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Authors: Candice Owen

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"I can hardly wait."


Dinner was savory. Though just about every restaurant in Melbourne served some variation of fish tacos, Long Dogger’s had to be about the best ever. After their plates were cleared, Jason leaned over and kissed her for a long time.

"How about we go for a ride? Let’s step outside, and if the weather is perfect, let’s ride the night away," he suggested.

"I'd like that very much."

Just as they were about to get up from the table, the waiter brought over two shots of Wild Turkey Liquor compliments of the La Calle rider who had been at the bar. "Oh my goodness," Sharon said, tortured by the temptation. "I don’t drink. But babe, you go ahead," she said to Jason.

Jason eyeballed the waiter. "Here, you take one and you give one to the cook back there and then you tell the guy thank you very much."

The night was indeed perfect. The weather could not have been more even. It was neither hot nor overly humid. The streets were calling to Jason’s Harley. Sharon’s newly cut hair fell down around her face as she checked her reflection in her phone out of habit.

The fluorescent lamp light cast wild special effects on the silken strands. It was if they glowed. Magic. The light also did spectacular things to the handsome face of her beloved man. It poured on the warm lines of his magnificent bone structure.

He was so tall and perfect. He was like a knight standing in the brilliant moonlight. Only it was the parking lot of a hot spot in Melbourne. A gentle breeze blew and Sharon could smell the light scent of honey suckles. Their hands found one another. Always connected. The electricity flowed from one conductor to the next.

She kissed him lightly on his lips before he first mounted the bike, then she. He reached around, as he always did, and made sure she fit snuggly to him. They rode.

Thoughts of Polly came to Sharon out of nowhere. There was some hope that she was alive but Sharon couldn't imagine it. To her it felt like her friend was dead. She couldn't imagine what Polly did to set Lance off.

In her mind as the motorcycle sliced through Melbourne, she imagined she was dropping each part of these people off and leaving them behind. She said goodbye to Lance, to Marty, the douchebag cop. And Polly. Sharon felt like she was riding into the present and moving towards the future.

Something transformed within her. These passionate days she had been spending with Jason were more than amazing sex. Finally she was with the man she was supposed to be with. That realization made her extraordinarily clearheaded and strong.

She loved Jason on a whole new level. They wound and tipped on a flawless ride in the night. Sharon's head turned and pressed again Jason's hard broad back. The tufts of his hair fringing outside of his helmet brushed her cheeks as it blew back. She loved his scent. It warmed her deep in to her core.

Jason pulled off to a secluded beach. The waves crashed off across the beach with a constant roar. They parked the bike and held hands to walk along the sand. They strolled in peace and serenity. This was what contentment felt like.

Jason had been the one in prison for ten years but he had seen to it that she had been taken care of her in every sense of the word. He kept her safe, bankrolled her every comfort, and gave her endless orgasms.

The moon danced on the water and the air, though breezy, was still warm. When they reached a secluded spot, Sharon encouraged him to sit. He had given her pleasure at the restaurant and so it was his turn. She took his face into her hands and drew him in to kiss her. When they broke from that kiss, she licked her lips when she smiled, to signal her intent.

Jason laid back into the soft sand, his face towards the great big sky wide above them. He helped her to free his erection which she quickly took into her mouth. He wrapped and unwrapped his finger in her wind-strewn hair and gasped as she worked up the walls of her mouth with hot moisture.

She drew down, swallowing him in long strides to the hilt, gliding her tongue on his magnificent shaft. His back arched with rapture. His fingers gripped her scalp, her wild hair rising between his fingers. She kneaded his testicles, pressing them as she made her mouth as tight as she could. Sharon looked up at him, with her sexiest face, teasing the tip of his cock while staring into his eyes.

That was it for him, she could tell. She quickly drew down with her mouth, in short motions, using the aid of her hand to finish him. He tapped her and she knew that he wanted to climax inside of her. So she straddled him. The straps of her sweet dress slid from her shoulder. Sharon took it one step further and pushed the dress down so that she was bare. Sharon loved her body and she liked the way the moon glinted on her breasts.

She cupped them, taking the pink tips in between her fingers to play with them. Jason pulled her to his mouth to sweep his tongue inside, working it all around. She had a leg on either side of him, her thighs like a piston pushing her body up and down to the peak. With the excitement of being outdoors in the night air, he was climaxing in no time.

As soon as their pleasure ebbed, they righted their clothes and lingered on the beach, entwined in one another. Then they quietly mounted the Harley and rode back to the hotel.


Jason and Sharon’s honeymoon retreat had come to an end. They woke and rode back in towards the gym rested and refreshed. It would seem that nothing could ruin their serenity. They met Apollo at Lou's Blue's for breakfast to ease into their day. He had been saving some news for them so as not to disturb their restoration.

Not that Sharon had a roving eye, but Apollo was an extraordinarily handsome man. He was massive, broader-framed than Jason, and powerfully built. His dark hair was a bit long like Jason’s and rippled with waves like the sea. It was her distinct impression that he would know how to treat a lady.

She didn’t know him well but she did know he was pretty outspoken about his disapproval of her seeing Lance Sanchez¸ but he was always very respectful of her. She found him to be an honorable man and she had the very strong sense that he had something to report to them.

"There have been a number of developments while you guys were away. Most importantly, they found Polly. They pretty much kept it out of the news so you wouldn’t have heard about it. Apparently some of Melbourne’s not-so-finest were involved."

Sharon was shocked. "Is she okay?"

"She’s fine. She’s recovering. They found her in an empty industrial building on Ellis Road, not too far from Ink's."

"Good God," Jason uttered. "She was practically next door the entire time. That’s just sick."

"The cop that was dogging you, Sharon, was in Lance’s pocket. He is no longer employed. He's being investigated on a number of charges. Lance is being held without bail in light of Polly’s being able to identify him as her abductor. Marty, surprise, was also involved. They have him in the psych ward over at County. He might have a deal on the table if he talks. Lance was doing all kinds of nonsense. Running drugs. Marty had a steroid operation running out of Ink's. I am happy to report that is all cleaned up."

Jason and Apollo bumped fists. "Apollo, I don’t know what to say except that you have handled things exceptionally. You know Sharon and I are about to move into our new house and we’ll be planning a wedding, if she will have me. I think in the interest of Rowdy Riders, I would like to nominate you to be the captain of our club, if you’re interested."

Apollo was quiet. "I would have to give it some thought, Cap'n. I would of course like to open it up to the club if you are seriously thinking of stepping aside. There is a development in my own personal life that might conflict with such a responsibility."

He was hesitant, so Sharon encouraged him to finish his thought. "Do you feel like sharing this personal development? Are you okay?"

Apollo smiled. "I am more than okay. I think I may be in love."

The word 'love' transformed the enormous man into a pup. Jason and Sharon cackled. It was hilarious. "Who is the lucky woman and does she know?" asked Jason.

"It’s Polly. A couple of us were scouting some of the buildings on Ellis because as we got involved with Ink’s we got to talking about restoring the area into like a little biker town.

"We started walking around and we spied on this one boarded up building. It was a cool, old building. I just happened to peek in the window and there she was. They had her on a master, with a chain around her ankle.

"They left her a case of water and trail mix. Someone was sneaking in some food for her but I guess after Lance and everyone got busted, they were going to just leave her. No one mentioned, hey, by the way, we left a person to die. It was just lucky we found her. She weighed nothing in my arms. She’s a beautiful person. A beautiful woman."

"She is," Sharon agreed.

"I know she was going with your man, or Lance," Apollo said. "But—"

"But he had a way with messing with a woman’s head, I get it. We all get it," Jason said.

"I am so glad she has you," Sharon said.

"Anyway, she has a ways to go. She will probably be in the hospital for another couple of weeks. They physically abused her and scared her pretty bad. She isn’t talking, at least not to me, about all that went on, but I guess the counselors will do their magic. It will take time."

"Wait," said Sharon. "Which hospital?"

"County," said Apollo. "It’s great because it’s not too far from the gym and I could practically walk over and visit her anytime I wanted." Still, Sharon had reservations and Apollo sensed it. "I know, I know. I worried a little bit about that too. But they have Marty in a padded cell. They’re trying to get him off the juice. He has been doping for such a long time. They have to wean him off of it. Anyway, I can’t wait 'til I can ask her out. Do you think I have a chance?"

Sharon smiled. She loved Jason completely. Found him to be the sexiest man she would ever met, but Apollo was hot. And warm. "I think you have a very good chance."


The real estate agent called. It was time for Jason and Sharon to sign the papers to finalize the purchase of their new home. No more living in an apartment over the gym. Even though, admittedly, they were grateful they had it. The little white stucco house one block away from Paradise Beach glistened in the sun. Jason and Sharon dotted their i’s and crossed their t’s and took their keys to their new place. Home. Their home. It had a little red door and a white picket fence. They had few things to move in, but perhaps the best moving crew around. The Rowdy Riders Motorcycle Club.

Their yard was small and quaint and soon it was packed with the entire club celebrating a new beginning with their captain out of jail, the bad cop and Lance put away, and Polly found. It was positive all the way around.

"I only wish Polly could be here with us," said Apollo.

"She will be soon enough. I can’t wait to have the two of you over for dinner."

As she spoke those words, the air filled with the siren screams of rescue crews burning down the main street. "What the heck?" noted Jason.

"It’s got to be something major. Look at all of them," said Apollo.

Everyone in the yard craned their necks to look towards the line of fire trucks, ambulances, and cop cars rushing in the same direction. A neighbor from across the street hollered, "It’s the hospital. They have a gun man and he has a hostage."

Apollo looked at Jason and they both said at the same time, "Marty."

Jason got on his cell phone to the acting captain of La Calle Motorcycle Club. In case it was Marty, he was technically a member and he wouldn’t listen to Jason if it came to having to talk him down. Apollo was freaking, so Jason said, "We don’t know it’s her. Calm down or you won’t be able to ride. You and I will go, park at the gym and walk over. The hospital is going to be overrun with cops and everything, that’s our best bet. If it is what we are thinking, we’ll call our guys."

It was exactly what they were thinking. The acting captain of La Calle had his members park at the gym too and he, along with Jason and Apollo, approached the cops who were scratching their heads for a plan. A crazed Marty had Polly hostage. Apparently he, too, fell in love with her while she was being held captive.

Sharon stayed behind at her picture perfect little house feeling horribly guilty. She could not help but think had she just not fallen for Lance’s manipulations and gotten her to betray the man she had adored even while he was in prison, perhaps Polly’s life would not be in danger now. The neighbor, who had let them know about gunman at the hospital, came over and sat with Sharon on the front stoop of her house to wait it out.

"I have a nice bottle of white wine on ice, if you are interested," she offered. She was a sweet little old lady who lived alone.

Sharon was tempted. But the guilt she felt now for the entire situation would be nothing compared to what she would feel if she chose a time like this to have another slip. "How about I fix us up a couple of sparklers? That’s my name for a juice spritzer. I think we ought to be clear-headed when the guys come back. With good news I hope."

Jason’s quick thinking to contact the La Calle captain was a good move. The police negotiator failed, the nurse and the doctor treating Polly failed, but the captain got through. He talked Marty into going back to his room under escort of his motorcycle brethren with dignity and respect. Polly was released once again from captivity safe from harm.

Eventually, Jason set her up with private care in the apartment above Ink’s. That way she could be under the watchful eye of a handful of Rowdy Riders, who were either lifting or working there, and Apollo could finally relax.

to relax was the next order on the list. She was really glad that everything turned out okay but she continued to be hard on herself, believing she had led everyone into this mess. Jason finally took her by the hand and sat her down. They were in the backyard of their new little home at the picnic table.

"I want to talk to you about your attitude," he said in a playfully stern voice. "I want you to stop."

"I can’t help—" she began.

Without warning, he swiftly had her up and over his knee. "You were saying?"

Sharon giggled so hard she could hardly speak except to protest, "No! No! What will the neighbors think?"

He leaned into her. "Did you ever think in all your days that you would be saying that?" As he held her in this position, Sharon could feel the heat on the cheek of her ass warmed by the sun. Her shorts were hiked a bit and the curves of her buttocks were exposed slightly. "Do I need to spank you or are you going to let it go?"

"I don’t know I might be bad on purpose," she teased.

"You’ll get it right here," he played.

"No, please, do not in any way outside while little old ladies can watch," she laughed.

"Do I need to take this inside?" Jason asked, his voice as smooth as honey.

"Did you say inside?"

"I did,” he answered, stroking the backs of her thighs ever so lightly. Currents of erotic electricity surged through her and she was aching to be filled. Her breath was uneven. "You okay?" he asked her sweetly. She could feel him growing hard.

"What about you?" she replied boldly and reached beneath her, between his legs.

"Knock that off. We have stuff to settle. This nonsense with Lance Sanchez started way before you were involved."

"Buzz kill," Sharon said, trying to deflect a painful subject.

"He wanted the gym from Darryl Haynes so he could deal dope out of it. I know this because he was my dealer." Sharon grew still from his confession. "I took dope just a little bit because I let myself get talked into thinking it was harmless. But when I wanted to back off, Lance blackmailed me. I went to the Feds but I soon found out everyone was dirty. It’s a long story, but if anyone is responsible, it’s me. And even before that, it’s Lance. So stop knocking yourself. If you are that powerful to make all the bad stuff happen, I am sure, given that you are a beautiful person, you would use your power for good."

"Okay I have no idea what you are talking about," she joked.

He rolled her over. "Yes you do." He looked her with love in his eyes, completely serious.

"Yes I do. And one day at time we will put this all behind us," she said.

Jason’s voice was smoky. "Did you say behind?"

In a very sly move, he slipped his fingers inside her. "Oh my goodness, I am weak for you. So, so weak for you," she said.

"And I for you. Let’s go inside and see how weak we can truly be."

Read on for an excerpt from Candice Owen's
Riding Danger
, a standalone novella

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