Don't Look Back (4 page)

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Authors: Candice Owen

BOOK: Don't Look Back
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From that day forward, Sharon Steele had a new address.
She didn't go home and instead stayed with Jason in the apartment. Jason had a couple guys to move out her stuff to storage and the two of them shopped houses. Darryl Haynes had Jason set financially and he was able to buy a house. It was the most unreal turn of events for Sharon that one day she lost her man and one day she had him back. And she had a white picket fence to boot. They picked out their house and would move in after closing in just a few short weeks. It couldn't be more perfect.

Except that when Sharon came down to the lobby that morning, there were uniform cops and they wanted to talk to her. It seemed that Polly was missing. They wanted to know if she had had any contact with her in the past couple of days. Sharon didn't know how she actually felt about Polly's disappearance. On the one hand she had been seeing her finance behind Sharon's back, but it was fiancé she didn't want. Still, she didn't want any harm to have befallen her. "No I haven't. Last I knew she was living on the estate of my ex-boyfriend’s."

"Lance Sanchez?" the cop checked his notebook. "He said you introduced the two of them? Can you explain to us how that worked?"

"What do you mean, how did that work? Lance has a little granny suite he rents out and I had a friend who was looking for a place. And then, the two of them started fucking each other. The end," Sharon replied with agitation. The cop gave her a cold stare.

Jason stepped in. "Are there any other questions you need to ask?"

"Who are you?" the cop asked.

"I'm the owner here. I am also her fiancé," Jason answered. They hadn't talked marriage so the reference, though a surprise, was pleasant. "The missing woman is both the girlfriend and the tenant of the person who probably saw her last. Neither of us has seen this woman for about a month or so. Sharon no longer has a relationship with her."

The cop recounted, "So let me get this straight. Last month, Sanchez was your fiancé and now this guy is?"

Sharon's eyes narrowed. "That is relevant how? I haven't seen nor do I have an interest in seeing either of them. I have no information to contribute. Anything else?"

"No, that will be all," said the cop, as he handed his card to her and left.

Sharon was shaken. Jason had Apollo watch the gym while he took her down to the beach to de-stress. So went the news of Polly’s disappearance. Ellis Road had a creepy feel to it as she and Jason rode down to Paradise.

They stopped at the little Italian market for some sparkling water and some fruit, then proceeded to the beach where they spread out a blanket. She was bothered by the fact that her friend was missing, but she was moving on. The sun's heat worked on her body as Jason massaged her muscles.

She relaxed against the warmth of the sand in a stunning bathing suit a client sent her from Brazil. Polly had once joked, "There's the dental floss."

It was true. The suit left little to the imagination and it barely concealed Sharon’s spectacular body. She was devoted to her fitness, so her body was impeccable. She was in better shape now than she was when she was out there using and abusing herself with drugs and alcohol. Plus, working out kept her mind off the fact that Jason was in prison. Working out helped her life together while her world was falling apart. Now she was afraid Lance Sanchez was punishing her for standing up to him.

When he finished with the massage Jason stepped away to make a call. Reception was spotty but she knew it was for privacy. He didn’t want her to hear what he had to say. That didn’t happen too often. After the call, he lay down beside her; she on her back and he on his stomach, limbs laced. "Quite the exciting morning," he said finally.

"Do you really think she is missing?" Sharon asked.

"Maybe she ran away," Lance offered.

"You know I couldn’t get it out of my mind that they staged this or that he harmed her"

"I’m all over it. Don’t you worry. I don’t want to say too much now but if you can, trust me on this one. And please, no more talking to cops unless they force you, and not without an attorney present."

“I know you just said you don’t want to share too much, but you think Lance is behind this don’t you?”

Jason pressed his nose to her nose, to quiet her; to change the subject. They were making out for a few minutes when it seemed a great cloud passed over the sun and Jason and Sharon were in the shade. It didn’t make sense— the day was cloudlessly clear.

Sharon looked up. There stood Lance Sanchez, who was himself a very fit man, flanked by two huge, rather good-looking men. Sharon and Lance looked at one another and she believed she was staring into the eyes of her enemy.

"I cannot believe you had the nerve to come here." Sharon grabbed her phone to call the cops. Jason shook his head. Lying on the ground, both of them were in a very vulnerable position. Lance turned to each of his men and then back to the Sharon and Jason.

“Things are a little different without a string of club members to back you, are they not?” Lance asked.

“You’re not alone,” Sharon noted, trying like hell to bite her tongue.

“But I am,” he answered. “So you’ve heard. I have given you some time to cool off but I think it’s time you and I talked things over."

"Whatever." Sharon looked away. "I really have nothing to say to you. But the next time you want to be in touch with me I suggest you call first. Don’t you dare just show up unannounced."

"I wouldn’t do that if I were you," Lance warned. "Talk to me like that."

"Is that what Polly did?" Jason asked. "Talk to you like that? I already called the police. They should be here any moment." Sharon and Jason stood up and just as the first squad car pulled up, Lance stumbled backwards only to be caught by his men.

When the officers were out their car and on foot, Lance began, "Gosh I just wanted to talk to her. No need to get physical." He brushed himself off and one of his men asked if he was okay when the police were in hearing distance.

Sharon and Jason both made a face. It was the same cop who had shown up earlier at the gym. "We meet again, Ms. Steele."

"I just wanted to ask her if she knew where Polly was," Lance asked and, with impeccable finesse, released a single tear as though he was trying to keep a flood gate in check.

"You didn't do that," Jason said. "He showed up here unannounced or invited and demanded that Sharon and he have a chat. I am curious to know how he knew exactly where we would be." Lance started to respond but Jason waved him off. He went over to his bike and scanned it, checking curves and nooks until he found what he was looking for. He removed a small tracking device gummed to the interior of chrome fender. "Well this is not a rock," he noted sarcastically.

"Hey I didn’t put it there," Lance said, putting his hands up.

"Of course not, and I am sure it won’t bear any prints of anyone you know and it will in no way be able to connect it to you." Jason smiled.

The cop stepped closer to Jason with his hand out-stretched. "I should have a look at that," he said.

"Well if this is what I think it is, officer, with all due respect, this is a federal issue. Because this thing appears to track and tap."

"We can work that out later but I am insisting," said the cop.

Sharon whipped out her phone and working in tandem with Jason. She snapped a couple of shots of the device. They didn’t even have to have a conversation—she could read his cues. She quickly sent them to herself. The cop was furious.

"Do you want to go to jail?" he shouted at her.

Jason held the device out in front of the cop like it was a precious jewel. "Do you want this or don’t you?" he asked the cop. "Take it." Sharon noted how Lance was intensely interested in it. "We were minding our own business so whatever
is," Jason said, "He started it. That BS you heard him spewing when you got here, the stunt where the guys caught him, was an act. We never laid a hand on him or were uncivil. But I would like all of you to leave now."

"You’re a jailbird, aren’t you?" the cop asked. Jason glared. "I would be careful if I were you."

"I’d find that girl if I were you," Jason replied without missing a beat. "Because if anything has happened to her and someone has aided that in any way, they’re looking at a conspiracy rap."

"Well then you better not be helping your girlfriend out, jailbird, because my theory is she did something to her for taking her man," said the cop with Lance snickering behind him.

?" Sharon laughed. "He was a mistake. I think that Polly figured that one out as well." Sharon covered her mouth, pretending to yawn. Lance charged at her, nearly knocking the cop over in the process.

"You are dead bitch!" he shouted before stomping back. "Dammit! See what you made me do?"

"Okay that’s it," the cop proclaimed calmly. "Guys, take him out of here. I suggest you all stay away from each other," he said, looking straight at Sharon. "Am I clear?"

"Very. In fact I will go down right now and swear out a complaint and a restraining order and that way there is no question as to whether I want this person around. Anything to get him off my back."

The bikers and the cops left, leaving Jason and Sharon to themselves. She trembled as though it were about to snow. She expected him to throw his arms around her and tell her it was going to be okay but instead, he eyed her with waning patience. "If we are ever in a situation with that guy again, I want you to keep your mouth shut Whatever is brewing here, I think you just made it ten times worse. So I don’t want you to swear out that restraining order."

"What?" Sharon thought he officially lost it. "Oh that that's real nice. Lance Sanchez is becoming a total menace and you want me to do nothing."

"I want you to obey my wishes here." he smiled. But behind the smile was dead seriousness.

"I don’t know if I can just do what you’re asking. I think I really hate him. I know I was wrong to be with a guy I didn’t love but—" She didn’t know which she wanted more: to cry or scream.

Jason embraced her and kissed her forehead. "I won’t give you any sex if you don’t do what you’re told." His face and voice were tinged with amusement but she knew he wasn’t joking. "If you want to wait till all of this is resolved, that’s the way it’s going to be. But this is real serious. And I want your word."

Part of that made her hot and part of that pissed her off. "Fine, Jason. I will follow your lead in this."

Jason pulled her close to him and slyly slipped his fingers behind her buttocks, inside of her. "Promise?"

"Maybe," she teased.

"Oh you wouldn’t be trying to get rid of me by fibbing, would you?"

"Hmm, that depends," she answered, not knowing how much longer she could stand it. He was moving his fingers in and out of her, stroking her sensitive flesh.

"Depends on what?" His voice was honeyed.

"If you meant that part about the no sex."

"Yes I do. It would be hard on me too but yes."

"Well then," she said, her voice catching due to the fact that she was completely turned on. "Can we please go back to the house and have sex now before I disobey you? I mean if I do?"



Sharon couldn't decide whether the vibration of a Harley between her legs was torture or bliss. The short distance from their spot on the beach to the apartment over the gym was an endless journey. She couldn't wait that long. She very graphically imagined being naked. Touching her breasts, cupping them, lifting them to lure Jason to her body. She mentally watched him lift the shirt from his gorgeous body, stalk her with that smoky smile of his, his perfectly cut chest and abs come towards her as he was about to take her.

In this vignette, Sharon turned her back to him, spread her legs and jutted up her round, firm ass towards him. He did what she knew what he would do; find her soft, hot, wet entrance and glide inside her wantonly with his fingers.

"Like that?" he'd say, in his golden velvet voice.

"Yes," she would purr.

"Want more?" he asked, knowing he was going to give it to her.

"Oh so much," she would say.

Jason bent down and stuck his tongue in, licking her clit, with her ass in the air, fingertips on the floor. Soon his long, hard cock replaced his fingers and he was sliding, smooth as silk, as deeply as he go.

He fit her perfectly, every curve, every sensitive surface. He would hit that
, a ticklish erogenous area that she had discovered herself in self-pleasure that only he had been able to stimulate. It was like a sweet dessert that spiced up her sex and made orgasm imminent once engaged.

Jason pulled around to the back of Ink's so they could go straight to the apartment without going through the gym. Having worked herself up in a bad way, in urgent sexual need, she scurried ahead of him.

She dashed up the wrought iron stairs that were bolted into the building and made it half way up when the stairs swayed dangerously. She froze, as did Jason. The stairs had been tampered with. Jason rushed the stairs to grip the rails but he couldn't hold them for long, not by himself. If she took another step, they might very well fall, taking her with them.

"I want you to calmly call Apollo with your cell and tell him to come around her now," Jason directed, the strain in his voice obvious. Sharon tried not to panic, but Apollo wasn't picking up. She tried again. No answer. She could try again but Jason was running out of time. Fortunately, he just strolled around the corner with a trash bags for the dumpster. He saw on the problem and he rushed to brace the stairs. Sharon tip-toed safely to the ground. Jason, Apollo, and Sharon ran clear of them as they ripped completely away from the building and fell.

She looked over to Jason's hands. They had two lines of black smear across his palms which were curled still as though they could fit onto the rails. He must have strained himself. She went to him and massaged his massive biceps. "Baby?"

"You okay, cap'n?" Apollo asked. He helped Jason out of his hunch. "We oughta do a session, work you out so you don't lock up.

"I'll just have a soak later. Let's call the guys together. I want to take care of this situation. I'm bringing my lawyer in on this," said Jason.

"You in trouble again?" Apollo asked.

"No, Sharon is," he answered.

Sharon looked at both men. "I think you're right."

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