Donovan's Struggle, an Erotic Romance Novella (Anam Céile Chronicles) (4 page)

BOOK: Donovan's Struggle, an Erotic Romance Novella (Anam Céile Chronicles)
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“Heaven bent you are to take
me hand and lead me to the fire, Aislinn!” I growled coarsely in me bottled
lust without meaning to.  That wildfire of carnal hunger she had already led me
to, it was threatening to consume me.  I sprang up and pulled away from her
frantically clutching fingers before I did something we would both regret.  I
could not stand to be pressed against the heat of her luscious body another
moment, to feel her skin upon mine.  I needed space to regain me composure.

She curled up, pouting.  I
saw she thought I was only rejecting her

Why can she not see?  I
want her just as she wants me, likely even more so.

I sighed heavily, trying to
rid meself of me frustrated desire.  A little more composed, I placed me hand
upon her shoulder, pulling her back to me and whispered in her ear, “Granted, were
I to spend forever here with you as this, still I would not be satisfied.  So,
lay down beside me fer as long as it may last, Aislinn, on this night where all
is ours.”  

I hoped we could at least
make the best of this rare night which had thrust itself upon us inadvertently.
 I would hold her in me arms, something I believed I would not have the
opportunity to do fer two more years when we were to be wed.  This one night
would have to last me ‘til then.

“Let me hear you breathing
fer me, sighing fer me,” she whispered back to me.  “Me alone.”

Yes fer her. Every breath
I take is fer her, every beat of me heart which pumps blood throughout me
body.  It has always been her fer me, only her.  When will she ever understand

Striving to convey this to
her, how much she meant to me, I kissed her face and head ever softly as me
beautiful Aislinn laid her head upon me chest, her mane of crimson locks
blanketing me, and commenced to stroking me skin with her fingers rhythmically ‘til
finally sleep did claim her.

Me red hot desire finally
seizing the opportunity to settle to a simmer— the best I could ask fer when in
her presence— I observed her as she slept fer quite some time, her head upon me
chest, her fingers still curled around me hair, the rise and fall of her
breasts with her soft breathing.  I stroked her hair, imagining how I would sit
behind her upon our bed once we were wed and assist her in readying herself fer
the night, brushing her hair with long, gentle, yet thorough strokes, much the
same manner in which I would make love to her afterwards.




uring the night I was awakened to the sounds of Aislinn sobbing
hysterically.  Realising she must be having a nightmare, I tried to shake her
from it to spare her any further anguish.  She turned back to me, staring at me
with a fearful expression as though me being there had shocked her. 

Perhaps she had not
expected to wake with me there.  Yes, I feel confident I made the right
decision in not taking advantage of her eagerness last night.  Clearly she is
not as ready as she believes to have me in her life in all ways.

 I was relieved when she
snuggled into me side, nearly burrowing into me. 
Well then, perhaps she
does find security within me arms after all
.   I wrapped me arms about her,
holding onto her tight as I soothed her back into a restful slumber.




he new day only served to reinstate me perpetually lingering desire fer

I awoke to the feel
of the fullness of Aislinn’s breasts pressing into me already swelling organ.  She
had me cock grasped between the ample flesh of her creamy breasts and was
gliding along it, back and forth, as though encouraging the blood to rush
there, pooling its ache in me organ.  I had to repress a groan, fer I dare not
interrupt, wishing her to continue.

Oh dear God! 
Does she realise what it is she is doing to me?  Is she merely seizing the
opportunity to take advantage of me whilst I slumber fer her sole pleasure, or
is she rather trying to drive me to the edge so I will lose control and take
her with a combustible ferocity?

I felt her lift her
head and glance up and quickly made certain me face did not betray me awareness
as I endeavoured to remain undiscovered as long as I could to enjoy her
examination of me without being held accountable.  I knew I was a disgraceful cad
fer doing such a thing, but oh how badly I did want to let her enjoy doing
these things to me, to see how far she would take it, how far I would take it. 

I really should
not be pushing us both as this.  Yet how can I deny the pleasure she is so
willing to bestow upon me?

While her breasts
remain pressed into me, she caressed her hands across me chest, and then
bending her face down, cautiously placed her lips around the tip of me organ! 

Perhaps it is
true, she tries not to rouse me. Well, I shall not want to disappoint her then!

  She played with
it between her full lips, pressing my swollen crown between them repeatedly as
though testing it in some way.  Then she squeezed it between them ‘til the
whole head was contained tightly within her mouth, and abruptly popped it out
with a vigourous suck. 


I had to grit me
teeth together to keep from making a sound.  But somehow I held onto it, even
as she went back and commenced to swirling her luscious tongue all about it.  I
was delighted at how engrossed she apparently was in discovering me cock with
her mouth.

Then to me dismay I
realised that through this I actually
been moaning!   I felt her
lift her head a little to look at me face.  I ordered me eyes to remain closed.

I wonder
whether I should put an end to me charade and alert her to the fact that I am
awake.  Yet what would that mean?  Would she cease her delightful activity? 
Well, no, I doubt that, yet I cannot merely allow her continue without
intention of reciprocating in some way, and I certainly am not ready fer her to
stop what she is doing to me, it feels far too tantalizing.  Not that I
wouldn’t mind reciprocating either, although as soon as I come into any form of
contact with her waiting haven, there is no way I will be able to stop.

She resumed with
her explorations of me, wrapping her hand about the shaft— which had swelled larger
and harder since she had been manipulating it— and held it upright. 
how I wished she were positioning herself over it at this moment, pointed
straight up at her sex, waiting to be impaled upon it.  How I would delight in
hearing her scream with the pleasure she reaped from me hard cock!

Then her tongue made
contact near the base of me shaft, leisurely gliding up the entire length of me,
back up to the top.  How I tried not to squirm.  Then I felt her reposition
herself and suddenly she was plunging her mouth over me, taking it in as deep
as she could.  This time a low groan escaped me before I could stifle it, which
seemed to only provoke her further.  She slurped her way back up to the top of
me cock, and then commenced to doing it all over again!  I didn’t know how much
more of this I could endure before something had to happen, though I was not
certain as to just what it was going to be.  Me mind began wandering over the
delicious possibilities …

I am filling her
with me cock, penetrating her sweet virgin entrance, sinking into her ever so
slowly as I stretch her canal with the breadth of me cock, hearing her moans
and wriggling under me, observing the astonishment upon her face as to how much
I fill her, how incredible me organ feels inside her.

I smiled
deliciously to meself, the notion enticing me.

I had to hold back
a gasp as I gazed upon her with her head buried over me manhood, the brilliant
morning light gleaming off her abundant mane as though a crimson sunrise
covered me abdomen and thighs, her mouth doing glorious things to me which me
eyes could not yet see.  Breathtakingly spectacular she was in the light of the

At that, I could
feign sleep no longer.  I placed me hand upon her hair, causing her to lift her
head up slowly, bestowing me with a painfully delicious view of her mouth
wrapped about me cock.  The intense morning light shining in her amber eyes nearly
undid me!  Grasping her by the hair, I tilted me head back as she continued her
talents on me, allowing the groans to come freely now.  I began to move me hips
in sequence with the motions, which seemed to please her, as she fervently persisted
with her determined mouth upon me. 

Fer several
magnificent minutes I allowed her to delight in devouring me organ with her
luscious mouth, alternately stroking and tugging on her mane, and taking the
liberty of reaching down to fondle her breasts.  Feeling their supple flesh in
me hands, her nipples responding to me as I brushed me thumbs across them only
served to bring forth the rush of hot lust raging within me.

Aislinn settled
into a most tantalizing steady rhythm and I delighted in watching her head move
up and down on me, her hair falling about her face temptingly as me cock
disappeared over and over again into her sensuous mouth. 

And then, all of a
sudden the
build-up of tension
was upon
 I felt the tightening in me testicles, the force of the fluid
within them building up, and
I knew I was
powerless to do anything to stop it from coming.
  Though it was the last
thing I wished to do,
I jerked meself from her
twisting away from her and curling
up on me side,
just as I felt the coursing through my penis.  A second
later, the hot fluid was spurting out of the tip of it, all over the ground
beside me
.  I lay there lightheaded and groaning,
silently praying she would not comprehend what had just happened.

As soon as I had
rolled over onto me back again, Aislinn arose before me standing directly in me
view and proceeded to and stretch up tall, raising her arms high, elongating
her body, her rounded breasts rising up high and pert.  A breeze blew by, affecting
her pink nipples to stiffen enticingly. 

I could not fight
the lust as me eyes raved over her hungrily, feasting upon the sight of her
voluptuous breasts.  I wanted to bury me face in them, take them into me
mouth.  So creamy they were, giving off the impression they would be full of
milk, just waiting to offer up its sweetness to me.

I realised with
embarrassment that I was staring at her with me mouth gaping as a fool in a trance.
 All I could think about in that moment was running me hands all over her
luscious form, feeling her skin beneath me hands.  Me eyes drifted downward,
over the plane of her smooth abdomen and the curve of her hips, to rest upon
her mound adorned with soft strawberry fluff.  Just beneath it, I could detect
the inflammation of her flesh. 

Sucking me must
have stimulated her as well.
licked me lips, imagining what she must taste like.  

I want so badly to
feel of her innermost area upon me fingers, to taste her, to plunge
meself deep into her. 

The thoughts of her
in me mind driving me insane, I stepped forward, placing me hands upon her
slender waist, slowly gliding them along her sides.  Then I stunned her by pulling
her to me strongly.  I smiled at her resulting gasp.

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