Distant Myles (11 page)

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Authors: Mandee Mae

BOOK: Distant Myles
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“After that happened with Megan,

I closed off. If I dated a woman, I never got too close and never let
get too close. I didn’t want to put myself in that position again. I didn’t want to have those feelings again, but the first time I met you, I knew you were different.” I’m telling her this, trying to watch her face for any reaction she might have to what I am trying to tell her.

“Amelia, I am usually not so quick to let my emotions get the better of me, but for some reason, you have been able to break through and get to me a way no one else has in quite some time. I really like you. I know you are only here for two weeks, but I don’t want you to go back. I don’t want you to leave. I want you to stay here and see where this leads. Is there any chance at all that I can convince you to stay? I know it’s a huge risk, but I promise you won’t be disappointed. Just stay and give us a chance.”

Chapter Twenty-four



Oh. My. God.
Did he really just say what I think he said?
He is watching me to see what I do. What am I supposed to tell him?

“Myles, thank you for being honest with me. I’m not sure what to say. I felt the same way when we first met and I really like you too. I know this is crazy. We have only known each other for a few days and now you want me to give up everything that I know and just move down here with you. This is all just happening so fast.”

Myles squeezes my hand. “Yes, I know this is crazy. Amelia, I began to have feelings for you in less than two days. I can’t get enough of you. I can’t keep my hands off you — except right now and that’s only because you’re so burnt.” I laugh a little, trying to lighten the tension in the room. “I think you feel the same way. We are both scared of not knowing where this is going, but isn’t it worth the risk? I see it in your eyes. I can see it in your facial expressions, your body language, and the way you act when I’m around. I know this is a huge step. It’s a step I wouldn’t even consider mentioning if I didn’t believe it in my heart. I know I fucked up, big time, but all I am asking is that you think about it. Give me a chance to make it up to you. Can you promise me you will at least think about it?”

Can I seriously be considering this? Sure, I can promise to
about it, but that doesn’t mean I am going to do it.
Do I want to do it?
Do I want to move here to be with him?

“Okay Myles. I promise to think about it on one condition?”

“Name it. Whatever it is, just say it.” He says with a smile on his face.

“I’m still pissed, but I will promise to think about it
you can go to the kitchen and get me something to eat and drink. I am starving.”

I didn’t think his smile could get any bigger, but it did. If I could move, I would lean forward and hug him.

“I would love to go get you something. Do you want anything particular?” He asks, standing up, heading towards the door.

“I don’t care. I could even go for a PB&J. It really doesn’t matter to me. If it’s food, I will eat it. And just some water to drink please.”

“Okay, I will go get us something to eat. I will be back in a few.” He says, walking out the door and down the hall.

Holy shit
. What am I going to do?
I know I am definitely going to have to discuss this with Jamie. I know I really like him, but am I ready to move? I only promised him that I would
about it.

Wasn’t I was just telling Jamie the other day that I was ready to move? Maybe now would be a good time to follow through with that.
Shit! Shit! Shit!
I can’t even think straight right now.

I’m not sure how long I sat there lost in my own thoughts, but Myles comes back through the door carrying a tray with some food. Thank God. He brings it over to the nightstand and then sits on the bed beside me.

“Thank you, Myles. Whatever it is, thank you.”

“I went through the fridge to see what I could find. I found everything to make a chef salad. I hope that’s okay,” he asks, handing me my salad. “I wasn’t sure what dressing you liked so I grabbed what you had.” He said raising up a ranch and French, shaking them from side to side.

“Ranch, please. Always ranch. I put ranch on everything.”

“Good to know. Here you go.” Myles takes off the cap and hands me the bottle of ranch and then puts some on his salad after I am done. “So, I already know you guys went to the beach today, did you do anything else?”

“No, the beach was pretty much it. After we both woke up, Jamie said I looked a ‘little’ pink. Pink doesn’t even begin to describe what I look like. I’m sure I will blister by morning. This is the worst I have ever been burnt. I don’t plan on getting this burnt ever again.”

“I hope not Amelia. I’ll rub some more aloe on you before I go tonight. It will keep it from blistering as much.”

“Thanks again for the salad, Myles. This is really good and it hits the spot.”

It doesn’t take long for me to finish off my salad or my water. I rest my bowl in my lap and wait for Myles to finish his. He is just a few bites behind me. I can’t help but laugh after he takes his last bite and looks up at me. He has ranch down his chin and has somehow managed to get it on his nose too.

“What? What’s so funny?”
Okay, why is she laughing?

“Oh, um, you have some ranch on your face. Here.” I reach up with my napkin and wipe the ranch off his face. He starts laughing.
God, I love his laugh.

“Thanks. I usually don’t wear my food.”
I can’t believe I got ranch all over my face.
I must look like an idiot. I reach over and take her bowl off her lap and place it back onto the tray with mine. “Let me take these back to the kitchen. I’ll be back in a minute.”

Wow. He even cleans up after himself. I could get used to this. I just wish I wasn’t so burnt so I could enjoy the evening a little more. It has been nice just sitting and talking with him, getting to know each other. It felt pretty good to get everything off my chest. Now that I have my belly full, I am starting to feel tired again, which is evident by the yawn that creeps up on me.

“Are you getting tired, Amelia?” Myles asks, walking back into the room as I slide back down in the bed to get comfortable.

“Yes, I’m sorry. Would you mind rubbing some more aloe on me before I fall asleep?” I’m really trying not to fall asleep.

“Yes, I will rub some more aloe on you and I will still keep my promise from earlier,” He says while he pulls the sheet back down to reveal my burnt, naked body.

He reaches over and grabs the aloe, shaking it again. I roll over and stretch out so he can do my back first and then it hits me, sending a shiver down my body.
Why does it have to be so damn cold?

“Cold?” Chuckling while he asks.

“Yes, it’s cold, but it feels good.” God, it feels good. He is trying to be gentle. He rubs my back, shoulders and down the back of my legs. I am trying desperately not to fall asleep. If I am going to stay awake for him to rub my front, I need to roll over. Now. Slowly moving my aching arms, I do just that. I roll over onto my back so he can rub my front. He starts the process once again. I am so horny. Having his hands on me is killing me. I know I’m wet, and I can’t do a damn thing about it. This shit sucks.

So I do the only thing I can do, I lay there and take it. I know, right. But what else am I supposed to do? It doesn’t take long before my eyelids start to feel heavy, and before I know it, everything goes black.

Chapter Twenty-five



Well, at least she is still talking to me. I know she was pissed and hurt and I can’t blame her. It could have been worse. She could have thrown my ass out and said that she never wanted to see me again but she didn’t. It was still nice to be able to sit and talk with her while we had dinner.

I still can’t get over how burnt she is. She is going to be in some major pain for the next couple of days. The aloe will help a little, but she will still blister. I could tell she was getting tired. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep after I rubbed aloe on her again. I covered her with the sheet to she wouldn’t get cold. Anything heavier would rub against her skin and hurt.

So, why am I still sitting here beside her?
I don’t know. I should go, but I can’t help but watch her for a few more minutes. She looks so peaceful — red, but peaceful.

I stand up and lean over to give her a soft kiss to her forehead. Turning off the lamp, I whisper goodnight to her and walk out of her bedroom, shutting the door quietly so I don’t wake her and head down the hall. Jamie is sitting in the living room watching TV and looks up when I come into the room.

“Hey, Myles”

“Hi, Jamie. Amelia looks bad. She is going to be hurting tomorrow. I left the aloe by her bed for her.”

“Thanks. I’m sure we will go through that bottle tomorrow. I will have to go out and get some more. Mind if I ask you a question?” Jamie asks, pointing to a chair, telling me I need to sit down.

“Ask away.” Then I sit down, waiting for her to ask what is plainly written on her face.

“So, what happened the other night? If you want to tell me it’s none of my business, then go ahead. But, I have to tell you, Amelia was a wreck after you left. Caleb wouldn’t tell me what was going on. You hurt her and I don’t like it. I don’t like you very much at the moment. You can either tell me or Amelia will tell me tomorrow.”

“I know I hurt her leaving like I did. It was a shitty thing of me to do. I was an ass for not getting ahold of her for the last couple of days too. I just needed some space.”

I told Jamie what happened with Megan. I didn’t go into the length that I did with Amelia, but she got the point I was trying to make.

“You’re right, it was shitty and you were an ass. It sounds like this Megan is a piece of work. But, Amelia is not Megan. She wears her heart on her sleeve. She is always helping other people. She is always going out of her way to make sure everyone else is happy. People run over her all the time. I hate that you did that to her. I can see why you left, but you should have told her something before you left or at least called that night, Myles. Jesus, I was rooting for you. I haven’t seen her this happy in a long time. Now, you’re going to have to start over. You’re going to have to earn her trust again.”

Jamie’s right. “I know. I’m going to make it up to her. I promise.  I’m going to head home and get some sleep since Amelia is asleep now. Please tell her I will call her tomorrow. If she needs anything, please let me know.”

“Alright, I’ll tell her. Night, Myles.”

“Goodnight, Jamie. Thanks for not kicking my ass.”

“Yeah, well, I wanted to, but I needed to hear what happened before I decided if I was going to or not. As of right now, the answer is not. Get out of here before I change my mind.”

Laughing a little, I get up and head towards the door “Okay, I get it. Thanks again.” And with that I’m out the door, in the car and heading home. I have some major ass kissing to do and it starts tomorrow. By the time I get home, I have a few ideas. It’s nothing major; just a lot of little things that I hope will add up. Walking in my front door, I kick off my shoes, toss my keys on the table, and head upstairs to get ready for bed. I hope I can sleep tonight. I have too many things running around in my head.

Chapter Twenty-six



I am never going to the beach again. Okay, that’s a lie, but I won’t be going for a long, long time. Looking out my window I can tell it’s bright and sunny, reminding me how I am not going to be able to enjoy the outdoors today. I will have to stay in so my skin can recover. The aloe Myles rubbed on me last night helped, it really did, but it still hurts. I am just going to lay here for a while and think about the conversation Myles and I had last night. 

Out of everything he told me, the one thing that sticks out, is the fact that he wants me to move down here.
Crazy, right?
This is something I am really going to have to think about.

Well, I will have to think about it in a few because right now, nature is calling
and I have to figure out how I am going to get the hell out of this bed without causing too much pain. This is not going to be easy and it’s going to hurt like a son of a bitch. I take a deep breath and count. One. Two. Three. Then I roll to my side, push myself up and stand.
Fuck, that hurt
. Slowly, so very slowly, I make my way to the bathroom and do my duty.

“JAMIE!” I yell. Hopefully she can hear me.

Seconds later, she comes barreling into my bedroom, damn near running into me.

“Oh, shit. Sorry. I didn’t mean to run into you. Are you okay?” Asking as she takes a few steps back, taking in my red and white body.

“Other than this,” pointing to myself, “I’m fine, but I could use some help. Can you rub some more aloe on me before helping me into my dress, please?”

“Sure, just let me go wash my hands real quick.” And she’s off to the bathroom. Walking back into the room, she heads to the nightstand to grab the aloe where Myles left it. She gives it a quick shake and then starts the process of slathering it on me, literally covering every inch of me.

“So, did you let Myles walk out of here last night or did you badger him?”

“Hell no, I didn’t let him just walk out of here. I asked him if he would tell me what happened and that even if he didn’t, that you would. He told me what happened, but I got the feeling he was leaving some things out, so it will be up to you to fill me in.” Jamie tells me this as she is kneeling, working her way around my legs now.

“Well, I assume he told you about Megan and what she did. Did he tell you that he wants me to move down here and give us a real chance at a relationship?” I’m watching her closely for her reaction.

“He did what? Did you tell him no, that it’s too soon for you to move down here to be with him? Christ Amelia, you have only known him for a week now.”

I just stand there, saying nothing, because honestly, I really am considering it. I know it’s crazy, but…

“Amelia? Tell me you aren’t considering moving down here.”

“I don’t know Jamie. I mean, I’m ready to move somewhere warmer. We just discussed this the other day. I can’t handle the cold winters anymore. You know this. I am considering it, but when it comes down to it, I really don’t know what to do. I have feelings for him. All he is asking is for me to give us a chance.”

Jamie stands and comes around to the front of me where she can look me in the face. “You really are considering it, aren’t you? What will you do for a job? Where will you live?”

“I don’t know where I would live. I have enough money saved that I can get started and be comfortable for a while until I can find a job. Shit Jamie. I’m so confused.”

“Amelia...” The doorbell rings, interrupting what she was going to say.

“Stay there, don’t move. That needs to dry for a minute before we put your dress on. I’ll go get that and be back in a minute.” She says heading out of my room and down the hall to answer the door. I hear muffled voices, but as she told me, I don’t move.

Jamie walks back into the room with a vase filled with beautiful wild flowers. Sitting them on my dresser, she grabs the card and hands it to me.

Amelia, Thank you for last night. Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman. Inside and out. I will call to check on you later. X, Myles

“What does the card say?” Jamie is jumping up and down.

“They’re from Myles, thanking me for last night.”

“Well, it’s a start. Do you want me to move them or leave them on your dresser?” She has her face buried in the flowers asking me this.

“No, leave them on the dresser. Can you grab me some clothes now? I think I’m dry.”

Jamie walks over to my closet and grabs a dress for me, bringing it back and helps me put it on.

“Come on, let’s go to the kitchen and get something to eat.” She says grabbing my hand and pulling me along with her.

“Easy Jamie. It still hurts.”


Heading down the hall, the doorbell rings again. Jamie turns and looks at me and I just shrug my shoulders. He has already sent me flowers, what else could he have sent me? Jamie heads to the door, opening it to see who is there.

“Can I help you?” Jamie asks the guy standing there in a white lab coat. That’s odd.

“Is Amelia Martin here? I have a package I need to deliver.”

“Yes, she’s here, but unable to come to the door. I can sign for the package.” Jamie says as the guy hands her a clipboard so she can sign for the package.

“Thank you. Here you go.” He says, handing over a box to Jamie. Jamie takes the box, shuts the door and turns towards the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and see Jamie has put it on the table so I can open it.

“I wonder what it is.” I ask looking at Jamie who in turn shrugs her shoulders.

“Only one way to find out.” She says ripping the tape off for me then stepping off to the side so I can open it and find out what it is.

I open the top of the box and just start laughing. We are talking doubled over, tears running down my face, laughing
. I can’t believe he sent me this

“What is it?” Jamie is looking at me like I have lost my ever loving mind.

“He sent me a case of aloe.” I can barely get that out of my mouth, I am laughing so hard.

“What? He sent you a case of aloe. For real.” She lifts the flaps on the box to see if I am telling the truth. Now she has joined in and we are both laughing so hard.

Holy hell, what am I going to do with him? He gets points for this as well. It takes a while for us to calm down. I ask Jamie to get my purse so I can send him a text, thanking him for the flowers and the aloe. It takes her all of two minutes to return with my purse. I grab my phone and search for his number.

Myles, thanks for the flowers….and the aloe. It will come in handy.

And then I hit send. Expecting a text back from him, I set the phone down beside me. Instead, my phone rings less than a minute later. I look at the number, and of course, it’s Myles.

“Hello,” I answer, trying not to laugh again.

“Hey, baby. I’m happy to know you got my gifts today. I was hoping to make you laugh. Did I succeed?” Myles asks. I can hear him stifle a laugh himself.

“Yes, thank you again. The flowers are beautiful and I’m sure the aloe will be used. That was very thoughtful of you.”

“Just trying to help. I remembered Jamie saying that you would probably run out of it, so I decided to make sure you were well stocked.” He’s laughing again.

“Yes, well stocked would be the appropriate wording.” I’m trying not to laugh as Jamie is making obscene gestures with the aloe bottles. I fail miserably.

“Would you like me to come over tonight and rub some more on you? It’s the least I can do.” He’s trying. He really is.

“Yes, you can come over this evening, but don’t think you’re totally off the hook just yet. I think Jamie is inviting Caleb over for dinner. You can come and eat with us if you would like.”

“Thank you. Sounds great. Would you like me to bring anything and what time should I be there?”

“Around six is good. I think they are going to start the grill then, so anytime around then would be fine and no you don’t need to bring anything.”

“Okay, I’ll see you this evening. Have a good day, baby.” I know he is smiling, because I can hear it when he talks.

“I will. You too. I’ll see you later.” And then I hit end and lay my phone down.

“So, I guess I better call Caleb to see if he wants to have dinner with us tonight?” Jamie asks, raising her eyebrows a little.

“That would be correct. It looks like the guys will be grilling tonight. I think steak sounds good, don’t you?” I’m laughing as I say this. She picks up her phone and calls Caleb to let him know he has dinner plans tonight. She doesn’t ask him. She just tells him what time he needs to be here and that he will be grilling steaks for us and letting him know that Myles will be joining us as well. It’s rather funny if I do say so myself.

“Okay, Caleb agreed to come over and grill for us tonight. He said he was going to bring potato salad too.” She lays down the phone and starts walking towards me. “Come on, let’s go get comfy on the couch and watch movies until it’s time for dinner. I will go to the store before they get here, but we will stay inside the rest of the day and veg out.” Jamie says corralling me into the living room so we can root ourselves into the couch.

“You know, your burn really does look better today,” she says once we have settled down.

“Thanks. I know it’s not as red as last night, but it still hurts like a bitch,” I tell her with a somewhat sincere smile on my face.

Jamie grabs the remote and starts channel surfing, trying to find a movie that we will both enjoy. It doesn’t take long to find one, and just like that, the day is quickly passing us by.

We end up watching three movies, a couple of chick flicks and one horror. I don’t think I will be able to sleep tonight after watching the last one. The hair on my arms are still standing on end.

Before we know it, it’s time to start getting things ready for dinner. Jamie has headed to the store to buy the meat for this evening’s festivities. I, on the other hand, stay home and out of the sun. Slowly making my way off the couch, I head back to my room in search for my Kindle. I want to read a little before everyone gets here. Even though Myles and I talked the other night, I still feel a little anxious. I can move around a little better, so if he pisses me off, I’m liable to smack him upside the head. Hopefully, it won’t come to that.

I hoped that reading would help calm me down, but all it did was make me horny. I love reading romance novels. I’m actually addicted to them and the evidence is in how many books I have on my Kindle. I have close to 300 books and short stories — and yes, I have read every single one of them. Some I’ve read more than once, mind you. Jamie says I’m crazy, but I totally disagree with her. I just like to read.

“Amelia!” I hear Jamie yell when she comes through the door. I better go see what she wants.

“Back so soon. Did you find everything okay?” Asking her while plopping my behind in a chair.

“Yeah, I found everything. I just wanted to get out of there.” Jamie says while putting things away.

“Why, what happened?”

“Well, there was this guy there watching me. It was weird. Do you ever get the feeling that you know someone even though you know you’ve never met? Well, he seemed familiar, but he didn’t. Everywhere I turned, he was there. He didn’t say anything to me, he
just watched me.” She has turned towards me now, telling me this with a weird, confused look on her face.

“That’s strange. I’m glad you got out of there. I wonder who he was.”

“I don’t know who he was. It freaked me out, so I just got what I needed and left. Anyway, everything is put up. I going to go take a shower before the guys show up. Do you need anything first?”

“No. I’m going to read a bit more and then jump in after a bit. Go, take your shower. I’ll be fine.”

Jamie heads down the hall towards her bedroom to take her shower and I head back to my room to get back to where I left off in the book I’m reading. There’s a sex scene coming up, and I don’t want to miss it. Sometimes you just want to yell at them
‘just fuck already.’

I’m lost in the book when Jamie comes into my room. She must realize I am ready something dirty with that grin on her face.

“What are you reading? It must be good, because your face is flushed and you’re chewing on your finger.”

“Uh, yeah, it’s pretty good. Sometimes I wish I could just jump into the book and become the character. God, some of this shit is really hot.” I’m fanning myself now. I have got to calm down before Myles gets here.

“Just wanted to let you know I’m done with my shower if you wanted to jump in. The guys will be here in an hour,” she states as she plucks my Kindle out of my hands.

“Okay, I get it. I’ll go get in the shower.” I get off the bed and head into the bathroom to take my shower before the guys show up. Maybe I should take a cold shower instead.

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