Do Elephants Jump? (38 page)

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Authors: David Feldman

BOOK: Do Elephants Jump?
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“Pardon my French”

Parking lots, sea gulls at

Parking meters, yellow “violation” flags and


Parkways, parking on, versus driveways

Parrots and head bobbing

Parting of hair, left versus right

Partly cloudy, versus partly sunny

Partly sunny, versus partly cloudy

“Pass the buck”


boxes, numbers on
foaming when boiling
holes in

Pay phones, collection of money from

Pay toilets, disappearance of

PBX systems

“Pea jacket”


canned, and pear juice
fuzziness of

Peanut butter, stickiness of


allergies to
growth in pairs
honey roasted, and airlines
origins of comics name

Pear juice in canned peaches

Pears and apples, discoloration of

Pebbles, spitting by fish of

“Peeping Tom”


architectural and art, grades of
carpenter’s, shape of


frostbite on feet

Penicillin and diet

Penmanship of doctors, bad


lettering on
smooth edges of
vending machines and

Pennsylvania Dept. of Agriculture, registration, baked goods

Penny loafers, origins of


disappearance of
holes in barrel of cheap
ink leakages in


and salt, as condiments
and sneezing
white, source of

Pepsi-Cola, trademark location of


color of
wrists and

Periods in telegrams

Permanent press settings on irons

Permanents, pregnancy and

Perpetual care, cemeteries and

“Peter out”

Phantom limb sensations, amputees and

Pharmacists and raised platforms

Philips screwdriver, origins of

Philtrums, purpose of

Photo processing, one-hour, length of black-and-white film and


poses in
red eyes in
stars in space and


color of cameras
hand position of men in old
hands on chins in
Polaroid prints, flapping of
smiling in old photographs

Physical exams, back tapping during

“Pi” as geometrical term

Piano keys, number of

“Pig in a poke”


baby, elusiveness of
loss of toes
whistling sound in flight


curly tails of
pink hair color of
roasted, and apples in mouths of

Pilgrims, buckled hats of

Pillow tags, label warnings of


and dimming of interior lights
female, dearth of, on airlines

“Pin money”

Pine nuts, shelling of

Pine trees, construction sites and

Pineapple in gelatin

Pinholes, on bottle caps

Pink as color for baby girls

“Pink lady”

Pink stripes on magazine labels


Pins in men’s dress shirts

“Pipe down”

Pipes, kitchen, shape of


earrings on
walking the plank

Pistachio ice cream, color of

Pistachios, red color of

Pita bread, pockets in

Pitcher’s mounds

location of
rebuilding of

Pittsburgh Steelers, emblems on helmets of

Planets, twinkling of, at night

Plastic bottles, beer and

Plastic cups, shape of

Plastic deer ornaments on lawns

Plastics, recyclable, numbers on


repositioning of
round shape of dinner

Plots, farm, circular shape of

Plug prongs

holes at end of
three prongs versus two prongs

Plum pudding, plums in


kitchen, shape of
sound of running water

Pockets in pita bread

Poison ivy, grazing animals and

Polaroid prints, flapping of


directions at
telling time at North and South


preparation for different heights
women and


and crowd estimates
flashlight grips
radar and speed measurement

Police car beacons, colors on

Police dogs, urination and defecation of

Policemen and mustaches


effect of moons on
fish returning to dried
ice formations on
versus lakes
versus lakes, level of

Poodles, wild

Pool balls, dots on

“Pop goes the weasel”


“gourmet” versus regular
popping in-house, in movie theaters
versus other corns


name change of
white skullcap of
white vestments of

Popping noise of wood, in fires

Pork and beans, pork in



Postage and ripped stamps

Postage Stamps

leftover perforations of
taste of

Postal Service, U.S., undeliverable mail and

Pot pies, vent holes in

Potato chips

bags, impossibility of opening and closing
curvy shape
green tinges on
price of, versus tortilla chips

Potato skins, restaurants and

Potatoes, baked, and steak houses

Potholes, causes of

“Potter’s field”

Power lines

humming of
orange balls on

Prefaces in books, versus introductions and forewords

Pregnancy, permanents and

Pregnant women, food cravings of

Preserves, contents of

Press conferences, microphones in

“Pretty kettle of fish”

“Pretty picnic”

Pretzels, shape of

Priests, black vestments and

Priority mail, first class versus

Prisoners and license plate manufacturing

Prohibition, liquor production of distilleries during

Pronunciation, dictionaries and

“P’s and Q’s”

Pubic hair

curliness of
purpose of

Public buildings, temperatures in

Public radio, low frequency numbers of

Pudding, film on

Punts, measurement of, in football


Christmas tree lights
royalty and

“Put up your dukes”

Putting, veering of ball toward ocean when


“Qantas,” spelling of

Q-Tips, origins of name

“Quack [doctor]”


Quarterbacks and exclamation, “hut”

Quarter-moons versus half moons

Quarts and gallons, American versus British

Queen-size sheets, size of

Rabbit tests, death of rabbits in

Rabbits and nose wiggling

Racewalking, judging of

Racquetballs, color of

Radar and police speed detection

Radiators and placement below windows


beeps before network news
FM, odd frequency numbers of
lack of song identification
public, low frequency numbers

Radio Shack and lack of cash registers


battery drainage
lingering sound of recently unplugged

Railroad crossings and “EXEMPT” signs

Railroads, width of standard gauges of


butterflies and
fish biting in
measurement container for
smell of impending

Raincoats, dry-cleaning of

“Raining cats and dogs”

“Raise hackles”


cereal boxes and
seeded grapes and

Ranchers’ boots on fence posts

Razor blades, hotel slots for

Razors, men’s versus women’s

“Read the riot act”

“Real McCoys”

Rear admiral, origins of term

Rear-view mirrors, day/night switch on automobile

Receipts, cash register, color of

Records, vinyl, speeds of

Recreational vehicles and wheel covers

Recyclable plastics, numbers on

Recycling of newspaper ink


color of beef
eyes in photographs
paint on coins

“Red cent”

“Red herring”

Red lights, versus green lights, on boats and airplanes

“Red tape”

Red Wings, Detroit, octopus throwing and

“Red-letter day”

Redshirting in college football

Refrigeration of opened food jars


location of freezers in
smell of new
thermometers in

Relative humidity, during rain

Remote controls, men versus women and

Repair shops, backlogs and


coffee, versus home-brewed
vertical rulers near entrances of

Restrooms, group visits by females to

Revolving doors, appearance of, in big cities

Reynolds Wrap, texture of two sides of

Rhode Island, origins of name

Ribbons, blue

Rice cakes, structural integrity of

Rice Krispies

noises of
profession of Snap!

“Right wing”


Rings, nose, bulls and

Rinks, ice, temperature of resurfacing water in

“Riot Act [1716]”


automobiles and
position of dead
reactions to light


blacktop, coloring of
fastening of lane reflectors on
versus bridges, in freezing characteristics

Robes, black, and judges

Rocking in zoo animals

Rodents and water sippers

Roller skating rinks, music in


coldness of airline
versus buns

Roman chariots, flimsiness of

Roman numerals

calculations with
copyright notices in movie credits and
on clocks

Roofs, gravel on

Roosevelt, Teddy, and San Juan Hill horses

Roosters, crowing and

Root beer

carbonation in
foam of

Rubble, Betty

nonappearance in Flintstones vitamins
vocation of

Ruins, layers of

Rulers, vertical, in restaurant entrances

Run amok

Runny noses

cold weather and
kids versus adults

Rust, dental fillings and

RVs and wheel covers


S.O.S Pads, origins of

“Sacked [fired]”

Sacks, paper

jagged edges on
names on

Safety caps, aspirin, 100–count bottles of

Safety pins, gold versus silver

Saffron, expense of

Sailors, bell bottom trousers and

“Salad days”

Salads, restaurant, celery in

Saloon doors in Old West


and pepper, as table condiments
in oceans
packaged, sugar as ingredient in
round containers and
storage bins on highway and
versus sand, to treat icy roads

Salutes, military, origins of

San Francisco, sourdough bread in


in pockets of new jeans
storage bins on highway and
versus salt, to treat icy roads

Sandbags, disposal of

Sardines, fresh, nonexistence in supermarkets

“Sawbuck [ten-dollar bill]”

Sawdust on floor of bars

Scabs, itchiness of

Scars, hair growth and


School clocks, backward clicking of minute hands in

Schools, CPR training in

Scissors, sewing, and paper cutting


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