Don't Look Back (6 page)

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Authors: Candice Owen

BOOK: Don't Look Back
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Even though she had seen Lance with the intentions of playing nice with him, Sharon had the tests performed to see what it was she had been drugged with. It was no surprise when results came back positive for the date rape drug. Sharon had to meet with a cop and formally report Lance Sanchez.

Somewhere as the sun was coming up, she and Jason went home, to the gym. Even though Jason spoke to her tenderly and lovingly and they were honest, Jason was pissed. He made good on his word that if she disobey her, he would not have sex with her. It wasn't good timing since she had just been in Lance's bed but they didn't even sleep in the same bed.

Jason gave her their bed and he slept on the couch. But they both crashed soundly. Apollo was exhausted as well. He had been up most of the night as well. Jason quickly promoted the receptionist, a new high school grad, to assistant manager of Ink’s for the day.

About mid-day the young employee was knocking on Jason and Sharon’s door, asking for someone to please come quickly. La Calle was shutting down Ink’s and he needed help. Apollo and Jason rushed to the lobby. Sharon had a hangover from the drug Lance gave her. She listened to Jason speak to his rivals. There was a reason he was the captain of the Rowdy Riders. It was just Apollo and him, two guys against a pack of possible enemies, and Jason handled it. "What do you boys want?" Jason asked.

Sharon sat up in bed, still wearing the wife-beater Jason lent her. She couldn't imagine that it was possible, but someone crept up behind her and gagged her with his palm. She raised her eyes to check him out. Marty. Marty had been a relatively good-looking man at one time, but the steroids ruined him. She had forgotten how ugly he was. Positively grotesque. Sharon knew at once that the La Calle Motorcycle Club in the gym was a distraction to draw Lance and Apollo away from her.

"Lance sent me here to remind you to keep your mouth shut." He pulled out a knife. "If being too afraid to follow what happened to Polly doesn't scare you, maybe this will." He gripped her flaxen hair and sawed. He hacked off the impeccable strands just at her shoulders and kept the ends. Tears streamed down her face. No one was going to hear her. No one could put her hair back. Marty disappeared as quickly as he appeared. When Jason entered the apartment finally he stopped in his tracks.

"What the hell happened?" Jason demanded, his eyes a gleam with shock.

"Marty—" she stuttered. "Came in here. To teach me a lesson."

Jason sent a text and then put his phone away. "Come," he said decisively, "Get some clothes on."

Sharon shook her head. "I am not trying to be difficult, but I am done. I don't want to one-up anyone. Between the slip last night and this, I feel as low as a person can get."

"You're coming," Jason said. "We're going on a vacation. A passionate one. I just made Apollo captain for the time being. Cops know where to find us if anything goes down. The purchase of our house closes in another week. But we are moving out of this apartment now. We have the honeymoon suite the Crowne Plaza Paradise. And when we’re feeling a little better, I will get you fat on fish tacos over at the Long Doggers."


Under the guard of his men, the Rowdy Raiders, Ink's Gym was completely safe and so was Jason and Sharon's travel to their new digs on the beach. But the moments when they were finally alone between them were awkward. So much had happened in such a short period of time. Once they were in their room and had a look around, Jason grasped her hips and made them both fall back into in a plush oversized chair in the suite.

"Talk to me," he said.

Sharon teared up. "I thought you didn't—"

He pressed a finger to her lips. He arched a brow. "Oh I do love you,” he said, guiding her leg lazily over the pillowy arm of the chair. “Doesn't mean I won't put you over my knee and spank you yet. I might stick you in the corner while I sit in a chair and feast on your bottom for hours on end. But know that I am so in love with you. And as soon as we move into our place, and the smoke from all of this clears, I am going to marry you."

"He cut off my hair!" she burst out.

Jason stroked her back. "He is also getting busted as we speak for misuse of a controlled substance. And the cop, and Lance. All of them. It’s been a long time coming. I just spent about forty-five minutes talking to Lance's men. You know why they showed up?"

"Yes, to distract you," she nearly shouted. Jason clamped down on the magic spot on her neck, the one that sent electricity throughout her body and it knocked her out of her tears, into her arousal.

"No, they turned their captain in." He paused. "Sweetheart, they think all three may have killed Polly. They aren’t absolutely, positively certain, but everything is pointing to that. I am sorry."

Sharon slumped against him and quietly wept.

He let her cry a little, stroking her, making lazy circles on her clit and tweezing her nipples gently. Then he rose and drew a bath in the deep sunken tub in the luxurious bathroom. He stripped her naked, swept her up, and placed her in the tub. The water felt warm and wicked and decadent.

"You still find me attractive with my hair butchered?" Sharon half-laughed. "Lance used to worship my hair. Said men loved women with long hair."

"I am going to chalk up that kind of talk to the fact that you are confused. How long were you with him, exactly?"

"For the past eight years," she replied.

"Look at me," he ordered gently. She shook her head. "Sharon." He sang her name wickedly as his hand fished in the water. He strummed the sensitive insides of her thighs. "Do I need to have a conversation with you about trust and letting yourself be vulnerable with me?"

Jason's voice was smoldering and sexy and just the sound of it made her ache inside. She slowly reclined against the tub and offered herself to him. He brushed the wet hair from her face.

"Yes," she lisped. “I want you to have a conversation in graphic detail."

"Eight years," Jason suppressed a curse. "That is such a long time to have to put up with abysmal sex."

"You don’t seem upset, really, though that I was with another man," she said.

Jason rose up on his knees and looked at her with hunger in his eyes. His hands went rested between her legs. "Baby, ten years without this right here makes a man spiritual. I say forgive and let go. Besides, he wasn’t much of a man. I say we are going to forget about that man and pretend he never happened. I just want to be happy and fuck you all the days of our life together. Do you think you can handle that? Being married to a gym owner and motorcycle club captain? Do you want to come for me until the day we die?"

"I want to come for you right now," she replied faintly.

Jason shed his clothes and climbed into the tub with her. The water made their flesh deliciously warm so that when his rigid cock made contact with hot wet entrance Sharon almost came on the spot.

He teased her, pressing his molten erection to either side of her readied opening. She absolutely had to have him. "Here?" he asked. She mewled helplessly. "Or here?"

"Now!" she cried.

Jason tilted his head, pretending to be scolded. "Goodness but we are demanding." And with that he thrust into her. "Is this what you had to have right now?" He asked her in a syrupy voice.

"Oh my goodness, yes," she answered breathily. "I can’t get over how good you feel. You get all my good spots."

Jason closed in and pressed his mouth next to her ear so that his words tickled and electrified her. "Oh good, I love those spots. I love stroking them with my wicked cock to make you wet," he told her.

Hot talk was such a turn on to her. She never had to ask for it, really. Jason often came up behind her, wrapped his magnificent arms around her slender waist and whispered in her ear. It was fortune he braced her because the effect of his voice on her was staggering. It knocked her to another realm like a very good drug.

Sharon craned to see as he moved in and out of her body. Jason’s face was transformed with the veil of sex. He looked positively animalistic as he pumped into her. "Are you watching too?" she asked.

"Oh God," he uttered.

"Is it hot for you?" she asked.

"So hot, baby," he all but whimpered.

Sharon reached down and pleasured herself. She could no longer hold out on the orgasm that was building within. She drew back her knees and rocked them back and forth in counter-rhythm to his. It helped her climb to that scrumptious summit of ecstasy.

The little ripples of bliss soon turned into full blown passionate spasms as her flesh gripped his. He was sweetly suffering as much as she was, both of them coming together. His movements became more jagged and powerful as pushed to move within her. They grunted and pleaded until they were completely taken over by crashing climaxes.

Jason and Sharon collapsed, panting like they both ran marathons. They reached for one another as they struggled to come back down to earth. Jason stirred first, releasing the water and grabbing giant plush towels.

They wrapped themselves in total comfort, and Sharon walked ahead of him towards the bed. Something in the way she walked must have done it for him, for she had not taken but a few steps when he pushed her forward gently so that she was leaning onto the mattress with her buttocks, firm and round, bent outwards for his total pleasure.

"My God you’re beautiful," he said. She remained bent over, turning her head so she could comfortably lie down while he caressed every inch of her skin. He kissed the curves of her ass, the soft part where her cheeks met the tops of her thighs. That was a particularly sensual zone for her. It was just a short distance towards the center for him and soon he was penetrating her with his tongue, moaning as though she was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted.

Now Sharon was moaning. She was extraordinarily sensitive still from her recent pleasure and in a couple of strokes of his tongue, she threatened to come again. Yes, it was certain. His delicate friction and the puffs of his hot breath were all it took and she was clenching. The second orgasm for her was even sweeter than the first. The sensation of this climax was so intense, so spectacular.

Sharon’s cries filled the hotel room. Her body grew completely limp from the electrified stimulation. Jason entered with a very hard erection and fucked her slowly, making her endure unspeakable sustained pleasure. After a moment of the sensual glide, he used her wetness to make his access to a second, more exotic entrance easy.

With careful maneuvering, he was inside her again. The sensation of being filled this way with her body so highly pleasure-sensitized was intense. To come with Jason there was just about the purest and ultimate in sexual ecstasies for her. Her peak as was his was swift and sure. She was paralyzed as ecstasy washed every cell of her being. Jason was overcome as he collapsed with her on the plump mattress, unable to make a sound.

The two lovers spent days this way. Relaxing, soaking up the luxury of the room. Laying in the sun. Working out. And having sex in every conceivable construction that they could think of.

They let spontaneity guide them. No honeymoon at the beach would be complete without at least one blistering sexual encounter before the ocean. They had had sex on the beach before; many times. The rhythm of the waves complimented their own, and the lapping sounds were a provocative tease. Sharon found that little extra pressure of the waves striking her delicate, already aroused flesh to be a total erotic treat.

Jason and Sharon were headed over to Long Doggers, a surfers’ hang out, for their famous fish tacos. It seemed like the weeks of stress from Lance Sanchez, the loss of Polly, and the sexual marathon they had endured had worked together to give them a crazy big appetite.

Sharon slathered on a delicate coconut-scented lotion. She had gotten her hair evened up finally at Paradise Beach’s answer to a posh salon. With just a teensy thong and a pair of turquoise high-heeled sandals, Sharon was naked underneath her scant matching crocheted mini. She loved her body and she felt proud and beautiful to be walking into one of their favorite restaurants in all of Melbourne on Jason’s arm.

Long Dogger had much of a tavern feel, with the typical nautical motif of fish nets and life savers on the wall. It had been such a long time since either one of them had been there. She could not remember the last time. The place was bustling with tourists and locals alike. Jason had called ahead and getting a table was no problem. Seated at the end of the bar was a lone La Calle Motorcycle Club member. He and Jason exchanged looks. There seemed to be sadness, not hostility, between the two rival club members. Jason approached him.

"Sorry about your boss," Jason said. Lance Sanchez was apparently neck-deep in trouble for all the stuff he had been doing. Jason looked over to the bar at the obvious eavesdroppers. "Hey put this guy’s drinks on me."

"Sorry about my boss too," the biker chuckled. "Thanks for the drinks." He and Jason bumped knuckles.

Jason and Sharon were given a secluded booth with high, arced backs. The lighting was dim, so despite the brief sad moment of recalling Lance Sanchez, their night resumed its romance. As she slid to the center of the booth, her dress hiked up to her hips. Jason quickly scooted in beside her. He placed a warm, firm hand on her naked thigh.

"Mmm," he purred.

She regarded him. He was, perhaps, the most handsome man she had ever seen. His warmth radiated into her and her insides were liquid heat as though she had just swallowed hot cocoa. They ate hush puppies and drank Sharon’s sparklers with blackberry juice and soda water. Jason had no problem not drinking, and for a second Sharon kicked herself for being so dumb earlier with Lance. But they moved past it. Nothing was going to spoil their mood.

She started to get emotional; he picked up a hushpuppy and fed her. "Open up," he said softly. He grazed her lips with the salty, seasoned cornmeal. "Which of us has not done the wrong thing for the right reason?" She couldn’t focus on what he was saying because the way he was playing with the food around her mouth was pushing her clear thoughts away. "You need to conserve your energy. So no more sulking."

Jason requested that the server pace himself and to keep the service very slow. When they were sure the server would not be back any time soon, Jason pulled something out of his pocket. She couldn’t tell what it was at first, but he twisted it and it hummed. It was a barely audible, very small vibrator.

"I couldn’t, not here." She grinned. The truth was she would do anything with him. "Someone will see us."

"Oh I think you should learn to trust a little," he replied playfully. "Put your napkin on your lap, like so." He palmed the toy and carefully spread the fabric across her thighs. "That dress doesn’t have enough to go around."

"It’s not too short," she asked suddenly a little self-conscious.

He leaned in to her and looked her straight in the eye. "It’s gorgeous." He rubbed her shoulders that were catching the light of the overhead. "It shows off your amazing color and your smokin’ body. Now, spread your legs for me."

Sharon’s smile trembled with the jitters as she nervously complied. It was thrilling and scary at the same time. Jason was sly as he dropped his hand back to her lap. She guided him to apply the toy in just the right spot. The trick was to stay still and act cool, like they were just having a conversation while Sharon was sneaking in the ultimate pleasure.

"I’m going to so get you for this," she stuttered.

"Oh yeah?" he asked coolly. "What are you going to do to me?" Sharon was nearly too flustered to talk, so her answer was weak.

"I might have to crawl on top of your lap over there," she whispered.

"Really." Jason stroked her thigh. He leaned into her so that it was nearly just the two of them in the whole wide world. "And would you ride me? Would you take me into you so, so deeply that I filled you completely?"

Jason’s words and his little toy did the trick. Sharon struggled to remain still as wave after wave of sexual pleasure rushed her body. She took a deep breath. "Is it happening?" he asked with a smile in his voice. She knew he knew that it was. He tenderly skated his nails on the skin of her legs to enhance the electricity of the ecstasy consuming her body.

Sharon shakily lifted her beverage to her lips and swallowed as the pleasure peaked and ebbed. She righted her clothing and sat up straight. "Okay?" he smiled.

"Yes but it is your turn. I will think of something," she promised.

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