Distorted Hope (23 page)

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Authors: Marissa Honeycutt

BOOK: Distorted Hope
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He leaned down and captured my lips with his in a passionate kiss before I could comprehend his words. His tongue delved deep into my mouth as his hands explored my body. I slid my hands up his chest and over his shoulders, getting caught up in his passion.

When he cupped my breast, though, I winced.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice hoarse with passion.

“My breasts are a little tender.”

He leaned down and kissed them gently over my dress. “I’m sorry, Kitten. I’ll be gentler.” He pulled my dress off over my head and kissed each nipple. Leaning back, he studied them for a moment and then grinned. “They’re bigger.”

I looked down. “Really?”

He slowly licked my nipple several times, making it ache more than it already did, and I groaned.

“Did that hurt?”

“No,” I moaned, arching my back up to him. He chuckled and gently sucked one nipple into his mouth. I moaned loudly and gasped as delicious sensations rippled through my body from his kisses. Desire coursed through my veins and I squeezed my thighs together. I couldn’t believe how badly I wanted him.

He lavished gentle attention on the other breast and I clutched the sheets at the side of my body. When he began to trail kisses down my belly, I whimpered in anticipation of his mouth on my pussy. I really enjoyed oral sex. Really,
enjoyed it.

When he settled in between my legs and his tongue licked upwards, I hissed and wiggled my hips. He kissed my pussy like he kissed my mouth—his tongue probing, licking, and sucking—all movements bringing delicious chills through my entire body. It was hard to keep still.

Nathan chuckled. “I’m glad to see your enthusiasm about sex has increased since we were last together.” He probed his tongue deep inside and I cried out and clutched at the sheets. “But you are still as delicious.”

I froze, afraid he would say the same thing he had last time. He lifted his head and looked up at me. “What’s wrong?”

For some stupid reason, tears filled my eyes. “When you told me that before, you said you had clients who would enjoy me.” I bit my lip. “Do you still mean that?”

“Kitten, I told you, I’m not sharing you with anyone. You are all mine. Yes, if some of my clients knew how sweet…” He licked me slowly from bottom to top and I moaned. “…you are, they would beg me for a taste. But I will be the only one with the pleasure of tasting you from now on.”

My eyes closed as his attention returned to my swollen pussy. His tongue made me feel amazing things and I thrashed my head back and forth at the unbelievable pleasure coursing through my body.

I felt the beginnings of an orgasm and moaned loudly as he took my clit into his mouth and began sucking. “Oh!” I cried loudly and then my back arched and I screamed as I came, hard. Harder than I had in a while—since the last time I was with him. I couldn’t think of anything but the molten pleasure of my clit in his mouth and the waves of extreme pleasure emanating from that tiny organ.

His sucking slowed and I floated down to earth like a feather. When I was able to open my eyes, I did so with so much effort that Nathan chuckled.

“That good, huh?” he asked with a teasing grin as he pulled himself up beside me.

I traced his damp lips with my fingers. “You have an amazing mouth,” I said in a breathless voice.

He grinned and leaned to kiss me. “You have an amazing pussy that my cock is aching for.” He moved over me again and nudged my legs apart. “You okay?”

I nodded, giving him a lazy grin, and he chuckled before pressing himself against my swollen opening.

My eyes fully opened as Nathan began to enter me. I’d forgotten how big he was, how much he filled me. “Oh!” I exclaimed as he continued to press inside me. His eyes were closed, his lips parted slightly. His arm, chest, and shoulder muscles all rippled as he held himself above me. He was so amazingly beautiful.

He went in easier than the first time. I think because I was so swollen and wet. And I’d had sex plenty of times now, too. But I was so ready for him.

His eyes opened when he filled me to the hilt, and I stared up at him with wide eyes, unable to think of anything but him inside my body.

He lowered himself onto me but supported the majority of his weight with his elbows. His lips caressed mine and he kissed me tenderly without moving his lower body.

“Ah, Kyra,” he murmured, “I never want to be with any other woman but you.” He began moving inside me and I swear I saw stars of pleasure explode behind my eyelids.
What was it about this man that did so many bewildering things to my body?

His movements quickened and his thrusts became more insistent. I met him, thrust for thrust, feeling my body move toward another orgasm. His chest rumbled and he thrust hard and I cried out again—this time in pain—as he hit something inside me. He froze and stared down at me. “What happened, Kitten?”

I shook my head and took deep breaths. The pain was beginning to subside.

“Kyra? Kyra, please talk to me.”

“Hurts,” I whispered. “But getting better.” He didn’t move until I relaxed and opened my eyes. I gave him a shy smile. “I’m okay. You’re just… big.”

“Kyra, I am so sorry I hurt you,” he whispered, kissing my cheek. “Do you want me to stop?”

I shook my head. “Just… be gentle.”

He nodded and watched me carefully as he began to move again. My eyes fluttered closed as I felt the orgasm beginning anew. He wrapped his arms around me and I clung to his shoulders as I arched my back into another climax.

I gasped for breath as my body recovered from my second intense orgasm of the evening. Nathan rolled to his side and held me close to him. He was panting hard, too.

When I looked up at him, he was looking at me with a soft look on his face. “I know how you were brought here wasn’t necessarily nice, Kyra. But I’m so glad you’re here.” He kissed me gently and then pulled the blankets up to my shoulders.

I was reading in Nathan’s office a few weeks later when Mark came in. “Did you get the request?” Mark asked.

Nathan had been staring out the window for a few minutes, and I’d been wondering what he was thinking about. I spent most afternoons in his office. He liked it when I was there, and it wasn’t as lonely as taking a nap in our room.

I looked over at him with affection. I knew I was beginning to fall in love with him. Despite the fact he dealt in criminal activity, he was a good man. And he was so good to me. If I wanted anything, he did everything he could to make sure I got it. If someone had to go into Panama City to get it, they went to Panama City to get it.

Jason and I had come to terms with our separation and it didn’t hurt as bad to see him. He and Julia spent a lot of time together in the evenings, and I was somewhat relieved he had someone to comfort him now, with Nathan’s approval. Julia had come here by choice and she could leave by choice. She was the only one. Nathan might let Madison go if she asked, but she seemed content here.

Nathan and I, on the other hand, had grown close. He told me he loved me a week after we found out I was pregnant and had shown it to be true every day since. He didn’t expect me to love him, but he hoped I would in the future. I think I did now—and was eager to tell him—but the troubled look on his face made me think I needed to wait. At least until tonight when we were alone.

“I did,” Nathan said after a long minute. He looked at me with concern, making me wonder what was wrong.

“Did you respond?” Mark asked.

“No. Not yet.”

Mark glanced at me and then looked back at Nathan. “You’re worried?”

Nathan nodded. “If I had somewhere safe to send her, I would.”

“They’re going to find out eventually,” Mark said, sitting down in the chair across the desk from Nathan. “Better to stop it from the beginning than to try and hide her. If it would make you feel better, we can make sure she’s not alone at any point. I’ll stay with her.” Nathan frowned and Mark chuckled. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

I was thoroughly confused.
Were they talking about me?
I ran my hands over my expanding belly and watched Nathan. If I needed to know, he would tell me.

Nathan caught my eye. He sighed and stood and walked over to me. “Kitten, we’re going to have guests next week.”


Nathan grimaced. “Clients.”

“Oh!” My eyes widened. “Why are you concerned?”

“Because you are a woman and they will likely not understand why I’m withholding you from them.”

“Oh.” I played with the edge of my Kindle. “You’re concerned they’ll hurt me?”

Nathan nodded. “And I won’t let that happen. I’d send you away if I could, but I don’t have anywhere to send you. Well, not anywhere safer than here.”

“Do you want me to stay in our room while they’re here?”

He sighed. “Maybe. I’ll have to think about it. There’s a chance they’ll understand. If they don’t, I’m afraid I’ll have to keep you hidden away.”

I squeezed Nathan’s hand. “Whatever you need to do to keep me safe, I will do. I don’t want you to worry about me.” I knew his biggest fear was something happening to me.

He kissed my head. “Thank you for understanding, Kitten.”

A week later, the helicopter landed as I watched from the courtyard of the hacienda. The evening sun reflected off the side, making me squint a little bit. Nathan had gone down to the helipad to greet the guests from Russia.

I would be introduced to the men as Nathan’s fiancée, which I was. He’d asked me to marry him three days ago and I now wore a beautiful diamond ring on my left ring finger. It was a puzzle ring, actually, with a one karat marquis diamond in the center. I loved it. He teased that because Sultans used to give them to their wives, it would be appropriate for him to give me. And he knew I liked puzzles, though I was having a hard time figuring out how this ring went together. I kept it on most of the time.

I also was to wear more modest dresses while they were here. Not that my other dresses were immodest, but with my expanding belly and breasts, they were beginning to be. My dresses went to just below my knees now and were not as low cut. I also wore sandals. It was weird—getting used to shoes again—but Nathan insisted. I couldn’t wait until the guests left and I could go barefoot again.

I stood on one side of the patio with the men, including Colin and Jason, while the other girls stood on the other side—another sign to the guests that I was not one of the available girls.

Nathan walked confidently up the stairs of the patio beside a thin man—who looked to be in his early fifties—with very dark hair slicked back from his forehead. He had rather pale skin and was not as tall as Nathan. But then again, who could be? Still, he had a very commanding presence about him.

Three men walked behind them. Two were well-built, like the men who lived at the hacienda. The other man looked a bit like the first man but was much younger. Thirty maybe. Father and son?

Nathan’s demeanor was that of absolute power and confidence. His eyes were hard and his manners brusque. There was no sign of weakness in him anywhere. It was a little scary, being reminded of how he was before I got pregnant.

The younger man saw me and immediately gave me a wicked smirk. I took a nervous step back, running into John, who stood behind me.

“We won’t let him hurt you, Kyra,” John said in a low voice, so as not to be overheard.

“Gentlemen,” Nathan said in a deep, confident voice. “I’d like to introduce you to my fiancée, Kyra. Kyra, this is Yuri Morozov and his son, Pavel.”

I smiled, my greeting soft and demure. “Hello.”

Yuri tilted his head. “You are to be married, Nathan?” he said, his voice thick with a Russian accent. “I thought that beneath you. Why tie yourself to one woman?” He looked over at the other girls. “Or just put her with them?”

Pavel watched me with a disturbing gleam in his eyes. I could tell when he noticed my swelling breasts; that slimy grin returned, and he reached with one hand to adjust himself.

“Kyra is very special,” Nathan explained. “Very precious to me,” he added in a hard voice.

Yuri took a step forward and looked me over like I was a horse for sale. I swallowed nervously when he reached up, I think, to touch me.

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