Read Disgrace Online

Authors: Dee Palmer

Disgrace (23 page)

BOOK: Disgrace
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“Sam are you…? Did he…? I banned that fucker, you have to know that.” My words are a garbled rush, but I have too many erratic, volatile thoughts to make a coherent sentence.

“You did?” Her voice is just as breathless, but she sounds surprised.

“Of course.” I fix her with an incredulous look. How could she think I wouldn’t? “Sam you…I…” I hesitate, unsure what I want to say with my emotions all over the fucking place and adrenaline coursing through me like cocaine. I opt for something safe. “Are you okay?” I search her face for any sign of trauma although it’s difficult to see past her perfection, her natural glow and fire.

“I’m fine.” She offers a wide smile and my whole body sags with relief.

“You didn’t see him? Is he still in there?” I trace my finger down the side of her cheek, and my chest clenches when she leans into my touch.

“Oh, man you missed the show!” Leon shouts out. His face looks fit to burst with laughter. “Sam was fucking awesome! Not that I had a doubt, but I still have a boner from that whip display.” He crudely grabs his crotch, and Sam winces in my hold. I raise my brow in silent query and wait for an explanation. She scrunches her face and peeks sheepishly through her lashes. She bites her lips nervously, and Leon continues to chuckle. She elbows him in the ribs but he just holds his side at the impact and carries on grinning. “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger.” He winks but takes a cautionary step back when Sam scowls.

“Please don’t tell me you used your bullwhip in the main room?” I tip her chin to meet my glare. That would garner a lifetime ban for showboating at best, and a serious health and safety issue at worst. Those things are lethal.

“The area was clear, and he had it coming. I didn’t have a choice. It was him or me, and it was never going to be me, not again.” Her tone is resolute and she tries to step out of my hold. Her brows knit together with anger.

“Did you hurt him?”

She scowls at me this time, and I know she is upset by my response. Her dark eyes flash with sadness.

“Just his ego,” she mutters. “He backed down in front of an audience, something I don’t think he meant to do…and I may have sliced his hand.”

I draw in a deep breath and run my hand through my hair. “Fuck!” I squeeze the back of my neck where an instant knot of tension has formed like iron. She takes advantage of my one handed hold to step further away.

“Well fuck you very much, Jason,” she snaps, eyes glassy, tempering the edge of her hostility with obvious hurt. “Sorry I broke one of your precious rules, but that arsehole had it coming and more.” I pull her roughly back into my hold.

“I don’t give a fuck about that, Sam!” I growl but softly place both of my warm hands on her cheeks, her impossibly soft skin cool from the evening air. “Honestly, I don’t.” My gaze captures hers, and I sense she sees the truth and my concern when she softens in my arms. “You did what you had to do.” My thumb brushes the fat tear that plops onto her cheek. “But you have just publicly humiliated a very dangerous man, and
I do give a fuck about. Your safety Sam, I give lots of fucks about.” I kiss the tip of her nose.

“He’s not dangerous, he’s just a—”Sam begins to retort but Leon interrupts with perfect timing.

“A cunt!”

Sam giggles.

“Agreed, but he has progressed or rather digressed since you knew him.” Sam and Leon exchange curious looks before Sam shrugs lightly.

“I know about his arrests, Jason.” Her tiny palm rests on my chest, my heart still pounding. Her voice is clipped with sarcasm. “And I’m sure it wasn’t sexual assault, either, but Leon said the actual convictions can’t have been that serious or he wouldn’t be allowed to travel.” She looks toward Leon who nods, but he is looking intently at me, my gaze is unwavering from Sam.

“He has some very powerful friends, because those two cases were dropped for lack of evidence even though there was plenty at the time. But it’s not just sexual assault, Sam.” I swallow the sick churning in my stomach. My skin chills, thinking that she ever had anything to do with someone like Richard. “Have you heard of Caligula?” She laughs and points to herself.

“Lyrics in a Smiths song.” She gives a sassy little wiggle, which under any other circumstance I would find adorable.

Caligula.” My voice is low but deadly serious. Leon steps closer his expression devoid of any humour.

“The underground party organisation?” Sam looks between me and Leon with utter confusion. Leon’s face visibly pales and I nod, sharing his disquiet. My arms instinctively tighten around Sam’s waist. “Shit! I thought it was urban myth.” Leon’s eyes widen with worry but Sam lets out a light laugh.

“Um boys, not to dampen this caveman thing you have going on here, but it’s not like I haven’t been to an illegal party.”

“But you came back alive,” I remark coldly. Her breath catches, and I hate that I sound dramatic but this is not a game. “It’s not myth, these parties actually happen. No one knows how they are arranged, and my brother says they most likely happen in international waters. They keep mobile, which makes it difficult to locate and that’s a big ass ocean, which helps with the bodies.”

“What? What bodies? Jason, what are you talking about, and what has it got to do with my douchebag ex?” Sam snaps and pulls her coat back onto her shoulders, wrapping it tightly around her body.

“When I investigated him, Richard’s name came up in connection with Caligula. He is based in New York, but he has a place in Miami. I contacted my brother because he shares his apartment in Florida with a couple of CIA agents, and I passed on what I knew. They didn’t come back with much more, but Caligula is real and Richard is involved. The CIA believes he
the organisation.” I reach for her hand, and am happy when she lets me take it in both of mine.

“Organisation for what?” Her voice is soft, and the streetlight casts a pallid glow.

“Very illegal, no limits party. For high-end clients only. They get the ultimate hedonist experience. For the sex slaves, they get no choice, no safe words and no chance of getting out alive.”

“Jason?” Sam’s voice breaks, and it crushes me.

“I’m sorry, baby. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise, but just…if you see him anywhere, just leave. Call me and leave. I don’t want you anywhere near him, okay?” She nods but she looks rightly shaken.

“Hey, babe.” Leon drapes a protective arm over her shoulder even as I have her in my arms. “There is no way he will come back for more. Unless he’s a masochist, which he isn’t, only the best people are.” He winks at her, and she smiles though it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “Come on let’s go home. I’m sure we can think of something to do to lift the gloom.” Sam may roll her eyes at his suggestive flirtation, but her eyes still spark and darken all the same.

Sam was actually fine after her initial shock. The likelihood of her ever running into Richard socially is pretty slim. In ten years she never has, and I have set some new security measures in place that will ensure that piece of shit doesn’t step foot inside my building. She also agreed that I could install the same at her home, which makes leaving her this morning or any morning a little more bearable. She asked more questions about my brother than Richard in the end, and that’s why I am confident she isn’t really concerned. Her eyes twinkled with mischief, and she came like a fucking train when I told her all the things I’d let him do to her before I would join in. I have never had a problem sharing, but then I have never had someone like Sam, so
and I mean
I was to share it would have to be with someone I trust with my life. Ah shit, I really should not be thinking about any sort of fucking with Sam when I have a meeting with Daniel and my new intern in thirty minutes.

My phones buzzes in my suit pocket as I reach my office door. I see Sam’s red lips on my screen and smile. I didn’t notice when she set that picture as her profile, but my cock twitches at my memory of that colour wrapped around my shaft. Her breathy voice invades my senses.

“Jason, tell me what you will let your brother do to me; I really need to come,” she sighs and my balls tighten. I hold the phone to my chest.

“Sandy, will you hold my calls and move my meeting into the boardroom. I will be along shortly, but I have to deal with this matter.” My personal assistant smiles as she jots down my request.

“Of course, Mr Sinclair. I’ll let Mr Stone know. Peitra is already with him. Is there anything I can help with?” She smiles and looks with unnecessary concern at my clutched hand. I glance down at the phone but shake my head.

“No, thank you, Sandy. I am going to have to deal with this.” I push the door closed and turn the lock. This is a first for me. I never mix business with pleasure, and although I am not exactly fucking Sam across my desk, I am about to do the next best thing under the circumstances.

“You have my attention, Sam.” My voice is hoarse and deep. I hear her exhale a deep breath, a little moan escaping with the air. I can almost see her writhing with each draw of oxygen. Almost isn’t good enough. “Switch to video, beautiful. I want to see you when I make you come.” She gasps, and a moment later, her face appears. She is holding the phone above her, and her hair is fanned out in a mass of dark waves on the crisp cream pillow. Her lips curve into a sensual smile, and her tongue darts along her soft full lips. That action alone has me adjusting the very painful budge in my pants. I loosed my belt and flip the button, easing the zipper down. The pain is a distraction, and it’s her I want to focus on. I cup and squeeze to alleviate some of the pressure.

“Oh fuck, Jason, are you touching yourself?” She bites her bottom lip, and her eyes widen with obvious desire.

“You called me, Sam. I think this is about what you need, don’t you?” My voice deepens, and her eyes darken with the commanding tone.

“Yes, Sir,” she sighs, and hiding my movement from her with the angle of the phone, I start to stroke my length. It seems I now have the restraint of a horny teenager rather than a seasoned Dom.

“Kick the covers back. I want to watch you touch yourself.” I swallow thickly. Without hesitation, she does exactly as I say. She is wearing a pale pink cami-top with spaghetti straps and boxer shorts that are scrunched up high between her thighs and the crease at her apex. “Lose the shorts, and pull your top down so I can see your tits.” She keeps the phone high as she wriggles and kicks her shorts free. With her free hand, she pulls her top down and scoops her perfect breasts out one at a time and puts them on display. Her hard dusty pink nipples are pert little pebbles that make my mouth water and my balls ache.

“Spread for me beautiful. I want to see how wet you are.” I hardly recognise my gravely tone.

“Jason…” I cut her breathy plea short with a gruff cough. Her eyes widen, and she flashes a wicked smile that stretches her lips wide. Ah fuck, my balls feels like they are going to explode. I grip a little tighter and can’t help the groan that hits the back of my throat. Her eyes shine with mischief and understanding. “Sorry…
.” She drawls my moniker sensually from her mouth.

“You want me to tell you what I would let Will do to you? What I want to do you? And …” I pause to watch her body undulate with each slowly spoken word. Her hips tilt, and she grinds her arse into the mattress and pushes two fingers into her glistening core. “What we will
do to you.” She pulls her fingers out and sinks them back in slowly, swirling and twisting. She curls them at the knuckle and drags the wet tips back out and up, around her clit. I can see her thighs tense, and I watch enraptured as she sweeps small circles before sinking once more inside. I can feel my own cock wet with pre-cum, though not for long if my balls have any say in the matter.

“I want you to suck Will’s cock while I have my tongue buried inside you. I want to taste how wet that makes you.” I hum my own arousal, the sound gently rumbling from my chest. “I think that will make you drip down my chin don’t you, Sam? I think that would make you drip down to your tight little hole.” Her mouth drops as she sucks in a deep breath, her hand briefly leaving her core to squeeze and pump one of her breasts. She pinches her nipple and sighs, quickly replacing her fingers, which slide smoothly back inside. Her hips give a little jerk. She is holding her phone remarkably still considering the rapid beat of the pulse I can see jumping in her neck. Her body, unable to hold still for a moment more, begins to shake and her mouth parts to allow for little pants.

“Sir…please.” Her fingers pump wildly, the heel of her hand massaging her clit and her eyes are pinched shut.

“You need to be wet for us Sam,” I groan.

“Yes,” She’s breathless.

“Why Sam? Why do you need to be so wet?”

“Ah…Sir…please…” She shakes her head with frustration.

“Answer the question Sam,” I growl, low and demanding.

“So you can fuck me,” she gasps.

“Where?” I urge. She is so desperate, I can almost taste it.

“Everywhere.” She chokes out the almost silent words. Her face is flushed this gorgeous pink, and her chest rises and falls with rapid, shallow breaths. She looks stunning, so fucking hot.

BOOK: Disgrace
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