Donovan's Struggle, an Erotic Romance Novella (Anam Céile Chronicles) (3 page)

BOOK: Donovan's Struggle, an Erotic Romance Novella (Anam Céile Chronicles)
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By the time her lips had made
their way to my chin, I was unable to resist any longer.  I bent my head to claim
her mouth.  Standing there while the rain came down upon us, I kissed her deliberately. 
In that moment, all that mattered were her lips.

Though I could have kissed
her as that ‘til dawn, I returned to me senses, knowing I had to get her
somewhere dry and warm, lest she catch her death out there in the storm.  ‘Twas
not easy, but I compelled meself to pull me lips away from her and proceeded to
take her by the hand to seek out proper cover. 

 A few hundred metres off I
spotted a cozy little cove under a rock overhang on a sandy beach that would
offer us sufficient cover from the storm.  We ran along laughing as the rain
beat down upon us.

With the dense
cloud cover, the dark quickly rushed in. 

I frowned at once
noticing how the water was pouring off of her garments as she stood there, onto
the once dry floor of the temporary shelter I had located fer us. 

“I suppose we
should remove our wet wears, then . . ?” Aislinn suggested all too hopefully,
beaming with a playful grin which I could scarcely resist.

I looked up at her
and rolled me eyes.  I could not let on how rousing the thought truly was fer

“Very well, but if we do not,
a dry place this will not remain fer long,” Aislinn stated saucily, as ever striving
to convince me.  I had to restrain meself from laughing as she added fer good
measure, “And ‘tis so cold I am growing in these.  I do believe soaked to the
bone I am!”  I was not ignorant to the fact that she fibbed as I watched in
amusement as she feigned a shiver, wrapping her arms tightly about herself.

Not even a moment did she
wait fer me to decide.  I watched as her hands went to her back and began
unbuttoning her bodice.  She studied me face carefully, and I prayed it did not
portray me agonizing deliberation.  Regardless, before I had the chance, Aislinn
promptly popped the rest of her gown open, letting it fall to her feet without
so much as a thought to the mud she stood in.

Fer a moment, I just stood
there stunned, me darkening eyes taking in the sight of her in only a cream
satin corset and pantalets.  Gazing upon the generous swell of her breasts over
the top of the corset, all I knew was I had to avert me eyes fer a moment. 
Thus, without thinking about what ‘twas I was doing, me hands moved to the
bottom hem of me sweater, lifting it up, as still me eyes remained affixed upon
her lovely form.

She watched me as I
removed the drenched blue sweater.  And then, entirely against me own volition,
I found meself undoing me trousers, letting them drop to the ground and stepped
out of them.  Aislinn gasped, and I promptly realised why:  I did not typically
don undergarments, and that day was no exception.  Her eyes broadened, her mouth
gaping as I stood there before her entirely in the nude.  ‘Twas the first time
I had stood naked before another, and I could not help but feel a bit

However, the way in
which Aislinn gazed at me as her eyes travelled down me form gave me more than
enough assurance that she was not in the least disappointed.  She stepped
forward, reaching out towards me, but I caught her hands before she could
satisfy her impulse. 

God, I want to
feel her hands upon me bare skin fer the first time.  But I cannot rightfully
lead her on that manner.

Her eyes flashed to
me face, her lips protruding into a pout. 

Oh, how I desire
to bend down and suck upon that lip!

In order to mollify
her quickly, I said playfully, “Well, this is hardly fair now, is it then?”  Locating
the lacings at her waist, she sucked in her breath as I pulled them free, her
corset loosening. 

What is it I am
doing?  I cannot believe I am condoning this!  Oh, but I do wish to see her free
of her garments as well.

Very carefully, I
finished loosening the lacings of Aislinn’s corset so that I could raise it
over her head.  It would not do to allow such a lovely item to fall to the
ground and become muddied as she had her gown.  I began to lift it and she
raised her arms high into the air with beyond eager compliance, her eyes locking
onto mine meaningfully.

However, me eyes were swiftly
distracted by the sight of her ample breasts bouncing free of the garment which
had astonishingly kept them so properly restrained.  I felt me eyes bulge—
amongst other parts of me— at taking in the allure of them fer the first time,
although I had envisioned them in me dreams more times than would be decent to
admit.  Before I could douse the fire which had settled in them, Aislinn lifted
her eyes to mine.  I was surprised to behold her demureness.  Then I realised
it would surely have been the first time she had been viewed naked by a member
of the opposite sex, as well.

Oh my God, how
truly exquisite she is!  This is the woman that I am to marry, who has consented
to be mine fer the rest of our lives!

I sucked in me
breath when she took a half step forward and placed her hands upon me chest, her
fingers twirling about the hairs there before roaming on to teasingly circle
around me erect nipples.  Aislinn stroked across me chest to me broad shoulders
and very slowly over the muscles of me arms to me hands, of which she
decisively took hold of, bringing them to her skin.  I understood she was
encouraging me to caress her as I wished. 

Quickly assessing
the situation, I cautiously placed me hands upon her slender waist, before
allowing me hands to roam slowly over her body— gently at first, but having a
difficult time remaining as that, as they began to wander more hungrily over
her curves.   

Me penis thickened
some more.  Before I could gain control, I was cupping her breasts within me
hands.  Her resulting whimper did nothing to encourage me to regain me senses. 
Her bountiful breasts spilled over from me hands as I massaged them, relishing
of the feel of their warmth as though lost in a trance. 

Becoming lost to
her sensuality, I pushed me face into the dampness of her hair, inhaling her
scent.  “Delicious you smell from the rain, Aislinn,” I mouthed, me lips
finding hers.

Me hands went to the
back of her head, me fingers working their way into her thick hair, me lips
kissing her more hungrily.  Her hands gripped me arms, and I could feel her pulling
herself tighter to me

Me penis now fully
erect, between kisses I paused, deliberating on how much further I should allow
meself to carry this.  I could sense Aislinn’s impatience. 

I brought me mouth
back to hers, though still she held onto her breath.  Letting her eyes fall
shut, she inhaled deeply, her lips curling into a drunken smile and then
pressed her mouth to mine fervently.  I knew I should not be losing meself as
this, yet I felt powerless to stop it.

Deeper into the
shallow cave I tugged her and finding a dry spot once again, pulled her down to
the ground.  I laid back so that she might feast her eyes upon me nude form,
and that she certainly did.  Actually, I was rather elated that she could not
peel her eyes away.

Aislinn sprawled out upon the
ground beside me, striving to entice me in a similar manner.  And that, it surely

Rolling over onto me elbow, I
viewed her fer a long moment before pulling her against me side.  Then I pulled
her over onto me chest, gently brushing the wet hair back from her face so that
I could kiss her. 

I held her as we lie there,
listening to the rain and thunder crashing just outside.  “Your eyes speak to
me without need fer a single word,” I whispered over her mouth.

“Oh?  And just what is it
they be telling’ you?” Aislinn probed me enticingly.

Without bothering to answer, I
kissed her hair.  Locating the small of her back with me hand, I pressed her
closer to me.  The heat of her body I could feel against my swollen groin,
eliciting me to let out an involuntary groan.  She arched her body against me
in response, pressing firmer into me, and I sought out her lips eagerly.  Following
the delicate line of her jaw with me lips, I explored the slender length of her
feminine neck. 

Touching the warmth of her
face, over her succulent lips me fingertips traced.

 “Around you, Aislinn, the night
turns absolutely luminous!” I expressed, marveling at the immense beauty of
seeing all of her in its purest form, with no garments to hide any of her loveliness. 

“I would love to touch the
sky with you tonight, Donovan.  Take me within your strong arms, hold me up so
high and never let us come down,” she said, endeavouring as always to tempt me. 

“When truly you are
mine, I’ll give meself to you again and again,” I replied regretfully. 

“Donovan, I truly am yours

I could not possibly
any more yours!  And beyond willing I be
to receive what you have to give me,” she argued, still trying to convince me.

I merely sighed in response,
the frustration emanating from her.  I could sympathize.  She did not realise
how badly I wanted her just as she wanted me.

“To merge together with you,
I desire,” she persisted.  “I want to know you down to the
.”  I
should not have been shocked at anything Aislinn attempted at this point, and
yet I was. 

Tempting meself, I leaned down,
kissing over the swells of her breasts, they were so plush, so soft beneath me
lips.  Forcing meself to move away before I lost meself in their plush, I trailed
me lips beck up to her luscious mouth.  “Just to taste your kiss, I will kiss
your lips forever on a night as this,” I murmured into her mouth, the starlight
illuminating her face, revealing the mysticism that was she. 

 “Breathe out so that I may
breathe you in,” she whispered breathlessly, becoming overheated with his

Aislinn breathed
in, her eyes rolling back into her head as she did, appearing as though she
were becoming drunk upon the scent of me. 
How is it she can make me feel as
though I am the most desirable man in the world?  Of course, that is the same
way I feel about her.  But, then look at her!  She truly is the most desirable
creature which ever has walked this earth!

I felt the perspiration
emanating from me skin with the smouldering heat coming from me.  I knew I
should stop but I could not manage to grasp the strength needed to.

I could not help
but groan, as me groin throbbed fer her, wanting to feel her in every way

“Growing impatient I am of
awaiting to be consumed by you, Donovan!” Aislinn entreated, only exasperating
me present dilemma. 

Me own patience is
dwindling, as well, me darling Aislinn.  I want to consume you, every part of you,
to know the taste of each of your essences, the fluids of your arousal, if you
were bleeding me tongue would lick your wound, reveling in the salty taste of your
blood, taking in the very core of your essences seeking to make you a part of
me forever.
Still, such primitive
carnal thoughts I cannot voice.  If she knew the things I have thought of doing
to her, surely she would think me insane, likely run from me!

“Heaven cannot wait forever. 
Pray let me feel you make the decision,” she moaned.  I groaned as suddenly I
felt her hand wrap about me cock, gripping me tightly. 

She tempts a madman!  She
knows not what she does!

Trying me best to ignore her
brazen move— though not removing her hand just yet— not wanting to let on how
the affect she had upon me, I took her face between his palms, and told her in
compelling a tone which I hoped would relay me circumstance, “
Trust me
Aislinn, I can appreciate what ‘tis that you endure.   Compared to me desire
fer you, the stars they be but a mere dusting in the sky.  Still, that desire I
have resolved to restrain, fer honour you I will and defer this ‘til the time
is right.”

 She merely scoffed, “Surely
then, you do not truly comprehend the intense need I have fer you in
moment.  Oh, that you could feel what I am feeling right now, taste of
the raging hunger within me . . . devour it . . . calm it,” she groaned, her
brow furrowing.  If only she knew, I shared every desire she had, felt exactly
as she felt in that moment!

“Nothing stands between us
here, Donovan.  Not anyone but you and I will ever know . . .” she continued with
her attempt to convince me.  “Moreover, believe I’ll certainly
wait the entirety of another
I must!” she cried, taking to stroking
me organ in her hand zealously. 

Oh God!  Yes, Aislinn,
stroke me cock, stroke me until . . . Oh Yes . . .  No!  I cannot take anymore
of this lest I explode in her hand, or bend her over right her and thrust me
raging erection into her hot little pussy until me balls are pressed against
her cheeks!  Then she would not think me such the upright gentleman, would
she?  However, that is not the image of me I wish her to have, only validating
me as the bastard her father claims me to be.  She deserves so much more than

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