Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (71 page)

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Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

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Ah, one word responses. That was good though, because that was

where Xan wanted his mate. He wanted them both brainless, writhing,

lust crazed animals.

He started up a nice rhythm and realized that he was close already.

There was no way he was going to last more than a few minutes. He

leaned over Jessie’s body to lick and suck his little man’s neck, right

at the fleshy muscle in the crook that met his shoulder. Jess turned his

head to give Xan more access. The unconsciously submissive action

set him off like a light. He bit down on his mate as he came into his

body, hard. Distantly, he heard Jessie find his own release, crying out

into a pillow beneath him. Xander’s breath caught as he felt the

connection that only true, claimed mates have, binding them together.

He shuddered a bit as the last of his orgasm subsided and then fell

over onto his side, taking the little man with him.

He pulled Jess to him and kissed his man’s temple. “I’m sorry it

was so quick.”

Jessie giggled. A true, real giggle and Xander couldn’t help but

smile in return. “It’s alright, it was wonderful. Besides, you can make

it up to me. Over and over and over….”

Xan chuckled and kissed Jess again, feeling his dick thickening

again already. What had he gotten himself into? His little mate was

going to kill him, but really, what a way to go. “Mine. You are mine.

Forever, Jessie.”

Jess looked up at him with a love-filled gaze. “I’m counting on it.

I love you too, Xander Dane. So much.”


Author bio:
Taylor law is a northern born, southern girl, with a

free spirit. If it is romance, she loves it. Taylor has lived in the south

most of her life, along with her huge family. She started writing at a

very young age; her first poem at 6, her first song at 7, and stories

followed directly after. She hasn’t stopped since. A romantic clear to

her soul, Taylor continues to believe in the ever allusive ‘Happily

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 425

Ever After.’ On any given day, you can usually catch her with a book

in her hand, or creating something.

[email protected]

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 426

Elizabeth Lister – THE BEACH HOUSE (M/M/M)


m/m/m, barely legal, high school

Dear Author,


I stumbled upon this picture

of these hot men and was


wondering why the guy on

by Elizabeth Lister

the left is holding back. Can

you please help explain this

It’s tough playing soccer with a boner.

to me?

You have to keep moving, and finding

[PHOTO: Three teenage

guys stand in shallow water

excuses to hold your arm in front of your crotch

wearing black shoes and

when you’re
moving. I don’t really know

wet khaki shorts draped low

why I got myself into this situation. Well, yes I

on their hips, shirts carried

do – a bunch of good-looking guys running

in their hands. The two on

the right stand closer

around together? And Darrin Peters asked me to

together, but one of them


reaches out to wrap his arm

I’m pretty much Darrin’s bitch. Only he

around the shoulders of the

third taller boy. That guy

doesn’t really know it yet.

stands a little apart, his

expression cool.]

Darrin Peters was nineteen – a year older

than most of us, since he’d been kept back a


year. He worked at his Dad’s construction


company during the summers. All that physical

labor – well, let’s just say, it showed. He had

blue eyes, black hair and freckles – a deadly


By the time the friendly pick-up game

ended, I had a raging hard on. Watching Darrin

Peters and his friend, Sam Harris, run around

the field in their shorts, all sweaty, laughing and

hollering, was better than looking at the muscle

mags I had at home.

After the game, we shook hands and most

of the boys dispersed. When Darrin wiped a

sexy forearm across his sweaty forehead and

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 427

asked if I wanted to join him for a swim, what was I supposed to say?

The twinkle in his blue eyes made me sure this was an invitation to

something a little more intimate than a friendly dip. And it was an

invitation for which I’d been waiting a rather long time.

But Sam joined us on the rocky path through the bracken. My

heart fell and my cock deflated. Maybe this
just a friendly swim.

Or it was an invitation to watch the ‘Darrin and Sam Show’. A flicker

of hope had flared briefly that perhaps Darrin was made of the same

stuff as me. That he wanted me the way I wanted him.
Why do I keep

torturing myself?

The beach beyond the hidden trail was not the nicest. It was small

and rocky; the water full of weeds and who knows what else. I had

been a couple of times before, with other guys. It was a great place to

steal a kiss or a grope (or more), without worrying about tourists or

little kids catching you at it.

I hung back, disappointed, as Sam grabbed Darrin’s hand. “Come

on, Marco!” Darrin yelled back at me, then turned and followed Sam

into the waves, shirt, shorts, shoes and all.

Figures. This just figures. I’m always the third darn wheel.

Always have been. Always will be.

I sat despondently on the sand and watched the two of them cavort

and frolic in the cool surf. They were perfect - both of them. Shorter

and slighter than Darrin, Sam was just as toned, tanned and physically

fine a specimen. In fact, his body was almost more my type than

Darrin’s. But it was Darrin who had that charisma, that devil-may-

care attitude, that attracted me, and made my dick immediately hard

when he was around. Sam was quiet, and really, if not for Darrin, I’d

never have noticed him.

It was our final summer before college. High School had ended,

thank God, and now we were on the cusp of becoming adults. It was

scary and exciting at once. I knew Darrin had been accepted at a

campus on the West Coast. I think Sam was staying in town, like me.

I wasn’t really sure, nor did I care.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 428

I watched as Sam pulled Darrin beneath the waves in a headlock.

Darrin came back up quickly, sputtering and laughing. He grabbed

Sam around the waist and pulled him close. Sam struggled in his

grasp and I expected him to twist away. I’d seen other guys play this

way many times. It was innocent and friendly, with no sexual

undertones. That doesn’t mean that I didn’t get off on watching.

Suddenly, Darrin glanced my way, as if to make sure I

watching. He said something to Sam and Sam looked over. He waved

to me. I sat up straighter and gave a hesitant wave in return. In a

moment that would stay with me for a long time, I saw Darrin move

his hands up to Sam’s face. He leaned in and pressed his lips tenderly

to his friends’, kissing him slowly and deeply as I watched with eyes

wide and cock swelling.

What the …

They liked boys too? Like I did? Were they a couple? Or just

screwing around? I didn’t even care as I watched the kiss go from

tender and sweet to desperate and hungry.

My cock twitched happily. But I remained disappointed. I was still

the third wheel, even more so now. I rubbed my hand over my tented

shorts. I couldn’t help a quiet, sad moan escaping.

I should just go. Why sit here and torture myself?

I stood up from the wet sand and dusted off my legs. When I

looked up, the two of them were moving through the water toward


“Marco. Where are you going?” Darrin asked.

I shrugged. “Nowhere. But it looks like you two need some

privacy.” I felt shy and awkward. I couldn’t look at them.

“Don’t go, Marco,” Sam entreated. “We want to show you our

beach house.”

I looked at him then.
Beach house?

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 429

Darrin laughed. “It’s not actually ours. It’s been abandoned. It’s a


“But we’ve been using it,” Sam said, excitement in his eyes. I’m

pretty sure he saw my dick tenting my shorts. His eyes widened. He

flashed me a grin. “Come on!”

He grabbed my hand before I could protest and pulled me along.


The abandoned beach house turned out to be more of a beach hut.

But it was pretty neat. Nicer than any clubhouse I’d had as a kid. I still

wasn’t sure what was going on when I followed Sam into the broken

down house. He moved aside some overhanging branches to let me

through. Darrin followed closely.

“So? What do you think?” Darrin asked, his hand on my shoulder,

squeezing it affectionately. I gazed around the large room. It was tidy

and appeared fairly clean, to my surprise. The painted floorboards

were chipped and broken in places but a woven matt had been put

down. A battered old sofa stood against one wall, beneath a boarded

up window. I could see the rolling surf in the distance through an old

glass window on the other wall. Sam cranked it open. The tattered

grey curtains billowed in the ocean breeze. In the middle of the floor

lay a large futon mattress, covered in fresh, new white sheets. Nearby,

variously sized pillar candles stood at intervals along the floor.

“What the heck goes on here, séances?” I asked, confused and

impressed at the same time. For an abandoned seaside cottage, it

looked pretty … cozy.

“No séances,” Darrin said. “Although I think I’ve seen the face of

God a few times.” He looked at Sam, who gave him a wink and

started peeling off his clothes. I glanced back and forth between them.

“What’s … um … What exactly is happening here?” I asked

breathlessly, although I was beginning to comprehend. Of course, that

meant that all the blood rushed from my brain to my cock, so I was a

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 430

little behind. Perhaps I wasn’t the third wheel after all. They seemed

to want me here.

Darrin grinned as he stepped out of his wet shoes, socks and

shorts. His big cock, hard and intimidating, stood forth, pointing right

at me as he straightened up. I couldn’t take my eyes off it.

“Here.” Sam shoved an open bottle of coke at me as he guzzled

one of his own. Then he passed his to Darrin, who finished it off. I

drank mine down as fast as I could and watched Sam take his wet

clothes off.

“What do you
to happen, Marco?” Darrin asked. I tore my

eyes away from Sam. Darrin locked eyes with me as he threw his

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