Disobey (11 page)

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Authors: Jacqui Rose

BOOK: Disobey
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Chloe got up and walked into the en-suite bathroom which only last week had been a tidy luxurious marbled room and now was a chaotic mess of teenage make-up, hairspray and false tan. Franny sighed at the large orange stains of St. Tropez on her white Ralph Lauren bath towels. She tried again. Her tone was firm but as always when she spoke to Chloe, the warmth and the care spilled out.

‘It’s no use ignoring me, Chloe, and pretending I’m not here. Until you tell me what the truth is, I’m not going anywhere. You heard what Del and Vaughn said Alfie was up to, if it’s true … Well …’

Franny broke off.

Chloe-Jane looked at Franny. ‘Would you be mad with him, if he
been involved with that Chinese geezer?’

‘Mad with him, Chloe? I’d be more than that.’

Chloe-Jane suddenly looked very vulnerable. ‘Would … would you finish with him?’

Franny smiled at Chloe’s terminology; it sounded like they were at school again. Sounded like it but certainly didn’t feel like it. This was serious. If Alfie
played a part in all the trouble and had told her, she’d have serious doubts how they could go forward in their relationship. However, if Franny found out he’d played a part in it and was willing to lie about it, then it would be well and truly over. Or as Chloe-Jane liked to put it, she’d
finish with him

‘Well, would you?’

‘Would I what, Chloe?’

‘Be with Uncle Alfie if he set up the casino behind everyone’s back.’

‘No I wouldn’t, Chloe. I couldn’t be anywhere near him. I spent all my life being lied to by people I loved, and when I did eventually find out, it nearly destroyed me, and Alfie knows it. He knows what happened. He saw what lies did to me. How the bottom dropped out of my world. So, no. No, Chloe. There’s no way on this earth I could be with someone who would be willing to lie to me, in fact, I’d probably up and go. It’s really only because of Alfie I’m still here in Soho. I’ve got an uncle, well he’s not my real uncle but I love him like one. His name’s Cabhan Morton, he was best friends with my father, they did everything together. Well he lives in America now; North Carolina. It’s beautiful out there; I love it, it’s just by the coast. You’d like it, his house goes onto the beach. Well he’s always asking me to go out and live with him, and I’ve always said no, the time wasn’t right. But it appeals to me more and more, and if Alfie and I didn’t work out, there’d be nothing to keep me here.’

Franny didn’t see the flicker of hurt cross Chloe-Jane’s face. Although she’d only been around a couple of weeks it stung to think Franny didn’t feel the same way about her. It was silly she knew. Stupid. If she was Franny, she wouldn’t care about her either. To Franny she was just a kid; Alfie’s problematic niece coming to cause trouble.

Worse still, if Franny found out that Alfie was involved, or more to the point shit deep in it, she would pack up and go to America. And if her Uncle Alfie hadn’t wanted Chloe-Jane around before, he certainly wouldn’t want her around if Franny wasn’t here anymore.

There was nothing else for it. Chloe-Jane had to do something. She had to lie, to make sure that Franny was none the wiser. No matter how much she didn’t like it or however much Franny had just told her lying had almost destroyed her life, to keep her in Soho was worth the lie.

With a smile on her face, Chloe-Jane popped a gum into her mouth. ‘I swear Franny, I’m not lying. The only reason why I didn’t tell you before I was with Alfie was because I thought you’d be mad at me. I thought you’d think badly of me and throw me out.’

Franny shook her head. ‘I don’t know what impression I’ve made, Chloe, but I wouldn’t do that. We’ve all been young once. I used to sneak out all the time when I was your age, and I always thought I’d got away with it when I came back in. I’d sneak back into bed and just as I was, bang, the light would go on, and there would be my father sitting in the corner, ready to give me what for. So you see, it’s something we’ve all done and besides, you’re not a child, you can come and go as you please. As long as you’re safe, that’s the main thing.’ Franny paused, looking at Chloe-Jane, sincerity in her eyes. ‘You would tell me if Alfie’s put you up to this wouldn’t you? I know what he’s like. I mean, he …’

Chloe interrupted. ‘He didn’t. I was with him. Honest. I wouldn’t lie to you. I know I didn’t tell you, and I won’t do that again and I’m sorry. What Del and Vaughn are saying, it ain’t true. I was with him in the club and there wasn’t any casino. Nothing like that. Just a lot of old fogies sitting around being boring. Then all hell broke loose and some Chinese fellas came running in, shouting the odds. Saying stuff like they wanted money. Alfie told me to run, so I did. But it weren’t his fault. He didn’t want you to know ’cos he didn’t want you to worry, I guess. So all that shit them two muppets are saying, it’s just gossip. They’re trying to make trouble. Reckon they’re jealous of Uncle Alfie and that Vaughn fella, he’s just mad ’cos his bird wanted to bang Alfie a while back.’

Franny raised her eyebrows. ‘Is that what Alfie told you?’

‘Sort of. He said that Vaughn had never got over the fact Casey liked him first, and even if nothing happened, he could tell she wanted it.’

Bemused, Franny smiled. ‘Your uncle is unbelievable.’

‘So you see, all this stuff they’re saying ain’t worth even listening to.’

Franny got up from the bed and walked over to the window, watching the throngs of people going about their business. The past few days had been a nightmare, not knowing the truth about Alfie’s involvement. She was hoping, praying it wasn’t true, but she couldn’t quite believe how relieved she felt now she knew the truth.

Maybe it was just the climate of things and the paranoia everyone was feeling as to why Vaughn had into his head Alfie was involved in this whole mess; unless of course he really was just wanting to turn everyone against Alfie, but she’d worry about that later. For now she was just happy. ‘Thank you, Chloe for telling me the truth. It means a lot … actually it means everything to me. I know I couldn’t have dealt with it if Alfie had lied to me. It took me a long time to trust him after everything that’s happened in my life, so it takes me a long time to trust anyone, but somehow I think you’re going to be the exception to the rule. In fact, you already are. It’s odd Chloe-Jane, because I don’t know you at all, yet for some reason I already trust you.’


Del and Vaughn sat drowning their sorrows in the tiny Spanish restaurant off Brewer Street. Neither of them had spoken for the past hour, and neither of them were planning to either. They sat lost in their thoughts, not seeing the police cars or the tourists rushing by, not hearing the loud flamenco music on the sound system.

Although neither had said, both of them in their own ways felt like it was an end of an era. Soho would always be in their blood, but things had changed. People had moved on. Friends had died and their kind of crime had got lost in a culture of technology and guns.

Once this was all over, they’d have to re-evaluate what direction their lives were going in but for the time being, they needed to work out the here and now.

For Vaughn the here and now was Alfie and Casey. And for Del, it was the phone call he’d just received. Even though he lived in the Costa he still had businesses here and last week one of the regular girls had gone missing. He’d presumed she’d taken off on her own accord, sneaking off in the night to avoid paying back the money she owed him, and had marked it down as win some, lose some and not put any more thought into it, apart from knowing she couldn’t ever show her face round Soho again. She’d been out of his mind until now.

According to his men, she’d just been dumped from out of a car; naked, hands bound, and with the word ‘Disobey’ scratched into her back. His men had tried to question the girl, but apparently she couldn’t remember anything; either that, or she was too scared to talk.

It was clear the triads were behind it, and they’d stepped up their game which was not only worrying, but also something that needed to be stopped. But the only way of stopping it was to get to the man at the top, and whoever he was, he was keeping a low profile. Perhaps what they needed to do was buy some more time. One of the ways to do that was to start paying the tea money, the extortion money the triads were asking for. If they did that the attacks would stop, and although they’d be temporarily out of pocket it would give them the much-needed time they were after.

Del could get his men, along with the others, to find whoever it was, whilst keeping Soho safe. And once they’d found the people behind all this chaos, then he’d have his. Oh yes, he’d make them wish they’d never uttered the word, Chinatown.

Satisfied with his plan, Del’s thoughts began to move to Alfie. He hadn’t been told for sure it was true but there was no doubt in his mind that the rumour mill of Soho was right this time. Alfie had caused a lot of problems over the years for all of them, but this one; this one took the fucking biscuit. This one was Thames river stuff. Floating with the fishes.

About to break his silence and discuss his ideas with Vaughn, Del’s phone rang. At first he ignored it, but the caller continued to ring back, the persistent ring of
Mission Impossible
echoing round the restaurant.

‘For fuck’s sake Del, do me a favour.’ Vaughn growled out his words, nodding his head towards the phone.

Begrudgingly, Del reached for it. ‘Yeah?’ It was Lola. Her voice sounded hysterical. ‘It’s happened again, Del, it’s happened again!’

‘What has, Lo?’

‘It just went off with a bang!’

Del scowled. ‘Lola, slow down; you’re not making sense.’

‘Them lot; them triads. They’ve burnt down one of the Taylors’ clubs; the one in Dean Street. Smoke everywhere. The fire engines are here now, they don’t know if anyone’s inside but Johnny and Frankie Taylor, they’re going ballistic. Where are you? You’ve got to come down.

Del’s voice was urgent. ‘How do you know it was the triads, Lola?’

‘Oh come off it, Del; where have you been, who else is going to start blowing up the place, especially as it’s the Taylors?’

Del nodded his head without saying anything. It was true. Only a fool or someone very brave would take on the Taylors. Returning to the call, Del spoke. ‘Okay, Lola. I’ll be down there in five minutes. I’ll bring Vaughn with me.’

The two men ran along the streets of Soho, pushing the crowds of people out of their way. They could see the thick grey smoke billowing up in front of them, mixing into the blue skies of Soho. Dean Street was on fire.

Ahead, they could see the police and fire engines along with the yellow tape cornering off the whole area. There was a large crowd, curious to know what had happened, and at the very front of it, Del could see the irate figures of Frankie and Johnny Taylor. Not only that, he could also hear the loud booming voice of Frankie as he spoke to the emergency service workers gathered.

‘I don’t give a flying fuck what your health and safety rules are, mate. This is my club and I want you to let me the hell in …

The fireman glanced around nervously, hoping the nearby police officer would come to his assistance. ‘Sir, I’m sorry but you’ll have to stand back. No one can go down there. It’s dangerous, and for all we know there could be another explosion.’

Frankie Taylor gave the man a flinty stare. ‘You’re too damn right there’ll be another explosion; and it’s standing right in front of you. Let me through, otherwise …’

‘Leave it Frankie, it’s not the geezer’s fault. He’s just doing his job.’ Vaughn’s voice cut through the chaos of the group. Frankie swivelled round.

‘When I need a nanny I’ll ask for one, until then, leave me and mine alone.’

Vaughn didn’t say anything. They hadn’t spoken since the night in Lola’s café when they’d swapped angry words, and the last thing he really wanted to do was have a stand-up row. He didn’t have the energy to start something with the Taylors.

Backing down, Vaughn conceded. ‘You’re right. Take no notice of me. The last thing you need is me chatting shit in your ear at a time like this. I wasn’t thinking. For what it’s worth I’m really sorry about the club. We’ll sort this.’

‘Too fucking right we will. Someone is going to pay; big time.’

The men fell silent, watching the emergency services fighting against the flames. Vaughn rubbed his face, contemplating the past few days. It was all a mess and if he was truthful he wasn’t handling any of it very well.

‘Have you heard the rumours?’ Frankie spoke to Vaughn.

‘I take it you’re talking about Alfie.’

Frankie nodded. ‘Is it true?’

‘I reckon so Frank; I know you and him are close. But my contacts tell me he’s running a late-night casino. Which means …’

‘Which means he’s the cause of all of this.’

Vaughn shrugged his shoulders. ‘I’m afraid so.’

‘I love Alfie; ain’t never really done nothing to me. We’ve always got on, had a laugh and he’s been good to my boy when he was going through all that shit with his missus, Maggie. But Alfie of all people should know you don’t disobey the rules.’

‘So what are we going to do?’

‘Well there’s nothing else for it. We pay him a visit. The old school way.’


Alfie Jennings’ finger was hurting. Or the lack of it. The surgeons had told him they’d tried their best to save it; done all they could, but for one botched-up reason or another, they hadn’t managed to save fuck all. And in Alfie’s opinion they were taking the piss. So here he was, discharged from hospital, standing behind the bar of Whispers with nine fucking fingers, and didn’t he just feel a cunt.

He began to think about Chloe-Jane. She was a bit of a mystery, and he wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. He’d treated her badly, for which he wasn’t proud, yet she’d bounced back and had come to his aid when he’d needed it; standing up to not only Vaughn and Del but also sticking by him and giving him an alibi whilst Franny sniffed about.

Alfie wasn’t sure if he would’ve been as loyal at her age, especially if someone hadn’t given him the time of day. But he guessed Chloe-Jane was a chip off the old block. She was, after all, a Jennings.

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