Dominic (22 page)

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Authors: L. A. Casey

BOOK: Dominic
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He kissed me hard and deep as he slid his right hand around to the front of my jeans and flicked his fingers over the front, unbuttoning and unzipping them within seconds.

"Dominic, please," I breathed against his mouth.

I wasn't sure if I was asking him
to touch me or begging him
touch, my mind was beyond dazed right now.

"Just relax baby and let me take care of you," he whispered as he dipped his hand down into the front of my knickers.

I gasped when his finger slid between my smooth, wet folds followed by his thumb that brushed over the tiny bundle of nerves that was causing me such aching pains.

"Bronagh, baby, you're fucking soaked," Dominic groaned as he caught my mouth in a kiss.

I couldn't kiss him back properly at all because when his thumb began a lazy pace of rotation around my swollen clit it caused me to go cross-eyed.

"Oh, God," I breathed against Dominic's mouth.

He watched my face like what I was feeling somehow projected onto my facial expressions.

"Eyes on me," he ordered.

The throbbing intensified with his demands, and the need to have him touch me all over was becoming unbearable.

"Yes, yes! Don't stop," I pleaded and forced my eyes to stay on his.

"Does that feel good, pretty girl?" he whispered, rotating his thumb faster.

My hips bucked, and he smiled. "I'll take that as a yes, open your legs a little wider for me."

I shamelessly did as he asked and moaned a little out louder when he slid his finger down my folds and carefully dipped inside of me.

"That's a tight fit for just one finger babe, I can't wait to feel you wrapped around my cock. You're going to be the undoing of me, pretty girl, I know it."

After a few pumps of his fingers in and out of me, he moved back to my clit and rotated with a faster pace than before, and it had me making noises I didn't know I could make.

"Oh God," I gasped when I felt like my body was about to light on fire. "Okay, you can stop n-now Dominic it's gettin' too much I c-can't-"

"You're about to come baby, that's all that is. Let me make you come, pretty girl," Dominic spoke over me and took my mouth in his when I began to moan out loud.

He held his free hand tightly around me and when I tried to pull away from him, he gripped me even harder.

It was too much, I couldn't take the sensation Dominic was causing, and I was about to scream for him to stop when dots suddenly spotted my vision and my body went limp as a hot tingling sensation attacked my body in waves, making me jerk and buck in his arms.

After a minute or two I blinked my eyes open, when sound and sight returned to me, and I was met with Dominic's face that was sporting a shit-eating grin.

"You look so fucking hot when you come, pretty girl," he said and he slowly removed his hands from my underwear and lifted it to his mouth where he licked and sucked his fingers clean. "Hmm, you taste even better."

That was the moment that I chose to feel mortified. He… he just tasted me on his fingers, the fingers that were inside me.

Oh my God, what did I just do?

"Oh, Jesus," I breathed and looked down making Dominic lightly chuckle.

"Don't do it, Bronagh. Don't be embarrassed about what just happened. It was fucking beautiful, and I won't let you play it off as anything but, do you understand me?"

I couldn't speak to him, I couldn't even look at him, so he lifted my head by my chin until my gaze found his.

"Understand me?" he repeated.

I groaned. "I can't not be embarrassed! You… you just did that to me and then you… you-"

"Licked your come off my fingers? Yeah, I did, so what? It tasted great, and I'm already looking forward to seconds."

Oh, my fucking God!

"Dominic! Don't say stuff like that to me, I've never done anythin' like this before, ever. Well, except for the times we almost did it in your bedroom but still, this is
for me, and I don't know how to process what I'm feelin'-"

"Baby, you need to take a breath and calm the fuck down. This is natural, you had an orgasm, an orgasm that I made you have. Big fucking deal, it made you feel incredible, so why should you be embarrassed about that? I'm your boyfriend, this is what I'm good for. It's pretty much all I'm good for."

I heard what he said, and I forced my mind to be as relaxed as my body was. Dominic was right - I'll never admit it though - this wasn't a big deal. If anything, it was an amazing thing because it clearly showed I had trust in him because I've never let any boy touch me like that before. He was the first, so yeah, this was a big step, a good step.

"I thought I said you're on a trial basis with me before I put a title on us?" I said and lazily smiled, which Dominic laughed at.

He kindly overlooked the fact that I titled myself as his girlfriend when the Garda was questioning him and that was good because so did I.

"Yeah, well, I'm promoting myself to boyfriend because I made you feel drunk on an orgasm. You're welcome by the way." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know why I bothered even saying you're on a trial basis with me, as soon as I said I'd take a risk with you, you pretty much took up root that you were me fella, right?"

Dominic shrugged. "Pretty much. I was going to let you think the ball was in your court and that you had all the power but as you already found out, I've all the power in the world right here in my fingertips." He grinned and wiggled his fingers at me making me flush.

"You're a dick, stop embarrassin' me!"

He chuckled. "I'm sorry."

I punched his arm with my good hand. "No, you aren't, you bastard!"

Dominic laughed and put his arms around me, hugging me to him. "You've made me happy, you know that, right?"

I smiled as my stomach fluttered.

I put my arm around him. "Yeah? Well, I'm happy too as long as you don't do somethin' to make me want to kill you."

He snorted and kissed the crown of my head. "Yeah, let's see how long that will last, shall we?"

I rolled my eyes and looked at his sore eye and frowned before murmuring, "For once I'd like to see your face
bruises or a cut."

Dominic smiled. "Sorry babe, cuts and bruises are part of a package deal you get once you start dating me."

I rolled my eyes. "Do you
to fight at Darkness? I mean, why can't you take up a hobby that won't possibly cause brain damage or other major bodily harm?"

Dominic looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "We're officially dating two minutes and already you're nagging me about fighting, really?"

I rolled my eyes and pulled back away from him a little. "I'm
naggin' you, I'm just askin' you questions. Sorry if I want to see you unharmed for a change."

He sighed and looked down at me. "Don't get pissy with me. I don't want to have our first official fight as a couple in a hospital examination room."

I raised my eyebrow. "Where would you like to have it then if not here?"

"In my bedroom where you can scream, shout, and throw things at me while I duck and try to avoid being hit by said objects. Then when you're least expecting it I can come at you, get you on my bed, and fuck you into submission or until you forget what I did to make you mad at me. It's easier to have makeup sex where we're comfortable."

Was he serious?

I gaped at him. "You're un-fuckin'-believable!"

He smiled. "I know, right?"

I didn't mean that as a compliment, and he knew it!

I shook my head at him. "Can we leave? I just want to go home. I've seen enough of this hospital to last me a lifetime."

The only good thing that came out of Branna bursting into the triage nurse's examination room and attacking Dominic like a wild animal was that I got bumped up to first on the list to see a doctor right along with Dominic. He needed stitches after Branna was peeled off him, but it cut our waiting time down by ninety percent, which I was happy about.

After being bumped to the top of the list, I got my X-Rays and found out that my hand wasn't broken after all. It was only sprained, which I was also happy about, because I didn't have to wear a cast for six weeks, instead just a tight bandage wrap until my muscles healed.

I checked my watch and groaned. "It's half twelve, I'm usually in bed two hours by now!"

Dominic started laughing at me, which made me frown.

"What?" I asked him.

"You go to sleep at ten thirty?" he asked, chuckling.

I huffed. "I can't help it, either I go to bed at that time, or I fall asleep where ever I am. I get up early so shut up."

Dominic only smiled at me and pulled me in for another hug. I pulled back from him when I heard someone clear their throat.

"You're discharged Mr. Slater, you're free to go."

I looked round to the nurse who looked sad that Dominic was leaving and rolled my eyes.

"Let's get goin' before she changes her mind and locks you in the supply room," I grunted to Dominic and pulled him from the examination bed by the hand and produced a fake smile as we passed the nurse.

Dominic thanked her to which she giggled at.

"Are you seriously jealous right now?" he asked, putting his arm around me from behind as we walked, which probably made us look funny with our height being so different.

"Jealous of her and everybody else in here eye fuckin' you? Nope, not jealous at all."

Dominic burst out laughing and kissed my cheek. "Eye fucking? That's funny, I like that."

I scoffed. "Of course you would."

He chuckled as we entered the lobby of the A&E and spotted my sister and Ryder, which made him unwrap his arms from around me and move to my side.

"Is it broken?" Branna asked me as she jumped up from her seat and shot forward to me.

She was made to leave by the hospital security when she attacked Dominic; one male Garda questioned her while the female bitch questioned/flirted with Dominic.

"No, just sprained it. I've to rest it for a couple of weeks. If the muscles don't strengthen in two weeks, then I've to come back but until then, I'm grand," I explained.

Ryder looked at Dominic after I spoke, shook his head at his bare chest and then focused on his eye. "How many stitches?" he asked.

"Eight," Dominic replied and cut his eyes to Branna.

She held up her hands. "I'm not apologisin' to you; me sister was hurt because of you tonight in more ways than one!"

I flushed. "Branna, it's over and done with so just forget it."

She looked like she wanted to argue but just nodded once at me.

"Come on, I'm bringin' you home in my car. Ryder is going with Dominic in theirs."

Dominic's hand went to my back, and I knew he wanted to bring me home instead, but I wasn't up for another argument so I glanced at him. "Talk to you tomorrow, okay?" I murmured.

He set his jaw but nodded.

I didn't kiss him because Branna and Ryder were right there, and they didn't know we were together now. I wanted to wait awhile before we told anyone.

I went home with Branna and thanked her when she got me an ice pack and a towel to rest my hand on while I lay in bed. I told her everything that happened with Gavin and Dominic before we went to the hospital but obviously left out the intimate stuff between myself and Dominic.

"Damn it, that kid just won't quit." Branna grunted.

I nodded. "He is persistent, I'll give him that."

"Just forget about him and get some sleep, you've had a hell of a night."

Branna kissed my head goodnight and left my room; I fell asleep almost straight away only to wake up what felt like minutes later to a throbbing pain in my hand. I moved it in my sleep and it hurt, so I got up and went downstairs and took some of the painkillers Branna collected for me from the night chemist in the hospital before we came home.

It wasn't dark outside; it was sort of bright, so I checked the time and saw it was a quarter to eight. I knew I didn't have to go to school, but I decided just to go anyway. It beat lying around the house all day doing nothin'.

I got dressed and carefully avoided my hand. I left my hair down in wavy mess, because I couldn't tie it up or plait it and left my face bare because I wasn't bothered enough to put any makeup on.

I got my bag, and popped my head into Branna's room only to find she was already gone. She must have had an early shift at the hospital, I thought, as I left my house and began the walk to school.

When I got there, it was business as usual. I was a ghost and took comfort in the peace and quiet of being ignored, until I stepped into my registration class and froze at what I saw.

"You have got to be fuckin' jokin' me!" I spat out loud.

Dominic snapped his head in my direction, away from her gaze to mine. He slowly stood up, took a step around Destiny and slowly moved towards me with his hands in the air in an I surrender motion. I took a step back and shook my head at him.

"Don't! Don't even fuckin' bother tryin' to talk your way out of it!" I snarled before I turned and stormed down the hallway towards the entrance of the school.

"Bronagh! It wasn't what it looked like, I swear it!" he shouted as he ran after me.

I laughed.

Yeah, fucking right.

He was about to kiss her, and we both fucking knew it.

I was so damn mad, the prick bent over backwards in destroying my life to get me to go out with him, and when I did, he attempted to cheat on me with his ex – or current for all I knew – fuck buddy not ten hours after we got together?

I stormed through the crowds of students and ignored Dominic's snarl for people to move out of his way. I flat-out ran when I got out of the school, I ran until I was in the middle of a quiet estate, and I was sure that Dominic wasn't following me.

It was only then that I noticed my hand was throbbing in pain, my chest was hurting me, and tears were streaming down my cheeks.

I wasn't sure which pain I was crying over though; both were pretty bad.



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