Dominic (27 page)

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Authors: L. A. Casey

BOOK: Dominic
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Dominic smirked. "Well, what do you know? I got my fortune told when I was sixteen and the lady said I would find me a nice small town Irish girl."

I blushed and looked away from him. "Stop makin' things up to embarrass me, you eejit."

Dominic chuckled.

I was quiet for a moment until I looked around Dominic's room and noticed how gorgeous it was; his entire house was beautiful. I remembered thinking his family had to be rich in order to live here in Upton back when I first came here, and I now wondered how they could afford it.

"Dominic?" I murmured.


"What do your brothers do for work?" I asked.

He was silent for a moment. "We have a family business but I don't really want to talk about it. It's boring and not important."

I frowned but said, "Okay."

Dominic then used the hand on my back to reach around and grip my waist so he could pull me down next to him. I settled beside him even though I was stiff as a board.

"Relax, I may want to tear your clothes off but I won't… unless you ask me to."

I slapped Dominic's chest making him yelp and me laugh.

"Oh, shut up! You get kicked around the fightin' circle at Darkness; my slaps don't hurt!"

Dominic kissed the crown of my head while rubbing where I hit him with my hand. "Firstly, I don't get kicked around the circle, I do the kicking around, and-"

"You do get hurt a lot though," I cut him off with a grin.

Dominic raised an eyebrow at me. "I get bruises here and there, but they can't be avoided. I don't care how good of a fighter you are, you
leave a circle without some sort of swelling and bruising. Anyone who tells you different is lying to make themselves look better than they are."

I rolled my eyes at him when he poked my side. "Anyway, I could be weak as hell and still pin your tiny self."

I barked with laughter and sat upright, looking down at him. "I'm not small-"

"You weigh forty pounds less than me and you're a foot shorter. You're a tiny thing, pretty girl."

I glared at him. "I'm not a
foot shorter-"

"Branna said you're five foot three. I'm six foot three, so that is a whole foot," Dominic cut me off with a grin.

I shook my head and stared at him. "You're really six foot three?"

Dominic nodded, and I let out a puffy breath of air. "Lads grow until they're twenty-one, you're eighteen… what if you get even taller?"

Dominic laughed. "The tallest I'll get to be is six foot four. Alec is six foot four and so are Ryder and Kane. Dame is an inch shorter than me at six foot two."

I shook my head. "You're all so tall while me and Branna are short. That's not fair!"

He laughed. "I like that you're shorter than me, makes you more adorable."

I growled at him. "Six foot three or not, you call me adorable again, and I'm gonna pound the head off you."

Dominic smirked. "Which head?"


He burst out laughing and pulled me back down next to him. I put my arms over his stomach and gave him a little squeeze.

"You're actually really nice to cuddle. I thought the muscles would make it uncomfortable," I mumbled.

Dominic snorted and started to stroke my back again. "It would be uncomfortable if I tensed, you would feel them more then, but not so much now, I'm too relaxed to try and flex."

I chuckled as I ran my finger over his abs, I could feel the outline of each one through his t-shirt.

"You like my stomach?" Dominic asked me.


"'Cause you're rubbing it with your fingers," he said in an amused tone of voice.

I shrugged but didn't answer him.

I sat back a little when Dominic moved under my head and hand. He sat up, shrugged out of his shirt and lay back down.

"There you go, trace away," he said and lay back down, his hands gone back to behind his head.

I stopped breathing and just stared.

His biceps, triceps, and the rest of his 'ceps were flexed now, and it was making me want to lick him all over. I moved my eyes to his tattoo and had to shift because the sight of it made my insides quiver.

"I thought you said you were too relaxed to flex."

"Your fuck-me-now look changed my mind." Dominic grinned.

I flicked my eyes away from his tattoo and up to meet his gaze; he dropped his grin when he saw my face. I could only imagine what I looked like because I felt all hot and bothered.

"Can I try somethin?" I asked him shyly.

Dominic nodded quickly while licking his lips.

I moved closer to him, then before I lost my nerve, I cocked my leg over his stomach and straddled him. I looked down and decided that the view from on top of Dominic was one I wanted to see often, very often. I leaned down until my mouth was a breath away from his.

"You're gorgeous," I whispered.

Dominic groaned a little, then moved his hands from behind his head and brought them down to my arse.

"You're fucking sexy," he growled back.

I smiled, my inner-self delighted that I could be sexy.

"I love your body," I whispered again and brushed my lips over his.

He growled the low rumble deep in his throat. "I love yours too baby, all curves and ass. My
body in a woman."

Talk about feeling empowered!

I kissed him and smiled when he squeezed my arse with his hands. He rubbed up and down the back of my thighs, back up over my arse, and all the way up to my hips.

I melted against him when his hands left my lower body and suddenly touched my face as he kissed me deeply. He flipped us over then; I squeaked into his mouth while he settled me under him.

He pressed some of his weight against me, and because he was between my legs I felt everything. I began to panic then.

"Dominic, wait-"

"I just want to do what I did the day at the hospital, I promise," he purred as he hooked his fingers around the waist band of my leggings and pulled them down, my knickers going south with them.

I nearly came up off the bed. "Dominic!" I whisper shouted at him and tried to close my legs but couldn't because he was between them.

He kept eye contact with me. "Trust me, pretty girl."

I was shaking with nerves. "Just… just like the other day?" I questioned.

He grinned and nodded, then leaned his head down to mine. "I'm going to make you come again."

I felt my body flush with heat and need.

He kissed me then, thoroughly.

I began to feel achy and needed to be touched, and Dominic seemed to know this.

"Is that pretty clit of yours ready for me?" he asked against my mouth.

If I wasn't so worked up and hot, I would have been mortified at his crude words.

"Uh huh," I nodded my head against his.

"Are you wet for me?" he asked.

I jolted when I felt his finger slide over my folds and take one long swipe upwards until it rested on my clit.

I began panting. "Dominic, please!"

"You're so wet, baby," he groaned and began to circle his finger around my sensitive spot.

It felt good but like he was teasing me at the same time, because he never made direct contact.

"Does that felt good?" he asked.

"More," I groaned.

He smiled, then dropped it as he slid his finger over my clit causing my eyes to roll back a little.

"Damn, Bronagh," he grunted.

I felt his hand pull away from me, and his weight came up off me. I was a second away from sitting up and asking what he was doing when I felt a soft, hot, wet tongue lick me. Down there!

I went cross-eyed and flat-out screamed. Dominic reached up with his hand and covered my mouth, muting the sound of my cries. His tongue swirled around and sucked on my clit until my body vibrated with pleasure and dots spotted my vision.

Dominic removed his hand and moved back up my body until his mouth was on mine again, and I was acutely aware of what I was tasting on his tongue.


"Oh, God," I breathed as he moved his lips down to my neck.

"No, baby. Dominic."

I was still twitching in the aftermath of my orgasm; my mind was cloudy, as well.

"Have sex with me," I breathed.

Dominic lifted up off me a little and smiled down at my panting self. "Sex drunk suits you."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion making him chuckle.

"I would love nothin' more than to sink into you, baby, but you're only asking me because I made you come and you feel really good, not because you're ready."

I frowned at him. "But I really, really want you inside me. Please."

He groaned and rested his head against mine. "You're killing me, baby. Killing. Me."

"I'm yours for the takin'. Fuck me, please."

"Bronagh," Dominic growled. "Stop it. I only have so much self-control. If you want me to fuck you after you wake up, I will, but until then sleep."

I yawned making him smile.

"You're so beautiful, pretty girl," he murmured and kissed the tip of my nose.

I inwardly snorted at his wording; he saw me as something I wasn't.

"Sleep," he urged again. "You will need your energy for Darkness tonight."

I closed my eyes and sighed, my body feeling as light as a feather. "Are you fightin' tonight?"

Dominic chuckled at what I assumed was my sleepy voice. "Yeah, I am, and my girl has to be there and fully rested for when I take my good luck kiss."




I was in Dominic's room stomping around because he was rushing me to get dressed for Darkness. We had overslept and since I had zero clothes here - why would I? It wasn't my house - it meant I would have to go home to get changed, but if I did that then we would be late. So Branna hooked me up with a dress and a pair of heels that she had in Ryder's room.

Dominic was grateful and so was I until I saw the dress.

You see, Branna was two sizes smaller than me in the hip area. My arse took up a decent amount of space so when I put the dress on and found it to be a second skin that barely covered my arse, I cried wolf and said I wasn't going.

Dominic argued with me until he saw me in the dress. Alec and Kane had to argue with him then, because he kept touching me and trying to kiss me.

He settled on being okay with me wearing it once I had a blazer covering it. A blazer wouldn't do any good for hiding my arse, but he said that he would just stand behind me all night if he had to, and get himself a front row seat to the view.

He was disgusting.

That and the fact that I wasn't ready yet had me rushing around Dominic's room trying to put my heels on. I got the left one on then tried to put the right one on and that was when it happened, I lost my balance and fell on something that made a huge cracking sound that honestly made my heart stop beating.

"Oh, no," I breathed. "Please, Jesus, no!"

I quickly stood up, dropped my high heel on the floor and spun around and looked down at my crime scene. I stared at Dominic's Xbox and wanted to cry, it looked like a cannonball was dropped on top of it, that's how big the dent on it was.

My arse actually caused a dent on it.

"Fuck," I whispered and covered my mouth with my hand.

He was going to break up with me; we're just about dating a week and already I had done something to give him a reason to dump my fat arse.

"Fuck!" I said again, this time a little louder.

"Bronagh? Babe, are you ready yet?" Dominic's voice called out from the other side of his bedroom door.

Oh, Christ!

I kicked off my left heel and sprinted towards the door. Dominic stepped inside the room and widened his eyes a little before he opened his arms and caught me when I launched myself at him.

I never, ever would usually jump on someone because I'd be afraid my weight would hurt them, but I knew that Dominic was heavier than me - thank God - and would be able to hold me up with all his muscle. It might not be comfortable, he might even not be able to hold me up for long, but I just needed to distract him for a few minutes and keep him away from the right side of his room.

"You're so sexy," I breathed and covered my mouth with his.

He was either stunned or confused or probably both, because it took him a good five seconds to kiss me back and hoist me up a little further on him so he could hold me in an easier position.

"Babe-" he said trying to pull away from my kiss, but I wouldn't let him. I pushed my mouth harder against his and forced my tongue back into his mouth while I fisted my hands into his hair and tugged.

He groaned and tried to pull back twice more, and when I wouldn't let up he growled and gave me such a wallop on my arse that I yelped into his mouth and pulled back.

"I have a fucking fight in forty fucking minutes. I can't fuck you because I would get my fucking ass kicked inside the fucking circle. You're making turning you down very fucking hard and making my dick turn to diamond in the fucking process! Fuck's sakes woman, why are you fucking doing this to me?"

The word 'fuck' was starting to sound weird to me because he had said it so much. He cursed a hell of a lot but I could understand why, so what do I answer him with?

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