Dominic (24 page)

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Authors: L. A. Casey

BOOK: Dominic
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I huffed, looked away from him and closed my eyes.

"I have issues, Dominic-"

"Look who you're talkin' to," he cut me off laughing. "Don't preach to me about issues."

I sighed again, opening my eyes and looking back to him. "No, I've issues with… with… lettin' people get close to me."

He smirked again. "I'm pretty close to you right now, babe."

I rolled my eyes and punched his arm. "No, I mean in here," I snapped and pointed to my heart, only to drop my hand and look away.

"Bronagh," he murmured.

When I wouldn't look at him, he pulled me closer to him and kissed my cheek. "Babe, there is nothin' wrong with letting someone get close to you. This isn't the same as what happened with your parents."

I closed my eyes at the mention of them. "Please, don't talk about them. I love and miss them, but they are gone. Talkin' about them just hurts me chest."

Dominic kissed my check again and nodded his head in understanding. "Okay, I won't mention them again, I just want you to know this isn't the same."

I snorted. "Yeah, it is, if I start to care about you - more than I already do - and somethin' happens that takes you away, then I'll be hurt. I already lost two of the loves of me life Dominic; Branna is all I have left. I don't get close to people, because I can't handle knowin' they could leave me without a second's notice. It terrifies me, okay?"

I felt another kiss on my cheek. "I won't ever leave you. That's something you should know about me, baby. Once you're mine, I won't ever let you go. I'm a stubborn prick eighty percent of the time, so even if you want to leave me, I still wouldn't let it happen."

I would say ninety-nine point nine percent of the time.

My heart was pounding against my ribs as he spoke, my feelings for him deepening with each passing second. "You have to promise you won't leave me, say it."

Dominic nuzzled his nose against my cheek. "I'll promise never to leave you if you promise not to hurt me." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes at his playfulness. "I promise."

"I promise, too."

I sighed then. "What if you get bored of me?"

Dominic just looked at me and said, "Babe," as if what I just said was stupid.

I rolled my eyes again. "What if you get punched in the head and die?" I questioned.

Dominic shook his head. "I can't promise you I won't die because no one knows when that boat comes for them, but I'm not letting you out of this because you're afraid of death. Death is a part of life, babe, everyone and thing dies at some point. I just want you around me until that day comes."

I let my jaw drop.

"Deep, huh?" Dominic snorted.

He wanted me around until he died which could be tomorrow or seventy years from now. So yeah; it was fucking deep.

"Eh, yeah!"

Dominic shrugged. "Whatever, it's true, you have no idea what you do to me, Bronagh. You make me feel, baby, really feel. I want you to be mine for good this time, no bullshit. Will you be mine?" he asked, eyebrows raised.

My stomach was a fluttering mess at this stage. "Can I not think about it-"

"No, you wanted to be with me quick enough last night so answer now."

I growled. "I can't just decide right away after everythin' that happened today. I have to think-"

"No, you don't. If you want me, answer me now, and let me know."

I felt like strangling him. "How can I be with someone who I like but really hate at the same time?"

Okay, I didn't hate him, but he did piss me off a lot.

Dominic grinned. "Easily."

He was impossible.

"Will you leave me alone in school and stop bullyin' me?" I questioned.

He rolled his eyes this time. "I don't bully you, I tease you, but I'll leave you alone in the making you mad sense."


"What does that mean?" I questioned.

"I won't say shit to make you mad. I'll just kiss you instead."

I gasped. "We can't kiss in school!"

I felt myself blush, and I didn't know why.

"Why not?"

"Because everyone knows we hate each other," I replied in a duh tone.

Dominic snorted. "No, everyone knows I have a thing for you."

Double what?

"What? How? How can everyone know when I didn't even know?"

"Because you get so mad at me, it makes you blind to what's in front of you. You ignore me, but no one else does. Damien tells me how everyone watches me stare at you or try to annoy you just so I have your attention."

I didn't reply back to him.

I just remembered a time when my mam told me when I was little that if a boy was really mean to a girl it could mean that he liked her, but didn't know how to go about telling her so acted like a bully instead, so he would still get her attention. She actually told me that when Jason first started bullying me when we were kids after I refused to kiss him during yard time. I thought that was stupid, but it was a fact. Not with everyone, obviously, but with Dominic, it apparently was.

"If Ryder and Branna get married, you'll be me brother-in-law and I will be your sister-in-law. You can't kiss an in-law."

Dominic snorted and pecked my lips with his. "Watch me, babe."

I sighed as he leaned against me, his forehead to mine.

"Answer. Now."

I groaned. "Fine."

"Fine as in you will be my girl… again?"

Why not? What was the worst that could happen?

Other than him breaking what was left of my heart to a million pieces.

I shrugged and said, "Sure."

Dominic kissed me and kissed me hard. When he propped himself up on his elbow and leaned over me never breaking away from me, I sighed happily as he tucked me under his upper body. I kissed him back now and lifted my arms around his neck, sliding my hands up into his hair and knotting my fingers through his locks.

I didn't think it was possible, but Dominic kissed me even harder, making everything much more intense. He was starting to affect me, my body, so I broke the kiss off and panted.

"Slow down," I breathed.

He growled and tried to kiss me again, but I held him off by the chest. "Seriously, slow down, I'm not sleepin' with you just because we're together now. I know the message I sent out to you after what we did in the hospital would make you think I want sex, but I don't. I'm not ready for that."

Dominic blinked a couple of times, then sighed and relaxed away from me a little. "I'm sorry; I'm not going to pressure you, I promise, but when you kiss me like that it makes it hard not to give in to what my body wants."

I involuntary looked down at his lower half, I could visibly see what the effects of our kiss had on him. I flushed and looked away making Dominic laugh. He lay down next to me again and pulled me to him, kissing my cheek.

"Don't be embarrassed."

"I'm not," I replied in a murmur still not looking at him.

Dominic laughed again and moved quickly to roll me completely under him. He got between my legs and pressed himself against me, making my heart rate jump. I wasn't ready for sex yet but that didn't mean Dominic couldn't get my body excited. Because he could, the bastard.

He ground his pelvis into me, making me gasp and arch up a little because the rubbing sensation felt good. "This is what you do to me and have been doing to me since I first laid eyes on you."

I widened my eyes at his statement.

Wow, he always had the hots for me?

That's crazy!

Dominic was about to lean in and kiss me again when a scream from our left and something hitting off his head made him quickly roll off me.

"Ow, fuck! What the hell is with you two and throwing things at my head!"

I looked to see Branna storming into my bedroom, to the side of my bed where she picked up her shoe and put it back on her foot.

I snorted; she threw her shoe at Dominic and hit him in the head with it. Nice aiming on her part.

"Get away from me little sister, you pervy little fuck. I told you just to talk to her about how you feel-"

"I did, and she is taking me back. We're officially together again so ease up on the throwing of things. I don't get knocked around this much in the fucking circle!"

Ryder snorted from the doorway earning a middle finger from Dominic, who was still rubbing his head. Branna looked to me with raised eyebrows.

"You're with him after all that crap you shouted downstairs?"

That did make me out to be a complete eejit. I said
a lot
of stuff to contradict my current actions.

I glared at her and defended myself. "Yeah, but I
think all that. Just because I'm with him doesn't mean I don't think he is a prick, because he is!"

"Thanks babe," Dominic muttered.

I ignored him and continued to stare at Branna.

"You think he is a prick and yet you're still goin' to go out with 'em?" Branna snorted.

I glared at her harder. "He will work on it!" I growled then snapped my head to Dominic. "Right?"

He nodded his head. "Whatever you want, babe."

"I wish Dame was here to see this!" Ryder's voice laughed, then mimicked Dominic's voice, "Whatever you want, babe."

"Fuck you, Ry!" Dominic snarled.

I shook my head at them both. "He is the oldest brother, and he is currently actin' like a child. Way to go Bran, you sure know how to pick 'em!"

Branna growled at me. "Like you're much better? You picked his younger brother to become your fella, if I have bad taste in lads then so do you!"

I was all ready to fire a snappy reply, but for once I didn't have one, and it irked me. I liked having an answer to everything, but this time Branna had me stumped.

"I blame you!" I eventually snapped.

Branna gaped at me. "You blame me for you decidin' to get together with Nico? That's ridiculous!"

"No, it's not!" I retorted. "I'd still hate him from afar if you weren't with Ryder."

Branna rolled her eyes. "He still would have found a way to get to you."

"That's true," Dominic said from behind me.

I rolled my eyes.

"What the fuck ever," I huffed and lay back on my back, exhausted from arguing.

Dominic's arm came over my stomach, and his face appeared over mine.

"You're so hot when you're angry!" He grinned.

I hated that I flushed because Branna was snickering from across the bed watching us.

"Some privacy, maybe?" I hissed.

Branna rolled her eyes at me then flicked them to Dominic and glared. "No sex with her unless she condones it. She may be eighteen, but she is still me little sister, got it hotshot?"

Dominic nodded his head. "Yep."

I scoffed when Branna left the room with a grinning Ryder. Dominic looked back to me grinning and waggling his eyebrows before he tried to get back between my thighs.

"We just started datin', I'm really not havin' sex with you for ages yet! Did I not just make that clear?"

Dominic face morphed to one of pain and nausea making me chuckle.

, really?" he murmured, his voice strained.

I rolled my eyes. "Stop actin' so heartbroken! You're eighteen, how much sex have you had in order to miss it so much-" I cut myself off when Dominic gave me a deadpanned look.

I shook my head. "I don't even want to know so keep your sexual experiences to yourself."

Flashes of Destiny and all her friends popped into my head making me cringe.

Dominic frowned. "I wouldn't boast about anything like that to you. You know I'm not a virgin and unless you ask, that's all you will ever know. Okay?"

I shrugged. "'kay."

Dominic continued to look at me. "So… what are my limits?"

"Your limits?" I questioned.

"Yeah." He nodded. "What am I allowed to touch? I'm guessing your pussy is off-limits but what about your tits and ass-"

"Dominic!" I shouted and slapped his arm. "Don't be so crude!"

I felt myself turn so red, I could actually feel my cheeks burn.

Dominic tipped his head back and laughed while I covered my face with my hands.

"Babe," he chuckled. "If I had known how much dirty words make you blush, school would have been ten times worse for you."

I growled into my hands making Dominic chuckle. He nuzzled my hands away from my face with his nose until I moved them away. He captured my lips with his and kissed me softly. I lifted my arms around his neck and pulled him down to me, which he did with a little hesitation.

"Limits," he mumbled onto my lips. "I need you to set limits otherwise, I will do everything but actually penetrate you with my cock."

I widened my eyes and sat up straight, pushing Dominic back off me a little.

"No touchin' my private parts, unless I say otherwise," I started.

Dominic groaned and then stated, "That better not mean your ass!"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine with you touchin' it because you seem to be an arse lad, but do
grope it, or I
hit you".

Dominic smirked. "I'm all for play fights with you, pretty girl."

I snorted. "Yeah because you're bigger and stronger than me and can pin me easily!"

Dominic only smirked making me shake my head as I began thinking up some other limits for him. "Oh, no touchin' me boobs-"

"Like, at all?"

I snorted and repeated, "Like, at all."

Dominic groaned, turned and pressed his face down into a pillow on my bed making me chuckle.

"You're so dramatic. I have small boobs, you won't be missin' out on much."

Dominic's head shot straight up. "Your tits aren't small; they aren't big but they aren't small, they will fill my hands and that, babe, is fucking good enough for me."

I blushed again and kicked his leg making him hiss then snort as he crawled back over to me.

"Okay, is that all I'm not allowed do or is there more?" he asked.

I couldn't think of anything else so I shrugged.

"That's it for now, I'll let you know when I think of more."

"Bitch," Dominic growled making me grin.

He kissed me again, and I kissed him back. This continued for a few minutes until I became so relaxed that I remembered how tired I was.

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