’d ever called home.

I knocked on the door, but she didn’t answer. “Roxy, I know you’re in there. Your car’s in the lot.”

“Go away.”

“Nope.” I kept knocking. She kept ignoring.

“All right,” I said, “I didn’t want to do this, but you’ve left me no choice.”

I began singing the opening lines of her karaoke anthem. A Spice Girls tune. And singing was a very broad interpretation of what I attempted.

By the time I got to the chorus, she’d flung open the door. She wore a bathrobe and her snarl wrapped itself around the cigarette dangling from her lips. “You always ruin that song. It’s
zigazig ah
, not ziggy ziggy blah. Now go away.”


Her face crumpled like a used Kleenex. Tears began pouring from her bloodshot blue eyes. “I’m such a loser.”

I snatched the smoke from her lips and held it away as I wrapped her in a one-armed hug. “That’s the last thing you are.” Dancing her into the apartment, I slammed the door shut with my foot.

She allowed me to hug her for a few. Then she pulled away. “Give me that.” She reached for the cigarette.

“Forget it.” I spied the rest of the pack on the bed, so I feigned to the left, then darted right, snagging them up and jumping across the bed in a move worthy of an NBA star. I made for the closet-sized bathroom and dumped them all into the toilet before she could catch me.

She stood in the doorway. “Goddammit, Rose. I need those.”

“No you don’t.
I have a crazy agenda this afternoon. Lots of people to harass and you need to help me.”

She shook her head, sending her two thick braids airborne. “No. I’m staying right here. I’m in wallow mode and you’re not talking me out of it.”

“Oh.” I nodded. “Okay then.” I stepped around her and walked to the door.

“Wait. Where are you going?” she sounded so lost, I almost dropped the ‘tough’ part of my tough love campaign.

I looked at her with the blankest expression I could come up with.

“If you want to sit in this room and hide, I can’t stop you. But I won’t allow your wallowing to hamper my investigation.”

She slid her jaw to the right and her eyes narrowed into slits. “Hamper? I’m not a hamperer, Rose Strickland. I don’t hamper shit.”

I lifted a brow. “Prove it.”

She pulled her lips against her teeth, glaring at me while she stomped toward the portable rack she called a closet. She jerked a pink dress covered in rainbow lollipops off the hanger. “I don’t have to prove anything, but just to show you how full of total crap you are,
I will
.” She stormed to the bathroom and slammed the door so hard, the whole house shook on its foundation.

When she stepped out moments later, the old, fearsome Roxy was back. With a vengeance. She growled at me as she slipped pink over-the-knee socks up her legs and shoved her feet into a pair of stacked Mary Janes decorated with little leather bows. She practically tore her pink fuzzy jacket from the rack. “Who’s ready now, beyotch?”

I tried hard to keep a smile from taking over my mouth. “You are. Don’t forget your gum.”

She blinked. “I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to piss me off so I’ll snap out of it. And if I didn’t love you, I’d kick your rich little ass across town.”

“Sadly, my ass isn’t rich. And by the way, you’re never a hamperer. You’re my bestie.”

“God, you’re such a dork.” She grabbed a pack of gum from her bureau, stuck it and her cell into a shooting star purse. “And that color looks good on you.”

I flipped my hair over my shoulder. “Right?”

My plan was to head back to Club Saturn and get more info on sometimes bartender, Jason Hall. If I could talk to him without running into his across-the-hall pal, Mr. Combover—even better.

Jason’d been to Delia’s visitation for a reason and I wanted to know what it was. Also, Eileen, Delia’s next door neighbor, heard arguing and saw a man fleeing Delia’s condo a week before her death. Jason Hall might be a good candidate.

Unless it was David Ashby. But he didn’t seem like the running away type. More like the swaggering away type.

On the drive to the club, we sped past the movie theater. A sudden urge to look at the upstairs laser tag arena stole through me and I made a U-ee, forcing Roxy to grab onto the door handle.

“What the hell, Rose?”

“Sorry, something just occurred to me.” I drove to the parking lot—at this time of day it was fairly empty.

“What are we doing here?” she asked, hopping out and catching up as I strode into the building. “Recreating the scene of the crime?”

“Sort of.” I walked up to the ticket window and tapped on the glass. “I’d like to see a manager, please.”

His tired eyes got stuck on Roxy’s braids. “What?”

“Hey, dumbass. Go get your boss.” Yeah, the old Roxy was definitely back in action.

With the speed of a stoned sloth, he walked from the booth. Five minutes later, a man with a large belly and salt and pepper goatee walked through the inner glass door toward us.

“Oh hell no,” I said.

Roxy chuckled. “Think of the time you could have saved if you’d come here first.”

I stared in disbelief as Captain Mark Smith of Starfleet made his self-important way across the lobby.

“Miss Strickland, have you found the uniform?”

“We need to talk.”

“Don’t you have an office or something?” Roxy asked.

He tugged on his snug red vest. “Follow me.”

He marched through the doors, barking orders at the concession stand people. “Get busy. Even if you have no customers, there’s work to do. Look alive, Jasmine.”

Jasmine looked at her chipped, pink nails instead.

He led us behind the rows of video games, pulling a key from his pocket to unlock the door. He allowed us to enter first. “Where’s the uniform? Do you have it with you?”

I spun and faced him. “Is there any reason you didn’t tell us you worked here?”

He puffed his chest out like a pigeon. “I don’t work here, I own it. I assumed you knew. And if you didn’t, you’re a very poor investigator.”

He had me there. “Surveillance video?”

“I beg your pardon.” He walked behind his desk and began straightening already straightened papers.

“Where’s the surveillance footage from the parking lot that night?”

He hemmed. And hawed. “Well, I’m not required to show you that.”

“You are if you want the uniform back.”

“There are signs posted in your lot, claiming you have video cameras,” Roxy said.

“Do they work or not?” I asked.

Pursing his lips, he stared at his desktop.

“No. When they stopped working, I never fixed them. Too expensive.”

Crap. There went that theory. “Then let me see the laser tag room.”

His gaze ran into mine. “What are you hoping to find?”

“A clue, Captain Smith.”

“Any reason why you don’t want us looking up there?” Roxy asked. “Hiding something?”

“Certainly not. Come with me.”

He strutted ahead of us, past the concession stand. The three workers hadn’t moved. Maybe this was why he craved respect from his Starfleet crew. Because no one at his theater gave him any.

Up the stairs and through a set of locked double doors, he led us to a large rectangular room filled with plastic pylons and short, walled barricades. “Take your time, I have nothing to hide. I do, however, have work to do. Let me know when you’re finished so I can lock up.”

He all but pranced away.

“What an asshole,” Roxy mumbled. “Just tell me what we’re looking for?”

I turned to her. “No idea.” We flipped all the lights on in the laser arena, but two had crapped out, leaving one corner dark. As I inspected a plastic pylon, the kid from the front desk shuffled into the room and propped the door up with his bony shoulder.

“Old man said I have to keep an eye on you guys. You almost done, or what?”

“What,” Roxy barked.

Together we combed over every square inch of space. We turned the main lights off so we could get a good idea of what it looked like during the tag game.

“Nothing,” Roxy said.

“Let’s hit the break room.” I walked by the kid and he blew out an annoyed breath followed us down the hall.

“How long have the cameras been broken?” I asked.

He shrugged. “A few weeks, maybe a couple months—just after the parking lot lights started working again. And he wouldn’t fix those until the city sent him a summons. He’s only does it when he has to. I don’t know what you’re looking for,” he said to Roxy, who peered into an empty trashcan.

I stopped. “Something flat, about yay high.” I held up my hands. “Wrapped in a blanket.”

“Like that guy the other night?”

Roxy stopped kicking the soda machine. “What? What guy? What night?”

“The night those Trek nerds were here. Since the cameras don’t work, boss wants us to do a sweep of the parking lot every couple of hours.”

“What did you see?” I asked.

“Some guy getting a big blanket from his trunk. Then he walked to another car and put it in that trunk.”

“Was he dressed like a Trek guy or a Klingon?” I asked.

“Trek. Can we go now?”

“What kind of car did he have?” Roxy asked.

“I don’t know. It was dark. I didn’t care.”

Roxy and I did a cursory run through of the break room and both bathrooms. The only thing we discovered was that according to the graffiti artist from the men’s room, Amy Busby was a slut.

We walked back down the stairs and I made another stab at the kid. “Describe what he looked like. Tall, short, fat, thin.”

He sighed and stared at the ceiling. “Man, I don’t know. Thin. Whatever. I need to get back.” He walked to the ticket booth with as much enthusiasm as he probably did to gym class.

“Well, that narrows it down for us,” I said. “Starfleet took the uniform.”

“But where is it now and who took it?” Roxy asked, popping a third piece of gum into her mouth.

“That’s the enduring question.”

BOOK: Diner Impossible (A Rose Strickland Mystery)
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