Distorted Hope (10 page)

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Authors: Marissa Honeycutt

BOOK: Distorted Hope
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Beyond the bed was a set of opened, double wooden doors like in Jason’s room, which I assumed led to the bathroom. Along the wall to the left of the fireplace, a narrow wooden staircase led up to a mezzanine sitting room with a large window.

“Undress and get on your knees on the floor at the end of the bed,” Nathan said, closing the doors behind him. He crossed the room and walked through the double doors, turning on the light showing it was, indeed, the bathroom—a very spacious one, from what I could see.

He wanted me to undress? I shook and stared at the opening he’d just walked through, then looked around the room, wondering if there was a way to escape. This was obviously his room.

A single, framed photograph on the mantle above the fireplace caught my eye. I cautiously moved across the room to look at it. It was a picture of a smiling young woman with long, brown hair, about my age, holding a tiny baby wrapped in a pink blanket.

“Do you have a hearing problem?”

I turned to see Nathan standing a few feet away, arms crossed over his bare, beautiful… perfect… chest. My mouth opened as I stared. He was muscular without looking like Mr. Universe. His six-pack was really an eight-pack and I had a strange urge to bite his brown nipples.

I looked away when I realized what I was doing and blushed. “No, Patrón,” I whispered.

“Then why is your dress still on?” He walked over and pulled the dress over my head with one swift move and threw it on the ground. “When I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it.”

I tried to cover myself but he took my hands and held them at my sides. I trembled as he looked at me.

“Why are you not shaved?”

“What?” I looked down. I had shaved my legs this afternoon.

“I think you must have a hearing problem.” He picked me up roughly, making me cry out in surprise, and went to sit on the bed. He laid me on my stomach across his hard legs and I squirmed to get loose. “Let’s see if this helps. Count.”

Count? What the…?
I shrieked as he spanked my ass. Hard. The skin burned where he had made contact. I braced myself for another blow but it didn’t come.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” he growled. “Count!” He hit me again and I screeched.

“Two,” I whimpered.

“No, you didn’t count the first one. One.”

“One,” I whimpered, skin burning and tears in my eyes.


“Two,” I cried, tears falling down my cheeks. I tried to get free but he held me firmly against his strong, hard legs.


“Three… four… five…” I kept counting as the hits seemed to get harder. He alternated sides but hit the same spot on each side, over and over again. I could barely get out numbers nine and ten. I hung limply over his lap, tears streaming down onto the rug below me.

He stopped after ten and then flipped me around to hold me as I cried.
He just hit me and now he’s comforting me?
The confusion made me cry harder.

He rocked me gently, petting my hair. When my tears were dry, he cupped my chin and lifted so I was looking up at him.

His eyes widened slightly when I met his gaze. I think I saw a flicker of regret in his eyes before he shook his head slightly and his eyes turned firm. “When I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it immediately. When I ask you a question, I expect an answer, not another question.”

“Y-yes, Patrón,” I whispered, determined to answer and obey immediately from now on. I never wanted to experience that again. “I-I didn’t understand your question, though,” I said meekly. “I was confused.”

“You didn’t understand my question about shaving?”

I shook my head. “I shaved my legs this afternoon.”

He reached between my legs and tugged on the curly hairs. “I meant these,” he said, frowning.

“I’ve never shaved there.”

He arched his brow. “Why not?”

“I didn’t think I needed to.”

He grimaced. “I suppose that is an acceptable answer. But I won’t fuck you with that.” He placed me gently on the bed.

“Y-you’re really going to… fuck me?” I whispered, hating the words. I didn’t want him; I wanted Jason.

“Why else would you be here?” he asked harshly, picking up the bedside landline and speaking in what I thought it was Spanish. It would make sense. We were in a Spanish-speaking country. “Pasha will be here in a few minutes. Go with her, do as she says, and she will return you to me.” Nathan left me lying on the bed and went upstairs to the sitting area. I watched him as he opened a laptop and began typing furiously.

There was a soft knock on the door a few minutes later.

“Come!” Nathan shouted.

I twisted on the bed and saw a small Latina woman walk in carrying a white robe.

“I am Pasha,” she said with a slight nod, walking around the bed and holding out the robe. “Put this on and come with me.”

I glanced up at Nathan, who was ignoring us, and stood, slipping the robe over my shoulders. My rear burned against the fabric and I winced. I followed Pasha out the door, downstairs to the outside, and down the passageway between the house and the narrow building.

Behind the house was a separate one-story building with a single entrance and multiple large windows.

“This is where we live,” Pasha explained. The entryway was brightly lit and about six women sat around on comfortable looking couches, talking and giggling.

They looked up and studied me when I walked in. I nodded slightly in greeting.

“Girls, this is Kyra. El Patrón wants her readied for him.” I nodded in greeting and then followed Pasha around a corner and into a nearby room that looked like a beauty salon.

She pointed to a table resembling something seen in a gynecologist’s office. “Lie down on your back.”

I winced as I did as she told me and watched her plug something in that looked like a slow cooker. She approached me with an electric razor. “Relax. I won’t hurt you with this. I make sure all the girls are kept clean and neat.” I put my feet in the stirrups and moved my robe aside.

I put my hands over my face, embarrassed. The buzzing began and I suddenly sympathized with the sheep I’d watched being shorn on the Discovery Channel.

“Now, I will wax you,” she said, standing and walking to the slow cooker.

“What!” I exclaimed. “No, no, no. Please don’t.” I tried to sit up and winced as my rear scraped against the table.

“Kyra, I must. I’m sorry. I will call guards if you don’t hold still.”

I rubbed my face. This was getting worse and worse, but I held still; I didn’t want to cause any more trouble than I already had.

Pasha showed me where there were handles on either side of the bed and I grasped them as Pasha spread the warm sticky substance on my most intimate place.

“Ready?” Pasha asked with a sympathetic look.

“No,” I whimpered.

“One… two… three.”

There was a ripping sound and then the searing pain erupted and I screamed. It was as bad as losing my virginity. She did it three more times and I found myself sobbing again.

“I’m sorry, Kyra. I know it hurts. It will get better, I promise. You’ll get used to it and you’ll hardly notice after a few times.”

I felt her rub some sort of cool lotion on the skin and it was soothed almost immediately.

“Feel it,” she encouraged. “It feels wonderful.”

I hesitantly reached down and touched the mound above my pussy and was amazed at the silky skin. “Wow.”

“Sex will feel very different now,” Pasha said. “You’ll feel more. Patrón will like it. You have very soft skin.”

Pasha helped me to my feet and handed me a cool cloth to wipe my face. Once my robe was back in order, I followed Pasha back to Nathan’s room. The other girls gave me sympathetic looks as I passed them. How could I do that on a regular basis? Was there any escaping this new life? So far, it was leaving a lot to be desired.

Pasha knocked on the door and Nathan called out, “Come!” I thanked her and then nervously pushed open the door.

Nathan walked down the stairs as I closed the door behind me. “Remove your robe and kneel as I told you before.”

I hesitated for a split second before deciding another spanking was much worse than being naked in front of this man. I swallowed, took off the robe, and went to kneel as instructed. He had said ‘on your knees’ so I assumed that meant not back on my heels, which I was thankful for. I was careful to keep my eyes down and saw his bare feet as he came to stand in front of me.

“Tomorrow, Pasha will make you more presentable, but you will do for now.”

“Thank you, Patrón.”

He patted my head. “Good girl. You’re learning.”

The small praise warmed my insides.

“Now, show me how you suck cock.”

I knew better than to hesitate and looked up at his hips, surprised to see him bulging against his pants already. My hands shook terribly as I unbuttoned his pants, fumbling and making him growl slightly.

“I’m sorry, Patrón,” I whispered, finally getting the button undone. I unzipped his pants and blinked.
He couldn’t possibly be that large, could he?
I slowly pulled his boxer briefs down and gasped, wide-eyed.
There’s no way that’s fitting into my mouth!
In my very limited experience, I had thought Jason and Mark had been big, but… oh, my!

“Do you approve?” he asked. I looked up to see a hint of amusement in his eyes.

“I don’t think you’ll fit,” I said with trepidation.

Nathan chuckled. “I don’t think we’ll have any problems.”

I glanced up at him again, surprised at his softened tone and facial expression. Not wanting to anger him, I pushed his pants and boxer-briefs down to the floor and he stepped out, his cock bobbing in front of my face. My hand shook as I slowly reached out for him, wrapping my hand around his girth like Jason had shown me.

A rumble sounded from his chest and I saw his eyes close slightly as I moved my hand slowly down to his hip. I repeated the motion, moving from the head down to the base. He put his hand on my head and pushed my mouth toward him.

I had to fight within myself to keep from pulling away. When my lips touched him, I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to let him in. My mouth kept opening wider and wider until I felt my teeth scrape against the crest of his head. I grunted, trying to relax my jaw, but it began to ache quickly.

Nathan held my head in place and pushed farther into my mouth. Tears sprang to my eyes as he kept forcing himself further and further in.

“Suck, Kyra,” he rasped. “Suck on it.”

I began sucking as best I could and he pulled back slightly and pushed back in. After a few thrusts, he pushed in deeper and hit the back of my throat, making me gag. He let me pull off him and I leaned forward with my hands on the floor, coughing and swallowing.

“You don’t have much experience, do you?” he asked from high above me.

“No, Patrón.” I coughed again. “I tried my best.” I looked up at him.

His eyes seemed soft as he caressed the back of my head and nodded. “Up,” he said, helping me to my feet and guiding me to the side of the bed. I trembled as he lifted me up, set me carefully in the center of the huge bed, and then lay down next to me. “Lie back,” he said, and I complied, stiffly, looking up at the beamed ceiling.

Nathan leaned forward and kissed my neck, causing me to jump slightly. He kissed upwards to my ear, sending shivers down my legs and making my nipples tighten. His hand slid across my stomach and up to cup my breast.

I squeezed my eyes shut and stiffened as he gently caressed me, rolling my nipple between his fingers and extracting a soft moan from my throat.

“Why are you trembling, Kitten?” he asked, his voice husky as he nibbled his way down to my breast.

I gasped loudly as he kissed my nipple, darting his tongue out to lick the tip. My hands clenched at the blanket beneath me. I tried to form an answer for him, but my mind wasn’t cooperating and I cried out when he bit my nipple. Hard.

My eyes opened to see a disapproving look on his face. “I asked you a question.”

I moved my mouth, having even a more difficult time forming the words now that fear had intermingled with the electrical storm in my brain. “I’m afraid,” I finally squeaked out.

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