Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (68 page)

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Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

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Ro moaned into the kiss and melted into his angel’s embrace. He

had never been kissed like this before. It was as if Xan was trying to

draw his soul out through his mouth. He explored every surface with

his lips and when their tongues finally met, he thought he was going

to explode. Xander’s hips were back to pitching and swaying, rubbing

the sizable lump in his pants over Ro’s leg. Ro shifted in his arms and

reached between them again. He wanted to feel Xan. Make him

tremble and cry out in pleasure. Be the one to cause his bliss.

He pushed his hand into the exquisite man’s pants and gripped the

magnificent cock in his fist. Both men groaned in unison as their flesh

finally met.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 405

“Ro…” Xander groaned “I have never done…” his breath hitched

“this with another man before.”

He grinned up at Xan. “Good. Then I can be your first, and I have

so very much to show you.” He stretched up to kiss his beautiful angel

again. As his strokes became faster, he added a twist of his wrist at the

top. By the sounds the man was making, he liked that. A lot.

He swiped the pre-cum from the head of the engorged member

and his mouth started to water. He wanted to taste. Xander let out a

sound of disappointment when Ro released him, but easily lifted his

hips with no question as Ro stripped his shorts from him.

He kissed, licked and sucked down his angel’s body, making sure

to avoid the part where Xan wanted him the most. He skipped it

altogether, spread the thick legs wide and showed the same attention

to the length of the man’s thighs. When he got to the low hanging sac,

he lapped and sucked one ball at a time until the Greek god was

writhing on the bed. Just the way he wanted. The sounds he let loose

were driving Ro crazy. Finally, he used the tip of his tongue to follow

the vein up the beautiful cock, and then around the head to the glands,

moaning when he took the first taste of his man.

His. Xander was his. He didn’t know how or why he knew it, he

just did.

Covering his teeth with his lips, Ro took the perfect erection deep

into his throat. He swirled his tongue as he bobbed his head and

sucked hard; rubbing the tightening balls with one hand and stroking

the shaft below his lips with the other, wanting desperately to give his

man the most pleasure possible. Xander’s hips started coming off the

bed, trying to force himself deeper.

Finally, with a cry of release, Xan gave him exactly what he

wanted and spurted warm fluid down Ro’s throat. Panting, the Greek

god collapsed back onto the bed.

“Holy shit!” Xan chuckled.

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Ro looked up into ice blue eyes, when he felt hands lifting him up

from under his arms. “Get your ass up here.” The man was grinning

from ear to ear, his deep dimples winking.

Ro crawled toward his angel, helping Xan to reposition him. Then

he whimpered as the man took his lips again and rolled him onto his

back. Xander covered Ro’s body with his own, and Ro cried out. In


Xander immediately broke their kiss and looked down at him,

lifting his body in a push up. “Are you okay?”

“My ribs.” He whimpered.

“I am so sorry.” Xan pulled back.

Ro reached for him. “No, don’t stop. You just can’t lay on me,

yet.” He tried to give the man a smile, but it fell a little flat. He didn’t

want to stop, but his side was hurting now.

Xan lay down next to him and kissed his temple. Then, he reached

down and took Ro into his hand. It felt amazing. “Yes! Oh god…


He couldn’t keep the vocalizations back if he wanted to. This

man’s touch was unlike anything in the world. Shit, everything about

Xander was perfect.

Xan kept his strokes rhythmic, while he licked and kissed Ro’s

neck. When Ro felt teeth scrape along the edge of his ear and down

his throat, he turned his head to give his man more access. A rough

growl came from his angel. Damn, that was hot! It sounded like a dog.

That’s what you call an animal in bed.

Ro chuckled at his own pun, but it turned into a cry as his orgasm

caught him unawares. He grunted and sighed as he covered his

stomach with his own cum. After a minute his body went limp, and

Xan pulled him against his hard chest and let out a sigh. Ro was so

relaxed, he couldn’t move if the cabin was on fire.

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The last thing he heard before he fell asleep was Xander whisper.

“I am never letting you go. You’re mine. Always.”

And that was just fine with him.


Two weeks, and still no sign of the car Ro had been driving, and

no more memories had come back either. Xander knew he was

stomping around the house like a pre-teen with an attitude problem,

but he couldn’t seem to help himself.

Doc Harris had done every test that he had the means to do on the

little human, and nothing seemed to be wrong with him. Every result

was coming back normal. Doc was clueless as to what was keeping

Ro’s memory away, but he still didn’t know who he was.

And that just sucked.

Xander was in love with him. Not just in lust. Over the past two

weeks, he had become seriously attached to his little mate. He knew

he would be protective and possessive, had even known that he would

feel lust and the need to mark his mate as his own, but he never

expected love.

That was what it was though. His chest hurt at the thought of Ro

leaving him now. He couldn’t breathe when he imagined never seeing

him again. And Xan knew that was probably what was going to

happen. His human had a life somewhere out there, and knew nothing

of mates and the shifter world. When his sweet male remembered who

he was again, most likely, he wouldn’t want anything to do with Xan

anymore. That thought killed something inside of him.

Ro wanted to make love, and had been pushing him about it for a

week now. That was why Xander fought so hard not to show that he

was sexually attracted to the little man. He knew once he took that

step with Ro, they would both want to go the whole mile.

The truth was, Xan was aching to grab a handful of Ro’s short

brown hair, pull his head to the side and mark the male as his own,

bonding them together, forever. He wanted to look into those doe

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 408

brown eyes, and tell his mate how much he cared before he took those

kissable lips with his own and pushed himself deep inside, tying them

together. The thought was making him crazy, and the need was an itch

so deep under his skin, that he couldn’t sleep for the annoyance.

But he wouldn’t do it. He couldn’t.

No one knew he was gay. It had been a secret that he held close to

him for years. How could he put himself out there, put his heart and

reputation on the line, for a man who couldn’t remember anything

before two weeks ago? Opening up for love was difficult enough. One

never knew what could happen before taking that chance. Whether it

would work out like a dream or fall apart like a nightmare. The

butterflies could assist the lover, or choke them, and no one was

guaranteed which they would get before making that jump. To be

homosexual in the middle of a heterosexual community made that ten

times worse.

Compound that with the fact that he was a shifter and turned furry

whenever he liked, and also part of a pack of shifters…and it made

everything extremely complicated and difficult. But to deal with all of

that with someone who may have a boyfriend, or ….shit, a wife and

kids, even. Or job, or …whatever, that he may decide he wants to get

back to, and you get disaster with a capital fuck.

Impossible. It was a hopeless situation, and for the first time in his

life, he had no idea what to do.

He started to avoid Ro. Trying desperately to sleep on his stomach

instead of curled up around his man. He avoided anything sexual until

he couldn’t stand it any longer. And his man was not making it easy

on him at all. He would push button after button until Xan finally

broke. It was horrible and wonderful at the same time. Xander wasn’t

only fighting his own desires, he was fighting Ro too. He truly hoped

that he won this battle in the end, because he couldn’t stand the

thought of trapping his mate. How could he live with himself if he



Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 409

Ro’d had it! He was tired of not going anywhere, bored out of his

mind, and horny as fuck with no relief anywhere in sight. For some

god unknown reason, Xander wouldn’t have sex with him. Forget

about going out in public with him. When they left the cabin, his man

made like a walking tree he was so stiff. Not only that, but at no time

would his angel play with him, kiss him, or touch him without some

serious persuasion, which Ro just happened to be an expert at. Maybe

he was a lawyer or a manipulator of some sort before he lost his

memory? Ro grinned to himself at the thought. He did kind of like the

convincing part, but after a while it got old. He started to feel

unworthy, and unwanted. Like Xan was embarrassed of him and only

wanted to be ‘secret friends.’

Ro was finished. He was not a toy to be taken out and played with

then shoved in a box when bored. He was a person, and he loved Xan.

The man had saved him in more ways than one. His angel had dug

him up from under mud, taken care of him when he was in pain,

brought him to the doctor, comforted him, made him laugh…anything

and everything to make him feel comfortable. Xander had become his

best friend, but a really, hot one that he wanted to take complete

advantage of, over and over again.

Why was he being so difficult about things? Ro knew that he

enjoyed what they did together. He knew that Xan was attracted to

him, based upon the hard on he usually sported. Was he really that

bad that Xander was embarrassed of him? He was starting to question

himself and everything he was, and he didn’t like it. Not one bit.

He had finally convinced Xander to go for a walk with him. It

wasn’t easy, but after asking nicely, begging and then throwing a fit,

he had finally agreed to go. Sometimes it paid to act a little like a kid,

especially with Xan it seemed. The big blond had a weak spot for his

pouty face and big brown eyes. Add in a whine, or twenty, and it was

a go.

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Now that they were walking down the sidewalk on Main Street

though, his angel was playing walking statue again. Xan was so tense;

he looked like he would crack if he fell over. Ro just didn’t get it.

Ro reached out and grabbed for his angel’s hand. The man

jumped, pulled away and put more space between them. That was

about all he could take.

“What the hell is with you?” Ro knew he was yelling, but didn’t

give a shit. Let people stare.

“What are you talking about?” Xander looked guilty as he gazed

around to see who was watching or listening, like they were doing

something wrong.

“I am talking about this!” He pointed back and forth between

them. “What is this? What am I to you?”

Xander stepped closer to him, so that he could speak in an almost

whisper. It was more growl than a whisper though. “Can you lower

your voice, please?” Xan’s nostrils flared in anger.

Ro stepped back out of the man’s personal space. “No, I will not

lower my voice. I don’t give a fuck who is listening. I have had it with

the way you are treating me. I am not your play thing. I am a person,

Xander, not an inanimate object for your entertainment.” He pointed

around the town, indicating the street and the pedestrians that were

now gawking at them. “If I am not good enough for you, then say so,

and walk away. Because if I am not worthy for you to treat well in

public, then I don’t want to be with you at all. I refuse to be your dirty

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